
Chaplaincy in Derbyshire

Hospital chaplains

Prison Chaplains

HMP Sudbury (01283) 584000; chaplaincy (01283) 584088

HMP Foston Hall, (01283) 584300; chaplaincy (01283) 584325

University of Derby Chaplain

Ecumenical Christian Chaplaincy, University of Derby, Kedleston Road, Derby, DE22 1GB. 

01332 591878 or 594170, chaplaincy@derby.ac.uk 

Major Incident Plan

Bishop Libby introduces the Major Incident Plan as follows:

The nature of disasters and emergencies is unpredictable. We don’t know what the nature of the next emergency will be, or where and when they are going to occur. We do know it is important that appropriately trained people can be relied on to respond quickly with the necessary help.

I have seen the difference chaplaincy support can make in such circumstances, and am pleased our local plans include that contribution. Major Incident Plan Chaplains are recognised by the statutory agencies as having a significant role to play in a major incident or emergency within Derbyshire and Derby City. 

We also have chaplains who are trained counsellors, and others who are specialists in supporting people with addictions, disabilities and mental health issues, and families experiencing bereavement or affected by learning difficulties.

>> You can download the plan here

Last modified on Tuesday, 24 December 2024 12:37

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