
News and Events

A year ago, throughout October 2019, Derby Cathedral hosted the Knife Angel.

In the four weeks it stood outside the cathedral, more than 200,000 people visited, 130 volunteers were trained and gave up their time to inform visitors of the danger of carrying a knife and 23 special educational events were held to discuss knife crime.

Rachel Morris, Diocesan Secretary & Derby Cathedral Chapter Steward, Chief Executive Diocesan Board of Finance, said: “Derby Cathedral was humbled and honoured to host the Knife Angel in Derby.

"The perseverance and hard work of key partners, generous sponsors and wonderful volunteers brought the project together in a way which benefitted the many thousands of visitors who experienced and were affected by the statue. 

“The educational and public events enabled the successful delivery of the key outcomes to educate and raise public awareness of the horrors of knife and violent crime. 

"We are very grateful to every individual involved, and keen to support the ongoing legacy of the Knife Angel in Derby.”

Featuring the voice of Rachel Webb whose son, Tom, was killed in a knife attack in Derby city centre

Superintendent Sarah McAughtrie, from Derbyshire police, said: “A year on since the visit of the knife angel I look back and feel really proud of what was achieved during that time by all involved, the number of visitors was incredible. 

“I have spoken to a number of people that attended who said what a real sense of emotion they felt, thinking about all the people that have lost their lives due to this senseless crime. 

“The carrying of knives is still an issue in society and as part of the legacy of the knife angel’s visit we continue to work tirelessly as a police service, with our partners and the community, to tackle the problem”.

Last modified on Monday, 05 October 2020 11:56

Bishop Libby has ordained eight new deacons and nine priests in the Diocese of Derby, at Derby Cathedral.

The socially distanced services took place over the weekend - ordinations were delayed this year because of the Covid-19 restrictions.

There were three ordination services on each of the two days with each candidate able to invite a limited number of guests, plus their training incumbents.

Speaking to the new priests and deacons at the start of each service, Bishop Libby said: "This may not be the service you envisaged when you first considered ordination, but this is how God has called you in this time."

And in his sermon to the new priests, the Dean of Derby, Peter Robinson, said: "God has the power the change the human heart through the death and resurrection of Jesus, so as we are called by God to lead in a time of fear and towards an unknown future our task as the church is to go through Covid-19, not to imagine that we can go around it and embrace a false hope of returning to what we recall as ‘normal’."

>> See photos from the ordination of priests on Flickr

>> See photos from the ordination of deacons on Flickr

The new curates included Alan Winfield, a funeral director, who says he met God at the age of 16 during an Easter Sunrise Service.

He said: "As the sun rose above the mill rooftops, I had this strange and wonderful feeling inside and it was there and then that I knew."

Alan has been in reader ministry since 2002 and has had a deep interest in pastoral care: "I hope my curacy will enable me to develop this further and reach out to those in need and reveal something of the love of God."

Sharon Murphy is another new deacon. The mother of eight said that God appeared to her one night in a dream: "I became a Christian in my early 20s having suffered a miscarriage.

"It was my first encounter with grief, and it was such a time of pain both physically and emotionally.

"When I woke up the next morning all the pain had gone, and I felt peaceful."

As she starts her curacy in Derwent Oak BMO, Derby, Sharon says she finds herself thinking about dwelling in a place, being, prayer walking, listening and building relationships: "My prayer is that people will see something of Christ in me the hope of glory and will want that hope for themselves."

Photographs from the ordination services

>> See photos prom the ordination of priests on Flickr

>> See photos from the ordination of deacons on Flickr


Please pray for our new deacons:

Rachael Brookes - Littleover and Blagreaves

Catrin Hubbard - Buxton with Burbage and King Sterndale Team Ministry

Nicola McNally - Tideswell

Sharon Murphy - Derwent Oak, Derby

Malcolm Pyatt - Brimington

Kate Smedley - Spondon

Sandra Till - Alvaston

Alan Winfield - Melbourne, Ticknall, Smisby and Stanton-by-Bridge


and our new priests

Sally-Anne Beecham, Rhoda Blackwell, Brenda Jackson, Elaine Jones, Dawn Knight, James Milwain, Jenn Newman, John Spreadborough and Anthony Till will be ordained priests in services at Derby Cathedral and again these can be followed online - details on the cathedral's website

Will Eley will be ordained priest by the Bishop of Maidstone in a separate service on 11 October.

