This page is maintained by Gareth Greenwood
Help with funding ... get in touch as early as possible as it can save a lot of time in the long run!
Raising funds from external sources (charitable trusts, government funding streams, the National Lottery etc) is a complicated and time consuming affair and it needs dedication.
There is a wide range of support available through different agencies across Derbyshire, contact details for which are available from Gareth Greenwood, the Church Buildings Support Officer.
This includes software to search through the many thousands of trusts and funding streams to select those who may be persuaded to fund your initiative.
From time to time specific trusts or funding streams are drawn to our attention and we have listed a few of them here.
Finally please do keep in touch with us, we may be able to offer support and help and we would love to hear how you get on, successful or otherwise, so that others can learn from your experience.
Earlier this year the Diocesan Board of Finance purchased access to a grant searching platform
that allows every PCC to search a maintained list of local and national grant funders and trusts.
All you need to start looking for that vital funding is your parish code and the name of your church building.
Apply now for a grant to help you kickstart a net zero project in your church
If yoiu are looking to reduce your carbon emissions you can now apply for a Quick Wins grant to help launch a small project.
Grants of up to £5,000* can be applied for to help fund small scale decarbonisation projects such as new LED lighting, pew heaters, insulation or updating electricity supplies.
The Quick Wins grant scheme is part of The Church of England’s ambitious Net Zero Carbon by 2030 programme, which aims to equip, resource and support all parts of the Church to reduce carbon emissions from the energy used in its buildings, schools and through work-related transport by 2030.
Download the eligibility and guidance [Word Doc]
Contact the Church Buildings Support Officer if you have any further questions.
Before making an application to the fund the following activity should be carried out:
- Complete your Energy Footprint Tool on the Parish Retuns Portal data for the church buildings.
We’ve even created a simple guide for you. - Download and complete the Practical Pathway to Net Zero Carbon to generate a carbon reduction plan. This is especially useful if you do not already have a church decarbonisation plan.
*The award panel may choose to restrict the maximum grant available where the funding round is oversubscribed, and parishes in areas of higher deprivation will receive a higher ratio of funding to total project costs.
The Church Commissioners have made a small fund available for minor repairs and improvements, which the Church Buildings Support Officer will be administering through a process of funding rounds over the next 18 months.
Do you have an outstanding minor repair that has been highlighted in a recent QI that:
- Needs attention within the QI period, and;
- Will save potential more costly repair in the future?
Has your church Architect identified improvement work in connection with:
- Building design defects or obsolescence
- The improvement of physical access
Has the PCC identified improvements relating to:
- Heating, lighting, wiring, kitchens, WCs
- Digital connectivity
- Bat mitigation measures
If yes, then you may have qualifying work.
Carefully read the Eligibility Criteria before contacting the Church Buildings Support Officer for any clarification or to request a visit.
It is the PCC’s responsibility to ensure that the appropriate faculty process for all repairs and improvements to parish buildings are followed and evidenced, before MRI grants are released.
The DAC Secretary is always happy to advise.
This fund offers parishes an exciting opportunity to develop their local church or hall premises, making them more community and mission shaped, and accessible to people of all ages and abilities.
Your project needs to meet outcomes which achieve and support mission, community or growth. A preference will be given to applications from parishes in deprived areas of the Diocese. The maximum grant available will be £25,000 and requires match funding. Parishes will be required to take up grants within two years of a successful application.
The fund is not available for maintenance or repair and cannot be applied for retrospectively.
To dowbload the fund criteria and general information click here
To download an an application form click here
Applications will be assessed by the Business Committee on a quarterly basis.
Remaining deadlines for 2024 are as follows:
Monday 12th August - signed application and supporting documents emailed to Business Committee consider application on Thursday 5th September
Monday 25th September - signed application and supporting documents scanned in and emailed to Business Committee consider application on Thursday 17th October
Monday 4th November - signed application and supporting documents scanned in and emailed to Business Committee consider application on Thursday 28th November
For any further information about applying for the Raymond Ross Large Grants, email: or call on 01332 338690 (Mondays/Tuesdays)
This new £100k fund is aimed at supporting local congregations to act with a generous faith, through engaging with and embracing the communities they seek to serve. The Diocesan Vision encourages us to be outward facing, rooted in and connected to our communities.
There is an expectation that parishes will work in partnership and create networks for the common good, with particular care for the marginalised and vulnerable. The projects this fund is seeking to support are those which see the church proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom in word and action. The church needs to be good news for all, and this means projects that look to include and/or partner with, other groups or individuals in the host community, demonstrating meaningful and open engagement with those who have had little or no contact with the congregation.
The Diocese wishes to particularly encourage churches to reach out to those who have not considered the church community as a group to which they can relate. Projects that build on the notion of tolerance, reconciliation and friendship will be of particular interest, as will projects that clearly demonstrate the key characteristic of outward-facing generosity, impacting the world for good.
You can apply for up to £2000 without match funding required. Further information, criteria and application forms can be downloaded here or requested from the Community Project Development Officer, Gareth Greenwood by email at
Remaining deadlines for 2024 are as follows:
Monday 12th August - signed application and supporting documents emailed to Business Committee consider application on Thursday 5th September
Monday 25th September - signed application and supporting documents scanned in and emailed to Business Committee consider application on Thursday 17th October
Monday 4th November - signed application and supporting documents scanned in and emailed to Business Committee consider application on Thursday 28th November
For any further information about applying for the Building Community Fund, email: or call on 01332338690 (Mondays/Tuesdays)
You can download the application form and criteria here
Do you have a small church project that could have a big impact?
