
News and Events

The Right Reverend Malcolm Macnaughton, Bishop of Repton, has ordained 15 new priests and eight new deacons in two special services at Derby Cathedral.

In the presence of the Right Reverend Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby, the new deacons and priests took their vows, supported by family and friends in the congregations.

Bishop Malcolm said: "It has been a joy and a privilege to ordain the new priests and deacons in the Diocese of Derby.

"They are each called to serve the communities in which they are set and these are the next steps of a lifelong journey of nurturing themselves and others in faith.

"Please keep them in your prayers as God leads each of them in their ministry."


► In pictures: Ordination of Priests 2022 [Flickr]

► In pictures: Ordination of Deacons 2022 [Flickr]

► Meet the new deacons


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Those ordained priests are:

  • Rebecca Allpress to serve in the Benefice of Swadlincote and Hartshorne, the Benefice of Newhall and the Benefice of Gresley;
  • Onyekachi Julius Anozie to serve in the Benefice of Kirk Hallam;
  • Gillian Ball to serve in the Benefice of Old Brampton and Great Barlow, and Loundsley Green LEP;
  • Rachel Burdett to serve in Benefice of Belper Christ Church with Turnditch, and the Benefice of Hazelwood, Holbrook and Milford;
  • Samantha Dennis to serve in the Benefice of Sawley;
  • John Ferguson to serve in the Benefice of Derby St Barnabas;
  • Mike Fitzsimmons to serve in the Benefice of Barlborough and Clowne;
  • Jeff Golding to serve in St Werburgh’s Derby Mission Initiative;
  • Melanie Hartley to serve in the Benefice of Baslow and Eyam;
  • Eleanor Launders-Brown to serve in the Benefice of East Scarsdale;
  • James Lee to serve in the Benefice of Stanton by Dale with Dale Abbey and Risley;
  • Christine Nowak to serve in the Benefice of Whitfield;
  • Nick Parish to serve in the Benefice of Derby St Peter and Christ Church with Holy Trinity;
  • Becky Reeve to serve in the Benefice of Walbrook Epiphany;
  • Charlotte Wallington to serve in the Benefice of Hathersage with Bamford and Derwent, and Grindleford.


ordination of deacons 2022

The eight new deacons are:

  • Fiona Barber to serve in the Benefice of Sinfin Moor;
  • Elliot George to serve in the Benefice of Dronfield with Holmesfield;
  • Josephine Harbidge to serve in the Benefice of Walton St John;
  • Samantha Mackie to serve in the Benefice of Swadlincote and Hartshorn,  the Benefice of Newhall and the Benefice of Gresley;
  • Fay Price to serve in the Benefice of Derby St Alkmund and St Werburgh;
  • Rhiannon Singleton to serve in the Benefice of Holy Trinity, Dinting Vale, the Benefice of Charlesworth and Gamesley, the Benefice of Glossop, the Benefice of Hadfield and the Benefice of Whitfield;
  • Lisa Taylor to serve in the Benefice of Hulland, Atlow, Kniveton, Bradley and Hognaston;
  • Catherine Watson to serve in the St Werburgh’s Derby Mission Initiative.
Last modified on Tuesday, 19 July 2022 12:11

The ‘Seeing Creation’ exhibition was held on the 1-2 May 2022 at Hathersage Parish Church.

Inspired by creation it focused on six areas including textile creativity, visual arts,shaping with wood, caring for creation, children’s crafts and hospitality.

Here Bernard Madden from the organising team shares his reflection on the success of the event.

Textiles: From displaying existing and contemporary church and personal textiles to a busy table of lace making and cross-stitching workshops led by experienced hands, the area was abuzz with those trying out new skills.

Visual arts: Here we displayed how contemporary mainstream national artists capture aspects of the Christian faith; and about twenty local invited artists and photographers displayed their work.

It was heartening to see the creative talent all around us being shared with an appreciative audience.

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Shaping with wood: This was hugely popular; under the careful instruction of a church member with his band fret saw, every age enjoyed having a go at cutting some creatureshape for themselves.

A lovely take-away!

Caring for creation: It was important to show how seriously we as a church take this.

Both A Rocha / Eco Church and local Climate Action Group enthusiasts were on hand to inform and encourage - and to give away something to plant!

Children’s crafts: Central in the church was a large table-top cardboard model reflecting our surrounding Hope Valley. 

All ages enjoyed making a tree from a paper bag, decorating with colourful leaves and ‘planting’ it on the model and taking a scripture verse card. ‘The leavesare for the healing of the nations’.

Clay model-making proved popular with the children.

Our schoolchildren painted their self-portraits on paper plates strung overhead.

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Hospitality: We ensured that Welcomers were always at the door and refreshments constantly available in the church (importantly, not in a separate room, and by donation rather than charge).

This proved to be ‘the glue’ in the event – binding each aspect together with opportunity to stay around, relax and chat. ‘Practice hospitality’ (1 Peter 4:9)!


Positive vibes

We had worked hard, transformed how the church looked - clearing away some of the flexible pews, hanging banners and displays – but were rewarded with much appreciation as well as good insights into how many ‘see church’.

One remarked: “This is how I remember church: being together and having space to chat and enjoy time here.”

Others: ‘Wonderful to visit such a vibrant and creative community.’

‘Lovely welcoming … What a fabulous use of church facilities.’

At the entrance were the words: ‘Jesus is Lord! Creation’s voice proclaims it!’

Yes, and the same Lord who made each of us gave us gifts for sharing and encouraging and testifying to all that He has given us.

As our vicar, Paul Moore, reminded us in our opening service: “Now get out and see all the wonder, beauty and glory of God all around us that He has so generously created”.

Bernard Madden and event team.

hathersage seeing creation trees 2022

Last modified on Thursday, 29 September 2022 11:48

Archdeacons-designate Carol, Karen and Matthew will begin their new ministries when they are installed and collated in Derby Cathedral on Sunday, 12th June 2022 at 5.15pm.

All the clergy and laity of the diocese are warmly invited to attend.

This service represents a key strategic moment in the life of our diocese as we develop from having two archdeaconries to three, enabling the greater support of parishes and other ministries.

Each of the new archdeacons will be collated by the Bishop to their new role and the Dean of Derby will place them in their stalls within the cathedral.

We very much hope you will be able to attend this service and support the archdeacons, bishop and the diocese as we embark on this new strategic way of working for the future.

Bishop Libby said: “I am very excited by the energy, experience, expertise and commitment the new archdeacons will bring to their roles. 

