
Monday, 26 February 2024 14:57

More buildings support for PCCs

The Diocese of Derby has increased its capacity to support PCCs in maintaining and developing their church buildings.

The diocese has secured national funding for a full-time Church Buildings Support Officer, as well as a minor repairs and improvement grant fund totalling around £144,000, over a two-year period.

The funding will be available to parishes to carry out ‘stitch-in-time’ repairs and improvements.

Additionally, all parishes will be given direct access to ChurchGrant funding search software, via a dedicated microsite.

This will allow parishes to identify sources of funding and each parish can attend training webinars regarding fundraising and grant funds. 

There will also be access to specialist advice via a number of free consultations.

Gareth Greenwood has been appointed to the Church Buildings Support Officer role having previously held the part time role of Community Projects Development Officer.

Gareth will work alongside a tranche of parishes with particular needs, identified by the archdeacons.

Will Hagger, Diocesan Secretary, said: “The Derby Diocesan Board of Finance recognises the financial challenge to our parishes of maintaining church buildings.

This new capacity and grant fund will be hugely welcome allowing us to support parishes with their immediate church repair projects.

“In responding to applications for the new fund, among other things, the financial strength, maintenance planning and degree of deprivation of the building’s community, will be taken into account.”

A Buildings for Mission team is being established within the Parish Support Office, which Gareth Greenwood will lead.

This team will include a number of other new nationally-funded roles with a focus on supporting parishes, bringing together the sustainability of church buildings, care of the environment, and Net Zero Carbon projects, alongside faculty advice and administration and pastoral reorganisation.

Information about the criteria and application process will appear on the diocesan website in due course.

The arsenal of diocesan funding now available to support churches with building projects also includes:

  • The Raymond Ross Large Grants Fund, offering parishes the opportunity to develop their local church or church hall. The maximum grant is £25k, with match funding required;
  • The Raymond Ross Small Grants Scheme - £5k to enhance welcome, improve accessibility or to make small but much needed changes to internal areas. No match funding is required;
  • The Bishop of Derby’s St Peter’s Churchyard Fund, a scheme offering interest-free loans.

Details of these schemes can be found at https://derby.anglican.org/funding.

gareth greenwood

 Gareth Greenwood has been appointed Church Buildings Support Officer

Last modified on Tuesday, 09 April 2024 12:34

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