
Dave King

Dave King

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Glossop parish church of All Saints has become the first church in the Diocese of Derby to achieve a gold Eco Church award.

The award is the highest accolade given by A Rocha UK, a Christian conservation charity, and reflects the church’s commitment to put creation care at the heart of their activities, and highlights how Eco Churches benefit biodiversity and reduce their carbon footprint.

To achieve the award, Glossop parish church developed its churchyard to be a living sanctuary at the heart of the community. 

The planting scheme encourages bees, butterflies and birds, there are bird boxes, bug and hedgehog hotels, and the hedges aren’t cut when birds might be nesting. 

The land is used for outdoor services and learning about creation, and events such as The Great British Birdwatch, the Bellringers BBQ and the end-of-season party for Dark Peak Children’s orchestra. 

Joining with churches and community groups across Glossopdale, they took part in the ‘Great British Spring Clean’ in April and October and collected a total of over 40 bags of litter from a local ‘grot spot’.

The church also had a green Christmas, renting a Christmas tree which the Reverend David said is returned after Christmas so it can continue growing.

They also sent candle stubs and used tea lights to a company in the southwest of England who recycle them into candles.

During January month they are being part of ‘Buy Nothing New Month’, trying out alternatives like renting, repairing and buying pre-loved items to save both money as well as the planet.

The Vicar at All Saints, the Reverend David Mundy, said All Saints had put the concept of caring for creation at the heart of all their thinking: "The Eco Church award scheme has been instrumental in helping us understand practical ways to engage with the Anglican Communion’s ‘Fifth Mark of Mission’: 'To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth'.

"Working to achieve the different levels of award has challenged us about our faith.

"We have increasingly come to recognise that the lifestyle choices we make – what we eat, what we wear, how we travel, how we dispose of our waste, and so on – have implications not only for the planet but also for our sisters and brothers in the global South.

"The gold award is not the end of our journey; it is a staging post. I am very proud of the Eco Church team at All Saints.

"Our next steps include investigating how we might work towards the net zero targets and supporting other parishes on their Eco Church journeys."

On hearing of the award, the Rt Revd Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby, said: "My congratulations go to everyone at All Saints, Glossop, and especially Barbara Fearnley and Eric Igo for the amazing work they have done as they have travelled towards and been awarded with Gold Eco Church status.

"Projects undertaken have included tending the churchyard and developing it as a sanctuary for humans, plants and animals, litter picking, toilet twinning, recycling candle stubs, partnering with USPG Green Schools programme in South India and 'renting' a Christmas tree which will be replanted so it can continue growing.

"I look forward to more of our churches following this example and being more environmentally sustainable and ecologically friendly.

"This is great news for the parish, for the diocese and, above all, for the environkment and the wildlife that will benefit from this remarkable effort in caring for God's creation."

And the Reverend Lucy Foster, A Rocha UK’s Eco Church Officer for Northern England said, “All Saints’ creation care is deeply rooted in their worship and prayer life and flows through all they do - from the beautiful accessible sacred space of their churchyard, and Toilet Twinning to initiatives with community partners to combat air pollution in areas of deprivation.

"They are an inspiring example of how church environmental action benefits both global and local neighbours."

Learn more about the Eco Church award scheme

glossop all saints

The Bishop of Derby has announced the new diocesan secretary will be Will Hagger, who is currently the diocese of London's director of housing and investment property.

Will brings with him a wealth of experience, having worked for the London Diocesan Fund for eight years.

He is a chartered surveyor and has previously worked for property fund management business, Newcore Capital.

Will said: “I am really excited by the opportunities and challenges that my new role in Derby will present, both professionally and personally.

"Whilst I will be sad to leave the Diocese of London, I am looking forward to getting acquainted with the Diocese of Derby and the whole of Derbyshire.”

On announcing the appointment, Bishop Libby said: “I know you will join me in warmly welcoming Will to the Diocese of Derby.

"He will be a great asset to the diocese and in leading DBF colleagues from Church House.

"Please keep him and his family in your prayers as they prepare to move and through all their transitions."

Will’s first day with us will be 1st May.

Introducing the Diocese of Derby’s Disability Inclusion Action Group (DIAG)

Disability inclusion and access is taken very seriously by the Diocese of Derby. 

Volunteers, with a range of disabilities and challenges, who all share the passion of making positive change across the diocese launched the DIAG to support the diocese and parishes to become as inclusive to disabled people as they possibly can be.