“They are all passionate about ‘everyday faith’ and bring understanding of the complexities and opportunities of parish ministry, and of the opportunities and challenges in aspects of mission and ministry that are not parish specific. 

“They also have the capacity to think and work on a wider canvas with flair and imagination and are committed to fostering a culture of diversity.

"I am looking forward to working with them as we commit ourselves to joining in with what God is doing in transforming lives through growing church and building community. 

“Please keep Matthew, Karen and Carol in your prayers as they navigate their new roles and responsibilities.”


New archdeaconry areas

The three new archdeaconry areas will legally come into being on 6 June 2022 and have been shaped to reflect the significant missional contexts of our diocese, serving our rural, urban, and emerging post-industrial communities.  

The shaping of the new archdeaconries better reflects the different demographic and cultural contexts of our diocese, but each is diverse and complex with a mixture of communities and experience.  

The statutory responsibilities of the archdeacons will be delivered within their geographical boundaries, and, in addition, they will champion the demographic predominant in their respective archdeaconries across the whole diocese:  

  • The Archdeaconry of Derby City and South Derbyshire includes our largest urban context, and Archdeacon-designate Matthew Trick will champion mission and ministry in all urban contexts across the whole
  • The Archdeaconry of East Derbyshire encompasses many emerging and changing post-industrial communities, and Archdeacon-designate Karen Hamblin will champion mission and ministry in such contexts across the whole diocese
  • The Archdeaconry of Derbyshire Peak and Dales is largely rural with market town communities, and the Venerable Carol Coslett (currently Archdeacon of Chesterfield) will champion mission and ministry in such contexts across the diocese.

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Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:02

Visitors to Derby Cathedral can now see ‘Peace Doves’, a large-scale art installation which will be on display until 12 June.

The installation was created by renowned sculptor and artist Peter Walker and features more than 8,000 paper doves suspended on ribbons above the nave, accompanied by a tranquil soundscape from composer David Harper.

The paper doves have been decorated with messages of peace, hope and love – many of which have been created by members of local community and wellbeing groups who have joined workshops run by Derby community arts organisation Artcore, and the general public.

The mass participation community arts project has also involved schools across the city and county who have made their own Peace Dove displays with the support of Peter Walker’s education and arts team.

The exhibition opening will mark the start of a diverse events programme across the city with an array of free and ticketed events, workshops, talks and concerts.

The Very Revd Dr Peter Robinson, Dean of Derby, said: “The last major art installation in the Cathedral was ‘Museum of the Moon’ in autumn 2019 which drew thousands of visitors to the Cathedral and had such a positive impact on the neighbouring Cathedral Quarter and the wider city centre.

“We were keen to recreate the positivity and beauty that a major art installation brings to the magnificent space in the heart of Derby Cathedral and were delighted when we secured artist Peter Walker to bring ‘Peace Doves’ to the city.”

He continued that the messages behind Peace Doves were even more powerful in light of the continued crisis in Ukraine.

He said: “Our original driver for bringing ‘Peace Doves’ to Derby Cathedral was to create a unique piece which reflects the thoughts and feelings of local people from all faiths, ages and backgrounds following such a turbulent time for everyone during the pandemic.

“Now, with war continuing in Ukraine and the value that we all place on peace being uppermost in our minds, the messages behind Peace Doves have even greater poignancy.

“We look forward to welcoming people to the cathedral and we hope that visitors will encounter peace and the space to reflect on the past two years and the suffering that Ukrainian people are now experiencing.”

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Peace Doves was first staged at Lichfield Cathedral in 2018 when it was designed to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War. 

It was also installed at Liverpool Cathedral in 2021 and attracted more than 150,000 visitors.

Peter Walker said: “I am delighted to bring Peace Doves to Derby Cathedral.  Previous installations have been very well received and have created a prideful sense of community and togetherness.

"Sometimes, art has the ability to transcend just being an object and become the focus of our collective sentiments. That is the purpose of Peace Doves, which allows thousands of people to create, and express their own personal emotions as part of an ensemble which produces a beautiful final composition, and a series of smaller community works.

“It allows us not just see an artwork but to be part of it, to contemplate peace, as we think of those whose lives are so tragically affected by the many ordeals of life, from the tragic situation in Ukraine, and conflicts abroad to the many issues affecting people in this country, as well as those we love and who are close to us".

He added: “Nearly every message on the doves is not about one person, but about the community, the city, and the bigger picture. This artwork is designed really, by me, but it has been made by the people of Derby and Derbyshire.”

Peace Doves will be in place until 12th June 2022 and, throughout the exhibition, entry to the Cathedral will be free of charge although a suggested donation of £3 per person is requested which will go towards the care and work of Derby Cathedral helping to keep its doors open for all.

Booking is encouraged through Derby Cathedral’s Eventbrite page  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/peace-doves-at-derby-cathedral-tickets-239993104837?aff=ebdsoporgprofile  as entry will be restricted at certain times eg: during services, private events and concerts.   

Peace Doves at Derby Cathedral is funded by Arts Council England, Westhill Endowment, Cathedral Quarter Business Improvement District (BID), Derby City Council and Foundation Derbyshire.

For more information about Peace Doves at Derby Cathedral please visit https://derbycathedral.org/peacedoves/

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Last modified on Monday, 25 April 2022 16:26

A series of reflections for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day.

Palm Sunday

What do we look for in a leader amidst the violence, anguish and confusion of our world today?

Physical strength, smooth talking, intelligence or the common touch?

Or would we welcome anyone who might make things a little better?

Perhaps this is how it was for the crowds of Jewish pilgrims who travelled the difficult desert road up from Jericho to Jerusalem, shortly before Passover so many years ago.

From the top of the Mount of Olives, they would have gained their first glimpse of the ‘City of Peace’.

Thankfulness and awe would have welled up from deep in their hearts as they began to sing the great pilgrim psalms of praise and victory.

Then suddenly a man appeared amongst them on the road.

Some said he was a wise teacher from Galilee in the north, a miracle-worker and healer; some said he was the Messiah, a long-awaited liberator who would drive out the Romans and make Israel great again.

Others claimed he was a peace-maker, riding a young donkey in fulfilment of ancient prophecies.

Some said he was Jesus, the one who saves.

Crowds hacked palm branches from the trees, waving and crying out in welcome.

Some spread their cloaks on the road for him to ride over. Excitement mounted. What was going to happen?

Hopes were soon dashed. This was no glorious liberation or victory.

