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Tuesday, 11 February 2025 09:47

Positive impact on Burundi from The Bishop's 2023 Harvest Appeal

In 2023, £12,428 was raised by generous giving towards the annual Bishop of Derby’s harvest Appeal to raise money for “trees for life” in Burundi.

The Bujumbura Anglican Diocese have recently reported on the progress of the ‘Trees for Life’ project.  The project is to reduce soil erosion and its consequences on the hills of Gisovu, Nyamaboko, Buhina and Kabumba, near to Bujumbura city.

These communities have been exposed to risk of landslide for years, accentuated by steep slopes and the low level of economic development of the area's rural households.

Initially 44 people attended a workshop and received techniques for capacity-building in environmental protection techniques, with a demonstration of contour tracing and protection using agroforestry and fixation grasses.  

Beneficiaries were provided with agroforestry seeds and level curve tracing equipment.

They were also made aware of the use of degradable bags.

They received support for 64,840 degradable bags, 64,840 seedlings being produced at 4 nursery sites, eucalyptus, grevilleas and calliandra.

The plan from the outset has been to empower 16 economic clusters for climate resilience which include 240 beneficiaries, with management committees in place, under the care of 4 local supervisors.

The project will continue capacity-building activities for beneficiaries in land management, the production of seedlings up to the planting, and local supervision of beneficiaries to ensure that the knowledge acquired is put into practice in the longer term.

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Bishop Malcolm said “It’s wonderful to hear the difference the Bishop of Derby’s 2023 campaign - ‘Trees for Life Burundi’ is making already.

Obviously with an environmental project the main benefit will be long term, but a recent report shows how the work is empowering women and young people raising incomes and prospects for future development.

Seeing the pictures of seedlings ready to go out reminds me how much there is to do in the garden – but this is hugely encouraging news from a country where, for most people, daily life is a struggle”.

The Revd Bernard Rwamigabo, the project manager at The Diocese of Bujumbura said “God bless the entire Derby Diocese for supporting Bujumbura Anglican Diocese”.


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Last modified on Tuesday, 11 February 2025 11:50

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