Are you looking for a relatively small grant that requires no match funding?
If so, this could be just right for you; £5,000 to fund small but not insignificant capital projects that will generate outcomes which achieve and support mission, community or growth.
There are always good ideas on the boil to enhance welcome, improve accessibility, or perhaps to make small but much needed changes to internal areas. So now is the time to make a significant impact through a small change.
Details, including a full list of criteria and downloadable application form, are available below.
If you are successful, you will be expected to draw on the grant within 12 months.
Applications will be considered by Business Committee at their monthly meetings.
Remaining deadlines for 2024
Monday 12th August - signed application and supporting documents emailed to Business Committee consider application on Thursday 5th September
Monday 25th September - signed application and supporting documents scanned in and emailed to Business Committee consider application on Thursday 17th October
Monday 4th November - signed application and supporting documents scanned in and emailed to Business Committee consider application on Thursday 28th November
For any further information about applying for the Raymond Ross Large Grants email: or call on 01332338690 (Mondays/Tuesdays)
If you are unsure as to the cicumstances in which you can apply for an interest free loan under this scheme, or have any other questions about the terms, don't hesitate to contact the Head of Finance
EITHER download 'fill in by hand' application to fill out in your own hand, OR
download this 'form field' application, fill in on screen, save and print off, sign and date.
The completed applications must be with the Diocesan Secretary a full month before the Business Committee meeting
The Parish Support Office is able to offer funding via churches and other organisations in Derbyshire advocating on behalf of lone parents in particular need.
Amounts up to £150 can be applied for by writing to Lone Parent Fund, Derby Church House, Full Street, Derby, DE1 3DR marking the envelope and letter confidential or apply by email to Please include a brief description of what the grant will be used to purchase. Please also include the client's initials, so that we can use these as part of the BACS reference, enabling your organisation to identify any award payment apperaing in their bank account.
The Lone Parent Fund provides emergency grants for lone parents, usually to assist with buying an essential domestic item. A referral letter or email is required from a member of the clergy, or staff of an appropriate voluntary organisation. Applications will not be accepted directly from the person who will benefit from the grant.
The definition of a lone parent for the purpose of this grant:
a) A parent who has care as a single person without the resident support of an adult spouse or partner (which could be demonstrated for example, by their receipt of lone parent element of child benefit for that child and a tenancy in one adult persons name) and excluding a parent who remains part of a couple but whose partner or spouse works away from the family home or is temporarily absent.
b) The lone parent must be living with and be the carer of a son, or daughter, or be the guardian of at least one child, or young person resident in their home and placed in their permanent care who is 18 years of age or younger.
Please include bank details of the referring organisation, as grants will not be made direct to the lone parent. The referrer is expected to be able to vouch for the genuineness of the application and ensure the money is spent according to the application. Any evidence of this (copy of receipt) should be forwarded to the office. Applications are dealt with as soon as reasonably possible and with care to keep applicants names confidential.
Grants are typically made where a family have fled to emergency accommodation because of domestic violence or similar danger and they are in need of essentials which had to be left behind. Grants are also made where there are additional pressures or vulnerabilities for the family e.g. children who have been victims of abuse, a member of the family has a disability with significant impact to family life, the active parent is particularly young, or the family have had recent experience of homelessness / temporary accommodation. Grants are not made for reoccurring outgoings such as purchasing school uniforms, and also not made to contribute to paying off accumulated debts.
We welcome applications on behalf of lone parents of the Christian faith, other faiths, or who have no faith allegiance. Please mark them as confidential. Where the agency or worker is unfamiliar to us you should expect that we will make checks to ensure the application is bona fide.
We are grateful for the donations made by Christian Groups and individuals across the Diocese which have supported this fund in recent years. Donations can be made to the Lone Parent Fund with cheques made payable to “Derby Diocesan Board of Finance”.
Particular charitable trusts or other funding streams are regularly brought to our attention and we include them here. Please note however that there are a wide range of trusts and if you are serious about raising trust funding it is always worth doing a systematic search of funding sources. Various organisations have software to help you do this including the Councils for Voluntary Service in districts across Derbyshire and in Derby itself.
Derbyshire County Council has a useful page listing some local sources of funding. It also has access to GrantNet, an online directory of sources of funding.
Funding Central, is a similar national resource.
Click here for further funding.
Feedback please ...
If you have any experience of applying to these or other trusts that you want to share, again please do contact and we may include it on this page so that others can learn from your experience.
Parish Resources National List of Charitable Grants
A Guide to finding funding, investment and support
Produced by the East Midlands Funding Forum and launched at One East Midlands annual conference on 21 November, Funding the East Midlands has been developed to help signpost groups and organisations to finding the right funding, investment or support for their community and social projects. The booklet is a start point for those new to finding funding and investment, but also a reminder for those more experienced of the wide range of funders and investors still supporting the East Midlands region.
>> Download the guide to finding funding [PDF]
Forget the grant – how to raise local donor funding
South Derbyshire CVS offers a comprehensive Funding Advice Service
To any group or organisation working in or supporting people from South Derbyshire. If you have an idea for a project or need funding to carry on doing what you’re already doing, then the team, may be able to help you. The team can offer advice on what funding is available, how to make an effective bid and much more, so for more information please contact them on 01283 219761 or email
40 minutes to improve your funding applications
>> A series of brief video clips and exercises which could improve your bid writing