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 15:47

>> Click here to make an online donation <<


With desperate poverty and homelessness severely damaging the life chances of girls in one of the world’s biggest and poorest slum areas, Bishop Libby has launched this year’s Harvest Appeal to raise thousands of pounds towards their housing and basic education.

St Elizabeth’s Hostel in Kolkata, India, is the focus of this year's Harvest Appeal, which will run in parishes and schools throughout the Diocese of Derby from September to the end of December.

The diocese has a long mutual association with the Church of North India, not least through links with schools over many decades.

Drawn from some of the poorest slums in the city, St Elizabeth’s is a refuge for up to 86 girls at any one time.

Sometimes homeless and always underprivileged, the girls at the hostel are provided with accommodation, food, clothing and other basic necessities as well as an education up to Higher Secondary level.

As a result of the pandemic, financial support has either been cut or is at severe risk in what are sometimes considered as low-priority areas, such as girls’ education.

Bishop Libby is determined that the long-term development of girls at St Elizabeth’s should continue.

Education helps them overcome social and financial challenges and to access jobs and income that will enable them to live independently and sustain themselves.

Without the support of St Elizabeth’s, most of the girls would receive no education at all, making it likely they would remain in poverty like many thousands of other girls and vulnerable to exploitation, often by the sex trade.

Bishop Libby said: “Many of these girls come from truly desperate situations, and lacking the basic tools to be able to change that. St Elizabeth’s work is so inspiring – a shining example of our partners in the Church of North India making known the good news of the Kingdom of God.

"The joy and opportunity it brings are clear to see on the faces of these girls, and I know the people of Derbyshire will join with us help us raise the money needed to keep this wonderful institution alive.”


Individual online donations

You can make an online donation to the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal at www.justgiving.com/campaign/harvestappeal2021.
There is the option to Gift Aid these donations.


Church and School donations

Where possible, participating churches and schools should send their donations (including any reclaimed Gift Aid) by BACS transfer – details for this transaction are:

Bank account name: Derby Diocesan Board of Finance
Bank account number: 85463671
Sort code number: 60-12-01
Payment Ref: HARVEST2021

When churches / schools send their donation by BACS, please notify us by email to finance@derby.anglican.org to include payment details – (i) date & (ii) amount.
This is important to us, as your email will ensure your donation is identified and a “thank you” will be sent.

Cheques should be made payable to DDBF Ltd and sent to
“The Bishop of Derby’s Harvest Appeal 2021”
c/o Derby Church House
Full Street


A Ray of Hope

Suriya’s mother succumbed to domestic violence and soon afterwards her father left her along with three of her siblings. Her maternal aunts support them financially and their grandmother aids the education of her sister. Residing at the hostel has helped Suriya cope with serious economic problems and the food crisis at home. She responds well in class and has performed well in her exams.

The death of Priyanks’s father left her family in a critical financial position. Her mother struggles to make ends meet by doing housekeeping work but for meagre pay. For monetary reasons her siblings have to reside with her paternal family. Staying at the hostel has affected her positively. She has been able to put aside her past and is doing well in her studies.

KumKum has lived in a rented house with her mother since her father left them when she was only a year and half old. Mother and daughter were under great financial pressure so KumKum decided to enroll herself for boarding. Their lives are still full of struggle but the hostel had been a ray of hope at a time of despair. She is studying well and scoring good grades and some, if not all, of their educational and financial problems have found a solution.

Sonia hails from a Christian family of two elder sisters, mother, father and grandmother. Her mother works at a grocery store which she started during the pandemic. Her father repairs electrical goods and sells religious books at the market. They have had financial troubles for a considerable period but her parents have always supported her and her siblings’ education. She has scored a well-deserving 79.8% in her Madhyamik Exam 2021.

Priya Halder from Bardhhaman never knew her father’s love. Her mother, with the help of St.Thomas’ Home Howrah, kept her in the hostel to pursue her education. Priya is talented in recitation and has come first in a competition organised by the State Government. She was awarded a memento and a book - she has made us proud. She gets financial assistance as girls in the OBC, Minority and scheduled Caste quota receive financial help from the state government.


Thank You in anticipation of your generous support for the Bishop of Derby’s Harvest Appeal 2021

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 15:59

Dave Channon, who has been director of education for eight years, has left his posts in the Diocese of Derby.

