Our Diocesan Vision is that the Kingdom of God is good news for all, and that fundamentally includes Children, Young People and Families. A key priority of our Parish Support Team strategy is to support and enable parishes to Grow Active Young Disciples. The Growing Younger team has been put together around this priority and a lot of our work is based around the national Church of England movement that is Growing Faith.
Growing Faith is the movement that exists to change the culture of the Church of England, so that everyone instinctively puts children, young people and families at the heart of all the ministry and mission of the Church.
Growing Faith involves churches, schools and households working together to help children, young people and families have life in all its fullness.
As a diocese we are adopting Growing Faith as the basis for our strategic plans to grow younger.
Please chose from the options below as to how we can support you. To book onto any training events please follow the link to Training events and opportunities.
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Meet the Growing Younger Team
Strategic Lead for Youth MinistryRevd Aidan Watson 01332 278144 aidan.watson@derby.anglican.org Aidan Watson (Strategic Youth Lead) oversees our efforts to Grow Younger active disciples and Growing Faith.
Growing Younger Communications & Resourcing Officer (job-share)Debbie Patrick 01332 388665 debbie.patrick@derby.anglican.org Debbie works on a Monday and Wednesday
Growing Younger Communications & Resourcing Officer (job-share)Rowan Rankin 01332 401726 rowan.rankin@derby.anglican.org Rowan works on a Monday and Wednesday
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If you are looking to develop your youth, children's families and/or schools ministry, or if you have stories of innovative ministry with children, young people and families to share with others, please get in touch.