
News and Events

Having spent 28 years in the Royal Air Force, I know how important Remembrance Day is to the military.

I have taken part in many Remembrance parades, services and fundraising events.

There is a need and a desire to do all of these things well, to honour those who have gone before and who gave their lives as a sacrifice for their country.

Every year, each Military Remembrance event I attended, was organised with detailed precision, thought and reverence.

Which, I believe, is what always made it deeply emotional and moving.

For this reason, I had always thought of Remembrance as a military occasion, a time when we remember and honour our fallen military personnel.

The Poppy has become a symbol of Remembrance Day.

Remembrance Day started in 1919 to commemorate the anniversary of Armistice Day, the day when the Armistice was signed marking an end to World War One (WW1) in 1918.

WW1 was called ‘the war to end all wars’, unfortunately we know only too well that war is still very much a part of our world today.

Since becoming a Christian, I began to see Remembrance Day in a different way.

When I first learned that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice, of giving up his life for me, I was overwhelmed.

It took me a while to understand the sacrifice that Jesus made for all of us.

Once I had accepted that Jesus died on the cross to take away our sin, I was thankful for his ultimate sacrifice and it gave me a renewed hope for the future, in him.

Now, every year, on Remembrance Day, I am reminded of all of the deaths that occur due to war, not just the deaths of those in the military, but also civilian casualties and those who are being persecuted or killed in the spiritual war against evil.

Jesus came to show us how to be truly human through loving one another, being thankful and giving us the hope of eternal life through him.

Love, hope and thankfulness can help us to deal with difficult times in life, they help us to be more human and to more closely reflect the image of God.

War is not part of God’s plan for us. Jesus’ sacrifice was supposed to be the sacrifice to end all sacrifices.

For this reason, for me, the Cross of Jesus and the Poppy of Remembrance Day, work in unison.

The Poppy is a symbol to remember those whose lives were sacrificed in war and the hope of future peace.

The Cross of our saviour Jesus Christ symbolises his love, promises and sacrifice for us.

Through death on the cross and his resurrection, Jesus gives us the hope of eternal life and peace to come.

It is really important that these sacrifices are never forgotten.

Remembrance Day is a time to be thankful for the sacrifices that have been made, so that we can have hope for the future, in the love and peace of God. 


Revd Lisa Taylor is a curate in the United Benefice of Atlow, Bradley, Hognaston, Hulland and Kniveton

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:16

Hulland Hippos Baby & Toddler group celebrated the tenth anniversary of its foundation on November 2nd.

To share the happy occasion we invited past members of the team and the families who attended the very first session.

Over coffee & cake, our guests enjoyed looking at the photos taken during the ten years, while the current families attending played and chatted as normal.  

The highlight of our celebration was our ‘Happy Birthday Hippo time’ with a Hippo birthday cake, a story about Hippos from our curate Revd Lisa, a thank you prayer, songs and games.

We finished by presenting some Hulland Hippo awards! 36 adults and 23 children enjoyed the special occasion.

Comments on Facebook:

 “Congratulations Hulland Hippos and everyone who helps out, such a great place for support and fun for the kids”

 “Happy 10th Anniversary to the BEST baby and toddler group around. Enjoy the celebrations. Xxx”

Hulland Hippos is every Wednesday from 10 – 11.30am at Hulland Ward Millennium Hall (except the Christmas holiday).

It is run by volunteers from Hulland Mothers’ Union, Hulland Church and our community. 

20221102 MAP 4606


Our guests

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:17

Press releases are used to communicate news, grab attention, and generate publicity. 

They are generally sent to local newspapers and other publications, local radio stations (BBC and independents) and regional TV centres.

There may be a number of reasons to send a press release, including: 

  • a specific event or regular activity – something new to share 
  • the appointment of a new member of the team – good news to share 
  • winning an award or recognition – share and celebrate success! 
  • crisis management – when things go wrong 

Whatever the reason you think you have, work through the basics:

  • Is my story newsworthy and interesting to anyone else but me / our church? 
    Make no mistake, when a journalist reads a news release, they are only interested in whether or not it is a good story and an interesting story for their readers/listeners/viewers. It doesn’t matter how interesting or important YOU think it is, if the journalist doesn’t see it as interesting and good for their audience, it won’t make the cut. And if they don't find it interesting in the first couple of paragraphs, it's in the bin!

  • What makes a good story?
    People stories are always the best, but not all stories are about people. Something new or updated; something different or out of the ordinary; something local and/or relevant to your community; something personal or about a person; something visual.  A great story will stick in a person’s memory if it resonates with them.

  • Write down the facts 
    Before you start writing a press release you need to think through what content you have. Write down the detail of what you know - as this helps you gather your thoughts. Who is involved? What is happening? Where is it happening? Why is it happening? How do people feel about this? How will it impact people? What will be the outcome? What do you want your reader to know, feel or do? 
  • Make it stand out 
    Journalists receive a lot of news releases each day so they will most likely feature the most interesting stories and the easiest ones to cover. Your subject matter is crucial here and you need to grab their attention in the headline and first paragraph, or you’ll simply be wasting your time! Also, remember that just because you send a press release, it doesn’t guarantee any coverage at all.

  • Write a good headline 
    A good headline will grab the journalist’s attention, but the most important thing is that it leaves them in no doubt what the story is about.  Don’t try to be clever with your headline. It needs to convince the journalist that they should read the rest of your release and feature your story (think: it does what it says on the tin). 