He has relinquished his post as Diocesan Director of Education, directorships of Derby Diocesan Academy Trust and of the Peak Centre at Champion House, and his Lay Canonry of Derby Cathedral with effect from 31st August 2020.

On announcing his departure, Bishop Libby said: "Dave has been a highly valued Diocesan Director of Education since 2012 and was instrumental in the formation and development of the Diocesan Academy Trusts.

"I know you will join me in thanking Dave for his years of dedicated service and for his lasting legacy to the work of the DBE and DDAT within our schools.

"We send him our very best wishes for the future."

And Archdeacon Carol, chair of the DBE's board of trustees, said: "We are all going to miss Dave and his input, and I know that as trustees we will want to put in place an acknowledgment to him of all his work over the years in which he has guided the development of education while he has been in office."

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 15:54

Recently, Peter Robinson, the Dean of Derby, took part in a discussion on BBC Radio 4's Beyond Belief programme about the use of water and ritual bathing in religion.

Dean Peter's doctoral thesis was on Christian Initiation focusing on Baptism

Followers of any of the main religions are more than likely to have undergone a bathing ritual.

Cleansing with water is an integral part of Christian Baptism, Muslim Prayer and Jewish purification. Hindus aspire to bathe in the waters of the River Ganges.

Why are rituals in water important to so many faiths? What do they mean? And how do they differ from religion to religion?

Joining host Ernie Rea to discuss ritual bathing are the Very Revd Peter Robinson (Dean of Derby), Dr Diana Lipton (teaching fellow in the department of biblical studies at Tel Aviv University) and Sudipta Sen (professor of history at the University of California and author of 'Ganges: the Many Pasts of an Indian River').

You can enjoy the programme here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000m0zq

or find it on the BBC Sounds app.

Last modified on Tuesday, 22 September 2020 11:18

Dr Alison Brown, acting director of education, reflects on the start of the new school year.

We owe all our school leaders and staff a huge debt of gratitude for keeping schools open during the lockdown, supporting pupils, parents and the wider school community.

Thank you! 

What a year 2020 continues to be. For all those involved in schools they have, in effect, two New Years to mark and celebrate each year, in January and in September as a new academic year begins. 

For most of our schools that ‘new year’ is this week. 

Of course, this is going to be a particularly unusual new start with a potent mixture of excitement and anxiety.

The excitement will be because at long last the whole school community can be back together.

The anxiety will be multi-layered. For parents it might be around the safety of their children and their ability to fit back into the social setting of school.  

For pupils it could be around being back in an environment in a new way with class bubbles, staggered break-times and starts and ends to the day.

For staff it will be about how they help pupils to pick up and run with their formal learning whilst keeping safe and happy.

For all staff there will also be anxiety for their own health and for those they care for at home.  

How can we help our precious schools and the individuals in them flourish with this backdrop?

Well, we can pray for them, that they will know that ‘goodness and mercy shall follow them all of their lives’.

For clergy and congregations who have schools in their care, sending cards, messages, emails, phone calls wishing them well and telling them of that prayer will count for a lot (as might a box of biscuits or chocolates for the staff room!!).

Visits into schools are not yet allowed and so all the support we give must be at a distance, but in the knowledge that the God who loves us all is closer than we can imagine.

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 15:53

Coronavirus (Covid-19) has affected all our lives.

Things are changing fast. We have faced loss, anxiety and disruption.

While we are still recovering, many of us continue to worry about what it means for ourselves and for our loved ones.

Which is why, this year, the Bishop of Derby’s Harvest Appeal, will focus on supporting the wellbeing of people in Derbyshire.

Peace of Mind’: supporting wellbeing in Derbyshire’ will be officially launched on Sunday, 6th September.

This autumn a variety of free online events with a mental health and wellbeing focus, from Christian partners, will be available for everyone in the diocese.  

Events include an online reading group, examples of community sport and activity projects, ‘Managing anxiety and trauma using Christian principles’ and ‘Poetry for Health’ amongst others.

The workshops are free and will be held via Zoom.

To book your place please visit the Learning in Faith pages of the diocesan website.

Alongside the events programme we have challenged ourselves to raise £15,000 to support Derbyshire Mind’s wellbeing programme ‘Enjoying Derbyshire’.

Enjoying Derbyshire is a project that offers a diverse menu of activities and workshops aimed at improving mental wellbeing.