Apparently the man was just another trouble-maker with no respect for Law or Temple.

A quick arrest and trial; another miserable cross on Golgotha…

End of story - or was it?

Who was this Jesus? Many today are still asking the same question, drawn by his compelling journey to the cross - and beyond.

Perhaps here is a leader we can follow?


April McIntyre
Derby Cathedral Café Writers’ Group
St. Michael’s Church, Breaston

Maundy Thursday

As Christians, on Maundy Thursday we remember Jesus ‘new commandment’ to love one another as he has loved us, and we commemorate the institution of the Lord's supper.

Additionally in some churches on Maundy Thursday, in memory of Christ’s action at the Last Supper, foot washing takes place.

I’ve been reflecting on John’s recounting of Peter’s reaction to Jesus approaching him to wash his feet, what it says about him, and the example he presents to us.

Because I sometimes wonder if Peter gets a bad press – often he’s thought of as someone who speaks hastily, without really thinking about what he is saying.

But I often reflect that even in those moments of speaking hastily he reveals a heart that, though it may not always have understood, revered and deeply loved Jesus.

And the same is true in this instance.

Foot washing was the job of the lowliest person in the room.

So naturally for Peter the idea of Jesus undertaking this role would be unthinkable - Jesus was his Lord, not his servant. So he argues.

But when Jesus replies that the alternative is for Peter to have no share with him, Peter immediately wants to be completely washed by Jesus - not just his feet.

His love and strength of desire for relationship with Christ shine through his reply.

Though he perhaps didn’t realise it at the time, Peter desired what was accomplished on the cross. A complete washing away of his sin.

Foot washing is an intimate action.

It is possible to feel quite vulnerable when someone washes your feet.

And I wonder what my reaction would be if Christ had approached me as he approached Peter that day.

I hope that it would resemble the strength of honour and love that Peter showed:  ‘Lord, not my feet only…’


Charlotte Wallington
Benefice of Hathersage, Bamford with Derwent, and Grindleford

Good Friday

What do we do when our prayers have gone unanswered, our hopes have been left hanging and our dreams are dry and withering?

Jesus’ disciples had to face this very challenge on the day that they saw their saviour hanging on a cross dying.

He was supposed to save them.

He was supposed to set them free.

He was supposed to fulfill the promise long waited for.

They had given up everything to follow him because they believed that he was the one.

He had healed, spoken and loved like no man they had ever seen.

And hadn’t they seen him stand alongside Elijah and Moses? Robed in white as though heaven was touching earth?

How could they have fallen so far in such a short space of time?

How could things have gone so wrong?

The thing is… they couldn’t have known the hope that was embedded in the cross.

They couldn’t have known the healing that this one action would release.

They had no clue that this moment of incredible loss would lead to freedom for all creation.

They just needed to look beyond their moment to see that God had a larger salvation than they could have possibly imagined.

They needed to see past their own lives to see that their land, their people weren’t the only ones that needed to be set free.

They needed to extend their vision to see that promises are always fulfilled… in God’s time.

But it is hard, and we are tired.

When our prayers go unanswered, we can become so transfixed in this moment that we forget to remember that God is eternal. We can hang all our hopes on such fragile things, forgetting that God holds the whole universe in his hands, and we can trust him to hold our lives there too.

And, when our dreams die, as they sometimes do. We forget to ask God to give us new dreams. Dreams bigger than this moment, bigger than our own land our own ‘world’. Dreams that will go beyond our time and reach into eternity.

Good Friday is good because it isn’t the end.

Let us hold on to the hope that wherever we are in this moment, it isn’t the end but the beginning.


Debbie Patrick
Reader - Swadlincote and Hartshorne
Gresley and Newhall

Easter Day

The experience of the past two years of Covid, and now of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, causing terrible suffering there and repercussions for people across the globe, have changed the atmosphere of our lives and of our time.

It is harder for people to be optimistic.

People are tired, anxious, and fearful.

On the positive side, there is much kindness and sympathy for those at the sharp end.

Offers of hospitality to refugees, donations given and sent – all this follows hard on the heels of the dedication of so many key workers, so much appreciated in the thick of the pandemic.

If we are to win through in these times, it will be because of love.

In 1930 Russian communist leader Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin, one of the most feared and powerful men of his time, travelled from Moscow to Kyiv to promote the atheist teaching of his party.

Speaking to a large crowd he heaped as many insults as he could upon the Church and the Christian faith.

He appealed to the people of Kyiv to reject Christ, and embrace atheism.

At the end of the meeting the local parish priest stood and calmly dismissed the crowd with the usual Orthodox easter greeting - Christ is Risen!

The crowd thundered back in response – ‘He is risen indeed – Alleluia!’

Russian Orthodox have looked to Kyiv as the origin of their faith, since in 988AD Vladimir the Great, whose sculpture stands outside the Kremlin, was baptised there, leading to the majority of the Russian and Slavic peoples turning to Christ.

Jesus wept for Jerusalem.

I am sure he has wept for Kyiv.

At this new turning point, perhaps, in world history, we must look to Jesus who by the cross faced down the powers of darkness, violence and evil, suffering apparent defeat, before rising to victory, ‘disarming the principalities and powers’. (Colossians 2.15)

How did he do this?

By faithfulness to God, by humble service, by costly self sacrifice, by love.

Our thoughts this Easter must be with those traumatised by violence and evil, and our faith, hope, and love turned into prayer and action that can change the world.

Remember, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in us.

Love wins.


Malcolm Macnaughton
Bishop of Repton

Last modified on Monday, 11 April 2022 11:55

Christ Church, Hulland has received a Bronze Eco Church award after 12 months of work.

The award entailed working through the online survey of environmentally friendly actions in five areas: worship, church building, land, community & global engagement and lifestyle. 

They chose actions that were suitable for their church and didn’t require financial outlay. Four of the initiatives carried out included:

  • A collection point in the church porch for empty medication blister packs. The packs are taken for recycling instead of ending up in land fill. The money raised is donated to Marie Curie. This has proven so popular that people from the village are engaged and visiting the church which strengthens the diocese vision to build communities.
  • Displaying notices by the benches in the churchyard to encourage people to use the churchyard for peaceful contemplation.
  • Registering as a Fairtrade church, meaning they use fairly traded products where possible and promote Fairtrade. A community event was held over Fairtrade Fortnight with Fairtrade stalls and publications, as well as showcasing village community groups. Eco-friendly activities were provided for children and an eco-quiz produced food for thought for adults.  Money was raised both for Tearfund to tackle issues resulting from climate change and the DEC Ukraine appeal.
  • The Christ Church weekly newsletter always contains an eco-tip.