  • Write a good first paragraph 
    No more than three of four lines, your first paragraph should summarise the story and address the who, what, where, when and why questions.
  • Keep it simple 
    Don’t fall into the trap of feeling like you have to tell every little detail and list and thank everyone involved – this will make your press release long and boring! Keep it simple! Details that are important to you may not be important to a journalist or to a reader. Remember, you are writing for the reader, not for yourself. 

  • Keep it short 
    A news release should be less than a side of A4 long (300-400 words). If your news release is longer, you risk it not being read or parts of it being ignored. Sometimes, four or five short paragraphs and a quote is often sufficient. 

  • Quotes 
    You should almost always include a quote in a press release, but a quote should be used to add value to the story – aim to make your third paragraph a quote. They should provide a personal view and move the story forward – not information about the church. And don’t let a quote be used as an excuse to include all the boring stuff! Equally, don’t include extra quotes from someone just to satisfy them and make them feel included. If it doesn’t add to the story, don’t use it! 

  • Photos 
    A photo is often essential in modern journalism, and you can attach an image to your press release. However, do ensure that it isn’t a large file size that will clog up the journalist’s inbox (you could instead attach a smaller image size and say in the ‘Notes for Editors’ section that a higher resolution image is available on request). Also, make sure it is a well-taken, relevant and interesting image! 

  • Notes for editors and contacts 
    Notes for editors can be used to add contextual information that doesn’t form part of the main story. Adding a contact – someone the journalist can call or email for more information or to discuss anything they’re unsure about – is vital. 

  • Writing style 
    The purpose of a press release is to communicate news, so don’t be flowery and casual. You need to strike a formal tone, At the same time, don’t try to be too clever in your use of language and words – write in a natural, flowing way. 
    Don’t include links to things on your Facebook feed – if you can’t be bothered to put the information in the press release, why should the journalist be bothered to look at it?! 

  • Get support 
    Before sending your press release, why not ask the diocesan Communications Team to take a look? Or feel free to talk to us before you start writing so we can give you some pointers and suggestions. Contact us: communications@derby.anglican.org or 01332 388671. 

  • Press ‘send’! 
    But before you do, make sure you’re sending it to the most appropriate places. Not sure where to send it? Check with the diocesan Communications Team. 
    For printed publications, remember they often plan and write their copy days or even weeks in advance, so make sure you’ve checked the copy deadline.
Last modified on Thursday, 01 June 2023 14:10


The Rt Revd Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby,  has recognised long service and missional innovation among church communities in the Diocese of Derby.

At a special service in Derby Cathedral, on Sunday 6th November 2022, Bishop Libby presented more than 75 people with their Bishop's Badge.

>> See photos from the Bishop's Badge Service

Bishop's Badges are awarded to nominees who have supported their churches and local communities.

The recipients are nominated by clergy in the diocese.

The Bishop's Badge, white enamel with the bishop's crest, has historic links, based on a medal that the very first Bishop of Derby, Bishop Edmund Pearce, had struck to celebrate this new beginning.

Medals were presented to distinguished members of the diocese and to all those being confirmed in that year. 

Now, it is a replica of this medal that is mounted in the form of a badge and awarded by the diocesan bishop to acknowledge outstanding service.


