
News and Events

Canon Carolyn Lewis has been invited by the Rt Rev Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby, after consultation and agreement, to lead the work of Derby Diocesan Board of Education for an interim period, initially for a year from September 2021.

Carolyn is currently Diocesan Director of Education in Leicester, and will undertake this new role in addition to her role in the Diocese of Leicester. She will become one of the first  Executive Diocesan Directors of Education (DDE) in the Church of England, and this is a pioneering step for both Derby and Leicester’s education teams.

Through this partnership working both dioceses will be exploring how to be innovative in supporting their respective Church school families and in placing schools at the heart of the Church’s mission. This is an exciting opportunity for both dioceses and shows commitment to our values of generosity and creativity.

Bishop Libby said: “ Our Church Schools are examples of the good news of the Kingdom of God: their work and life are at the heart of the Diocese of Derby. I am delighted that Carolyn has agreed to take on leading our Board of Education through this next season, sharing her experience of leadership and passion for Christ across both the Diocese of Derby and the Diocese of Leicester.”

Having grown up in Warwickshire, Carolyn began her teaching there before moving to schools in Leicestershire. Carolyn has been the DDE in the Diocese of Leicester since 2014. Before that she was a headteacher in a Voluntary Aided primary school supporting  a rapid journey of improvement there.

During this time, her leadership extended to executive headship, working with a Teaching School and inspecting for Ofsted and SIAMS.

Carolyn is supported by her family; husband Seth, two boys and Rosie the cockapoo. Having been to university in Wales and being married to a Welshman, life is infused with a Celtic flavour – namely Welsh rugby, RS Thomas, singing and holidays in Wales!”

On hearing of her new role, Carolyn Lewis commented: “I cherish my vocation as Director of Education and feel extraordinarily privileged to be supporting the work of Church schools across both the Diocese of Derby and the Diocese of Leicester.

"When I was a headteacher at a Church school, after some years I was asked to be an executive headteacher and lead another school. As I took on that particular professional challenge, I wondered what might be lost. Yet, I was surprised by the fact that over time, both schools gained so much from this way of working. And so, I am excited at the possibilities for what this partnership may bring.

“For Church schools to be distinctively Christ-like is a challenging task for school leaders, governors and clergy. Please pray for me and the DBE teams as we work to encourage and inspire our schools – now across both Derby and Leicester Dioceses - to meet that challenge with courage and conviction.”

For the first time, you can now see the inside of All Saints' Church in Mackworth, which was devatated by fire in December.

The images show the scale of the destruction caused by the heat and flames of the blaze.

Whilst the tower was largely unaffected, the nave and chancel were almost completely destroyed, including the roof.

revd jacqueline stober talking to journalists

However, a number of artefacts survived and some of these have already been sent to experts for restoration.

The work has also revealed a crypt that was not known about.

Revd Jacqueline Stober, vicar of All Saints, said: "Although the destruction is devastating, we also have to be thankful for what is left.

"The work that has been carried out to clear the debris and salvage those artefacts that survived is remarkable.

"Some of the silver, the chalices that we used to use in Holy Communion, have survived.

"The archaeologists have found the four-foot silver cross we used to have on the altar in the chancel and the wedding registers have also been found (they were in a safe) and although they are a charred mess and didn't survive very well, they have been sent to a specialist who will be able to recreate them.

"It's great to see that there is still some of this building that we can do something with - and it will still be a place of worship in another thousand years."

some of the artefacts slavaged at mackworth all saints

The images of the church's interior follow months of clearance work and the stabilisation of the site - phase one of the project.

The next phase will be to make the building watertight and the PCC will be seeing presentations from contractors in the coming weeks.

Most of the funding for the work carried out so far has been provided by the church's insurers, Ecclesiastical.

Claims Director Jeremy Trott said: "The money is there to rebuild the church, but it's obviously up to the PCC to decide what they do and don't want to do."

