
Lucy Harrison

Lucy Harrison

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Parish Resources National List of Charitable Grants


A Guide to finding funding, investment and support 
Produced by the East Midlands Funding Forum and launched at One East Midlands annual conference on 21 November, Funding the East Midlands has been developed to help signpost groups and organisations to finding the right funding, investment or support for their community and social projects. The booklet is a start point for those new to finding funding and investment, but also a reminder for those more experienced of the wide range of funders and investors still supporting the East Midlands region.

>> Download the guide to finding funding [PDF]


Forget the grant – how to raise local donor funding


South Derbyshire CVS offers a comprehensive Funding Advice Service
To any group or organisation working in or supporting people from South Derbyshire. If you have an idea for a project or need funding to carry on doing what you’re already doing, then the team, may be able to help you. The team can offer advice on what funding is available, how to make an effective bid and much more, so for more information please contact them on 01283 219761 or email development@sdcvs.org.uk.

40 minutes to improve your funding applications
>> A series of brief video clips and exercises which could improve your bid writing

Wording for Gift Aid forms and envelopes from January 2013

Please ensure that you are using this on gift aid forms and envelopes. For full up to date information about Gift Aid please see the Parish Resources website for guidance.


What is MAP?

MAP stands for Mission Action Planning. The main purpose of MAP is to listen and discern the will of God for your church and its community. It is about looking at what is happening in your parish and as a church community considering the direction that you think your church should be heading. Once you have established a vision for your church you then set yourselves priorities for your church for each of the following 3 years and then plan the specific steps you need to take to deliver these goals. At the end of each year we will ask you to review your action so that you can adjust your plan accordingly.


Finding the right direction for your Church

Let’s imagine someone has a free day and they want to go on a new walk. They get out their map and need to consider the following:

1. Where will they start from?

2. Where are they going, what is their destination?

3. What’s the best way to get there?

4. What do they need to do now?

Well that’s exactly the process we follow for mission action planning:

As churches begin to consider where God is calling them, what direction they should take and which path they should follow, then these same questions are relevant.


Creationtide / Season of Creation

Creationtide or the Season of Creation is the period in the annual church calendar, from 1 September to 4 October, dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of all life. 

>> Find out more about the Season of Creation

>> Creationtide information and resources on the CofE website


A prayer for Harvest

Loving God,
we give thanks for those who produce our food:
for farmers and fishermen, factory and shop workers.
We pray for those for whom this has been a difficult year:
farmers who have battled the weather to grow food,
delivery drivers and shop workers who kept working despite the pandemic.
Help us to value and support each other.
In Jesus’ name.


Resources for clergy

>> "Thank You to our Farmers" - Arthur Rank Centre 

>> Farming Community Network - Harvest 2022


Harvest at Church

Decorate the church, take photos and use on social media/website. Invite people to visit, give thanks, offer a prayer walk around and in church.

Hold a Harvest Festival Celebration in church and, if possible, online using Facebook / YouTube.

Promote The Bishop of Derby's Harvest Appeal 2022.

Put a banner up outside the church to Thank Farmers.

Encourage schools to engage through art-work and voucher scheme for donations to food banks.


Harvest at Home

Take photos of your own harvest in gardens or the creation enjoyed to display in services, on social media. Link with @dioceseofderby using hashtag #harvesthanks.

Gather pledges on actions people can do to care for creation, e.g. make bird boxes etc.

Make an online donation to The Bishop of Derby's Harvest Appeal and use your social media accounts to promote the appeal across your network.

Play recorded Harvest music.

Host a Harvest at Home meal and offer thanks. Try to use all locally “home grown” food or cook a special meal, and say a special grace.

Information on looking after, changing and developing your church

Churchcare provides a series of guidance notes relating to the care, use and development of church buildings. They they can be accessed here.

The Church of England has produced detailed guidance and a series of webinars to support the Church's effort to achieve the target of 'net zero carbon' emissions, including information on heating, lighting, maintenance and funding. Details of planned webinars and recordings of past webinars can be accessed here.

Changes to the faculty rules to move towards net zero carbon will come into effect in July 2022. A briefing note regarding the changes has been prepared.


Help with looking after Historic Churches







Help with Financing the Repair of Historic Churches





Application for Memorial in a Diocese of Derby Churchyard

The form below is for all churchyard memorial applications, those which can be approved by Incumbents, Rural Deans and Archdeacons and, when the request falls outside their delegated authority, as the petition to the Chancellor for a faculty.

>> Diocese of Derby Churchyard Memorial Application Form (Nov 2022) [PDF]

>> Diocese of Derby Churchyard Regulations 2021 [PDF]

More details on churchyards can be found on this page.


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Derby Church House

Full Street, Derby DE1 3DR

01332 388650



Who's who at Derby Church House

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