Bishop Malcolm writes:
In Covid times we have had to learn to be fleet of foot, and ready to change plans at the drop of a hat.
Those of you who attended the clergy conference back in September will remember that Lusa Nsenga-Ngoy was unable to join us on the Wednesday as he had succumbed to Covid.
I am now pleased to say Lusa has fully recovered, and that he has agreed to give us an Advent address, on Zoom, on Monday, 6 December from 7 pm to 7.45pm, followed by a discussion in breakout groups, a Q&A session with Lusa - leading up to Night Prayer.
This is now opento anyone in the diocese, lay and ordained, but please do book in via this link.
Lusa will be speaking to the title, ‘Threads of hope’, with an Advent theme.
The Revd. Lusa Nsenga-Ngoy is BAME Mission and Ministry Enabler for the Diocese of Leicester.
He recently served on the Archbishops’ Anti Racism Task Force, which produced the report, ‘From Lament to Action’.
He is also a Trustee of Initiatives of Change, a global organisation working to inspire, equip and connect people to play their part in building a better society.
I realise this is rather short notice for such a significant talk, but it is offered in the hope that it may be an encouragement and inspiration during the Advent season.
Please book in right away if you possibly can.