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I have just returned from a visit to France and Belgium spending time in the area that formed the Ypres battlefield in the First World War, visiting trench systems, cemeteries, museums and memorials. At the Commonwealth Cemetery at Tyne Cot and the German Cemetery of Langemark I reflected on the destruction of war, sacrifice and loss of life. I, along with 3 other students, paid our respects to the fallen at the Menin Gate, Last post Ceremony, and were chosen to lay a wreath in commemoration. For me personally, it was a very emotional experience, due to one of my relative’s names being on the Menin Gate. Overwhelming as it was, it was a huge privilege to be picked to do this and I will remember it forever.

By Danni Garton, Yr10 Merrill Academy

Why do we choose to forget,

When the best is still to be written.

So many stories gone untold,

Enough tears to fill a river.

So many went off to war,

With no flower or a caring tear at all.

When all the crosses are there to say,

They died for us all.

Fighting in fields full of poppies,

With no one to care for them.

100 years later,

We remember the debt we owe to them.


Ella Percival Age 11 St John’s Church


Samuel Ojok is the Diocesan Environmental Engagement Officer.

You are welcome to contact Samuel via samuel.ojok@derby.anglican.org.

Take a moment to read the May issue of Green Ideas.


The next local Environment Network is being rescheduled. It is open to anyone in a parish with an interest.

Contact us with any environmental queries and/or if you register as an Eco church or obtain an award. It would be great to tell your story.

Send in notice of your local events, good news stories, photos and events to share on the "What's Happening" page. The national church is actively seeking Environmental case studies from this area: focus renewables / transport / schools / community activity.

If your PCC are talking about making Environmental changes, there are a number of people who are willing to support you and who will preach on environmental issues, both licensed readers and clergy. 


anne knyhynyckyj

Anne Knyhynyckyj
The Derbyshire Churches Environment Network

Anne is a Reader at All Saints, Wingerworth and is chair of an ecumenical group of volunteers that meet called The Derbyshire Churches Environment Network.  


Practical activities from the group:

  • supporting training for example Eco Church in the Learning in Faith (Community section) programme
  • supporting Derby University public lecture programme from the Environment and Sustainability research department Sept 2019 - Jan 2020, Autumn 2021
  • signposting to the latest virtual training resources 2020-2021 from key partners
  • Supporting the development of the Land and Biodiversity conference Oct 2021
  • offering an information at clergy conference Nov 2019 with the support of members from All Saints Wingerworth
  • a mailing to all PCCs and incumbents July 2019 about Climate Emergency 
  • pilot development of a series of talks and discussions beginning October 2019
  • leading the presentation at June 2019 Synod where there was an update report about progress on Eco Diocese and, as requested, offering reasons to make a policy against fracking
  • a paper for the Parsonages Committee on Solar PV
  • architect training partnered with DAC
  • advice to individual parishes and Eco church leads


Details of your events, or news of progress in your patch for us to celebrate and photos illustrating it should go to Communications Team. See 'Whats Happening' section for upcoming events.


John Beardmore

John offers technical support and advice on sustainability issues, including facilitating decision-making processes, and the design and diagnosis of heating and renewable energy systems. 
He is a member of the DAC and on the board of Operation Noah.


Richard Henderson Smith 

Richard is the World Mission and Development Officer with the role to remind people about the urgent and ongoing needs of those most at risk and deprived beyond our horizon. 
He points out that the impact on the planet and it resources impact the poorest in the world. He presented facts on health and fracking June 2019 Diocesan Synod.


Steve Retout
Roman Catholic Diocese of Nottingham.

Anne and Howard Clarke
Members of St Peters Belper, a silver awarded Eco Church.

John Payne
Churchwarden at Eyam and member of Green Christian.

Godfrey Meynell
Church Warden at St Michael, Kirk Langley.

Jeremy Gowers Cromie
Regional link from Christian Aid.

Stephen Pratt
Methodist Minister in West Hallam.

Bryan Jones
Reader and Church Warden - All Saints, Mackworth.

Rita Brierley
St Matthew, Darley Abbey.

There are vacancies for reps from other CTBI Christian Denominations including Baptist and United Reform Church.

Last modified on Wednesday, 15 May 2024 09:05

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Further links:


The Anglican Communion -  for which the development agency is the Anglican Alliance:  http://www.anglicancommunion.org/mission/anglican-alliance.aspx 


 The Church of North India - www.northindia-derbyshirechurches-partnership.org.uk



Last modified on Monday, 04 February 2019 15:49


Living Lightly is the Diocesan policy. We are encouraging parishes and churches to become Eco Churches and registered as an Eco Diocese in 2018.

How you can act in response.

Why you should act.


Our recommendations and links....


Last modified on Tuesday, 04 January 2022 13:36
Thursday, 12 December 2013 14:43

Young People

Last modified on Thursday, 14 March 2024 10:56

What is MAP?

MAP stands for Mission Action Planning. The main purpose of MAP is to listen and discern the will of God for your church and its community. It is about looking at what is happening in your parish and as a church community considering the direction that you think your church should be heading. Once you have established a vision for your church you then set yourselves priorities for your church for each of the following 3 years and then plan the specific steps you need to take to deliver these goals. At the end of each year we will ask you to review your action so that you can adjust your plan accordingly.


Last modified on Wednesday, 05 February 2014 10:07

Finding the right direction for your Church

Let’s imagine someone has a free day and they want to go on a new walk. They get out their map and need to consider the following:

1. Where will they start from?

2. Where are they going, what is their destination?

3. What’s the best way to get there?

4. What do they need to do now?

Well that’s exactly the process we follow for mission action planning:

As churches begin to consider where God is calling them, what direction they should take and which path they should follow, then these same questions are relevant.


Last modified on Wednesday, 05 February 2014 10:07
Thursday, 12 December 2013 09:59

Rural Affairs

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