Penny Northall, Eco Church lead and PCC member of Christ Church, Hulland, said: “I would like to thank our Rector, Revd Phil Michell, and the PCC for being so supportive in this eco-church endeavour. 

"We are excited to now be working towards a silver award.”

>> Become an Eco Church

Stella Collishaw, Community Action Officer at the Diocese of Derby, said: “I am so pleased that Christ Church Hulland has engaged in the Eco Church scheme, and we are making progress as a diocese even in anxious times.

"This parish has brought people of all ages from the local community on board.

"It is helpful to know that they have tackled it from their own starting point, building on what they already do: mission giving, recycling and activities for children.

"It is so fabulous to see them taking on this challenge.

"If anyone needs encouragement to join in, take heart from this example, and be in touch with me for help if you need it.”

Last modified on Thursday, 29 September 2022 11:49

Faith leaders representing the majority of communities in Derby and Derbyshire gathered in Derby Cathedral on Sunday to pray together and show support for the people of Ukraine and Ukrainian communities everywhere.

The leaders included representatives of Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Jewish, and Quaker communities.

They also lit candles and signed a Book of Solidarity.

A group of musicians from the Ukrainian community led a performance of some traditional Ukrainian music.

Among the leaders was the Very Revd Father David Senyk, Parish Priest of Saint Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church in Derby, who spoke about the challenges faced by the Ukrainian community and the very real sense of fear and horror faced by all Ukrainians. 

>> See photos from the Vigil for Ukraine at Derby Cathedral

He said: "Most of all I want to thank you for your love... for the love you have shown in many different ways.

"The response and support of the British public to the horrors of war going on in Ukraine has been nothing short of tremendous.

"As a Ukrainian community in Derby, we have been overwhelmed with people reaching out with words of comfort and offers of help in various forms."

Father David Senyk in Derby Cathedral

The Very Revd Father David Senyk spoke of the effects the war in Ukraine has had on Ukrainians everywhere

And speaking after the hour-long vigil, the Very Reverend Doctor Peter Robinson, Dean of Derby, said: "It was a privilege for Derby Cathedral to host the event and to take part in something that we will remember for many years to come.

"Thank you to everyone who made a contribution to the readings, prayers, reflections and music which all wove together to make the vigil work so well. 

"It was a very precious and humbling moment for so many faith representatives and members of all communities to gather before God to pray and show their support for everyone who is affected by this terrible crisis."

Sunday's vigil was organised with the support of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and the Derby branch of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain, and co-ordinated by Derby's Multi-Faith Centre.

Faith leaders and representatives at the vigil included:

Burhaan Ishmail Khandia, Muslim representative

Dr Hardial Singh Dhillon, the Guru Arjan Dev Gurdwara, Derby

Mr Shain Bali, Hindu Temple Geeta Bhawan, Derby

Eve Sacker, Interfaith Representative, Nottingham Liberal Synagogue

Iryna Dobrowolskyj, Chair of the Ukrainian Community Association, Derby Branch

Joe Kupranec and musicians

Melvin Harris and Alan Barker, Quaker Religious Society of Friends, Nottingham and Derbyshire

The Right Reverend Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby

The Right Reverend Patrick Joseph McKinney, Bishop of Nottingham

The Very Revd Father David Senyk, Parish Priest of Saint Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church in Derby.

 Also present were Colonel John S Wilson OBE DL, Vice Lord-Lieutenant for Derbyshire, and Councillor Alan Grimadell, Deputy Mayor of Derby.

>> See photos from the Vigil for Ukraine at Derby Cathedral

ukrainian musicians in Derby Cathedral

Last modified on Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:05

The Right Reverend Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby, has announced the three archdeacons who will help oversee and shape ministry in the Diocese of Derby. 

The Archdeacon of Derby City and South Derbyshire will be the Reverend Matthew Trick.

Matthew is currently the Vicar of Ringwood with Ellingham & Harbridge and St Leonards & St Ives and Assistant Area Dean of Christchurch Deanery in the Diocese of Winchester.

He will have responsibility for parishes in the City of Derby and South Derbyshire, from Quarndon and Breadsall in the north to Netherseal and Lullington in the south.

Matthew will champion mission and ministry in city and urban contexts throughout the diocese. 

>> Meet Archdeacon-designate Matthew 

The Archdeacon of East Derbyshire will be the Reverend Canon Karen Hamblin.

Karen is currently the Priest-in-Charge of Brampton St Mark, in Chesterfield, and Area Dean for North East Derbyshire.

She will have responsibility for parishes in the eastern region of the diocese, from Dronfield and Eckington in the north to Sawley and Long Eaton in the south, including Chesterfield.

Karen will champion mission and ministry in emerging and transitional communities across the whole diocese. 

>> Meet Archdeacon-designate Karen

And the Archdeacon of Derbyshire Peak and Dales will be the Venerable Carol Coslett.

Carol has served as the Archdeacon of Chesterfield for the past four years.

She will have responsibility for the western region of the diocese, from Hadfield and Glossop in the north to Sudbury and Egginton in the south, and as champion for rural and market town mission and ministry in the diocese. 

>> Meet Archdeacon Carol 


On making the appointments, Bishop Libby said: “I am very excited by the energy, experience, expertise and commitment the new archdeacons will bring to their roles. 

“They are all passionate about ‘everyday faith’ and bring understanding of the complexities and opportunities of parish ministry, and of the opportunities and challenges in aspects of mission and ministry that are not parish specific. 

“They also have the capacity to think and work on a wider canvas with flair and imagination and are committed to fostering a culture of diversity.

"I am looking forward to working with them as we commit ourselves to joining in with what God is doing in transforming lives through growing church and building community. 

“Please keep Matthew, Karen and Carol in your prayers as they navigate their new roles and responsibilities.” 

The new archdeacons are expected to formally take up their new roles in early June. 

The appointments come as the diocese embarks on a process of transformation to shape structures, sustain resources and equip people for mission.

Part of this process is the move from two archdeaconries to three, which will legally come into effect on 6 June 2022. 

New archdeaconry areas

The three new archdeaconry areas, which will legally come into being on 6 June 2022, have been shaped to reflect the significant missional contexts of our diocese, serving our rural, urban, and emerging post-industrial communities.  

The shaping of the new archdeaconries better reflects the different demographic and cultural contexts of our diocese, but each is diverse and complex with a mixture of communities and experience.  

