The Discipleship, Mission and Ministry team exists to serve the Diocese of Derby as it seeks to share in God’s mission and further the Kingdom. Our primary focus is the churches of the diocese, and the individuals within them, but we will work with all who share in God’s kingdom values
Our Purpose
As a team we seek to serve, enable and encourage individuals and churches to become more faithful and effective in fulfilling God’s call to be a missionary people. This will lead to transformation in the diocese and our vision is to see . . .
- A deepening love for God, expressed in prayer, worship and discipleship
- A growing openness to change and transformation, and a willingness to embrace the implications
- The formation of leaders, lay and ordained, as they respond to God’s call on their lives
- A more meaningful engagement by churches with their communities
- Numerical growth in worshipping communities
Our Values
We shall seek to fulfil these purposes by . . .
- Faith in God, who brings transformation and builds the Kingdom
- Being rooted in present realities and having a vision for God’s future
- Being open to new possibilities and responding with flexibility and creativity
- Valuing each individual, believing that they are responsible for their own growth and development
- Balancing ‘being’ and faithfulness with ‘doing’ and effectiveness
- Listening well – to others, to contexts and to God
- Working collaboratively
- Speaking with respect and honesty
Mission, Evangelism and Parish Revitalisation Team
Director of Mission, Evangelism and Parish RevitalisationMatt Barnes 01332 388692
Net Zero Carbon Programme & Projects ManagerWill Rolls 01332 401815
Health and Vitality Coordinator (secondment)Nick Parish 01332 401815
Growing Younger Communications & Resourcing Officer (job-share)Debbie Patrick 01332 388665
Growing Younger Communications & Resourcing Officer (job-share)Rowan Rankin 01332 401726
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