Awards for Missional Innovation 

Mike Allwood, Ockbrook with Borrowash

Alison Andrews, Derby Cathedral

Patricia Brough, Holy Trinity and Christ Church, Chesterfield

Jan Calladine, St Paul, Quarndon

Helen Duke, St Marks, Winshill

Barbara Fearnley, All Saints, Glossop

Julia Hewgill, St Thomas, Biggin

Eric Igo, All Saints, Glossop

Margaret Kay, St Barnabas, New Whittington

Jennifer Lewis-Smith, Derby Cathedral

Barbara Lord, St George the Martyr, New Mills

Philip Morris, St Bartholomew, Whittington

Pam Owen, St Barnabas, New Whittington

Abigail Parker, All Saints with St Mary's, Sawley

Janet Procter, All Saints, Glossop

Jennifer Rackstraw, St George the Martyr, New Mills

Claire Ragg, The Journey Community, Wilmorton

Anthony Smith, St Wilfrid's, West Hallam

Fiona Williamson, The Journey Community, Wilmorton

Louise Woods-Williamson, The Journey Community, Wilmorton


Awards for Missional Long Service

Karen Alexander, St George and St Mary, Church Gresley

Judith Archer, All Saints, Bradley

Roger Barfield, St Paul's, Derby

Pauline Boon, Buxton Team Parish

Rita Buckley, Christ Church, Wessington

Tony Bull, St Matthew, Hayfield

Brenda Bunting, St James, Riddings

Gill Campbell, St Osmund's, Wilmorton

Pauline Chester, Emmanuel Church, Swadlincote

Kathleen Cummings, Holy Trinity, Tansley

Jane Dalrymple, St Barnabas Bradwell, Hope valley

Lynda Diggins, St Peter's, Littleover

Barbara Dyson, St James, Riddings

Claire Edmonds, St Wystan's, Bretby

John Flanagan, Chinley and Buxworth

Peter Fleming, Derby Cathedral

Terry Fleming, Derby Cathedral

Terry Gilbert, St Michael with St Mary, Melbourne

Christine Gill, St Barnabas, New Whittington

Jean Goodall, All Saints, Dalbury

Ann Haggard, St Peter's, Holymoorside

Tony Hall, St James, Riddings

Brian Hallam, Stanley and Stanley Common

Betty Hay, St John's Newhall

John Heathcote, St Helen's, Etwall

Monica Hewitt, Derby Cathedral

David Hitchcox, St Andrew's, Swanwick and St Matthew's, Pentrich

Peter Hives, St Peter's, Calow

Marion Hives, St James, Riddings

Joanna Hocknell, St Michael with St Mary, Melbourne

Richard Hole, St George the Martyr, New Mills

Mary Holland, All Saints with St Mary's, Sawley

Peter Igo, St Matthew, Hayfield

June Igo, St Matthew, Hayfield

Poppie Jackson-Lawrence, Alvaston

Anne Jarvis, St Wilfrid's, West Hallam

Anthony Jones, Holy Trinity, Matlock Bath

Linda Latchford, St Michael with St Mary, Melbourne

Ivor Leigh, Holy Trinity and Christ Church, Chesterfield

Louise Lennox, St James, Riddings

David Mellor, All Saints, Matlock Bank

Linda Mills, St James, Riddings

Joanna Moffatt, St Bartholomews, Whittington

William Morris, St Peter's, Hartshorne

Marion Overton, Buxton Team Parish

Hilary Phillips, Holy Trinity, Matlock Bath

Alec Pitt, St Mary's, Boulton

Fran Roberts, St Mark's, Handley

Nigel Rogers, Holy Trinity, Brackenfield

Avril Simcox, St Osmund's, Wilmorton

Hazel Slack, Holy Trinity, Tansley

Philip Tew, St Mary's, Cromford

John Thurstan, Holy Trinity and Christ Church, Chesterfield

Ann Vincent, St Andrew's, Blagreaves

Ruth Walker, Stanley and Stanley Common

Roger Waters, Immanuel Church, Stapenhill

Anne Wood, Buxton Team Parish

Anna wright, All Saints, Matlock Bank


Award for both Missional and Innovation and Missional Long Service

Janet Mawman, St Osmund's and The Journey Community, Wilmorton

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:05

How quick can you build a chick?

Not the first question you might expect to be asked in church!

If you happened into St Bartholomew’s Church, Old Whittington over the last weekend of September, you might!

It was the weekend of the annual Lego (oh sorry, no, it has to be called) 'Brick' Festival.

Our Brick Festival is like a flower festival but instead of flower arrangements we have tables of Lego models.

Now if you are thinking that Lego is just for the children, then you are a good few years out of date.

It’s come a long way from the red and white blocks of the ‘60s, which seemed to build houses and little more.

Now there are Star Wars and Harry Potter sets; Marvel, Ninjango, Transformers, and at least a dozen other different series.

During a ‘festival’ weekend we expect periods when the church is not so busy.

I think this year the only time we had a bit of a lull was during the school day on the Friday.


Wows all around

whittington brick festival merry go round

Once school finished, families came straight up to church for a first look.

"Oh wow!" They exclaimed as they spotted the rollercoaster and ferris wheel on the fun fair.

More wows were heard at the detail of the Harry Potter models.

Landmarks from around the world left some puzzled as to where they were.

London was the most obvious.

Many folk returned on Saturday, and some even made it again on Sunday afternoon.

The ladies in the kitchen, running the tombola and managing the raffle, all declared it a great success.

On the Monday, our local primary school walked from school to church, one class at a time, for a look round.

Several children had donated models to display and had their photo taken with them.


Where's Jo?

In addition to looking at the Lego models, people were challenged to ‘Find Rev Jo’ - well her Lego figure at least.

But when you do, sshhh don’t tell anyone else!

She moved around the different displays.

It didn’t matter where she hid, she was found.

She started by operating the roller coaster, she rode in the train, a boat, and the big wheel, she took a wedding, went fishing, watched from the rooftop and finished doing an impression of Rose on the Titanic!

Oh and the chick in question…. this is Rev Jo’s time challenge. Each year we set a simple challenge to see who is ‘the champion builder of the year’.

The youngest to complete it was Jack, who is only five and a half years old.

The top three quickest were: third, Freddy, in a time of 3 minutes 5 seconds; second, Cody, in a time of 2 minutes and 55 seconds; and in first place Alfie in a time of 2 minutes and 50 seconds.  

There is a small prize for Alfie, but the real reward is in setting the challenge for next year.

Next Year? I hear you ask.

Oh yes, by popular demand, there’ll be another Brick Festival next year.

whittington brick festival Taj Mahal

Last modified on Wednesday, 09 November 2022 12:11

Today, I join with the whole United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and friends across the world, in expressing my sorrow at the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. 

I know you will join me in sending our sincere condolences to His Majesty the King, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward, and to the entire Royal Family and Royal households, with the assurance of our heartfelt prayers as they grieve. We pray they may know the peace and comfort of Christ in the loss of their mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and friend.

And through our own grieving, individually and collectively, we give thanks to God for her long life and her dedicated service to this nation and the Commonwealth.

After so many decades in public service, I expect we will each have a memory or image of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, engaged in such a wide range of contexts as she travelled the nation and the globe, and as she supported causes close to her heart. Her commitment to those seeking to help others was enormous – she was patron of hundreds charitable organisations.

Her Late Majesty’s personal faith was deep rooted and steadfast. In her Christmas message of 2014, she said: “For me, the life of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, whose birth we celebrate today, is an inspiration and an anchor in my life. A role model of reconciliation and forgiveness, he stretched out his hands in love, acceptance and healing. Christ's example has taught me to seek to respect and value all people of whatever faith or none.” 

