
allan matchett

allan matchett


The Archbishop of Cape Town, the Most Revd Thabo Makgoba, the chair of the Anglican Communion Environment Network (ACEN), is encouraging the 85 million Anglicans in 38 Provinces to use new ACEN prayers and resources from South Africa and England in church services on or around Environment Sunday (2nd June) and World Environment Day (5th June). They include a children’s prayer (written by 10-year-old Jackie from South Africa) and are available at http://www.churchofengland.org/media/1772230/worldenvironmentday resources2013.docx.



The Diocese of Derby is launching a new, cost effective and innovative tourism toolkit and signage pack that will allow churches to engage with visitors and tourists throughout Derbyshire.


The diocese has recently participated research which the national Church is conducting to identify the health, and otherwise, of Fresh Expressions. George Lings, from the Church Army Research Unit, contacted all those who had described themselves as having a Fresh Expression in their 2012 Annual Returns. In conversation, he explored whether their mission initiative might be considered a genuine Fresh Expression of Church and has highlighted for us the various opportunities and issues which were revealed.



The Bishop of Derby’s 2012 Harvest Appeal has been a huge success raising over £27,500.

The Appeal was in aid of the Mothers’ Union Parenting Project in Rwanda which supports vulnerable children and traumatized families.



Diocesan Events

Archdeacons' Visitations 2013

Last Updated on Thursday, 06 June 2013 10:36


(all start at 7.30pm)


6 June                   Ashbourne, Duffield, Longford                  St Mary’s, Marston on Dove

11 June                 Melbourne and Repton                             St Michael w St Mary, Melbourne



11 June Chesterfield/Bolsover Deaneries Holy Trinity, Chesterfield

27 June Bakewell/Glossop/Buxton Deaneries All Saints, Bakewell





Flower Festival 2013

A 2013 Flower Festival calendar will be issued towards the end of March for display on parish noticeboards throughout the diocese. If you would like your church's events to be included, please complete the attached form and return by Friday 1st March. Events will also be published on the new diocesan tourism site www.derbyshirechurches.org. Alternatively you can email details through to communications@derby.anglican.org

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Download this file (Microsoft Word - Flower Festival Form 2012.pdf)Flower festival form 2013 107 Kb 16/01/13 10:14
Download this file (flower festivals 2013 list.pdf)Flower festival list as of 28 Feb 37 Kb 28/02/13 10:03

Inspiring Christian Community Engagement Event

Last Updated on Wednesday, 05 June 2013 11:06


You are invited to ‘Inspiring Christian Community Engagement’ at Lady Manners School, Bakewell on Saturday 22 June, 10am.

Keynote speaker Roy Crowne of HOPE: a national organisation encouraging and resourcing churches in Christian mission.

The programme includes a variety of workshops designed to resource and inspire you in your parish.

Workshops will include:

·         Including people with learning disability with Pete Winmill from ‘Prospects’

·         Leading in Society, the role of priest, chaplain and community development worker with Simon Cartwright

.      Engaging with children and young families in small rural churches

·         Changing the Atmosphere with Terry Thake, portfolio holder for the Environment and members of the ecumenical Environment Group

·         Taking music into the community: Singing for the brain / choir on wheels

·         Engaging older people with Holmewood luncheon club and Rendevous holiday club leaders

.    Terrifying Teenagers

·         Engaging through hospitality featuring Wirksworth s ‘soup and surprise’ and the manager of St Thomas’s café

.    Experience Messy Church

To book or for more information tel: 01332 388684.  Please click here for the booking form.

If you would like a full list of workshop options please click here.


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Download this file (Booking form.pdf)Booking form.pdf 110 Kb 05/06/13 08:57
Download this file (Workshops.pdf)Workshops.pdf 51 Kb 05/06/13 11:05

Global Hunger Summit - 7 June, 3.30pm, Derby Cathedral

Last Updated on Monday, 13 May 2013 13:10


"Food links everyone on our planet. We can play our part in encouraging our government and the G8 leaders to make better policies for the hungry.

On 7 June at Derby Cathedral from 3.30pm onwards there will be a Global Hunger Summit to highlight food poverty across the world.

The event will launch the Fareshare food distribution service that will take place at St Thomas' in the Walbrook Epiphany. There will be talks from Bob Rushton, Director of Fareshare, and Fiona Twycross, the London Assembly Member who published a report on food poverty in London for Boris Johnson.

There will be an international development session to high-light the IF campaign and the role of government in eradicating poverty.

From 6 p.m. Mrs Pauline Latham OBE MP will host a lecture by Andrew Mitchell, former Secretary of State for International Development, regarding the importance of aid.

This event in Derby is a chance for us to come together to show solidarity with those who go hungry, locally and across the globe. Also we can celebrate and support the efforts of food banks in our own city and county."

All are welcome to attend. Please use this link to RSVPhttp://hungersummit2013.eventbrite.co.uk

Contact the Bishop's Office for more information:  chaplain@bishopofderby.org or 01332 840132



Bishop's Badge 2013


The Bishop's Badge recognises the contribution of lay people to the parish, local community and to the Diocese. This extends to age groups and areas of participation.

Nominations should be submitted by a parish priest or warden in a vacancy to the Bishop's office using a nomination form. The closing date is 1 June.

The Bishop will write to proposed candidates in July for their acceptance of the award.

There will be a presentation service in each Archdeaconry on 29 September 2013: Derby Cathedral at 3 p.m. and St John’s Buxton at 6 p.m. This is in response to the increasing involvement of the whole Diocese.

Last year the service in September was a great success and the Cathedral was filled to capacity.

For more information contact Pippa Rowen chaplain@bishopofderby.org or 01332 840 132


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Download this file (Nomination form.doc)Nomination form.doc 33 Kb 13/05/13 13:08

Spirituality Summer School 2013

Last Updated on Wednesday, 08 May 2013 10:27


On Earth as in Heaven - Earthing our Spirituality

22-26 July 2013, St Helen's Darley Dale

A one week school of spirituality in the beautiful Derbyshire Dales. Join a group of people who will come togeher to form a community exploring approaches to prayer and ways of growing in spiritual insight and practice.

Speakers this year:


  • The Revd Philip Roderick, Spirituality Officer for the Diocese of Sheffield and founder of the Quiet Gardens Movement and Contemplative Fire.
  • The Revd Sue Starkey
  • Canon Elaine Jones


Cost £55 (lunch, tea and coffee provided every day)

Led by the Rt Revd Dr Alastair Redfern, Canon Alan Harper, Ros Harper and the Revd Val Hart


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Download this file (Summer School Booking form 2013.pdf)Booking Form 351 Kb 08/05/13 10:28
Download this file (Spirituality Summer School poster 2013.pdf)Poster 404 Kb 08/05/13 10:28


Members of the Derby Diocesan Synod met in Chesterfield on Saturday (11 May) to discuss the governance, mission and financing of the Church of England in Derbyshire

In his presidential address, The Bishop of Derby, Rt Revd Dr Alastair Redfern encouraged parishes to consider the future generations of the church and the importance of the correct investment to support their growth and mission.

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