It is hoped all the work might be complete by Christmas 2023. 

charred timbers inside mackworth all saints

inside the nave and chancel of mackworth all saints

Bishop Libby is supporting Christian Aid Week by taking part in the 300,000 steps for May challenge - and invites you to join her!

The idea is simple: take 300,000 sponsored steps across the month of May to raise vital funds for communities battling the worst of this climate crisis. 

The challenge clocks in at just under 10,000 steps a day and you can do the challenge alone or with a team, supporting each other to reach your goal. 

Whether you decide to walk, jump, skip, hop or run your steps is completely up to you!

Bishop L:ibby said: “Together with my family, I’m supporting 300,000 steps for May challenge for Christian Aid.

"Through this event, we get to enjoy the benefits of better physical and mental health and enjoy our local communities and countryside but, most of all, we hope to raise awareness and encourage people to contribute to Christian Aid’s fundraiser to raise vital funds for communities battling the worst of this climate crisis.”

For more information, see the Christian Aid website.

The Diocese of Derby has welcomed two key appointments to help shape diocesan ministries as we look to the future.

The Revd Dwayne Engh joins as the new Ordained Ministries Development Officer and Jo Henderson-Merrygold is the new Lay Ministries Development Officer and Warden of Readers.

Jo writes:

I have come into this role to champion, celebrate, and enable lay ministries across the diocese.

I am a Methodist Local Preacher and lay theologian, who is just putting the finishing touches to a Biblical Studies PhD at the University of Sheffield.

These experiences have built my passion for lay ministry – and I look forward to opportunities to celebrate its diverse forms.

My own experience includes pioneer projects, mission enabling, chaplaincy, and lay pastoring. I have already been warmly welcomed by the Readers and am grateful for their understanding of a Methodist in the mix!

I am looking forward continuing to get to know those currently serving in lay ministries: to hear your joys and successes, challenges and learning points.

I plan to work with colleagues across the diocese to celebrate our achievements – big and small – and to share the wealth of our experiences with one another.

In fact, I hope to host a festival of lay ministries as soon as possible.

I trust and pray that this will increase our confidence in what we are already doing, give us opportunities to develop further, and encourage others to offer their gifts and skills too.

Then, alongside colleagues in the Discipleship, Ministries and Mission Team, I will continue to resource and enable these ministries to grow and flourish.

In the meantime, if you have any queries don’t hesitate to get in touch: jo.henderson-merrygold@derby.anglican.org.

Dwayne will be looking after IME2 (curate training) and CMD (continuing ministerial development). 

He writes: 

I was born in Vancouver but raised mostly in Calgary (Canada) – and have been blessed with a wide range of opportunities/previous careers as a composer, conductor, percussionist, and educator (both secondary and post-secondary in Calgary, Shanghai, and London).

I have been in the UK since 2009 and was ordained in 2015 in the Church of England, having trained to be a priest at Westcott House. 

My previous dwelling place was in the Diocese of Coventry, where I was vicar of St Mary Magdalen Church, Chapelfields. 

Within the wider diocese, I was on Bishop’s Council and Diocesan Synod. 

Additionally, I was an Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands and the Ministerial Development Associate, supporting clergy training in that diocese. 

I also love being a Spiritual Director and accompanying people on their journey with God. 

My last service in Coventry was Easter Sunday and I’m already missing presiding/preaching. 

I’d love to get to know the diocese better and offer myself as cover (up to twice a month at most) if anyone needs to take time off or people are in vacancy.  Please feel free to contact me if you might be interested in that!

I appreciate the warm welcome I’ve already received since I’ve moved into Derby and look forward to serving the people of this diocese with you!

You can contact me by email: dwayne.engh@derby.anglican.org

“Things are not good at all. People are dying due to lack of oxygen and hospital beds. Corridors of hospitals are full. The poor not even getting an ambulance to take their dead to do the last rites. Many are just burning them on roadsides. Scary and terrible times. Please pray for us. Our hope and trust are in the Lord alone. Please convey my regards to all my Derby friends.” 
Message from the Church of North India in Delhi. 

