
Dave King

Dave King

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Sharon and Peter are mother-in-law and son-in-law and are both training for ordination having found their faith through entirely different paths. 

dod crooked spire chesterfield

Derbyshire is a stunning county, with wonderful countryside and welcoming communities.

Wherever you go - in village or town, suburb or city - you will find a Parish Church at the heart of things.

In fact, we have more than 330 beautiful churches in the Diocese of Derby - each with its own character and history and each offering you the chance to worship, whether you are in your own parish or visiting another.

Whatever the reason for your visit - history or holiday, gruelling hike or gentle stroll - you will find something to satisfy and something to surprise.

>> See the A-Z of churches in Derbyshire


So whether you're planning a historical exploration or just seeking a moment of quiet in a peaceful environment we look forward to welcoming you to a church in Derbyshire.

Derby has its very own 'parish church cathedral' - Derby Cathedral

Derby Cathedral is one of Derby’s most beautiful and historic sites as well as the home of a vibrant Christian community and the venue for many exciting and innovative events today.

The Diocese is also home to one of the country's - possibly one of the world's - most famous churches, the Crooked Spire in Chesterfield.

Our churches are, first and foremost, places of worship where we celebrate new life, new marriage, renewed faith and where we bid farewell to those who have died.

These are life events that our churches are involved with each and every day.

Weddings - thinking of getting married? You need to see this!

Baptisms  - all you need to know about being baptised, christened or confirmed

Funerals - bidding farewell and celebrating a life

Find a church in the Diocese of Derby

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Derby Cathedral has been highly commended for its work in restoring the cathedral roof in the Construction Project of the Year category at the East Midlands Property Dinner 2018.

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Many of our churchyards are known for being a haven for wildlife - but it seems our bell towers and outbuildings are hotbeds for hibernation.

Jill Hancock: ordained priest, 29 June 2019

Jill is now the Assistant Curate with the East Scarsdale Team Ministry. She writes:

From an early age I knew how important it was to share and care for others.

Hospitality was at the heart of our family and there would always be an extra place at our dinner table for visitors.

Growing up, I never really had a desire to ‘be something’ and took up all sorts of jobs. I tried hair dressing, travel consultancy, care work, ambulance driving, I joined the Special Constabulary and eventually settled in a job as a nursing auxiliary.

My work as a nurse opened my eyes to life, life at its beginning, life in its fullness, in its messiness and life at its end.

It was during this time that I had the sense that I didn’t actually have to ‘become something’ all I needed was to be myself and to be myself was to simply offer hospitality. I felt a nudge from God.

In 2007, I trained as a Church Army Evangelist and I spent nine years ministering to the vulnerable and marginalised in deprived and fractured communities.

And that’s what I think the role of a deacon is, to share in the life of the community, to offer those in need God’s hospitality; to share in the celebrations, struggles and mess.

I recently finished my theological training at The College of The Resurrection in Mirfield near Wakefield.

The college is situated in 24 acres of beautiful gardens, orchards and woodland within the grounds of a monastery. It’s home to a community of monks who root their lives in the Benedictine tradition.

This monastic rhythm of life teaches the importance of a balance between prayer, study, work, rest, and hospitality - principles which I think are the key in ministry.

I feel very privileged as a curate to have the freedom to get to know the area and to listen to people’s stories.

During September - the start of the new school year - I’ll be getting to know the students and staff at the local schools and joining the chaplaincy team - and I've been very much looking forward to this.

I should also mention…… I am married to Dave and have two grown-up daughters and we live in Bolsover with our little dog Bugsy!

Among my leisure activities are fishing, wine making and crafting.

See also: Explore your calling with us

Favourite Bible passage: 

My favourite Bible passage is Roman’s 8:28.

‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’

This passage has got me through some tough times, times when my faith was in my boots and I struggled to understand what good could possibly come out of such pain.

Favourite prayer: 

My favourite prayer has to be The Lords Prayer. It is filled with incredible meaning and summarises our faith.

You don’t have to think about it, you can say it in every situation, most people can share in it and it does what it says on the tin. Its a prayer of praise, petition, penitence and grace.

Favourite hymn: 

My favourite hymn is "I will offer up my life", by Matt Redman.

When I was a little girl, I always knew I was loved by Jesus because I met him one evening in my mum's 'best room'; he was sat on the settee. He didn't say anything to me but I just knew I belonged to him.

I guess I've always had a sense of being 'called' but was never quite sure what that would look like, so I just followed.