More resources and events will be available on the diocesan website and our social media channels throughout the autumn.

Last modified on Wednesday, 02 September 2020 17:55

The Bishop of Derby is pleased to announce that the Revd Timothy John Clarke will become Chancellor of the Diocese of Derby from 4 December 2020.

Mr Clarke, currently the deputy chancellor of the diocese, is a barrister at Three Stone Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn, and a non-stipendiary minister in the Diocese of Worcester.

As a barrister, he specialises in real property, wills, and estates. He also advises on matters of ecclesiastical law.

On the announcement of his appointment, Mr Clarke said: “I am delighted to have been appointed to this position by the Bishop of Derby. I have learned much from John Bullimore, while serving as his deputy for the past five years. John has been an outstanding chancellor, as many in the diocese will know.

“I look forward to working with the bishop, archdeacons, registrar and all in the Diocese of Derby to ensure that our church communities are better enabled to meet the needs of 21st-century worship, whilst also encouraging an appreciation of the rich heritage we share.”

Mr Clarke is married to the Revd Dr Georgina Byrne, a residentiary canon at Worcester Cathedral and a chaplain to HM the Queen.

In his spare time, Mr Clarke enjoys music, choral singing, beekeeping and skiing.

Mr Clarke will replace John Bullimore, who retires on 3rd December having served as Chancellor of the Diocese of Derby for almost 40 years.

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 15:49

Discipleship Training

Our exciting, easy-to-access training is available for all who want to deepen their faith, grow in discipleship and develop the gifts God has given them in the service of the church. 

The training is open to all who want to learn more about their faith and also to those who want to develop in ministry. 

You don't need any formal qualifications to take any of the modules, just some good thinking and reflecting skills.

You can work towards a Certificate of Mission & Ministry by completing the whole course with assignments or you can simply do the modules for your own faith journey.

You can do one module or many, and you can start, stop for a while and then pick up again later. 

The training is modular, which simply means that you will spend 10 sessions looking at a particular subject (for example, the Bible or Pastoral Care or Mission and Evangelism etc). 

These 10 sessions make up one module.

You will do seven of these sessions on your own in the comfort of your own home at a time to suit you and the other three sessions will be done with everyone on the module coming together on Zoom. 

Find out more and request an Information Pack from our new training website www.discipleship-training.org or contact the course administrator, Fiona.bennett@derby.anglican.org.

If you are able to contribute to this year’s appeal please visit our dedicated Just Giving page where you can donate directly to the appeal.


Cheques should be made payable to The Bishop of Derby’s Harvest Appeal and sent to:

Finance Department
Derby Church House
Full Street

Last modified on Monday, 07 December 2020 15:22

Where would you find a rector, a bishop, builders and t’owd men?

Only in Wirksworth!

St Mary’s Wirksworth has held a topping out ceremony to mark the completion of work to re-roof the nave.

A number of people involved in the project looked on as a bough of oak, a symbol of resilience and strength, was hoisted onto the roof, after which Revd David Truby and Bishop Libby climbed ladders to the top of the nave to give a blessing. They were joined on the roof by some of the builders and roofers who had worked on the project over the past months.

“The lead had been on the roof for nearly 100 years,” said Revd David Truby, the rector of Wirksworth. “It was last done in 1926 and, because of the action of the weather, it was cracking and leaking,”

The project was funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund to the tune of £120,000 – around 60% of the total cost. Generous local businesses, fundraising events and crowdfunding also contributed – although there is still more fundraising to be done to allow the two transepts to also be re-roofed.

>> Vistit St Mary's JustGiving page

Once back on the ground, Bishop Libby said: “To see how much craft goes into the restoration of a roof like this, using techniques that have been around for centuries, and the wonderful way in which the lead that had been there for a century was able to be removed and reused is amazing.

“There is something very beautiful and deeply theological about the way that God is able to re-cast the things that are part of our inheritance and our treasure into something that is now fit for purpose for the next century.

“Christ’s people here in Wirksworth have not been constrained or tied to this building – however beautiful and precious it may be – they have been the church of God when they’ve not had access to the building, continuing to worship and pray and learn and to serve their neighbours.”

Among the onlookers were two parishioners dressed as t’owd men. Inside the church, T’owd Man is an ancient carving of a lead miner, as Wirksworth had historically been an important centre for lead trade.