Her Late Majesty’s strength of faith and her constant seeking to follow Christ through good times and bad in her own life, serves as a wonderful example to all of us at this difficult time.

I have a number of fond, personal memories of Her Late Majesty, from occasions public and personal. I recall her charming, welcoming and gracious manner and the complete attention she afforded me during our times together. I admired her lively engagement with issues facing the world, appreciated the interest she showed in me and my family, and valued the opportunity to reflect on our faith. 

As we mourn and mark her passing, let us remember her always putting the interests of others ahead of her own and, in so doing, providing an outstanding example of Christian discipleship. As we look to the future, I pray we can take inspiration from her long life, well lived in the service of God and neighbour.

May Her Late Majesty rest in peace and rise in glory.

God save the King.

Bishop Libby

The Rt Reverend Libby Lane
Bishop of Derby


late queen prayer

Printable prayer cards (A4 sheet - print double sided)

Last modified on Wednesday, 09 November 2022 12:07

Creswell Breakfast club has helped get the new school year off to the best possible start by providing school uniforms for local schoolchildren moving up to secondary school.

The club is based at St Mary Magdalene Church in Creswell village and is now in its seventh year.

► Feeding Derbyshire's Children: Creswell Breakfast Club

Bob Glassey writes:

Creswell Breakfast club has been making a difference this summer by working with Creswell Junior School - coordinating activities in the parish, ensuring  a full range of free activities for the five days a week during school holidays.

At one of our meetings with the headteacher Alison Pymm and Head of Care Amie Wilson, they identified a number of families with school children in need of assistance buying the mandatary new uniform and PE kit for Clowne Heritage School (average cost of a uniform and PE kit is £100).

I was happy to hand over a cheque for £1000 that the breakfast club raised with help from: £250 from Bolsover Community lottery fund, £250 from County Councillor Mick Yates from the Community Leadership Fund, and £500 from Elmton Creswell Hodthorpe Big Local.

The school has also received £176 from the Revd Keith Cocking and will receive £200 from Councillor Duncan McGregor of Bolsover Distric Council.

Vulnerable families in our parish continue to face increasing financial pressure due to the rising cost of living, and disposable income seems to be an increasingly rare luxury. 

The added pressure of children moving up from the Creswell Junior to the Clowne Heritage School needing a new complete school uniform plus PE kit means families as desperate and need assistance now.

It will lift a great weight from the shoulders of parents and family members knowing their children will have a brilliant start and will be the same as any other child at this new school.

There are many things which make up a community spirit.

And when it exists, a positive sense of community spirit is a great asset.

It can act as a glue, bringing together a whole community, and what can you do to make a difference.

We have shown that we can work together across organisations, professional of otherwise.

We are proud to be working with our local councils and local groups for the past six years, enabling them to create and make such a positive impact on our local community.

Last modified on Thursday, 08 September 2022 19:18
“Putting care for God’s creation at the heart of ministry and mission”

Derby Cathedral has just received a silver eco award from Eco Church, an A Rocha UK project.

The award is based on a comprehensive survey of the Cathedral covering topics as diverse as worship and teaching, management of church buildings and land, community and global engagement and lifestyle.

In other words – everything from how the Cathedral worships, the energy it uses, the wildlife it supports, the environmental projects it supports in other parts of the world, including Fairtrade, and the individual lifestyle choices we all make.

Eco church is designed to bring together a national community of churches addressing the environmental crisis with ongoing action to protect nature and address climate change so we can play our part in the prophetic call from General Synod for all parts of the Church of England to be net zero by 2030.
In granting the award Eco Church especially mentioned the Cathedral’s connections with the Wildlife Trust and the peregrine falcons, its involvement in planting trees including the “Trees for Derby” project, and our local engagement with the Council in supporting the bike event before Christmas.
Well done Derby Cathedral and thank you to members of JPCC (the Cathedral’s Justice, Peace and Creation Committee) and Carol Thomas, Chief Operating Officer for putting the application together.
Next step …GOLD!!   
To find out more about Eco Church go to www.a.rocha.org.uk

Last modified on Thursday, 29 September 2022 11:19

St Francis Church in Mackworth is transforming lives with a new football club.

Thirty men between the ages of 18 and 30 are actively engaged with the club, despite the initial idea falling flat.

Earlier this year, a man who attends the church approached the vicar, Revd Andy Bond, with an interest to start a five-a-side football team. 

After a period where very few came forward to participate, prayers, invitations and a football WhatsApp group all helped to pique interest and help the church once again become a light on the hill as a living and vibrant centre of Mackworth.

Revd Andy said: “The response we have received has been incredible.

"Guys from my barbers are coming this Wednesday for the first time.

"There is a guy who is getting married at St Francis next month that had no previous church background, a guy who got married in May and both him and his wife have completed the Alpha course (also no church background previously), and an atheist who has moved from Hong Kong.

"We have attracted several others to join that don't yet follow Jesus.

“It is building relationships within church and connecting with others locally.

"Two men who came to church for the first time on Sunday morning have signed up immediately.”

The football team numbers vary week to week, however most weeks they are playing seven-a-side.

They are all praying for fun and for lives to be transformed.

Learn more about St Francis Mackworth at stfmackworth.org or email hello@stfmackworth.org

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Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:10

Let's be honest - the world is struggling.

Our county, our country and our planet are full of luscious landscape and wonderful wildlife. 

But large swathes of it are on the verge of being in tatters or even disappearing completely.

