Hulland Hippos Baby & Toddler group celebrated the tenth anniversary of its foundation on November 2nd.
To share the happy occasion we invited past members of the team and the families who attended the very first session.
Over coffee & cake, our guests enjoyed looking at the photos taken during the ten years, while the current families attending played and chatted as normal.
The highlight of our celebration was our ‘Happy Birthday Hippo time’ with a Hippo birthday cake, a story about Hippos from our curate Revd Lisa, a thank you prayer, songs and games.
We finished by presenting some Hulland Hippo awards! 36 adults and 23 children enjoyed the special occasion.
Comments on Facebook:
“Congratulations Hulland Hippos and everyone who helps out, such a great place for support and fun for the kids”
“Happy 10th Anniversary to the BEST baby and toddler group around. Enjoy the celebrations. Xxx”
Hulland Hippos is every Wednesday from 10 – 11.30am at Hulland Ward Millennium Hall (except the Christmas holiday).
It is run by volunteers from Hulland Mothers’ Union, Hulland Church and our community.