The statutory responsibilities of the archdeacons will be delivered within their geographical boundaries, and, in addition, they will champion the demographic predominant in their respective archdeaconries across the whole diocese:  

    • The Archdeaconry of Derby City and South Derbyshire includes our largest urban context, and Archdeacon-designate Matthew Trick will champion mission and ministry in all urban contexts across the whole
    • The Archdeaconry of East Derbyshire encompasses many emerging and changing post-industrial communities, and Archdeacon-designate Karen Hamblin will champion mission and ministry in such contexts across the whole diocese
    • The Archdeaconry of Derbyshire Peak and Dales is largely rural with market town communities, and the Venerable Carol Coslett (currently Archdeacon of Chesterfield) will champion mission and ministry in such contexts across the diocese. 

outline map of archdeaconry areas 2022


  Meet Matthew Trick

The Reverend Matthew Trick:
Archdeacon-designate of Derby City and South Derbyshire

Currently Vicar of Ringwood with Ellingham & Harbridge and St Leonards & St Ives and Assistant Area Dean of Christchurch Deanery in the Diocese of Winchester.

I am excited to be joining the Diocese of Derby and working towards our shared vision: The Kingdom of God, Good News for All and serving the people of the diocese in faith, hope and love.  

Being new to both the diocese and Derbyshire, I look forward to getting out and about early on, meeting ordained and lay colleagues and discovering the churches and communities of Derby City and South Derbyshire - so please get your invitations in! 

I was born in South Wales and am a proud Welshman who for the last decade has lived and ministered in England.  

I am married to Sarah, a chartered accountant, and have two young children: Izzy aged 6 and Henry aged 3.  

I started attending St Illtyds Church, Llantwit Major, aged 16 and the warmth of welcome and community persuaded me to stay.  

I came to personal faith in Jesus Christ on an Alpha Course at St Mikes Church, Aberystwyth, where I studied as an undergraduate.  

Prior to ordination I worked for Lloyds TSB in their Business Banking division.   

I trained for ordination at the then St Michael’s College, Llandaff, Cardiff and found it deeply enriching to train alongside baptist and methodist students. My ordained ministry has encompassed affluent market towns with connected suburban and rural communities, areas of significant deprivation and major new housing developments.

Ecumenism has shaped my ministry to date both informally through local Churches Together groups and formally as the Minister of a four-way LEP. 

For the last couple of years, I have been an assistant area dean working with ordained and lay colleagues and diocesan senior staff to develop collegiately and mission across Christchurch Deanery.  
I believe Jesus transforms individuals and communities through local churches, and my passion is releasing churches to be agents of the Kingdom of God, growing the common good in their communities.

Academically I am interested in Anglican Social Theology and Christian leadership and am currently undertaking a Masters in Theology & Ministry with Cranmer Hall, Durham.

I am a Novice of the Third Order of the Society of St Francis and the words of God to St Francis "Go and rebuild my church” have been a source of inspiration for my ministry.  
Having always lived by the sea, our move to Derby will be only the second time we have been land-locked, but with so much to explore we are looking forward to getting out and walking in the diocese.  

Sarah and I are foodies and look forward to sharing food and fellowship with ordained and lay colleagues.

Balancing the demands of ministry with family life is important to us, and as a family we are no strangers to soft play centres and other family attractions. 

  Meet Karen Hamblin

The Reverend Canon Karen Hamblin:
Archdeacon-designate of East Derbyshire

Currently Priest-in-charge of Brampton St Mark and Area Dean of Northeast Derbyshire in the Diocese of Derby.

I am excited about working with people, churches and communities across the new archdeaconry wherever they are: in workplaces, in schools, at home and in churches to see God’s Kingdom come more and more.

I relish the challenge and I know that God will highlight priorities and will go ahead of me as together we try to work more effectively, growing what we already have and developing new ways of being church to reach new, emerging and transitioning communities.  

I was born in London and grew up with the Salvation Army as a backdrop to my life as both sets of grandparents were officers and we were involved as a family.

We moved to Dorset when I was 15, which is where I met my future husband, Andy (and also where I became an Anglican). Andy and I have three adult children and are blessed with a six-year-old granddaughter.  

After going to the University of Durham, I moved to Derby in 1983 to start a career in teaching, but I also started working in local churches, including St Alkmund’s, where I became Children’s and Youth Worker and then a lay member of the leadership team.

It was there that I had my lightbulb moment as I believe I heard God ask me to be ordained.

It took a while to persuade me, but it was time to move.  

So off I went to study at St John’s Nottingham; I was ordained in 2007 and served my curacy in Long Eaton.

And so began my priestly journey – both spiritually and also literally up the M1 as in 2011 I became Team Vicar of Pilsley in the North Wingfield team and, in 2016, Priest-in-charge at Brampton St Mark’s in Chesterfield and Area Dean of North East Derbyshire.

I had started at Junction 25 and ended up at Junction 29!  

Maybe then there is a sense of fulfilment that I will now serve as Archdeacon of East Derbyshire, an area defined to an extent by the M1 corridor, with a rich mining and industrial heritage, but with areas of deprivation, emergence and transition alongside rural ones - a real mixture full of life, challenge and possibility. 

For me, faith is about knowing that I am totally loved and accepted and that, despite all my imperfections, God chooses to set his hope in me as I serve and work with Him and for Him alongside others.

Our lives, our churches and communities need the hope that He alone can bring. 

I am passionate about the environment, and I love growing vegetables.

I enjoy a good walk and live in one of the best counties for doing that (but I do love the coast as well, so sometimes walk there!) I love spending time with family, who live reasonably close, and any spare time gets used reading modern fiction, sewing, cooking, seeing friends or just chilled in front of the TV.  

What lights me up more than anything else as a follower of Jesus, and as a leader, is prayerfully helping to connect things: people, places, situations, stories and then stepping back to see God's Spirit at work, bringing fresh life – new possibilities, new & renewed relationships growing and flourishing under His care and direction. 

Let’s do that together and see God's Kingdom come more and more amongst us. 

  Meet Carol Coslett

The Venerable Carol Coslett:
Archdeacon-designate of Derbyshire Peak and Dales

Currently Archdeacon of Chesterfield in the Diocese of Derby.

I am hugely looking forward to deepening my relationship with the north-western area of the diocese as well as getting to know the south-western area better. And I am blessed to be working in some of the most beautiful areas of Derbyshire. 

More than anything, I am privileged to be working with wonderful people and communities the length of the west side of the diocese (though I will miss the north-eastern deaneries that I have also been working in for the past four years). 

