Minor Repairs & Improvement Grants / Quick Wins Grants - 4th and Final Round Information about the final round of these two grants will appear on this page at the end of March. In the meantime if you… Conservation Grants Programme The Cathedral & Church Buildings Department’s expanded £5million conservation grants programme is now open for applications on our website Conservation Grants | The Church of England.… ChurchGrants Funding Portal Earlier this year, the Diocesan Board of Finance purchased a joint subscription so that all churches in the diocese can access this grant searching platform… Quick Wins Grant Fund Round 3 Apply now for a grant to help you kickstart a net zero project in your church If you are looking to reduce your carbon emissions… Minor Repairs & Improvement Grants - Round 3 The Church Commissioners have made a small fund available for minor repairs and improvements, which the Church Buildings Support Officer will be administering through a… Raymond Ross Large Grants This fund offers parishes an exciting opportunity to develop their local church or hall premises, making them more community and mission shaped, and accessible to… Building Community Fund This fund is aimed at supporting local congregations to act with a generous faith, through engaging with and embracing the communities they seek to serve.… The Raymond Ross Small Grant Scheme Do you have a small church project that could have a big impact? Are you looking for a relatively small grant that requires no match… Bishop of Derby's St Peter's Churchyard Fund - Application for loan If you are unsure as to the cicumstances in which you can apply for an interest free loan under this scheme, or have any other… 1