The Bishop of Repton, the Rt Revd Malcolm Macnaughton, has dedicated a prayer station in Derby Cathedral which will be a focus for prayers for the people of India, who are suffering devastating consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.

Churches in Derbyshire, including the Diocese of Derby, have strong links with the Church of North India, particularly with Kolkata.

Bishop Malcolm was joined by the Sub-dean of Derby, Canon Elizabeth Thomson, and Revd Anita Matthews, who chairs the partnership between Derbyshire Churches and The Church of North India.

Bishop Malcolm lights a candle

Bishop Malcolm said: “The Diocese of Derby has, for a long time, had strong links with the Church of North India and schools there and it is heartbreaking to hear some of the stories coming from the people and regions we are connected with.

“The problems there at the moment are huge – they are sometimes institutional and structural, but they are also deeply personal. Hearing of people dying and having to be cremated at the roadside is horrific, particularly when India has done so much for other countries in helping to produce vaccines.

“This terrible situation is one that is moving people of all faiths to pray. We pray that God will bring resurrection and hope and life, and freedom from this horrific pandemic very soon.

“And we want people of Indian heritage here in Derby and Derbyshire to know that we stand in solidarity them in prayer for their friends and families in India.”

The Revd Anita Matthews has visited parts of the Diocese of Kolkata on a number of occasions.

Revd Anita Matthews

She said: “The accounts I have been sent are truly heartbreaking – not least because, although it is affecting the whole of Indian society, it is, as ever, the poorest of the poor who are suffering the most because they can’t afford to access any kind of medical care.

“It is our colleagues in the Church of North India who are trying to reach out to those people to offer some kind of support and hope by providing vaccination programmes and food for families who have lost loved ones and have no income, or because they are in lockdown and cannot work.

Some of the messages I have received from our long-standing friends and ecumenical partners in India have summed up the desperation there – and yet in the midst of it, they are saying ‘We pray for you in Derby and Derbyshire’ and that they place their faith in God alone. That faith is absolutely extraordinary.”

The prayer stationat Derby Cathedral features messages from people in India and some beautiful Indian cloths, fashioned by Indian artists and craftspeople, depicting the Last Supper and the Crucifixion.

Elizabeth Thomson with an Indian cloth depicting the garden of Gethsemone

Canon Elizabeth Thomson, Sub-dean of Derby said: “We are aware of how important it is to have a place of prayer in the city at this time, and we are aware of how very multicultural the praying life of the people who come into the cathedral is.

"So, in a time when people can feel very cut off and unable to help, we wanted to say that there is a space where you can come to say a prayer and be connected with other people who are doing the same.

“We invite people of all faiths and none to visit and take time to pray in Derby Cathedral for the people of India – not only those who are worst affected, but those who are also helping to give comfort, hope and support.”

Indian cloth in Derby Cathedral depicting the Last Supper

Malcolm Macnaughton has been installed as the Bishop of Repton in a special Evensong at Derby Cathedral.

>> Watch the installation (YouTube)

During the same Evensong, the Revd Nicky Fenton, formerly Vicar of Shottle, Holbrook, and Hazelwood and Milford, was installed as Residentiary Canon as she takes up her new role as Chaplain to the Bishop of Derby.

canon nicky fenton in derby cathedral

>> See more photos from the installation [Flickr]

Bishop Malcolm’s installation followed his consecration as bishop at Lambeth Palace on Wednesday, 14th April

The Bishop of London, the Rt Revd Sarah Mullally, presided, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Justin Welby, was the preacher.

The Right Revd Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby, was present to receive Malcolm as the Bishop of Repton on behalf of the Diocese of Derby.

Covid restrictions meant that the original date for Malcolm’s consecration had to be postponed – and both his consecration and installation were subject to government restrictions and guidance.

bishop malcolm delivers the sermon

Bishop Malcolm delivered his first sermon as a bishop at his installation; Canon Nicky Fenton led the intercessions.

