
Dave King

Dave King

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Downing Street has announced that Her Majesty The Queen has approved the nomination of the Revd Canon Malcolm Macnaughton, presently Chief of Staff to the Archbishop of York, as the next Suffragan Bishop of Repton in the Diocese of Derby.

Malcolm was educated at Queens’ College Cambridge and trained for ministry at Ridley Hall. He served his title at St Andrew’s Haughton-le-Skerne, in the diocese of Durham, and was ordained Priest in 1982. Malcolm was appointed Priest-in-Charge at the Anglican Methodist Local Ecumenical Partnership of All Saints, Newton Hall in the diocese of Durham in 1985. In 1990, he became Team Vicar of St John’s Hoxton in the diocese of London, and served as Area Dean of Hackney from 1994 to 1999. In 2002, he was appointed Team Rector in the Hambleden Valley Group of Churches in the diocese of Oxford, and became Area Dean of High Wycombe in 2005.  Malcolm took up his current role as Chief of Staff to the Archbishop of York in 2007.

Malcolm is married to Pam, an ordained pioneer minister and a leadership specialist with the Church Pastoral Aid Society.

The Bishop of Derby, the Right Reverend Libby Lane said: “Bishops are called to attend to the life of the church and to share in the building up of the Kingdom of God. Malcolm brings, out of his own deep commitment to sharing the love of Jesus, a rich and varied experience of ministry. We welcome his particular gifts in accompanying people hopefully through change, and his passion for reaching those on the margins, and younger generations, with the Good News of the Kingdom of God. We pray for Malcolm and Pam as they prepare to move - that the people and places of Derbyshire and Derby will be a blessing to them, as they will be a blessing to us.”    

Canon Malcolm Macnaughton said: “I am much looking forward to working with Bishop Libby and colleagues in the Diocese of Derby, and am excited by the task ahead. The COVID crisis is tough for everyone, and we need to be focussed on bringing real hope to those most at risk, those living in poverty, and young people who have so much to offer, but whose opportunities for education, development, and employment, are so limited just now. It is great to see the Church in Derby and Derbyshire finding new ways, alongside the old, of being church and seeking the common good. What a privilege to be called by God to join you and to share the next stage of this journey! ”

The Archbishop of York, the Most Reverend Stephen Cottrell said: “I am delighted that Her Majesty The Queen has appointed Malcolm as the next Suffragan Bishop of Repton.  Malcolm’s work here at Bishopthorpe alongside Archbishop Sentamu, and latterly with me, has given him huge experience of the workings of the Church of England and this will be of enormous value in the Derby diocese. At heart, Malcolm is a pastor. His gentle demeanour, fine grasp of detail and tenacious faithfulness will make him an excellent bishop. And his heart’s desire is to make Christ known. He will be hugely missed here at Bishopthorpe and across the northern province. We offer our prayers and best wishes for this next chapter of ministry for Malcolm, his family, and the Diocese of Derby.”

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby said: “I’m grateful to God as we welcome Malcolm to this role at a challenging but exciting time for the Church and for Diocese of Derby. He has many years’ experience as a vicar, working in partnership across communities and helping people face the difficulties and sorrows of life – as well as celebrating its joys. For 13 years, alongside then Archbishop Sentamu, Malcolm worked tirelessly to serve him in spreading the story of hope that we have in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. This will be his message as Bishop of Repton – that whoever we are, we can have that hope, because of the love of God in Christ. Malcolm is committed to growing and deepening the Church, which reflects the diverse communities in which we minister. He has vast overseas experience and is a man of grace, warmth and humility. I warmly welcome him to his new ministry.”

Malcolm succeeds Bishop Jan McFarlane, now Honorary Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Lichfield.  

Malcolm will be ordained and consecrated a bishop by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, in a service early next year.

malcolm and libby

Malcolm was introduced to the diocese at St Mark's Church, Derby

Family Fit is a series of videos specially made for the Diocese of Derby as part of the Bishop's Harvest Appeal 2020 and the commitment to supporting mental wellbeing in Derbyshire.

This series of five 20-minute, fun-themed family workouts, led by Kay Skinner, a Church of England sports minister, includes Magnificent Mondays, Talented Tuesdays, Wild Wednesdays, Thankful Thursdays, Fabulous Fridays.

They will premier each morning during the October half term break at 9 a.m. - so make sure you join in!