But beautiful towns, pretty villages and wonderful people do not mean that the Derbyshire Peak and Dales doesn’t have its share of problems and challenges. 

Rural communities, particularly farming communities, often suffer from the effects of isolation; they are more prone to the devasting effects of climate change and economic uncertainty. 

I see myself being the eyes and ears of the bishop in the archdeaconry, its parishes and in rural communities throughout the diocese – helping to work out problems, supporting communities, assisting with strategies and looking after church buildings and legalities.  

This archdeaconry welcomes most of the county's 45 million visitors a year. It is largely rural and home to the nation’s first National Park. County and borough councils are in Matlock and Buxton, and other market towns are significant in local life.  

Whilst Inherited models of mission and ministry continue to be fruitful and greatly treasured, there is also appetite to discover new and complementary ways to grow church and build community for residents and visitors.  

One of the priorities must be to work together to ensure the Church stays fit for the future and I hope to support the churches and one another in the community and build our Church for the next generation.  

If we are to leave a wonderful legacy for those who come after us, we have to nurture the church family to meet the needs of people we are serving. 

I joined the Diocese of Derby from the Diocese of Southwark, where I served as a parish priest and acting archdeacon. 

And having been a teacher before my ordination in 2003, I also enjoy and intend to spend time in schools.  

I am married to Martyn and we have two grown-up children.  

Away from work, I enjoy swimming, baking and walking as well as amateur dramatics and singing. 

Last modified on Wednesday, 18 May 2022 13:18

Derby Cathedral will host a public interfaith vigil for Ukraine on Sunday, 3rd April.

Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Jewish, and Quaker representatives are scheduled to speak at the vigil which starts at 3pm, and everyone in attendance will have the opportunity to light a candle, reflect in silence and sign the Book of Solidarity.

The vigil has been organised with the support of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and the Derby branch of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain,, and co-ordinated by Derby's Multi-Faith Centre.

Peter Robinson, the Dean of Derby said: "What people in Ukraine have experienced is beyond comprehension.

"This vigil is a way for people of all faiths and none to show their support for all those affected by this crisis. It is an opportunity for everyone to offer their prayers to God that all those affected should find comfort, that there will be an immediate end to bloodshed and a speedy and peaceful resolution.

"The fact that this demonstration of support is coming from different faith traditions is, I think, especially powerful and an opportunity for faiths to both pray and work together for the common good."

According to research carried out by the International Organisation for Migration between 9 and 16 March, the United Nations refugee agency estimates ten million people have now fled their homes in Ukraine because of the Russian invasion. As well as the 3.6 million who have left for neighbouring countries, another estimated 6.5 million people are thought to be displaced inside the war-torn country itself.

Peter Robinson, Dean of Derby Cathedral comments: "What people in Ukraine have experienced is beyond comprehension. This vigil is a way for people of all faiths and none to show their support for all those affected by this crisis. It is an opportunity for everyone to offer their prayers to God that all those affected should find comfort, that there will be an immediate end to bloodshed and a speedy and peaceful resolution. The fact that this demonstration of support is coming from different faith traditions is, I think, especially powerful and an opportunity for faiths to both pray and work together for the common good".

Around ten faiths will be represented at the vigil, a hugely significant moment for both cathedral and city.

Dr Vivekanand Sharma, Temple Priest at Hindu Temple Geeta Bhawan in Derby, said: “The suffering and pain of the Ukrainian people is felt by the Hindu Community and we sincerely pray that a lasting solution to the current crisis is found very soon and life returns to as normal as could be under the circumstances. On behalf of the Hindu Temple and Membership, we pray for peace and tolerance in Ukraine”.

Chief Imam, Mufti Hafiz Fazal Ahmed Qadri from Derby Jamia Mosque, said: "We believe there's power in prayer. We're not going to change the course of events, but we can certainly express our pain and our commiseration with the people of Ukraine.

"We stand united with all those affected by war and conflict in Ukraine, Kashmir, Afghanistan and many other places around the world."

Last modified on Tuesday, 05 April 2022 16:26


We have all been shocked and moved by the unfolding crisis in Ukraine and many people are looking for ways they can help.

You won't be surprised to hear that the vast majority of parishes in the Diocese of Derby have initiated some form of appeal to help the people of Ukraine who are suffering so much - the latest figures from the Disasters Emergency Committee estimate that around 2.5 million people have fled their homes to escape conflict in their homeland.

It is thought that more than 18 million people will be affected by the conflict.

We are receiving scores of questions about whether empty rooms in parsonages - and vacant parsonages - can be offered to house Ukrainian refugees.

The Church of England is expected to offer guidance on this issue at the end of this week.

Meanwhile, the C of E has produced a toolkit for churches responding to the crisis in Ukraine [PDF] and some advice on the Homes For Ukraine Scheme.

Further guidance can be found here.



Many agencies are now saying that transporting donations of goods to Ukraine and the neighbouring countries who are receiving refugees is not cost effective and impractical with many lorries now backed up at borders and unable to deliver.

Please avoid organising charitable collection of toys, clothes and bedding as this is often inappropriate and not what is most needed.

So the main way to support is through donating money to charities already set up to co-ordinate funds where they are needed the most.

USPG and the Church of England Diocese in Europe have launched an emergency appeal to get aid to people in desperate need because of the invasion of Ukraine.

Funds raised by the appeal will support Christian charities and churches carrying out humanitarian work both in Ukraine and responding to the arrival of refugees in neighbouring countries.

To find out more and to donate to the UPSG and Church of England Diocese in Europe Emergency Appeal Fund click here.

The other recommended route is via The Disasters Emergency Committee. Your gift will help provide food, bedding and temporary accommodation for people who have fled the conflict in Ukraine.



Churches across the diocese continue to hold prayer vigils which you can join.

The Church of England website also has a page of resources including prayers and readings chosen for prayer services for Ukraine.

The UK government has announced it is developing a new humanitarian sponsorship programme that will allow an unlimited number of Ukrainian families to come to the UK.

The Sanctuary Foundation is asking individuals, community groups, churches, schools and businesses to register their interest in becoming a sponsor when the scheme is developed.

Find out more about how you can get involved here.

Last modified on Tuesday, 05 April 2022 16:29

The Church of England and the Diocese of Derby are supporting the National Day of Reflection on Wednesday, 23 March 2022, the second anniversary of the first UK lockdown, to commemorate the tragic loss of life and to stand together with everyone who’s grieving, whether as a result of Covid or other causes.

