A cheque for £27,500 will be presented by the President of the Derby Mothers’ Union, Mrs Agnes Garratt to the Director of Finance for the national Mothers’ Union, Ms Evangeline Price, in a special service at Derby Cathedral on Monday (8 April, from 7.15pm).
The Mothers’ Union introduced a worldwide Parenting Project in 2005 in Rwanda which includes education around early marriage, HIV, marriage break up and child abuse - supporting many of those who survived the genocide in that country. (www.themothersunion.org/parenting.aspx)
The Bishop of Derby, Dr Alastair Redfern, said today: “Despite the current economic hardship which is affecting so many Derbyshire communities, there have been extraordinary levels of giving by individuals, churches and schools. The members of the Mothers’ Union have worked tirelessly to raise awareness of the great needs of Rwandan families.”
He added: “We can all understand the importance of a stable family life but many young Rwandans lost their entire family network during the genocide in the 1990s; consequently they have very little experience of parenting. Our donations will resource the programme and allow for an expansion across the Rwanda. The Rwandan Mothers’ Union will be able to continue to support parents, children and their community.”