Malcolm said: “Over recent weeks I have enjoyed beginning to get to know colleagues lay and ordained from across the Diocese of Derby, but I am now really looking forward to making a proper start, especially as we will now be able to get out and meet people where they are.  I haven’t seen much of Derbyshire yet because of the restrictions, so it is going to be so good to be able to visit communities and churches all over the diocese in the coming months.”

“Despite the struggles of the past year the reality is that each day, transformed by our encounter with our risen Lord Jesus Christwe can find hope for the future, for our churches, for our communities. The Kingdom of God is good news for all – and we are called to proclaim that Kingdom afresh in our generation. There is plenty to encourage us – and there will be much more! Please pray for me as I join you in this, our shared calling.

A key focus for Malcolm’s ministry will be to support those engaged in church revitalisation especially through church planting and fresh expressions, particularly with areas of deprivation.

He will also give an episcopal lead to our work across the diocese with young people, schools and with the Derby Diocesan Board of Education. 

Malcolm has background of working in rural, inner city and post-mining areas, and with archdeacons and area deans and their teams he will ensure we work well together to equip and enable local people, lay and ordained, to proclaim the good news of Christ in our diverse communities across the diocese.

Bishop Malcolm and Canon Nicky Fenton

Since moving to Derby in December, Malcolm has been working under licence from the Bishop of Derby, the Right Revd Libby Lane.

Bishop Libby said: “Malcolm brings, out of his own deep commitment to sharing the love of Jesus and seeking first the Kingdom of God, a rich and varied experience of ministry

"We welcome his particular gifts in accompanying people hopefully through change, and his passion for reaching those on the margins, and younger generations.

"We have been delighted to welcome Malcolm and Pam among us-we pray that the people and places of Derbyshire and Derby will be a blessing to them, as they will be a blessing to us.” 

the bishop of derby, the bishop of repton, the dean of derby and canon nicky fenton

Bishop Libby (rear) presided at the Evensong; Dean Peter Robinson (front) led the service.

>> See more photos from the installation [Flickr]

The Revd Dr Elizabeth Thomson has been appointed as Rector and Provost of St Paul’s Cathedral, Dundee, in the Diocese of Brechin in the Scottish Episcopal Church.

Elizabeth joined Derby Cathedral in 2014 as Canon Missioner and was appointed Sub-dean in 2018.

The Dean of Derby, the Very Revd Dr Peter Robinson, said: “We are delighted that Elizabeth has been selected as the new Provost of Dundee and she leaves with our thanksgiving to God for her seven years as our Canon Missioner.

"Elizabeth will be much missed here in Derby. I know that Elizabeth will in the years to come enrich the city of Dundee and the Diocese of Brechin with her many gifts, not least her creativity, capacity for outreach and pastoral insight.

"Our greetings and prayers to all in the Scottish Episcopal Church who will undoubtedly enjoy Elizabeth’s ministry in the years to come.”

Elizabeth said: “It has been a privilege to be here for seven years, working with excellent colleagues in the cathedral and the diocese and learning so much from the whole cathedral community.

"I am looking forward to new challenges in Dundee but I will be sad to say goodbye to Derby Cathedral.”

Elizabeth’s last service at Derby Cathedral will be the Cathedral Eucharist on Sunday, 6 June 2021. She will be installed in a special service in St Paul’s Cathedral, Dundee, on Saturday 19th June.

Elizabeth was a teacher of English before being ordained in 2003.

She trained for ministry at Westcott House in Cambridge and served her curacy in Somerset.

Following her curacy, she became team vicar of St Mary’s, Witney, in Oxfordshire.

She has been responsible for helping Derby Cathedral connect with the city and community, for communications, and for a wide range of duties as part of the cathedral clergy team.

During a recent vacancy, she led the cathedral as acting dean. 

Elizabeth grew up in Edinburgh; she has been working her way steadily north again and is looking forward to being closer to family and friends in Scotland.

St Paul’s Cathedral, Dundee is the cathedral church of the Scottish Episcopal Diocese of Brechin. 

The historical diocese dates back to circa 1150 with the cathedral then in the City of Brechin—this building has been a Church of Scotland parish church since the reformation. 