There is no special equipment needed - just make sure you have ample space for your family to move around while you follow Kay's classes.

This is a great way to get your family active, keep fit, do something together and, most importantly, help to look after your physical and mental wellbeing.

So please share this page with your family, friends, colleagues and schoolmates and let's all get Family Fit!

Foreword by Bishop Libby

I am encouraged by your generosity. As I visit parishes across our Diocese, I have seen and heard stories that show how so many people have contributed - and continue to contribute towards resourcing God’s Mission and Ministry in every parish.

Your generosity is expressed in different ways: people giving their time and talents, people giving their money. Many parishes have been inspired by their parish priests, to develop in discipleship and stewardship. Projects like repairing a Miner’s chapel, restoring a war memorial, opening church for the local school to become a prayer space, are all examples of how the resources received into Common Fund directly support the work in the communities of Derbyshire and the City of Derby.

As you think thoughtfully and prayerfully in your parishes about your own level of giving, please take some time to read this leaflet and discuss with your PCC, as it is only through your generous contributions that work can continue to share the Good News in Christ in our local communities.


Common Fund is a practical way to share our financial resources across the diocese

  • Proportionality with parishes paying into a pool of resources.
  • Shared funding so that those who are able can support others who may struggle.
  • Ensures that stipendiary clergy can be in places where they are most needed.
  • Generosity of an affluent parish allows us to put stipendiary clergy in a less affluent parish that would otherwise be unable to afford ministry costs.


The Challenge

Meeting the Common Fund is a challenge for us all. With national funding declining and costs increasing, the cost to maintain the levels of clergy and support to deliver our collective mission falls upon our local income.

Working together, we can sustain the ministry that God has called us to provide.

What we receive from our parishes goes directly to support mission and ministry.

Each PCC is asked to make an annual pledge of the requested amount they will contribute to the Common Fund. This allows the diocese to budget effectively.

Please be realistic, challenging and generous as you consider prayerfully your contribution so that mission and ministry is supported in every parish.


Where the money goes

Based on the approved 2024 budget, the average cost of mission and ministry, (per stipended minister) is approximately £74,730

This is made up of:

  • Resourcing Mission & Ministry - stipend, national insurance and pension, ministerial housing, along with training and other ministry support.
  • Support for Parish Ministry – area support for deaneries, Safeguarding, Mission and DAC teams etc, and our diocesan contribution towards National church costs.
  • Support & Compliance – governance of the charity, Finance, IT, HR etc.


2022 contributions

In 2022, we requested £5,720,089 from our parishes and received £3,967,633 (69%). In 2019 (pre-pandemic) parishes contributed £4,718,739, meaning that post-pandemic receipts are some £0.8m lower. 

In 2022, despite the struggles of church life, and the increased cost of living pressures, many churches managed to reach their full contribution towards Common Fund and many other churches made a valued contribution towards Common Fund. This made a positive impact on our diocesan finances.

Thank you for all that you do towards resourcing God’s Mission and Ministry.


Our onward journey together

As the income from Common Fund pledges currently does not cover the full cost of ministry, we need to increase our level of giving to maintain ministry and grow the mission of the church.

As we journey together, we give grateful thanks for all God’s generosity and pray that we too can embrace this spirit of generosity to ensure that "Christ’s presence reaches every community".

Aur medium term financial budget forecasts highlight significant budget deficits, which need to be closed by increasing income, of which the generosity from parishes to the shared resources required to run the diocese are vital.


Common Fund experiences shared 

"As a priest, I see quite clearly the hopes and dreams of the local community as I come alongside them at key moments such as christenings and funerals.

"As I arrived in the parish, I noted the importance of our mining heritage and we established the mosaic project to tap into what the community needed - something that would unite them around a common passion.

"The project raised the profile of our church in the village and brought lots of people into church who haven’t been before for our special mining festival - people are now visiting the church just to see the mosiac!

"We were able to involve not just congregation members but people of all ages from the community in creating a lasting memorial to the mining involved people of all ages from the community in creating a lasting memorial to our villages’ mining heritage."

Revd Bryony Taylor
St James Barlborough & St John the Baptist Clowne 

Derby Cathedral has been awarded a grant of £270,800 to cover overheads, IT and digital resources and Personal Protective Equipment required as a result of COVID. 

