
This page is maintained by Julie Fowler


Vocation means discovering what God has called you to be and do, asking the question:-

What is God’s plan for my life?

All of us are invited to follow Jesus and to serve God faithfully in our everyday lives.

To discover more about what this might mean for you, please see our Everyday Faith page.

To begin a conversation about what this might look like for you, we recommend you speak first to your vicar or chaplain.


Do I have a specific vocation?

Alongside our everyday faith, some people are called to serve God in a specific ministry.

You can find out more about some of these ministries in our vocations videos:

You can also find more information about vocations and calling here:

If you would like to explore a potential vocation to a specific ministry with someone from the diocese of Derby vocations team, please contact: vocations@derby.anglican.org


Am I called to be a priest or deacon?

The process of exploring a potential call to ordination in the Church of England is explored and assessed locally and by the national church.

It is a two-stage process which includes regular meetings with a member of the DDO team locally, exploring the qualities required and the areas which will be assessed nationally at Stage 1 (online mini-interviews) and then at Stage 2 panel (2 days of assessments and interviews; often residential).

More information can be found here: Understanding Discernment | The Church of England

And if you want to begin a conversation about ordination, with the Diocese of Derby vocations team, please contact: vocations@derby.anglican.org


Am I called to be a licensed lay minister (LLM)?

The process of exploring a potential call to licensed lay ministry (sometimes called a lay reader) is explored and assessed locally.

It involves meeting regularly with a vocations adviser, and attending our LLM(R) course, during which the qualities required and the areas which will be assessed at interview at the end of the first year of the course are explored.

More information about the course can be found here: Discipleship-Training at the Diocese of Derby

To begin a conversation about licensed lay ministry, with the diocese of Derby vocations team, please contact: vocations@derby.anglican.org 


Am I called to be a foundation governor?

Foundation governors are usually nominated by the related PCC. Speak to your vicar, existing foundation governors, and PCC about what the role might entail.

You can also find out more, including a role description, here: Foundation Governor Appointments – Derby Diocesan Board of Education (derbydbe.org)


Am I called to be a churchwarden?

Churchwardens are elected annually under the provisions of the Churchwardens Measure 2001 by the Annual Meeting of Parishioners. Speak to your vicar, existing church wardens, and PCC, about what the role entails.

You can find out more here: Churchwardens - Roles and responsibilities - Diocese of Derby (anglican.org)

See also: Can I be a churchwarden?

Last modified on Tuesday, 11 February 2025 15:02

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