Our work is focused around three key themes - Attitude, Access, and Agency.

These themes arise from the paper ‘Disabling Church’ researched and written by Cptn Tim Rourke, which was received and endorsed by Diocesan Synod in October 2021.

The report focused on changing attitudes towards disabled people, improving access to all the church’s activities, and ensuring disabled people are enabled to exercise agency by participating at all levels in church life and governance.

The group meet regularly and is chaired by Carl Veal. The group always welcomes interest and/or enquiries from congregation and churches across the diocese.


What can we do for you?

We view our purpose as serving the needs of the disabled within the Diocese of Derby.

All of our activities and tools are designed by the group towards making the lives of those with challenges easier within the churches across our diocese.

Our information is intended for all the people of the diocese; clergy, church leaders and parishoners alike and currently includes:

  1. The provision of accessibility advice and you may contact us directly at diag@derby.anglican.org. We would love to hear from you.
  2. As we progress, we will be offering seminars both online and in groups – keep a look out for announcements.
  3. We can offer advice based on the very personal experiences of living with a range of disabilities. The members of the diag group are comprised of volunteers mostly with disability or multiple disabilities of some form.

We are currently working on making available a Braille print toolkit; and a BSL toolkit which willl include how to engage British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters. We are also liiking into access to completing a successful accessibility audit through an audit toolkit.

NB: All contact is treated in confidence and information will only be shared with express consent.


Getting Involved

We’d love to hear from you as your thoughts and experiences of church life and disability are important in developing best practice.

So whether you’re an individual with ‘lived’ or ‘caring' experience of disability, or a church, or community organisation, do get in contact with us.

We love to hear of new projects and events, and if you want to get more involved then we're always welcoming to new members joining our steering group.


DIAG related stories on the Diocese of Derby website

>> Bishop Malcolm experiences church from a wheelchair user’s perspective

>> Special service raises awareness of disability inclusion in churches



Please note - unless otherwise stated, events listed here are external and not endorsed by the Diocese of Derby but we are happy to share the information on them.

No events to show 


Ramps - improving wheelchair access


Disability Awareness Sunday [webpage]

Supporting Autistic individuals in our churches [YouTube]

DIAG Chairman's report 2021-2022 [PDF]

All Stand brochure [PDF]

Disabling Church - report by Cptn Tim Rourke C.A. [PDF]

'Support Reimagined' - CofE and Livability [webpage]

Christian BSL
Songs, hymns, and carols in British Sign Language (BSL) signed by Deaf Christians.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day
Thursday, 18 May 2024. Purpose of the day is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion, and the more than One Billion people with disabilities/impairments.

Through the Roof
A registered charity that exists to transform lives through Jesus with disabled people.

Advent is a time to prepare our hearts, minds and homes for Christ's birth in the world as it is today.

It is a time for faith communities and families to remember, through prayer, reflections, music, and good deeds, the true meaning of Jesus' birth.

Our reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent comes from the Right Reverend Malcolm Macnaughton, Bishop of Repton.

St Francis Church, Mackworth, hosted a fun-filled night of carols and beer at the Woodpecker Pub on the Derby estate.

The evening was led by a choir and band that was specially formed for the event by church members and friends and helped reinforced the message that everyone is welcome to go to church at Christmas and beyond.

Many of the traditional favourites were sung and some really good discussions followed with people intending to go along and join a service soon.

The vicar, Revd Andy Bond, said: “We had around 25 singing in the choir and about the same amount from the pub who got stuck in and sang along.

“It’s the first time we've done this since I've been at St Francis.

“The event was a complete success; a lot of fun was had and there were some really positive comments about how much people enjoyed it.”

This is one of many festive events taking place across the diocese that it’s hoped will lead to transformed lives through growing church and building community.

Why not share your own Christmas successes with us at communications@derby.anglican.org.

The Advent Season is a time to prepare our hearts, minds and homes for Christ's birth in the world as it is today.

It is a time for faith communities and families to remember, through prayer, reflections, music, and good deeds, the true meaning of Jesus' birth.

Our reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent comes from the Venerable Carol Coslett, Archdeacon of Derbyshire Peak and Dales.

A member of the Diocese of Derby's Safeguarding Team has had her poetry selected to help highlight the national 16 Days of Activism campaign to end gender-based violence.