The church building in Dundee, founded by Bishop Alexander Penrose Forbes, was completed in 1855 and became the cathedral church in 1905. 

Scottish Episcopal cathedrals are led by a senior cleric styled ‘Provost’ rather than ‘Dean’ - in Scotland the Dean of the Diocese is a senior cleric appointed by the bishop to be a member of chapter and deputy to the bishop. 

The provost of the cathedral is also the rector of the cathedral congregation, reflecting the status of the cathedral church as both cathedral and incumbency.

Today, Bishop–designate Malcom and I, join with the whole United Kingdom, and friends across the world, in expressing our sorrow at the death of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. 

Though sorrowful and grieving, we give thanks to God for his long life, dedicated service to the nation and Commonwealth, and unfailing support to Her Majesty The Queen, for 73 years. 

After so many decades in public service, I expect we will each have a memory or image of Prince Philip – perhaps alongside Her Majesty, engaged and enquiring in every circumstance, as they travelled the globe, or as he championed causes close to his heart, for example, in conservation, design and engineering, and inter-faith dialogue, or of the legacy he has left for young people through The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme.

As the Archbishop of Canterbury has said: “Prince Philip consistently put the interests of others ahead of his own and, in so doing, provided an outstanding example of Christian service. As we recover and rebuild after the terrible trial of the coronavirus pandemic, we will need fortitude and a deep sense of commitment to serving others … I pray we can take inspiration from his example”.

His commitment to our Queen and our nation has been total, and I know you will join us in sending our sincere condolences to Her Majesty and the Royal Family, with the assurance of our prayers as they grieve.

We pray they know the comfort and peace of the risen Christ in their loss. 

May His Royal Highness rest in peace and rise in glory.



God of our lives, 
we give thanks for the life of Prince Philip, 
for the love he shared among us,   
and for his devotion to duty.  
We entrust him now to your love and mercy, 
through our Redeemer Jesus Christ.

>> Guidance For parishes

>> Live coverage from BBC News

>> Add your message to the online Book of Condolence

Church buildings are not currently required to close and there is currently no obligation for churches to re-open in the event of a royal death. It will remain at the discretion of individual PCCs.

Private prayer should not be discouraged for those who feel the need to do this in a church building, but social distancing MUST be maintained for as long as the government restrictions dictate.

Having received one or more doses of the vaccine does not exclude anyone from adhering to the rules.

People should not be allowed to gather in groups.

Any church that wishes to consider re-opening MUST submit a risk assessment and have it approved by their archdeacon prior to opening.

Churches that are already open for private prayer etc may experience an increase in numbers and in some cases it may be necessary for them to re-assess their arrangements to allow for the increase. This may necessitate additional marshalling in and around the building.


Condolence books 

An online condolence book is now open for individuals and communities to record messages. Government guidance under the current Covid-19 precautions is that physical books should not be offered.


Flags should be flown at half-mast during the mourning period(the correct procedure is to lower flags completely and then raise them to half-mast).

Flower Tributes 

Visitors should not be allowed to leave flowers inside church buildings as this maybe a route for infection.  Flower tributes outside should also be discouraged.


Guidance on how and when bells should be tolled will come from the cabinet office in due course, and we will share this information to you as soon as we are ableon this page.

Easter was, again, a little different this year.

The usual plethora of events in churches and communities was much scaled-back because of the prevailing Covid restrictions.

However, the Easter message remained the same and some were able to hold worship and a limited range of events.

Here are a few that caught our eye.


Messages from the minster

Swadlincote Minster went virtual for Easter Day. Revd Mike Firbank told us: "The vicar was only needed at the beginning, but he was involved in the background throughout the planning. This service included some special messages from friends of the church." They shared messages, stories, songs, prayers and bread together.

Virtual Experience Easter

Revd Becky Mathew, vicar of St Nicholas' Allestree & St Paul's Quarndon, told us that they filmed a virtual Experience Easter for schools this year.