Organised by Marie Curie, the National Day of Reflection looks to reflect on our collective loss, support those who've been bereaved, and hope for a brighter future. 

How can churches get involved? 

  • Include it in your notices and prayers on Sunday, 20 March 2022. Prayer and intercession resources are available that use the key words – reflect, support, hope.
  • Share the Light at 8.00pm by lighting a candle in placing it in your window.
  • Host or visit a Wall of Reflection
  • Display your daffodil
  • Put up posters in your community, raising awareness.
  • Toll the church bell just after noon to mark the end of the minute’s silence.
  • Email/print and send the prayer postcard to anyone and everyone to use at home on that day.
  • Light a special candle in the church and say the prayer – record it on your phone or tablet and share the film on social media.
  • Encourage people to phone or send a card to anyone who may feel bereaved.
  • Involve the local school and encourage them to use the simple prayer at noon or to colour daffodil cards and deliver them to a local care home.
  • Invite people to plant a seed, a bulb or bush as a sign of hope.
  • Invite people to tie yellow ribbons to a prayer tree or railings as a sign of their prayer and support for all who are bereaved.
  • Open your church for private prayer.

 >> More information and resources on Church Support Hub 

>> Marie Curie National Day of Reflection website 

Last modified on Friday, 25 March 2022 13:28

The Rt Revd Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby, and the Rt Revd Malcolm Macnaughton, Bishop of Repton, stand with the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in condemning the invasion of Ukraine and calling for prayers for all those affected.

In a joint statement, the archbishops said: "The horrific and unprovoked attack on Ukraine is an act of great evil.  

“Placing our trust in Jesus Christ, the author of peace, we pray for an urgent ceasefire and a withdrawal of Russian forces.  

"We call for a public decision to choose the way of peace and an international conference to secure long term agreements for stability and lasting peace.

“We invite Christians to make this Sunday a day for prayer for Ukraine, Russia and for peace. 

“We also give our support to the call from Pope Francis for a global day of prayer and fasting for peace on Ash Wednesday, March 2.”

>> Download: A prayer for the crisis in Ukraine - from 24-7 Prayer [.zip folder]

For those of you who may have been considering fundraising or other personal support but are unsure how to direct this, one of several new humanitarian appeals is open at https://donate.redcross.org.uk/appeal/ukraine-crisis-appeal

Last modified on Tuesday, 05 April 2022 16:32

In October last year, Jane Foster, Relationship Manager at The Children’s Society visited All Saints Church Wingerworth who have raised a spectacular £28,292.20 to support The Children’s Society’s work.

She gave them an update on how their hard work is making a difference.

Kay Duckett, a Reader at All Saints Wingerworth (pictured), distributed Children’s Society prayer cards and exhibited a brilliant display that highlighted the societies work.

Jane Foster, said: “Right now, thousands of young people find themselves trapped forced into crime and sexual abuse by criminal gangs.

"They’re living in fear of what comes next. They see no way out. But our project workers in the East Midlands are there to help.

“From motivational messages to hour-long calls, working with police and other agencies to ensure safeguarding and sharing of intelligence, they can be the positive influence that young people are missing.

"And with generous support, they can be on-hand for as long as it takes to help young people see that the future is theirs to own.”

Bishop Libby, who is Vice Chair of Trustees of The Children’s Society, commented: “This is amazing. The Children Society are brave, ambitious, trusted and supportive in their work with some of the most vulnerable young people in our communities.

"This is the work of the Kingdom – at the heart of which, Jesus tells us, are such children. On behalf of The Children’s Society, and the children we work with, I extend my sincerest thanks to those at All Saints Wingerworth: this example of generous Christian faith in action is transforming lives for good.”


Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:04

The new Royal School of Church Music Derbyshire Area Team has now been commissioned and we’re delighted to introduce them. The role of the Area Team is to raise the profile of and promote the RSCM and church music within Derbyshire, and to programme events for churches, clergy, musicians in Derbyshire and beyond. If you’re interested in finding out more about the RSCM in Derbyshire please do get in touch with our Area Team Leader, Alexander Binns at alexander@derbycathedral.org

Alexander Binns – Area Team Leader

Alexander Binns is the Director of Music at Derby Cathedral and is the Area Team Leader for RSCM Derbyshire. Prior to moving to Derby, Alexander spent 3 years as Assistant Director of Music at St Edmundsbury Cathedral. Alexander is a prizewinning graduate of the Royal Academy of Music and alongside his studies held organ scholarships at St George’s Chapel Windsor Castle, Southwark Cathedral and the Royal Hospital Chelsea. Alexander has been involved with the RSCM from the age of 9, when he first attended courses run for young singers, and is delighted to be heading up the newly commissioned Derbyshire Area Team. 

Carol Coslett – Diocesan Representative

I am delighted to represent the RSCM Derby Area Team on the Bishops Staff Team. Trained as a musician and choral leader, in my home in Chesterfield I have a piano, harpsichord, guitars, strings, various electric keyboards and my clarinet. I don’t play them all at once! I have directed many church choirs and school choirs, taking some to the Albert Hall, as part of the schools proms, some to diocesan choir festivals, or to lead cathedral choral evensongs, and prepared choristers for their RSCM Bishops and Deans Awards. It has always been my privilege to serve the church in this way. Encouraging singing and music making in church can lead to lasting connections which can truly build community and grow the church. As a newly formed Regional team I look forward to the challenge ahead and engaging with our parish churches, their choirs, music groups, and organists so that we can support and celebrate our new Diocesan Vision transform lives. So may we “Sing with the spirit and with understanding also”

Michael Halls – Treasurer

Michael Halls has been Director of Music at St Oswald’s Church at Ashbourne since 1998 and has been associated with the RSCM for many years.

Edward Turner – Safeguarding Co-ordinator

Edward Turner is the Assistant Director of Music at Derby Cathedral, having previously held posts at Worcester College Oxford, Tewkesbury Abbey, Dean Close School Cheltenham and Southwell Minster. Alongside his work at the Cathedral, Edward directs the University of Derby Choir and is Accompanist to Nottingham Bach Choir.

Chris Ebbern – Secretary

Chris is a singer, pianist and organist based in Long Eaton and sings with De Montfort University Chamber Choir and as a Deputy Lay Clerk with Derby Cathedral Choir. He currently studies singing with London based teacher; René Bloice-Sanders and in Autumn this year shall be participating in Penelope Roskell’s Piano Teachers Course. Chris is delighted to be part of the Derbyshire RSCM team and very much looks forward to future events with them.