T'owd men

The oak bough that was lifted onto the roof for the ceremony also carried representations of Wirksworth’s past, being adorned with Wirksworth Red Tape – a tape manufactured in the town and used around the world to tie up bureaucratic papers (hence the term, bureaucratic red tape).

David Truby said that the Lottery funding was conditional on the church finding ways of engaging with the local community in new ways. So, originally, they had planned to take people up the scaffold during the work: “Unfortunately, because of the Covid-19 restrictions, we weren’t able to do that so we did a virtual tower tour. That meant me going up onto the roof and doing the tour via Zoom, relaying it out to people wherever they were.”

Bishop Libby said she had also been keen to see the roof work for herself: “When David first told me the plans for today, they didn’t include me going up to the roof and I was a little disappointed.

“But I was delighted when I arrived to learn that they were expecting me to go up.

“The first ladder, from the ground to the first platform, is quite long and a bit shaky, so I was given very clear instructions to maintain three points of contact at all times.

“But it was absolutely fine and the view at the top is amazing!”

Bishop Libby and David Truby

More pictures from Wirksworth

  • wirksworth topping out 4393 2000
  • wirksworth topping out 4313 2000
  • wirksworth topping out 4325 2000 ls
  • wirksworth topping out 4334 2000 ls
  • wirksworth topping out 4389 2000
  • wirksworth topping out 4368 2000 duo
  • wirksworth topping out 4341 2000 ls
  • wirksworth topping out 4350 2000
  • wirksworth topping out 4390 2000
  • wirksworth topping out 4372 2000
  • Tuesday, 18 August 2020 - and St Mary's Wirksworth 'tops out' its new roof.
  • The rector, Revd David Truby thanks the onlookers and reflects on a number of months of hard work.
  • The oak bough is adorned with Wirksworth Red Tape, another tradition from the town's past
  • The bough, symbolic of resilience, is hoisted to the rooftop
  • Bishop Libby prepares for her ascent to the top, where she will give blessing
  • And so it begins!
  • Bishop Libby said the first ladder was a bit shaky, so she had been given instructions to maintain three points of contact at all times
  • Made it!
  • Back on the ground - job done...
  • T'owd men

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 15:53

The Diocese of Derby is pleased to confirm the Revd Canon Matt Barnes has been appointed as the director of discipleship, mission and ministry for the Diocese of Derby.

A key part of this role is to help build and develop the channels through which the Church in the Diocese of Derby lives out its calling to be a church for all.

Mr Barnes has been acting director for a the past two and a half years and brings to the role his wide experience, having served in the diocese for over 20 years, most recently as Rector of St Thomas’ Church Brampton, in Chesterfield.

Working closely with the Bishop of Derby, he will plan and lead the development, training and equipping of both lay and ordained leaders and ministers at all levels across the diocese though training, church growth, community work and vocations.

Mr Barnes said: “It is a really exciting time to take on this vital role in the diocese. I’m grateful to Bishop Libby for her confidence in me and I look forward to working with our wonderful clergy and lay ministers as we work out together how best to offer the ministry and mission of the Church in these changing times”.

The Right Reverend Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby said: “I am delighted to confirm Matt Barnes to his role as Director of Discipleship, Mission and Ministry. Matt lives his faith with integrity and passion and brings a deep and energetic commitment to this role and its potential to make a transformative impact on church and community, particularly in the uncertain times ahead.

“He is already a trusted colleague and a welcome, permanent addition to the senior leadership team.”

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 15:51

Growing faith and developing ministry

Our exciting, easy-to-access training is available for all who want to deepen their faith, grow in discipleship and develop the gifts God has given them in the service of the church. 

The training is open to all who want to learn more about their faith and also to those who want to develop in ministry. 

You don't need any formal qualifications to take any of the modules, just some good thinking and reflecting skills.

You can work towards a Certificate of Mission & Ministry by completing the whole course with assignments or you can simply do the modules for your own faith journey.

You can do one module or many, and you can start, stop for a while and then pick up again later. 

The training is modular, which simply means that you will spend 10 sessions looking at a particular subject (for example, the Bible or Pastoral Care or Mission and Evangelism etc). 

These 10 sessions make up one module.

You will do seven of these sessions on your own in the comfort of your own home at a time to suit you and the other three sessions will be done on Zoom.  

Find out more and request an information pack from our training website www.discipleship-training.org or contact the course administrator, fiona.bennett@derby.anglican.org.