Both church and non-church schools took them up on the offer, including The Curzon CofE, Mugginton CofE, Portway Infants, Portway Juniors and Denby. They used the videos and suggested craft/prayer activiites.

>> See the full Experience Easter

Overseal's ringers

St Matthew’s church, Overseal, brought its Easter Day bell-ringing activies firmly down to earth. June Hart, secretary to the church council, told us: "Nothing stops our bellringers... the tower isn’t accessible so they stood outside and rang the handbells before the start of the service this morning. It was just wonderful!"

Easter Garden

Bishop Libby and her family created their own Easter Garden - complete with roll-away stone - to illustrate the Easter story. Bishop Libby used it in her Easter video message.


Happy Christmas!

[This video e-card has sound]

With grateful thanks to Florence and her family and to Christ Church Belper


With blessings for a safe and peaceful Christmas
From Kate Godfrey, Diocesan Secretary,
and all at the Parish Support Office.


What's your Easter story? Share it with us - communications@derby.anglican.org


When Bob Glassey recently received a package delivered by Royal Mail, little did he realise how 'royal' it would be.

Bob is one of the driving forces behind Creswell Breakfast Club, based at the Church of St Mary Magdalene in the village. 

The club ensures that local children continue to receive proper meals during school holidays and closures, as well as socialise and take part in activities.

creswell breakfast club 1584 1500 72

Bob Glassey at work at Creswell Breakfast Club

The package Bob received was from Buckingham Palace.

He said: "It's not every day I get an envelope with the Crown and ER special delivery on it!

"I had knowledge of what was in the package and very carefully inserted a sharp knife into the padded envelope to open it.

"Inside were two other envelopes with instructions on how to open them, and a red and a white purse.

"Again, cautiously, I opened them.

"In the first envelope was a signed letter from her Majesty and in the other was a letter from the Right Reverend Dr. John Inge, the Lord High Almoner, explaining what the history of the Maundy Gift and what the two leather purses contained.

"The red purse contains £5.50, an allowance for clothing and provisions: the £5 coin commemorates Her Majesty's birthday and the 50 pence coin commemorates the 50th anniversary of Decimal Day in 1971.

"The white purse contains Maundy coins: silver pennies, twopences, threepences and fourpences, totalling 95 pence, corresponding to the Sovereign's age.

"All the coins were newly minted this year."

part of the letter from the queen to bob glassey

The letter from the Queen begins: 'I am delighted to send you the Maundy Gift which I hope you will accept as an expression of my personal thanks for all you that have done to enrich the life of your community."

Covid restrictions mean that the annual Maundy Service, due to have been held at Westminster Abbey today have had to be cancelled and the Maundy Money distributed by post.

Bob said: "This year Her Majesty will be 95 on 21 April, so 95 men and women will receive the Royal Maundy gifts, and thanks to Bishop Libby I have been selected as one of those lucky few."

"My thanks to Bishop Libby for nominating me for this Honour for Christian service from our Monarch, who has taken to heart the words and actions of Jesus and given such unstinting Christian service herself."

Though Bob was also typically humble in his response to receiving such an important gift. He added: "It is an honour for the village really.

"It's the team that has got this because I'd never have done it on my own.

"It's always a great team effort."

But he did confess to being "flabbergasted" and "more than happy" with his gift.

"I shall treasure these for ever,"  he said.

See also: Cresswell Breakfast Club

>> What is Maundy Money?

>> What is Maundy Thursday?

Pupils from Biggin Church of England Primary School have been quizzing Bishop Libby about the importance of being a Church School.

The four Year Six pupils asked the bishop a range of questions, including why it is important to learn about God and the Bible, what benefit there is to being a Church school and what obstacles she had to overcome in her life.

>> Vacancy: Diocesan Director of Education

Rachel Morris has decided to stand down from her position as diocesan secretary of the Derby Diocesan Board of Finance.

She will also leave her role as chapter steward at Derby Cathedral.

Rachel has been with the cathedral and latterly the diocese for six years in which time she has led positive change.