The Cathedral will use some of the grant to improve its online presence and digital capabilities, making it more accessible to the City of Derby, the County of Derbyshire, the Diocese of Derby, its many visitors and a wide range of worshippers.

It is one of more than 400 organisations across the country to receive a lifesaving financial boost from the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund to help them through the coronavirus pandemic.

The Very Reverend Peter Robinson, Dean of Derby, said: “Derby Cathedral is delighted and thankful to be the recipient of a Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage grant. 

"The money will help us to cover essential costs incurred throughout the COVID-19 pandemic at a time when our income from collections, events and hires has been drastically reduced.

“This grant allows us to start on our road of recovery and plan a sustainable response to the COVID crisis, ensuring that the Cathedral can meet the new and emerging needs of the city, visitors and worshippers.”

445 organisations will share £103 million, including Derby Cathedral, to help restart vital reconstruction work and maintenance on cherished heritage sites, keeping venues open and supporting those working in the sector.

This funding is from the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage and the Heritage Stimulus Fund - funded by Government and administered at arm’s length by Historic England and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Both funds are part of the Government’s £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund which is designed to secure the future of Britain’s museums, galleries, theatres, independent cinemas, heritage sites and music venues with emergency grants and loans.

Revd Peter Barham reflects on Harvest under Covid restrictions.

Harvest Festival, and we managed two decorated churches (thanks).

We had 35 in one church and 40 in the other, and - unusually - my congregation was larger than that of Northern Reader (Northern Reader is Peter's wife, Julie).

We survived not singing "We plough the fields and scatter" and everyone seemed to get something out of worship.

Harvest hedgehogs seem appropriate - spikes and all that.

allestree harvest hedgehog

We did a food bank run for the Hope Centre in Derby - Mike and Shirley had a full car (thank you again).

We can accept donations at any time in Primrose's book shed at the vicarage.

I baptised young Ralph at lunchtime - we moved the flowers first.

Just six guests allowed. Mum, dad, Ralph and the four Godparents. 

I have given up trying to understand the logic of the regulations.

Lovely young people, a happy little lad, and a pleasure to baptise - one of the greatest pleasures of my ministry (in the old days I'd have given you a photo, now I need written permission first).

Then we had an open air service.

It was a sunny afternoon and people came with their own seats.

A lot of work for 18 people and it proved why we have church buildings. Nice to have good chats with families (and others) I haven't seen for a while.

I hope everyone got something out of it.

Now I'm shattered. Daft really, Sunday's are usually a lot busier than this!

The Prime Minister is right, it is going to be a tough winter for all of us.

The lovely people at Cogito Books supplied me with this evening's entertainment.

Just wish I'd got a real fire to snuggle in front of.

>> Follow St Edmund's Allestree on Facebook

allestree harvest book

The Church of England has launched ‘Safe Spaces’, an online and telephone service to help survivors and victims of abuse carried out by clergy or church officers, however long ago it happened.

Victim Support, a national charity with a track record of providing survivor support, has been commissioned to run the service.

It will run initially for two years.

Safe Spaces comprises a team of trained support advocates, who have undergone specialist training in supporting survivors of sexual violence and who have received additional specific training in how the churches respond to abuse cases, the way in which faith and church-related settings have been used to carry out abuse, and the particular issues affecting people who have had or still have, a relationship with the church.

The service is for those who may have experienced any form abuse, including sexual abuse, physical abuse, financial abuse, psychological abuse (including spiritual abuse), domestic abuse, coercive and controlling behaviour.

The Bishop of Southampton, Debbie Sellin, Deputy Lead Safeguarding Bishop for the Church of England, said:

“I’m delighted that this service will shortly be available to offer support and advice to survivors of abuse.

“I want to express my thanks to all those who have helped to bring the project together, particularly the survivors who have given of their time and energy.

“In Victim Support, we have an excellent operational lead, and we look forward to continuing a constructive partnership with then as well as the other denominations involved.

“I commend the service for use and hope colleagues will do all they can to promote it locally.”

To access support, visit www.safespacesenglandandwales.org.uk.

After a year as Acting Director of Education and 16 years as Deputy Director of Education and Schools’ Adviser, Dr Alison Brown will be leaving the employment of the Diocese of Derby.  

This will take effect from 4 January 2021.  

She will be starting in a new role in January with Christian Aid as its Global Neighbours Schools’ Programme Officer.