Sue Griffin, the diocese's safeguarding co-ordinator, wrote two poems about the horror and turmoil of abuse, which she knows all too much about after years of working in the social work and safeguarding industry.

She said: "I was in a meeting where there was a lot of talk about black eyes and bruises.

"I shouted up 'It's not just black eyes and bruises' at which point someone suggested it would be a good catchline for the campaign - and I decided to write a poem about it."

It’s not just black eyes and bruises

by Sue Griffin

The handsome man, the beautiful wife

A love affair, a family life,

Pressure grows, pleasure and woes,

Life’s events and sagas grow.


No peace, No love

No trust, no voice,

No money, No hope,

No time to be yourself.


The sideward glance,

The push, the punch,

The shout, the scream,

The No, you’re not!

You’re lucky – you should be grateful.


The fear, the isolation,

The pain, the desperation,

The control, the demands.

‘You’re mad’, ‘you’re fat’

‘You’re boring’, ‘you’re stupid’,

Who will listen, who cares?

It’s not just black eyes and bruises.

"The second poem, If You Told Me, was inspired by a campaign being run by our colleagues in the Diocese of Blackburn.

"For me, the messaging is the important thing - abuse doesn't only happen to women and writing about the underdog is important."

Sue said she has written poetry before but needs to feel inspired: "I like writing about people but I also find that having rhymes helps me to remember things.

"So generally a poem comes into my head and I put it down on paper.

"I try to come up with rhyming phrases and sometimes that can be frustrating; other times, though, the words just fall into place."

The 16 Days of Activism campaign runs until 10 December.

If you told me

by Sue Griffin

If you told me, I’d listen,

I’d try to understand,

If you told me,

I’d help you, with a future plan.


If you told me, I’d empower you,

I would stand by your side.

I’d respect your wishes.

Help restore your pride.


If you told me, I’d believe in you,

I’d show you that I cared.

If you told me, I’d be supportive,

Let you know someone was there.


If you told me, you’re ready,

You are growing strong,

You’re seeing things with clearer eyes

And know that things are wrong.


If you told me, you took a step,

A leap, to set you free

If you told me

I’d be there for you on your new journey.

Melbourne Parish Church is the star attraction in this year's Church of England TV advert.

St Michael and St Mary's features as the church attended by one woman through many Christmases throughout her life – from her first starring role as the baby Jesus in the village nativity play, to childhood and teenage years, joining church youth groups, getting married, parenthood and facing bereavement.

Despite life's ups and downs, she finds joy and support in the church, faith and friendship, not only during Christmas but throughout the year.

The church's rector, the Revd Steve Short, said: "Melbourne features right at the start and midway when my daughter, Sophie, goes to put a star on the Christmas Tree.

"It was a great experience and such a privilege to host colleagues from the Church of England and support their making of this film.

"They had such passion, drive and joy for what they were doing, and it’s such an exciting initiative."

The Church of England's campaign this Christmas is Follow the Star: The Great Invitation and it encourages people to try church for the first time or, if they have visited churches before or been supported by a church through difficult times, to gather again as we reflect on the year and pray for those finding it hard.

Watch the advert

Contact the Vocations team

Please use this form to talk to us about exploring your vocation and working with one of our advisers.

We look forward to hearing from you!

In the week leading up to Advent Sunday, Chesterfield's Crooked Spire opens its doors to visitors far and wide to celebrate the start of the Advent season with its annual Christmas Tree Festival. 

This year’s festival - the ninth - ran for ten days from 17 November and the festival continues to grow in numbers of both trees and visitors!

This year, more than 120 trees, set up by businesses and organisations from across Chesterfield, were on display.

>> See pictures from the Crooked Spire Christmas Tree Festival

Warm and welcoming volunteers were there to greet visitors before they were hit with a visually stunning sight – the array of varied Christmas trees shining beautifully in the church itself nd set against its altars and stained glass windows.

The Revd Canon Patrick Coleman, Vicar of Saint Mary and All Saints in Chesterfield, is often asked why they have a Christmas tree festival at the end of November. 

His response is that the church prepares for Christmas with the season of advent: “We want to bring God’s blessings to Chesterfield by sending out the trees all over the town after they have been blessed by being in the church.

"We hope and pray that all in Chesterfield will be blessed this season.” 

In the weeks leading to Christmas Day, every inch of the church is needed to fit in the hundreds of people who go to services and concerts.

If we needed an example that the church is truly alive, then this is a fine one!


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