For some, it's already too late.

Climate change, pollution, a growing human population and an over-reliance on Earth's resources mean that now, more than ever, we as the custodians of the planet must act to take care of God's creation.

So this year, the Bishop of Derby's Harvest Appeal will support three causes all working to help protect wildlife and the natural resources it relies on:

► Click here to make an online donation

► Other ways to donate

Each in turn will help provide vital resources for the wildlife that depends on it - creatures in the air, creatures on the land and creatures in the sea.

Whilst these are just three of the many tens of thousands of projects around the world that help to preserve the planet of which we are custodians, each is hugely important in its own right as well as being a part of connected projects to help balance - even reverse - the damage humankind has done to this Earth.

Every donation will help make a difference to each of the three projects the Bishop of Derby's Harvest Appeal is supporting this year.

The generations of humans thus far have had an adverse effect on this planet - it is now incumbent on us to further the process of rectifying that damage to those precious resources so that future generations can still know the beauty, richness and diversity of God's creation.

► More useful information on how you can help fight climate change

Please help in whatever way you can.

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust's rewilding project

Allestree Park rewilding by Monica Monticelli

In the Diocese of Derby, we are incredibly lucky to live either in, or on the doorstep of, some of the country's most beautiful landscapes. 

But like everywhere else, we are guilty of causing many of these places to become severely depleted of wildlife because of, for example, pollution, over-population, poor management and our own human greed and selfishness.

Rewilding allows the land to ‘go back to nature’ so wildlife can thrive.

As far as possible, humans stay well back …no vehicles, no pollutants, no heavy boots on the ground.

What we then see is remarkable: nature takes charge and increases the abundance of plant and animal communities to levels that are far higher and more complex than human management could achieve.

Seeds and plants are free to germinate and grow.

Insects, birds and mammals start to explore these areas - some make them their home, others use them as wildlife "service stations" as they travel around.

The likes of bees and butterfies, birds and bats, hedgehogs and badgers, and otters and beavers then have a place to feed undisturbed and their very survival is made a little easier.

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust manages 50 sites for nature as well as other work to promote rewilding and land management, and every donation really is used to it's full potential.

The re-wilding projects include Allestree Park in Derby (pictured above), Thornhill Carrs near Edale, Willington Wetlands and the Wild Peak region.

  • £50 could help reserves officers support landowners in re-wilding their land
  • £250 could help maintain and manage half an acre of wildlife meadow for one year
  • £500 could plant trees in more than half an acre of woodland

As well as the work that directly affect wildlife in Derbyshire, DWT is building Team Wilder - a movement supporting individuals to act for nature.

Together, we can make more space for nature to become abundant once again, give our struggling wildlife the chance to recover and restore beautiful wild places - places that store carbon and help to tackle the climate crisis. 

Big and small there is a role we can all play. https://www.derbyshirewildlifetrust.org.uk/teamwilder.


The Anglican Communion Forest Initiative

bishop libby planting tree lambeth 16x9 1500

The Communion Forest was first conceived in late 2019 when the Lambeth Conference Design Group asked for ideas for a lasting legacy of the forthcoming conference.

This formed the basis for the Communion Forest initiative that exists today and will significantly increase Anglican tree-growing and landscape protection around the world and deepen care for creation within the life of the Church.

Together, these real-life planting projects will form a virtual, global “forest”, and its activities will be determined locally by provinces, dioceses and individual parishes so that they are geographically, culturally and environmentally appropriate.

The first tree was planted this year as part of the Lambeth Conference - a tree that Bishop Libby helped to plant (pictured above).

The Communion Forest is a global act of hope which involves a wide range of creation care activities.

Restoring Kenya's coral reefs - an A Rocha project

Diver and Turtle in Kenyan coral reef

Kenya’s coral reefs are impacted by global and local threats, including a warming ocean.

Reefs in Watamu, where A Rocha Kenya’s field study centre focuses on marine conservation work, are struggling to recover.

Fish, crabs, and many other sea creatures depend upon certain types of corals which provide shelter and resources.

These reefs can provide an abundance of food for local communities when healthy.

Some species of coral that were abundant in the past, particularly those that provide the most shelter for other creatures, are low in number or absent from these reefs.

A Rocha plans to restore these coral reefs by carefully selecting corals from areas nearby, that will replenish low numbers or return coral species to these reefs.

underwater research at a Kenyan coral reef

Individual online donations

► Click here to make an online donation

There is the option to Gift Aid these donations.


Church and School donations

Where possible, participating churches and schools should send their donations (including any reclaimed Gift Aid) by BACS transfer – details for this transaction are:

Bank account name: Derby Diocesan Board of Finance
Bank account number: 85463671
Sort code number: 60-12-01
Payment Ref: HARVEST2022

When churches / schools send their donation by BACS, please notify us by email to finance@derby.anglican.org and include payment details – (i) date & (ii) amount.
This is important to us, as your email will ensure your donation is identified and a “thank you” will be sent.

Cheques should be made payable to DDBF Ltd and sent to
“The Bishop of Derby’s Harvest Appeal 2022”
c/o Derby Church House
Full Street

harvest appeal earth good v2 16x9 2000

Useful information


Dont forget to visit Derby Cathedral's Gaia installation from 22 September – 16 October 2022.

Gaia is a touring artwork - a giant globe measuring seven metres in diameter and created from detailed NASA imagery of the Earth’s surface. 


Great Big Green Week

Be part of Great Big green Week - the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature.