Sign up now for next term

>> What are the term dates?

Three options are available:

For Those who Would Like to Complete a Full Course
The Diocesan Certificate in Mission and Ministry (CMM) Course:
As noted above, the course is designed to help you growth in your faith and the develop the ministry to which God has called you at this time and place in your life. This is now all online and can be completed from the comfort of your own home. The course is modular and each module consists of seven sessions which you complete on your own and three which you complete with other students on Study Days via Zoom.

For Those who Think They May Be Called to Licensed Lay (Reader) Ministry 
Do you think God may be calling to be a Licensed Lay Minister (Reader)? If so you may want to sign up to the new LLM (R) training course. The first year of the new course starts in January and is now a discernment year which you can take while working with a vocations adviser and the supervision of your incumbent.  

This gives you the opportunity to explore whether Reader ministry is for you. You will need the support of your incumbent (or the equivalent in a vacancy) in order to sign up for this course.

For Those who would like to just Deepen Their Faith
Take single modules as and when they are running. The list and dates of modules running can be found here.

Closing date for applications for next term’s modules, the Certificate in Mission and Ministry and the LLM (Reader) training course is 2nd January 2024

Modules each cost a flat fee of £25, payable prior to commencement of each one (you only pay for the modules you study).

Find out more and request an information pack visit the Discipleship Training website - www.discipleship-training.org - or contact the course director dawn.glen@derby.anglican.org.


Last modified on Monday, 29 January 2024 12:00

The Diocese of Derby is pleased to confirm two significant appointments to the parish support team, based at Derby Church House.

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA).

Hannah Hogg has been appointed Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser.

Mrs Hogg is currently Corporate Safeguarding Lead at Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust and brings with her extensive experience of working across a multi-agency partnership at a senior level.

Having studied law at the University of Dundee and Chester College of Law, she trained as a solicitor and has also previously worked at Derby City Council as Head of Service and legal adviser to the Derby City Safeguarding Children Board, and for the Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board.

The Derby Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser post is a key role and Mrs Hogg will advise the diocese on all safeguarding matters ensuring that all advice is in line with the law, government guidance and national policy and guidance from the House of Bishops.

She will take start her new role in October.

Derby Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel – Independent Chair

Helen Jebb has been appointed the Independent Chair of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel.

Mrs Jebb is a former Detective Chief Superintendent with Nottinghamshire Police, where she was Head of Crime and Intelligence with responsibility for Public Protection and Safeguarding.

The Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel (DSAP) is the committee that oversees the work of the Diocesan Safeguarding Team (DST) across the diocese. It is made up of senior staff within both the diocese and Derby Cathedral, alongside representatives from statutory and partner agencies who provide safeguarding services to Derby and Derbyshire.

This role will see Mrs Jebb ensure that the work of the safeguarding team is conducted impartially and in cooperation with other safeguarding agencies and that the needs of victim/survivors, children, young people and vulnerable adults are fully considered.

She will join the diocese in September.

On confirming the appointments, the Right Reverend Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby, said: “I am delighted to welcome Hannah and Helen to the team. Safeguarding is at the very heart of being Church and proclaiming the Kingdom of God.

“Both statutory responsibility and safe culture are key, and Hannah and Helen bring expertise and experience to enable the diocese to ensure best practice in Safeguarding for children, young people and vulnerable adults in our churches. I am looking forward to working with them.”

Last modified on Thursday, 22 April 2021 15:08

Ministry during the pandemic has certainly looked somewhat different to the regular parish ministry we've all been used to.

Revd Bryony Taylor, Rector at St James Barlborough and St John the Baptist Clowne, writes:


Despite having worked as a social media consultant before being ordained, I still have had to learn not to play the comparison game and compare my ministry during lockdown with that of other churches.

Comparison, they say, is the thief of joy!

So before I share some lessons I’ve learnt during lockdown, be encouraged that it is your faithfulness to God that counts more than anything!

There are three areas I have been interested to see grow or be affected by this time of pandemic:



People’s discipleship has deepened in a lot of areas during lockdown.

Unmoored from the safety of our church buildings, people have been expected to fend for themselves spiritually.

I distributed some prayer booklets before lockdown and a number of people have told me that they have been praying far more than usual during lockdown.

People have found it helpful to create a routine that includes prayer.

I set up a ‘dial a sermon’ system so that people can ring a phone number to listen to this week’s sermon.