I will offer up my life in spirit and truth
Pouring out the oil of love, as my worship to you
In surrender I must give my every part
Lord, receive this sacrifice of a broken heart

Jesus, what can I give, what can I bring
To so faithful a Friend, to so loving a King?
Saviour, what can be said, what can be sung
As a praise of Your name for the things You have done?
Oh, my words could not tell, not even in part
Of the debt of love that is owed by this thankful heart

You deserve my every breath, for You've paid the great cost
Giving up your life to death, even death on the cross
You took all my shame away, there defeated my sin
Open up the gates of heaven and have beckoned me in

Bruce Johnson: ordained priest, 29 June 2019

Bruce Johnson, a former IT project consultant, joined the Diocese of Derby as an assistant curate following his Petertide ordination on 1 July 2018. He is currently serving the parishes of Heanor, Langley Mill, Aldercar and Marlpool.

He trained part time for ordination, firstly with Lancashire and Cumbria Theological Partnership and then with All Saints Centre for Mission and Ministry, whilst undertaking roles in the Netherlands and the UK. 

Bruce said: "Working and studying part time is not an easy option but, like many, we are proof that it can be done!"

He would be the first to admit that his journey to ordination wasn't entirely easy, but was definitely rewarding: "It has led me to many interesting places and through a great deal of varied and different experiences that I certainly wouldn’t have expected to ever go through.

"Reflecting upon these, both at the time and in retrospect, I can clearly see God’s hand guiding me throughout and, as a result, my vocation has developed. 

"As I continue on my vocational journey I am very much looking forward to this next challenging but very exciting new phase of ministry and life.

"I am enjoying meeting my new communities and having the opportunity to share God’s love and sacraments with everyone I meet."

Hearing God's call

Like many, Bruce can't put his finger on 'the moment' he felt the call to ordination, but rembers clearly two significant incidents that left him in no doubt it was the right way to go: "The first was my first week at university when, aged around 18, I began to see with increasing clarity that the gifts God had given me were able to help others around me grow in faith and knowledge. 

"The second was perhaps the most poignant; whilst working in Romania I had the opportunity to be involved in helping various communities grow both through physical action and also the support of the sacraments.  

"For me the centrality of the sacraments, whether it be the Mass/Holy Communion/Eucharist/Lords Supper/ Breaking of the Bread or the other sacred sacraments, is principle to my calling and therefore very important to my spiritual life. 

"Being able to partake in these, leading and walking with others is a central element in my life.

ordinations 2018 4824 1500 72dpi social"Time and time again it has been confirmed to me that I am following God’s pathway and I am really looking forward to getting to know more about Derbyshire, the diversity of the districts and the people who make this county their own. 

"I am sure I will soon get to know more of this vibrant county, the fabulous Christians who are active in their communities and the wonderful explorations and expressions of faith which I know are being constantly blessed here."

So would he recommend others to follow their calling? Of that he has no doubt: "God calls each of us to be ourselves firstly but to also allow those in the vocational exploration process to help and support us in determining what that call may be.

"It may take some time but if you feel called, trust in God and, with the help of the vocations team, allow yourself to explore what he is calling you to be."

Bruce is married to Sarah and has three grown-up children and one grandchild; some of whom live locally.

Bruce said: "Prior to moving house in June, we lived near Lancaster in a very rural setting. We now live in Ripley; a very different community setting - but everyone has made us feel extremely welcome."

See also: Explore your calling with us

Favourite hymns: 

‘Will your anchor hold?’ and ‘Longing for light, Christ be our light’, both having very specific lyrics which mean a lot for Bruce in his ministry today

Favourite Bible passage: 

Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11 - ‘For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope’ 

Favourite prayers include: 

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me bring love.
Where there is offense, let me bring pardon.
Where there is discord, let me bring union.
Where there is error, let me bring truth.
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith.
Where there is despair, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, let me bring your light.
Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.
O Master, let me not seek as much
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love,
for it is in giving that one receives,
it is in self-forgetting that one finds,
it is in pardoning that one is pardoned,
it is in dying that one is raised to eternal life. Amen

St. Francis of Assisi

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Details of the 2019 appeal will be coming soon

Please send donations to:

Edward Latham,
64 Birkinstyle Lane,
DE55 6BS

Cheques should be payable to The Bishop of Derby’s Harvest Appeal.


Children and groups across the Diocese have received their Bishop's Badge awards from Bishop Alastair and Bishop Jan.

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