Rob Aldread

Rob Aldread is part of the Dronfield with Holmesfield Team in North East Derbyshire. Rob is a practical and versatile music graduate who is happy to lead a traditional SATB choir for choral evensong and matins, but he is equally happy to play piano and lead the music for more contemporary worship. Like many musicians, Rob adapted during the pandemic and he now knows how to produce virtual choir videos and he is reasonably expert at music technology and live streaming.

Rachel Reid

Rachel Reid sings soprano with Melbourne Parish Church Choir, South Derbyshire.  She is also a member of RSCM Voices South and the RSCM Residentiary choir.  Prior to joining the RSCM Derbyshire committee she was the Awards Administrator for the Peterborough and Northampton area.  

Tom Hibbert

Tom was organist of St Thomas Becket Chapel-en-le-Frith from May 2006 to December 2017. Since January 2018, he has played the organ at 4 churches in Buxton on a freelance basis and also sings in the choir at St John the Baptist Buxton.



Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:04

Three new canons have been collated and installed at Derby Cathedral. 

Revd Patrick Coleman, Vicar of All Saints Chesterfield (The Crooked Spire) andSt Leonard's (Mission Church) Spital, and Revd Julian Hollywell, Vicar of St Werburgh Spondon, Priest-in-charge of St Mark Derby and St Philip Chaddesden, and Minister Responsible at St Andrew with St Osmund Derby were installed as honorary canons, and Emily Brailsford, Derby Diocesan President of the Mothers’ Union and Project Officer at Rural Action Derbyshire, was installed as a lay canon.

The three new canons were collated in a special Evensong led by the Rt Revd Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby, and the Very Revd Dr Peter Robinson, Dean of Derby.

>> See photos from the installation service [on Flickr]


Canon Emily Brailsford

Emily has three children and her first and most important role is always a a mother.

As her children have grown, Emily's role within her home church of St Giles, Matlock, has also grown and developed.

For many years she has delivered Sunday School and also a monthly fun club.

Later, as her children grew older, Emily took some time for herself so that she was able to attend the Lay Reader training.

For some time, she worked to develop a network of support groups for parents of children with additional needs.

When the children were settled in school, Emily worked with Derbyshire Agricultural Chaplaincy, working with Revd Alan Griggs.

This was an amazing experience for her, but hard work trying to bring young people to the Lord.

On the 15th of January this year, Emily was commissioned as the President of Mothers' Union, Derby, at the Cathedral, Emily feels that the Mothers' Union is also a huge part of her ministry.

Through prayer and loving-kindness, the Mothers' Union touches the lives of many people.

In Derbyshire, they work with many of the women's refuges to try and prevent violence against women and girls.

They also raise money to help the work of those who tackle modern slavery and as a new initiative this year they are going to tackle period poverty, particularly amongst the homeless.

Emily's favourite passage of the Bible is in Revelation 21:4 where we are told that there will be no more pain or crying as the old things have passed away. She thinks that this is a great

reminder for us moving forwards after the last few years!


Canon Patrick Coleman

In July of 2022, Patrick will have been Vicar of Chesterfield for eight years.

The role involves being a parish priest and a great deal more, and this ensures that there is never a dull moment, and absolutely no chance of getting bored.

Patrick has also been a curate and chaplain in the Roman Catholic Church; diocesan CME officer; part of various diocesan and provincial committees and boards; chaired community enterprises and organisations; studied languages, philosophy, theology, history, taught the latter in a downtown comprehensive school; church organist and choir member.

He has done these in places as diverse as South Wales, Rome, Varese (northern Italy) and Munich.

Patrick has also been active in supporting the work of the Church in the Highveld (South Africa) and Niassa (northern Mozambique). 

He has brought persistence and perseverance to the various complex issues faced in all these various roles, and he has always aimed at an astringent and critical loyalty to all with whom he has worked.

He has a creative mind, and hopes to bring both experience and creativity, with no holds barred, to his role in the life of the cathedral.

In any spare time left after being a parish priest and rescuer of Border Collies, Patrick enjoys music, reading, food, wine, Alfa Romeos, and classic buses.


Canon Julian Hollywell

Julian is the Vicar of Spondon and the priest with responsibility for the parishes of St Mark, Derwent, St Philip, Chaddesden and St Osmund with St Andrew, Wilmorton.

In these parishes he holds responsibility for inherited church and works alongside excellent pioneering colleagues developing new missional opportunities and planting churches.

Julian has served for many years in the diocese as a member of the Vocations Team and also as a National Selector.

He is a member of the Diocesan Advisory Committee for church buildings and Vice Chair of the Business Committee of the Diocesan Board of Finance.

He is Chair of the House of Clergy of the Diocesan Synod, a member of Bishop's Council and a member of the General Synod where he helped produce the legislation that led to the Well-being Covenant.

Julian is also a member of the well-being group in the diocese.

He is an ambassador for Inclusive Church and a National Trustee of the Open Table Network. He is a trustee, board member and safeguarding lead of the Derbyshire YMCA.

Julian previously worked as a diocesan officer in the Manchester and Liverpool dioceses, focussing on estates and urban mission.


Honorary canons serve the bishop, the cathedral and the whole of the diocese acting as a ’two way’ ambassador for the cathedral.

They have an outward facing role involving listening, sharing stories and promoting the cathedral across the diocese and helping the cathedral to listen to the wider diocese.

Acting as representatives of the cathedral at local licensings/institutions, they welcome people new to the diocese into relationship with the cathedral.

Honorary canons are part of the cathedral’s College of Canons which is a body that is able to reflect theologically on the place of the cathedral in the life, mission and ministry of the diocese and its contribution.

They currently meet two or three times a year to discuss how the cathedral is approaching its vocation theologically, tactically and strategically.

They are a significant part of the cathedral community, whether present or not, and are welcome to join in any aspects of the cathedral’s life, worship and ministry.

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:03

Bishop Libby and Bishop Malcolm are inviting all those engaged with and/or concerned for youth and children’s ministry across the diocese together on Zoom to pray for our children and young people as they face these challenging times, as well as for our churches and schools as places of worship, welcome, and belonging. 

We will host this Zoom prayer gathering on Tuesday, 11th January, 7.30pm. 

We will send the Zoom link to any who get in touch before that date via Bishop Malcolm’s office, bishopofrepton@derby.anglican.org.

Last modified on Wednesday, 05 January 2022 16:01
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