This part-time post (Sunday plus 3 days) has a number of key elements:
- the challenge of village growth (from 6000 to 8000 over a five year period); you would need to work with the Church to develop a fresh vision to facilitate the integration and involvement of new residents (and existing ones) into village and church life;
- the opportunity for furthering Christ’s work in this community provided by excellent, established links to two very successful primary schools in the parish and the tremendous opportunity which these, along with a third (Church of England) school soon to be built within the boundaries could bring;
- the joy of 2 diverse congregations made up of people from across all age ranges, supported by a licensed leader and PTO Clergy, a committed PCC and well-established volunteers across a range of activities who look forward to leadership that leads them further into all that God has for them;
- the potential of developing mutually supportive and creative relationships with the neighbouring Parish; the hope of being ‘better together’.
A modern, four-bedroomed Rectory is located next to the Church.
If you have the energy and enthusiasm to tackle what is a demanding job, the ability to prioritise and pace yourself and still be able to smile and laugh at life as it unfolds then linger no longer – we could be just the church you’re looking for and you could be just the person we seek: please take a look at our profile.
For an informal conversation or to express an interest in the position, please contact: The Ven Karen Hamblin (Archdeacon of East Derbyshire): 07496 823404
Please use the links below to download the profile and additional information:
Letter from the Bishop of Derby
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