Bishop Libby said: “We are very grateful to Rachel for the faithful leadership she has given during a time of considerable change: her contribution to diocesan life has been extensive.

"I have valued her partnership and friendship. We wish her well and assure her of our continuing prayers.”

Mrs Morris said: “I am grateful for the opportunities during this time and extend my heartfelt thanks to all colleagues, volunteers and partners across the diocese and beyond who have helped achieve great things.

"I wish all those involved with the cathedral and the diocese the very best for the future.”

Mrs Morris left on February 28 with our thanks for her significant contribution and our best wishes for the next chapter in her life.

The Diocese of Derby is supporting an initiative by Christian Aid to give both thanks and a donation once they have received the vaccine.

As a direct result of the pandemic, many communities around the world are still at risk from coronavirus and have no access to vaccines. Because jobs and livelihoods have been lost, many of our global neighbours lack the basics they need to protect themselves - like clean water and soap for handwashing.  

The donation will be used by Christian Aid to help vulnerable communities around the world access soap, food and vital health information in the face of the pandemic. 

Christian Aid will also support vaccination programmes in countries where it is operating by providing data on hard-to-reach populations to local health services and by challenging misleading information about the virus and vaccination, as well as any stigma faced by those who contract Covid-19.

>> Give thanks and make your donation here

On launching the appeal in Derbyshire, Bishop Libby said: "The vaccine brings with it hope for families and communities across the Diocese of Derby, the UK and around the world, and there will be many of us who will want to express our gratitude by helping others.

"Giving thanks and giving a donation to help those who do not have the benefits that we have, and for whom hope may seem all too distant, is a wonderful way of reaching out to others and to express a wish to see all God’s people living safely. I hope that people will give generously to the work of Christian Aid.

"Every donation, however large or small, will help make a difference and bring hope and love to people everywhere, in the spirit of thanksgiving and compassion that Jesus taught us."

Christian Aid partners have so far directly helped over half a million people in 27 countries including distributing food packages to nearly 60,000 people struggling to feed their families after losing work during lockdown and the economic downturn.

Going forwards, Christian Aid will support vaccination programmes in communities by providing data on hard-to-reach populations to local health services and by working with trusted community figures to challenge misleading information about the virus and vaccination as well as any stigma faced by those who contract Covid-19.

>> Give thanks and make your donation here

A woman receiving her hygiene kit at a Christian Aid facility in Nigeria

A woman receiving her hygiene kit at a Christian Aid facility in Nigeria

Chine McDonald, Christian Aid’s Head of Community Fundraising and Public Engagement, said: "The coronavirus pandemic has shown us that none of us are safe, until all of us are safe. It has been amazing to see the speed at which the vaccines have been rolled out in the UK – every jab in someone’s arm brings us closer to the end of Covid-19.

"But the reality is that richer countries like ours are getting more access to vaccines, while the poorer countries in which Christian Aid works are left at the back of the queue. As a Christian organisation, we believe that every person is equal in the sight of God and worthy of living lives with dignity, equality and justice.

"We’re delighted to work together with the Diocese of Derby to give people an opportunity to say thanks and help protect our global neighbours while the vaccine is out of reach."

The appeal launch comes after nearly two thirds of people asked in a UK poll agreed that a global COVID-19 vaccine programme should be created which does not prioritise richer countries over poorer ones.

The Avenue Church of England Primary School Application Approved!

Derby Diocesan Academy Trust (DDAT) is delighted to announce that the Department for Education has approved an application to establish a new Church of England primary school at The Avenue development site, near to Wingerworth.

The new school will be developed as part of the Government’s Free School programme.

It will create much needed nursery and primary school places for families as the number of residential dwellings on The Avenue site increases alongside other developments in the local area.

The proposed Church of England primary school and nursery will be inclusive and open to pupils from families of all backgrounds and faiths (including no faith) where every child will be welcomed, respected and nurtured.

The school will offer a family-friendly approach with breakfast club and after-school provision offering a wide range of enrichment activities, operating as a community hub and supporting community cohesion.