Eco Church

A Rocha UK’s award scheme for churches, designed to equip your church to express your care for God’s world in your worship and teaching; in how you look after your buildings and land; in how you engage with your local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of your congregation.


ARC's Living Churchyards

More than 6,000 British churchyards run their small plots of land as sacred eco-systems – without pesticides, and mowing the grass only once a year – ensuring that birds, reptiles, insects and bats can thrive. Could your churchyard become one too? Find out more.


Prayer resources

Climate Intercessors is a global network of people whose prayers are as real and urgent as the climate crisis, where you will find some useful prayers and information. Please take time to pray.


The Queen’s Green Canopy

It's not too late to "plant a tree for the jubelee" - perhaps as a tribute to Her Late Majesty.


Anglican Communion Environmental Network

The Anglican Communion Environmental Network website has liturgical material for Seasons of Creation 2022, climate vigil songs album, and webinars on prophetic indigenous voices on the planetary crisis from Amazonia, Africa, Aotearoa and Polynesia.


Climate justice

Please consider signing Christian Aid’s justice petition to the prime minister to ensure that the UK fulfils its responsibilities and its promise to "build back better".  

Please take time to look at USPG’s campaign for climate and ecological justice. You can read USPG's advocacy and church resources booklet "Faith in a Changing Climate". It includes information on climate change, stories from around the world, prayer material, Bible studies and information on how to lobby your MP.



Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:03

Kay Duckett (Wingerworth) and Bernard Madden (Hathersage) recently joined the Archbishop of York to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Central Readers’ Council.

At the invitation of the archbishop and Rebecca Cottrell, representatives from the dioceses of England and Wales were invited to give thanks for Reader/Licensed Lay Ministry.

On the glorious sunny day, Archbishop Stephen shared his commitment and passion for lay ministry.

He gave thanks for licensed lay ministry, including that represented by Kay, Bernard and representatives of other dioceses.

We all celebrated how it has grown and evolved over the last 100 years. Archbishop Stephen even garnered a few very welcome smiles when recounting the responses he gets from prospective clergy when asked how they understand and plan to enable lay ministry.

He emphasized our calling from baptism to grow into the life of the church, before remarking on the importance of lay leadership in church life.

Advocating for creative, open and imaginative ministry he challenged those present to think about their own ministries and that of future generations so that we all continue to grow, adapt, and flourish.

Following a rather delicious afternoon tea, the Archbishop and Mrs Cottrell invited their guests to look around Bishopthorpe Palace and its grounds.

A much-needed moment of quiet along the Ouse gave ample opportunity to watch the fish and the birds – as well as a number of leisure boats – go past, before everyone gathered for evening prayer.

The day was a very welcome and very timely opportunity to reflect on the importance of lay ministry and the Diocese of Derby are delighted and proud to have been represented by Kay and Bernard.

Last modified on Thursday, 29 September 2022 11:27

Bishop Malcolm experiences church from a wheelchair user’s perspective

Have you ever considered what it’s like to go to church when you’re a wheelchair user?

Bishop Malcolm recently met Reader Lynda Herbert from the newly formed Disability Inclusion Action Group (DIAG) at St Giles Church in Marston Montgomery where she is a regular worshipper.

His plan was to get an understanding of the challenges faced by wheelchair users, both leading worship and as a member of the congregation.

So, Bishop Malcolm became a wheelchair user for the duration of the meeting.

Bishop Malcolm said: “I was quite surprised by the number of challenges I faced while using a wheelchair.

“Slopes and steps are obvious barriers, but I also learned that it’s not always easy to get around inside churches due to tight corners.

“And using a wheelchair also means you only get one perspective of what’s going on – you can’t stand and sit like non-wheelchair users and sometimes the only place you can go is at the end of a pew. All this means that your view can be restricted.

"I am thankful to Lynda for inviting me to experience church in a new way.”

Lynda is a Reader in the Dove and Derwent and Carsington Deaneries, where she regularly leads services including morning prayer, evening prayer, family services and funerals. She said: “What I wanted to demonstrate was that even small (and often free!) changes that any church can make could greatly benefit disabled members of the local community and could increase service attendance.

Examples include removing a pew to allow more space for wheelchairs, utilising chairs where possible instead of pews – and even a simple change of language (e.g., saying “if you are able, please stand” rather than “please stand”) would help wheelchair users feel more included.”

The DIAG will be releasing more details in the weeks ahead to inform and support our churches and parishes.

If you would like to find out more about their work, or indeed to join the group and help to structure the pathway ahead, please contact Carl Veal at carl.v60@hotmail.com.

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Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:05

The Right Reverend Malcolm Macnaughton, Bishop of Repton, has ordained 15 new priests and eight new deacons in two special services at Derby Cathedral.

In the presence of the Right Reverend Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby, the new deacons and priests took their vows, supported by family and friends in the congregations.

Bishop Malcolm said: "It has been a joy and a privilege to ordain the new priests and deacons in the Diocese of Derby.

"They are each called to serve the communities in which they are set and these are the next steps of a lifelong journey of nurturing themselves and others in faith.

"Please keep them in your prayers as God leads each of them in their ministry."


