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Churchwardens - Roles and responsibilities

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Information for Churchwardens on Clergy Wellbeing

>> Resources for churchwardens on wellbeing [PDF]


Resources for Churchwardens - Parish Support Office:

Archdeacon of Derby City and South Derbyshire - The Ven. Matthew Trick - 01332 388658, matthew.trick@derby.anglican.org

Archdeacon of East Derbyshire - The Ven. Karen Hamblin - karen.hamblin@derby.anglican.org

Acting Archdeacon of Derbyshire Peak and Dales - Revd Canon Nicky Fenton - nicky.fenton@derby.anglican.org

Acting DAC Secretary - Kat Alldread - dac@derby.anglican.org

HR Manager - Mandy Roberts - 01332 388650, mandy.roberts@derby.anglican.org

Registrar - 

Head of Discipleship, Mission & Ministry - Revd Canon Matt Barnes - Matt.Barnes@derby.anglican.org 

Community Action Officer - currently vacant

Community Projects Development Officer - Gareth Greenwood - 01332 388690, Gareth.greenwood@derby.anglican.org (using buildings for mission)

Communications team - Lucy Harrison, Dave King, Andrew Salt - 01332 388668 communications@derby.anglican.org

Convener of the Clergy Wellbeing Reference Group Karen Hamblin - karen.hamblin@derby.anglican.org


Good sources of a wide variety of information:

Practical Church Management by James Behrens (Gracewing, 2014)- a very good guide to all aspects of church management (about £20)

The PCC Member’s Essential Guide by Mark Tanner (2015) - informative guide about the role of the PCC, answers all the basic questions (What is a PCC? What jobs does it do? How does it fit into the bigger picture?) in a straightforward way but also offers prayerful reflections. (about £8)

Rules, Rotas & Rectors - How to Thrive Being a Churchwarden by Matthew Clements (2018) - written by an experienced churchwarden to give practical information for those new to the role or considering it. (about £10)

Parish Resources https://www.parishresources.org.uk/ (extensive links and resources on church administration, church governance, data protection, parish finance, employing and managing staff and volunteers, looking after church buildings)

Church Care www.churchcare.co.uk (Ecclesiastical Insurance website on the care of churches with extensive information on looking after churches and churchyards, making changes, insurance, health & safety, risk assessments and much more)

John Truscott www.john-truscott.co.uk (organisation, leadership, management, administration, communication etc for churches and Christian organisations- very helpful information on a wide variety of topics)

Helpful information for specific areas:

Safeguarding: Diocesan website http://www.derby.anglican.org/safeguarding (policies, procedures and information, how to report a concern, DBS)

Diocesan safeguarding team - 01332 388678, safeguarding@derby.anglican.org

Church of England website https://www.churchofengland.org/more/safeguarding

Governance: Church of England website https://www.churchofengland.org/pccs (includes a compliance checklist to ensure PCC’s governance and policies are as they should be)

Church Representation Rules https://www.churchofengland.org/more/policy-and-thinking/church-representation - rules/church-representation-rules-online (online version of rules governing churches)

Parochial Church (Powers) Measure http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukcm/Eliz2/4-5/3/contents (law governing PCCs)

Buildings: Church Care www.churchcare.co.uk (Ecclesiastical website on the care of churches with extensive information on looking after churches and churchyards, making changes to buildings, insurance, health & safety etc)

DAC on Diocesan website http://www.derby.anglican.org/en/church-admin/dac.html (guidance and access to online faculty system)

The Value of Maintenance? Project Report from Historic England (very helpful report looking at the impact of on time church maintenance compared to the cost impact of delaying repair work)

Copyright: CCLI https://uk.ccli.com/ (information about copyright law and church licenses)

Training & courses: Diocesan website https://derby.anglican.org/lif (Bitesize modules for churchwardens)

Vocations: Diocesan website http://www.derby.anglican.org/vocations (information on discernment, connecting with a vocations adviser)

Church of England website https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/vocations (discernment, exploring calling, roles in the church and whole life discipleship)

Last modified on Friday, 16 June 2023 16:48

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