DDAT is a multi-academy trust of 28 schools situated across Derby and Derbyshire and has a successful track-record of working with schools (including in the Chesterfield area) to improve provision.

In September 2018, DDAT successfully opened the first Church of England secondary school within the Diocese of Derby when Derby Cathedral School opened its doors to its first cohort of students.

DDAT has the experience of both rapidly improving schools and supporting established high-performing schools. DDAT is excited to create this new provision and will ensure the new primary school at the Avenue is a success from day 1.

Chief Executive Officer of DDAT, Mark Mallender, said: “I am thrilled that the Department for Education has approved our application for a new primary school and nursery serving the Wingerworth and Clay Cross areas of Chesterfield.

"We now have the opportunity to work with parents and the community to develop a highly effective school that will ensure our pupils make exceptional progress and leave fully prepared for their secondary education.

"The DDAT team are ready and excited to begin detailed work on developing this school and will ensure that plans are shared with the community as part of future consultations.”

Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Young People, Councillor Alex Dale, said: “We’ve worked with Derby Diocesan Academy Trust on planning for this school and I’m sure that they will do an excellent job in getting it built and ready for the students who will attend.

“It’s great to see the government supporting the council in investing in first-class educational facilities to help give children and young people in Derbyshire the best possible start in life.”

The Trust will start planning its pre-opening programme, including consultations and events in the local area, leading up to the opening of the school.

The Trust will share its programme as soon as it is developed and agreed with its strategic partners including the Department for Education and Derbyshire County Council.

The creative ways that people in our parishes have found to help people during the pandemic has been wide-ranging. Here's the story of how one parish has taken to YouTube to helpbuild community, grow church and transform lives.

Covid Island Discs was the brainchild of Revd Ian Webb, team vicar in Dronfield with Holmesfield Team Ministry, and he has been producing an episode of this popular feature for 12 weeks.

“Having only been licenced in November, I was thinking about how I could help people get something from worship using video,” said Ian.

“But it was also about building community connections and people getting to know one another.

“There was also an element of testimony in there too – how did I become a Christian and what is my role and purpose?”

As the title reveals, the idea is based on the popular BBC Radio 4 series of a similar name.

Ian has approached people of different genders and background to feature in his programmes and give something of themselves and their faith.

They include local curate Joel Bird, Archdeacon Carol, Bishop Libby and American country music and Christian music singer-songwriter Jenn Bostic (pictured) who, last year, performed at Dronfield parish church.

covid island discs jenn bostic

Guests have also included some who have recently come to faith.

Ian said: ” What I have done is to approach people and then send them some instructions.

They choose five pieces of music and send me a biography and we see how the conversation goes from there.

“I have a standard set of five questions I ask – including how they came to faith and how they have coped in these times of Covid – and, of course, they also get to tell me about any particular items they would not want to be without on Covid Island.

“And some of their answers have surprised me. One of the things I ask is ‘When did it feel great to be a Christian?’

"I had expected people to tell me about a particular single event, but mostly the guests have talked about being in the rhythm of Christianity and the sustenance that comes from that.

“But the answers are varied, as one guest talked about the time his granddaughter was seriously ill and, being away on holiday, all he could do was to pray.

"His granddaughter went on to make a remarkable recovery – and that was a significant moment in his Christian journey.”

“Music choices have been interesting too!

"For example, there was a big difference between Archdeacon Carol’s classical choices and some of Jenn’s choices which might have had you jumping around and going crazy!”

Ian says that the response has been fantastic and that he has had plenty of positive feedback, but that the current series will finish just before Lent: “I wanted to help people to worship – we are weakened as a church because we have not been able to sing together, and this series has hopefully helped and encouraged some to do that and to worship God.

“It is a time-consuming process – mainly because of the editing – but I would do it again if people wanted it.

"I think it has been of value and I believe it has helped people during lockdown.”
Catch up on all the episodes of Covid Island Discs on YouTube.

covid island discs youtube

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