Alison has made a huge contribution to the work of schools within the diocese, with the DBE and Bishop's staff team.

On announcing her new appointment, Alison said: “It is with mixed feelings that I am leaving the Diocesan Board of Education.

“I am very excited about the prospect of my new role with Christian Aid. It will allow me to work with schools across the country in working towards their Global Neighbour Award and thereby helping their pupils grow into people who make the world a better place.

“However, I am sad to be leaving the family of Church schools which I have known and worked with for the last 17 years.

"The head teachers and staff of these schools are exceptional people and to be cherished as they serve their pupils and communities.

"It has been a privilege to be part of their journey all these years.

“My time working for the board of education has been so rich and varied it is hard to pick out highlights.

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Working in deprived areas of Kolkata

"I have particularly enjoyed the training aspect of it, be that of head teachers, teachers, governors or clergy. Another, of course, has been building the links between schools here in Derbyshire and Kolkata.

The board of education also enabled me to carry out my doctoral studies on the formational and transformational potential of collective worship. It has been an exciting privilege to then see that have a real impact on many schools here in this diocese and further afield.

“It is also with mixed feelings that I leave the broader work of the diocese at a time of so many changes.

"I will be interested and prayerful as I watch how things develop as I will still live, work and worship in the diocese.”

The Ven Carol Coslett, Archdeacon of Chesterfield and chair of the Derby Diocesan Board of Education, said: “It has been an honour to work with Alison and she has been such a supportive colleague in her capacity as deputy director and over this last year as acting director.

“Alison has brought such insight and spiritual expert educational knowledge to the role which has been invaluable for all her work in the schools and with the DBE. 

“She will leave a big hole in the life of the diocese and in the education world but on behalf of the trustees of the DBE we thank her wholeheartedly and wish her every success in her new, exciting role with Christian Aid.”

Details of the process to appoint Dr Brown’s replacement will be announced shortly.

A year ago, throughout October 2019, Derby Cathedral hosted the Knife Angel.

In the four weeks it stood outside the cathedral, more than 200,000 people visited, 130 volunteers were trained and gave up their time to inform visitors of the danger of carrying a knife and 23 special educational events were held to discuss knife crime.

Rachel Morris, Diocesan Secretary & Derby Cathedral Chapter Steward, Chief Executive Diocesan Board of Finance, said: “Derby Cathedral was humbled and honoured to host the Knife Angel in Derby.

"The perseverance and hard work of key partners, generous sponsors and wonderful volunteers brought the project together in a way which benefitted the many thousands of visitors who experienced and were affected by the statue. 

“The educational and public events enabled the successful delivery of the key outcomes to educate and raise public awareness of the horrors of knife and violent crime. 

"We are very grateful to every individual involved, and keen to support the ongoing legacy of the Knife Angel in Derby.”

Featuring the voice of Rachel Webb whose son, Tom, was killed in a knife attack in Derby city centre

Superintendent Sarah McAughtrie, from Derbyshire police, said: “A year on since the visit of the knife angel I look back and feel really proud of what was achieved during that time by all involved, the number of visitors was incredible. 

“I have spoken to a number of people that attended who said what a real sense of emotion they felt, thinking about all the people that have lost their lives due to this senseless crime. 

“The carrying of knives is still an issue in society and as part of the legacy of the knife angel’s visit we continue to work tirelessly as a police service, with our partners and the community, to tackle the problem”.

Bishop Libby has ordained eight new deacons and nine priests in the Diocese of Derby, at Derby Cathedral.

The socially distanced services took place over the weekend - ordinations were delayed this year because of the Covid-19 restrictions.

There were three ordination services on each of the two days with each candidate able to invite a limited number of guests, plus their training incumbents.

Speaking to the new priests and deacons at the start of each service, Bishop Libby said: "This may not be the service you envisaged when you first considered ordination, but this is how God has called you in this time."

And in his sermon to the new priests, the Dean of Derby, Peter Robinson, said: "God has the power the change the human heart through the death and resurrection of Jesus, so as we are called by God to lead in a time of fear and towards an unknown future our task as the church is to go through Covid-19, not to imagine that we can go around it and embrace a false hope of returning to what we recall as ‘normal’."

>> See photos from the ordination of priests on Flickr

>> See photos from the ordination of deacons on Flickr

The new curates included Alan Winfield, a funeral director, who says he met God at the age of 16 during an Easter Sunrise Service.