► In pictures: Ordination of Priests 2022 [Flickr]

► In pictures: Ordination of Deacons 2022 [Flickr]

► Meet the new deacons


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Those ordained priests are:

  • Rebecca Allpress to serve in the Benefice of Swadlincote and Hartshorne, the Benefice of Newhall and the Benefice of Gresley;
  • Onyekachi Julius Anozie to serve in the Benefice of Kirk Hallam;
  • Gillian Ball to serve in the Benefice of Old Brampton and Great Barlow, and Loundsley Green LEP;
  • Rachel Burdett to serve in Benefice of Belper Christ Church with Turnditch, and the Benefice of Hazelwood, Holbrook and Milford;
  • Samantha Dennis to serve in the Benefice of Sawley;
  • John Ferguson to serve in the Benefice of Derby St Barnabas;
  • Mike Fitzsimmons to serve in the Benefice of Barlborough and Clowne;
  • Jeff Golding to serve in St Werburgh’s Derby Mission Initiative;
  • Melanie Hartley to serve in the Benefice of Baslow and Eyam;
  • Eleanor Launders-Brown to serve in the Benefice of East Scarsdale;
  • James Lee to serve in the Benefice of Stanton by Dale with Dale Abbey and Risley;
  • Christine Nowak to serve in the Benefice of Whitfield;
  • Nick Parish to serve in the Benefice of Derby St Peter and Christ Church with Holy Trinity;
  • Becky Reeve to serve in the Benefice of Walbrook Epiphany;
  • Charlotte Wallington to serve in the Benefice of Hathersage with Bamford and Derwent, and Grindleford.


ordination of deacons 2022

The eight new deacons are:

  • Fiona Barber to serve in the Benefice of Sinfin Moor;
  • Elliot George to serve in the Benefice of Dronfield with Holmesfield;
  • Josephine Harbidge to serve in the Benefice of Walton St John;
  • Samantha Mackie to serve in the Benefice of Swadlincote and Hartshorn,  the Benefice of Newhall and the Benefice of Gresley;
  • Fay Price to serve in the Benefice of Derby St Alkmund and St Werburgh;
  • Rhiannon Singleton to serve in the Benefice of Holy Trinity, Dinting Vale, the Benefice of Charlesworth and Gamesley, the Benefice of Glossop, the Benefice of Hadfield and the Benefice of Whitfield;
  • Lisa Taylor to serve in the Benefice of Hulland, Atlow, Kniveton, Bradley and Hognaston;
  • Catherine Watson to serve in the St Werburgh’s Derby Mission Initiative.
Last modified on Tuesday, 19 July 2022 12:11

The ‘Seeing Creation’ exhibition was held on the 1-2 May 2022 at Hathersage Parish Church.

Inspired by creation it focused on six areas including textile creativity, visual arts,shaping with wood, caring for creation, children’s crafts and hospitality.

Here Bernard Madden from the organising team shares his reflection on the success of the event.

Textiles: From displaying existing and contemporary church and personal textiles to a busy table of lace making and cross-stitching workshops led by experienced hands, the area was abuzz with those trying out new skills.

Visual arts: Here we displayed how contemporary mainstream national artists capture aspects of the Christian faith; and about twenty local invited artists and photographers displayed their work.

It was heartening to see the creative talent all around us being shared with an appreciative audience.

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Shaping with wood: This was hugely popular; under the careful instruction of a church member with his band fret saw, every age enjoyed having a go at cutting some creatureshape for themselves.

A lovely take-away!

Caring for creation: It was important to show how seriously we as a church take this.

Both A Rocha / Eco Church and local Climate Action Group enthusiasts were on hand to inform and encourage - and to give away something to plant!

Children’s crafts: Central in the church was a large table-top cardboard model reflecting our surrounding Hope Valley. 

All ages enjoyed making a tree from a paper bag, decorating with colourful leaves and ‘planting’ it on the model and taking a scripture verse card. ‘The leavesare for the healing of the nations’.

Clay model-making proved popular with the children.

Our schoolchildren painted their self-portraits on paper plates strung overhead.

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Hospitality: We ensured that Welcomers were always at the door and refreshments constantly available in the church (importantly, not in a separate room, and by donation rather than charge).

This proved to be ‘the glue’ in the event – binding each aspect together with opportunity to stay around, relax and chat. ‘Practice hospitality’ (1 Peter 4:9)!


Positive vibes

We had worked hard, transformed how the church looked - clearing away some of the flexible pews, hanging banners and displays – but were rewarded with much appreciation as well as good insights into how many ‘see church’.

One remarked: “This is how I remember church: being together and having space to chat and enjoy time here.”

Others: ‘Wonderful to visit such a vibrant and creative community.’

‘Lovely welcoming … What a fabulous use of church facilities.’

At the entrance were the words: ‘Jesus is Lord! Creation’s voice proclaims it!’

Yes, and the same Lord who made each of us gave us gifts for sharing and encouraging and testifying to all that He has given us.

As our vicar, Paul Moore, reminded us in our opening service: “Now get out and see all the wonder, beauty and glory of God all around us that He has so generously created”.

Bernard Madden and event team.

hathersage seeing creation trees 2022

Last modified on Thursday, 29 September 2022 11:48

Archdeacons-designate Carol, Karen and Matthew will begin their new ministries when they are installed and collated in Derby Cathedral on Sunday, 12th June 2022 at 5.15pm.

All the clergy and laity of the diocese are warmly invited to attend.

This service represents a key strategic moment in the life of our diocese as we develop from having two archdeaconries to three, enabling the greater support of parishes and other ministries.

Each of the new archdeacons will be collated by the Bishop to their new role and the Dean of Derby will place them in their stalls within the cathedral.

We very much hope you will be able to attend this service and support the archdeacons, bishop and the diocese as we embark on this new strategic way of working for the future.