Several people have told me they ring the number twice a week, once on a Sunday and then they listen again later in the week.

That’s something you can’t normally do with sermons (and is a bit scary for us preachers!)

But I’ve been deeply encouraged that people have been engaging with sermons in depth and learning more about their faith.



Much has been said about online viewing figures being a lot higher than the numbers we usually have in the pews on a Sunday.

I’m not so interested in the numbers, however, but more in individuals who have engaged with our online worship, perhaps for the first time.

I joked with people that if they get bored they can always fast forward me or mute me.

But joking aside, I think that the fact that you can ‘dip your toes in’ to worship without fear of ‘getting it wrong’ and also do that in your pyjamas if you like, acts as the bait to attract new fish!

It is much easier to send someone a YouTube link than to bring them physically with you to a church service.

The online environment is the ideal place for us to be ‘fishers of men’.



Disabled people have been aware for a long time of the importance of using technology to enable them to be included in worship.

This has been highlighted during lockdown and I hope that we will continue to ask the question ‘who is not here?’ when we plan our services.

How can we continue to reach people when we return to worship in our buildings?

I will be continuing to offer a midweek Eucharist on Facebook and also over the phone (using telephone conferencing) on a Thursday morning to ensure that those who are still self-isolating have a way to connect with God and each other.

I hope this pandemic will unleash far more awareness and inclusion of those who are usually unable to attend our churches in person.


If you want to learn more about some of the technology I mention in this article, please visit bryonytaylor.com for detailed guides on how to set things up.

Last modified on Thursday, 20 August 2020 11:53

Disabled people and the Church - Moving from Access and Involvement to Inclusion

Disabled people’s experience of Christianity

Tweeted on 6th December 2019 by Gregory Mansfield

Stranger to me, a wheelchair user:
”If you believe in Jesus and seek forgiveness, you will walk again.”

Disability is not sinful.
Disability is not faithless.
Disability is not a punishment.

In July 2020, Tim Rourke started a one-year project to help the diocese, deaneries and churches in the Diocese of Derby to listen more closely to the voices of deaf and disabled people. 

These voices include people in our churches, people who have been in our churches and left and people who have never felt that church was a safe place for them.

Tim works is involved in a pioneering community in Chesterfield called Holding Space. 

They enable people affected by disability to meet with God in inclusive, accessible ways. 

There is a group for disabled children (Saplings), disabled adults (Struggling Saints) and a group for carers (Solace).

This community also connects with people who don’t identify as disabled, but live lives affected by physical and mental health conditions and learning disabilities.

Tim also runs a weekly Biblical Reflection on Twitter (@Strgl_St_Bible) where, each week, readings are discussed through the lens of disability. 

The reflections are always led by a disabled Christian, but anyone is welcome to join in.

Tim says: "When we studied the Trinity Sunday readings it became clear that similarity and difference are both vital to community – In the disabled community on twitter we experience a sense of togetherness and not fitting in that draws us together but the range of illness we have means we are different, but support one another."

Disability Inclusion Working Group

Tim is drawing a Disability Inclusion Working Group together to help him to listen to voices across the diocese, in our churches and beyond, to research with them models and theologies of disabilities that will help us examine how we currently engage. 

The group will advocate for deaf and disabled people and provide training and encouragements for Christians in the Diocese of Derby who want to be more inclusive of people with different life experiences to their own.

It begin by finding out what is happening in churches across the diocese, who provides ministry to disabled people and how they encourage disabled people to respond to God’s call. 

We also want to find out where Christians are engaged with groups that work in our local areas to support disabled people and how disabled people’s needs are integrated into local churches in their planning for mission, discipleship, worship and fellowship.

So what can you do to help…?

If you, or someone you care for, are deaf or disabled or have a life that is affected by long term physical or mental health conditions, please contact Tim to discuss how you might be able to help  the Working Group. 

This is especially true if you have an invisible disability as the current group is made up, largely of people who have problems with mobility and pain and wheelchair users.

If you are a member of a church community, or a deanery synod, Tim would like you to reflect on your expectations of deaf and disabled people in church. 

Are they people who need to be cared for, or people who care for you?  Are they disabled by their impairments, or by the expectations or limitations we as a church put on them? And how can we listen more to disabled people in our lives and have them lead us into discovering more about God.

Last modified on Wednesday, 25 October 2023 14:57

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