He said: "As the sun rose above the mill rooftops, I had this strange and wonderful feeling inside and it was there and then that I knew."

Alan has been in reader ministry since 2002 and has had a deep interest in pastoral care: "I hope my curacy will enable me to develop this further and reach out to those in need and reveal something of the love of God."

Sharon Murphy is another new deacon. The mother of eight said that God appeared to her one night in a dream: "I became a Christian in my early 20s having suffered a miscarriage.

"It was my first encounter with grief, and it was such a time of pain both physically and emotionally.

"When I woke up the next morning all the pain had gone, and I felt peaceful."

As she starts her curacy in Derwent Oak BMO, Derby, Sharon says she finds herself thinking about dwelling in a place, being, prayer walking, listening and building relationships: "My prayer is that people will see something of Christ in me the hope of glory and will want that hope for themselves."

Photographs from the ordination services

>> See photos prom the ordination of priests on Flickr

>> See photos from the ordination of deacons on Flickr


Please pray for our new deacons:

Rachael Brookes - Littleover and Blagreaves

Catrin Hubbard - Buxton with Burbage and King Sterndale Team Ministry

Nicola McNally - Tideswell

Sharon Murphy - Derwent Oak, Derby

Malcolm Pyatt - Brimington

Kate Smedley - Spondon

Sandra Till - Alvaston

Alan Winfield - Melbourne, Ticknall, Smisby and Stanton-by-Bridge


and our new priests

Sally-Anne Beecham, Rhoda Blackwell, Brenda Jackson, Elaine Jones, Dawn Knight, James Milwain, Jenn Newman, John Spreadborough and Anthony Till will be ordained priests in services at Derby Cathedral and again these can be followed online - details on the cathedral's website

Will Eley will be ordained priest by the Bishop of Maidstone in a separate service on 11 October.

Catrin Hubbard: ordained deacon in September 2020 - ordained priest in June 2021

I have the sense of my future ministry involving shepherding God’s rainbow sheep

My name is Catrin Hubbard and I’ve been licensed as a Lay Worker (pending ordination, God, the Bishop and Covid willing) to the Parish of Buxton with Burbage and King Sterndale.

I grew up in Liverpool and Ynys Môn, I’m baptised Church in Wales and confirmed Church of England, it’s an interesting mix of world views to have grown up with.

I went to Sunday school and confirmation classes as I grew up, both of which nurtured and deepened my faith but after confirmation I found grown up church boring so drifted away over the years.

I came back to faith in my early twenties after finishing university.

My degree was in Counselling and Therapeutic Studies so of course I ended up as a youth worker, both for the local authority and for my local church.

Not long after I came to faith, people started talking to me about ordination (specifically my mentor, a beautiful man called Geoff, and my great aunt).

I found the idea of God calling someone like me to such a position laughable and told them so.

After a few years as a youth worker, I felt that my theological learning was lacking so I joined the Light Project in Chester studying part time for a Foundation Degree in Community Evangelism and working part time as a Youth and Children’s Worker for a lovely local parish.

I stayed on at the church part time after completing my studies and worked as a schools worker part time too.

More recently I spent six years in Sutton, Surrey, working as a secondary schools worker for a small Christian charity, leading assemblies, lessons, lunch clubs and the like.

Over the years my mentor had kept up his pestering about ordination and other people joined in too.

I finally gave in, asking God if ordination was the plan for me, I cried through fear and relief (as if I’d been carrying a weight that I could now put down) when the answer came back “Yes”.

I trained at Cranmer Hall in Durham and loved it there. The people are amazing, so humble, honest and funny, accepting and supporting me through the bumpy road of learning to accept myself as God created me to be, often rupturing what I thought I knew, as well as learning about things I didn’t know had names let alone what those names where (who knew the swinging incense thingy was called a thurible!) 

I have the sense of my future ministry involving shepherding God’s rainbow sheep, people on the margins and people who have previously been hurt by the church, showing them God’s love, inclusion and belonging. I have no idea what that will look like but I know God does, so that’s ok for now.

Favourite Bible passages: Psalm 73:23 and Micah 6:8 “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (NRSV)

Favourite hymn: “Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer” (I am Welsh!) and my favourite worship song is “Reckless Love” which talks about the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God.

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