Bishop Libby said: “I am very excited by the energy, experience, expertise and commitment the new archdeacons will bring to their roles. 

“They are all passionate about ‘everyday faith’ and bring understanding of the complexities and opportunities of parish ministry, and of the opportunities and challenges in aspects of mission and ministry that are not parish specific. 

“They also have the capacity to think and work on a wider canvas with flair and imagination and are committed to fostering a culture of diversity.

"I am looking forward to working with them as we commit ourselves to joining in with what God is doing in transforming lives through growing church and building community. 

“Please keep Matthew, Karen and Carol in your prayers as they navigate their new roles and responsibilities.”


New archdeaconry areas

The three new archdeaconry areas will legally come into being on 6 June 2022 and have been shaped to reflect the significant missional contexts of our diocese, serving our rural, urban, and emerging post-industrial communities.  

The shaping of the new archdeaconries better reflects the different demographic and cultural contexts of our diocese, but each is diverse and complex with a mixture of communities and experience.  

The statutory responsibilities of the archdeacons will be delivered within their geographical boundaries, and, in addition, they will champion the demographic predominant in their respective archdeaconries across the whole diocese:  

  • The Archdeaconry of Derby City and South Derbyshire includes our largest urban context, and Archdeacon-designate Matthew Trick will champion mission and ministry in all urban contexts across the whole
  • The Archdeaconry of East Derbyshire encompasses many emerging and changing post-industrial communities, and Archdeacon-designate Karen Hamblin will champion mission and ministry in such contexts across the whole diocese
  • The Archdeaconry of Derbyshire Peak and Dales is largely rural with market town communities, and the Venerable Carol Coslett (currently Archdeacon of Chesterfield) will champion mission and ministry in such contexts across the diocese.

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Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:02

Visitors to Derby Cathedral can now see ‘Peace Doves’, a large-scale art installation which will be on display until 12 June.

The installation was created by renowned sculptor and artist Peter Walker and features more than 8,000 paper doves suspended on ribbons above the nave, accompanied by a tranquil soundscape from composer David Harper.

The paper doves have been decorated with messages of peace, hope and love – many of which have been created by members of local community and wellbeing groups who have joined workshops run by Derby community arts organisation Artcore, and the general public.

The mass participation community arts project has also involved schools across the city and county who have made their own Peace Dove displays with the support of Peter Walker’s education and arts team.

The exhibition opening will mark the start of a diverse events programme across the city with an array of free and ticketed events, workshops, talks and concerts.

The Very Revd Dr Peter Robinson, Dean of Derby, said: “The last major art installation in the Cathedral was ‘Museum of the Moon’ in autumn 2019 which drew thousands of visitors to the Cathedral and had such a positive impact on the neighbouring Cathedral Quarter and the wider city centre.

“We were keen to recreate the positivity and beauty that a major art installation brings to the magnificent space in the heart of Derby Cathedral and were delighted when we secured artist Peter Walker to bring ‘Peace Doves’ to the city.”

He continued that the messages behind Peace Doves were even more powerful in light of the continued crisis in Ukraine.

He said: “Our original driver for bringing ‘Peace Doves’ to Derby Cathedral was to create a unique piece which reflects the thoughts and feelings of local people from all faiths, ages and backgrounds following such a turbulent time for everyone during the pandemic.

“Now, with war continuing in Ukraine and the value that we all place on peace being uppermost in our minds, the messages behind Peace Doves have even greater poignancy.

“We look forward to welcoming people to the cathedral and we hope that visitors will encounter peace and the space to reflect on the past two years and the suffering that Ukrainian people are now experiencing.”

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Peace Doves was first staged at Lichfield Cathedral in 2018 when it was designed to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War. 

It was also installed at Liverpool Cathedral in 2021 and attracted more than 150,000 visitors.

Peter Walker said: “I am delighted to bring Peace Doves to Derby Cathedral.  Previous installations have been very well received and have created a prideful sense of community and togetherness.

"Sometimes, art has the ability to transcend just being an object and become the focus of our collective sentiments. That is the purpose of Peace Doves, which allows thousands of people to create, and express their own personal emotions as part of an ensemble which produces a beautiful final composition, and a series of smaller community works.

“It allows us not just see an artwork but to be part of it, to contemplate peace, as we think of those whose lives are so tragically affected by the many ordeals of life, from the tragic situation in Ukraine, and conflicts abroad to the many issues affecting people in this country, as well as those we love and who are close to us".

He added: “Nearly every message on the doves is not about one person, but about the community, the city, and the bigger picture. This artwork is designed really, by me, but it has been made by the people of Derby and Derbyshire.”

Peace Doves will be in place until 12th June 2022 and, throughout the exhibition, entry to the Cathedral will be free of charge although a suggested donation of £3 per person is requested which will go towards the care and work of Derby Cathedral helping to keep its doors open for all.

Booking is encouraged through Derby Cathedral’s Eventbrite page  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/peace-doves-at-derby-cathedral-tickets-239993104837?aff=ebdsoporgprofile  as entry will be restricted at certain times eg: during services, private events and concerts.   

Peace Doves at Derby Cathedral is funded by Arts Council England, Westhill Endowment, Cathedral Quarter Business Improvement District (BID), Derby City Council and Foundation Derbyshire.

For more information about Peace Doves at Derby Cathedral please visit https://derbycathedral.org/peacedoves/

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Last modified on Monday, 25 April 2022 16:26
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