
Resources for parish safeguarding officers

The information on this page is aimed specifically at those who are recognised as Parish Safeguarding Officers (PSO).

It includes links to resources and information which are directly relevant to the roles and responsibilities of a PSO, and to training courses which are specifically for PSOs or DBS Administrators within a parish and are not applicable to other members of a church.

The Diocese of Derby Safeguarding Team is based at the Parish Support Office, Derby Church House. The team work both from the office and from home (or other locations) through the week. You can meet the team at; Derby Diocesan Safeguarding Team.


Policies and Practice Guidance

The Diocese of Derby has elected to follow the National Safeguarding Policy and Practice Guidance since 2018.  All associated documents, including the current Parish Safeguarding handbook, Key Roles and responsibilities of church office Holders and bodies practice guidance, Responding Well, Safer Recruitment, Training Guidance documents and Policy Statements can be found here.


Safeguarding for Bellringers in the Diocese of Derby

The Diocese of Derby Safeguarding team in partnership with the Derby Association of Church Bellringers (the Assiociation) has developed guidance which applies to all Bellringers in Church of England towers in the Diocese of Derby, whether or not they belong to the Association.

The Guidance can be downloaded here


Resources and Templates

This link will take you to The Church of England National Safeguarding Resources Page which shows resources published by Church House Publishing, and a list of wider reading published independently and contain the authors own views; these are mostly recommended in the different safeguarding training modules as it is important everyone understands the challenges and criticisms facing the Church, and learns from them.

National Templates and Resources can be downloaded from this link - Templates and Resources

The Diocese of Derby has created this template policy for the Recruitment of Ex-Offenders download here and then completed for Benefice and Parish use.

The Safeguarding department has created a number of example role definitions which must be adapated for local use.  These are to assist Parish Safeguarding Officers in the creation of role defintiions within parishes and include indications on when DBS checks may be required.  Note that these must always be reviewed against the specific circumstances of any paid employee or volunteer.  These can be downloaded for use here: CaretakerChildrens LeaderChildrens WorkerCreche HelperCreche LeaderDriver for At Risk AdultsElders Lunch Club HelperFlower ArrangerFood Bank HelperFood Bank Leader,  Hospitality (Tea, Coffee, Refreshments)Messy Church Helper Messy Church LeaderOpen the Book VolunteerParent and Toddler HelperParent and Toddler LeaderParish DBS AdministratorParish Safeguarding OfficerVerger, WelcomerYouth Club HelperYouth Club LeaderYouth Club Minibus Driver.

Code of Conduct template for volunteers

The Code of Conduct template has been written by PSO Jacqueline Haywood from St Alkmunds, Derby (thank you so much for this Jacqueline) the safeguarding team have viewed it and agreed it is a great tool, it can be download here for editing for local use.


For details of Core Safeguarding Training and who in the Diocese requires what training please see our page Who needs to have Safeguarding training? / Book a course  All Parish Safeguarding Officers are also required to attend the Parish Safeguarding Officer Induction Course and the DBS Streamlining Education Session

Diocese of Derby Parish Safeguarding Officer Induction Course
Parish life is the heart of the Diocese and is the most important context to get our safeguarding right. The Parish Safeguarding Officer role is a vital one – the ‘champion’ of safeguarding in the parish. This induction/refresher course aims to help PSOs understand the role, responsibilities, and key working relationships of the Parish Safeguarding Officer, identify a variety of approaches to raising awareness and improving safeguarding practice, and evaluate safeguarding information reported by members of the church or community and determining an appropriate response.

PSOs are also required to follow the Core Pathway of Safeguarding training – Basic Awareness, Foundation, Leadership, Domestic Abuse Awareness and Safer Recruitment training.  Please book on to Parish Safeguarding Officer course using Eventbrite following the links below.


Cohort PSO1 Tuesday 14th January 2025 - 9.30-11.30am - Zoom BOOKINGS CLOSED

If you are not able to join any of the courses above please email amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org to be placed on a waiting list to be contacted about future courses.


Support For Churches in Vacancy

If your Parish is in Vacancy, or soon will be, the document Support for Parishes in Vacancy download here outlines how the Safeguarding team can help during the period of the vacancy.


DBS (Disclosure and Barring Checks)
From January 2021 it became the responsibility of each Parish to apply for and administer the process of verification for DBS checks for Volunteers and paid staff working within a parish other than Ordained Clergy, Licenseed Lay Ministers and Readers and those seeking ordination, following the process as defined by the Diocese of Derby and working with our agreed supplier Access Personal Checking Services (APCS).  All Parish Safeguarding Officers and DBS Administrators where applicable must attend a DBS streamlining training session prior to being registered with APCS by the Diocese Safeguarding Administrator as approved verifiers.  To book an education session which takes about 1.5 hours using zoom, please contact dbs@derby.anglican.org.

If you are a member of Laity who needs to make a new DBS check, other than a Lay Minister, Lay Reader, or someone seeking Ordination or Ordination Training, please speak to your Parish Safeguarding Officer .  For all others please follow the guidance for as published for Licensed Clergy / Lay Minsters and Readers, including those seeking Ordination / Ordination Training which can be found here.

Parishes who complete Laity DBS within Parish using the APCS system

You must amend the following documents to make them appropriate for your parish:

  • There are also minor amendments to be made to the Confidential Declaration form to make that local to your parish – these are highlighted in the document.

The parish CDF and privacy notice must be issued when providing information to DBS applicants. They may also be provided with the laity ID verification form (amended May2023), to prepopulate prior to meeting with you so you can verify thier identity documents and sign the form for your use at the stage of completing the online verification / position check.  To assist with this please see the notes on completing the ID Verification form and Documentary Evidence Details documents.


Parishes who send Laity DBS to be processed at Derby Church House

You will need to amend this Privacy Notice and insert your Parish Church and name of your Data Controller (usually the PCC) to make it appropriate for your parish.   A privacy notice with comments and a completed example (PDF documents) are also available to assist you.  Please use this version of the Confidential Declaration form going forward. 

Once the Privacy notice has been amended, the Parish CDF and Privacy Notice must be issued when providing DBS information to DBS applicants.  They may also be provided with the laity ID verification form (amended May2023), to prepopulate prior to meeting with you so you can verify their identity documents and sign the form.  To assist with this please see the notes on completing the ID Verification form and Documentary Evidence Details documents

Before returning the forms to Church House, please ensure full name, date of birth, role, parish and church name are complete, regulatory barring checks (if required) are clearly marked with work force needed, and that all questions have been answered on the CDF and that it and the ID verification form have been signed and dated by the applicant and yourself respectively.  Please return forms addressed for the attendtion of DBS administrator, Safeguarding Department, Derby Church House, 1, Full Street Derby, DE1 3DR or by email to dbs@derby.anglican.org

Last modified on Thursday, 09 January 2025 09:10

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