
Dave King

Dave King

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

It is important to note that, by default, the incumbent is automatically the administrator (and an editor) of your church's page(s).

As the administrator, the incumbent can then grant editor access to up to five other people.

If your church is in vacancy or if the incumbent does not have access for some reason, you can follow the procedures below.

If you want to become an editor of your A Church Near You Page, you must have an account.

First, go to achurchnearyou.com and find your church by entering the postcode or town in the search box.

As you type, look for the suggestions offered to you under the search box and use the most appropriate, then click the orange arrow - it's more accurate!

We'll use St Alkmund's Duffield as an example:

acny postcode search

 Next, choose your church from the list on the left...

acny search results

This will take you to an overview page for the church. Once you get to that, click 'Visit Page' on the left. This will take you to the next level for that church.

Once you're on the church's main page, again look at the left-hand side and, at the bottom, click 'Edit this church'.

If you don't have an account, this page will allow you to register - it's a simple process.

An email will be sent to you containing a link which you'll need to click to prove you own the email address.

Once you've verified your email address by clicking the link which will have arrived in your inbox, head back to www.achurchnearyou.com and make sure you're logged in to your new account.

Search for the same church again then select “Edit this church” from the list of tabs on the left-hand side.

This time, instead of the form you had to fill in before, there are three scenarios:

1 - If you're the vicar who leads the church

If you are the vicar who leads a church, your application to edit that church on AChurchNearYou is automatically approved so long as:

1) You have listed an email address on your Crockford’s entry and you have not requested to have your contact details restricted
2)The email address you've used for your AChurchNearYou account matches the email address on your Crockford's entry.
3) You are included on the Crockford's entry for the church(es) you're requesting to edit (if you don't have a Crockford's subscription you can check if you're listed on a church's entry by going to the church's AChurchNearYou page and clicking More Information, if you're listed under the Crockford's Contact Details section you're listed on the entry)

If you are the vicar who leads the church, and you meet the criteria above, then your request to edit the church will be automatically approved and you will also be automatically assigned administrator status for the church.

An editor with administrator status can approve or decline requests from other people to edit that church, and can remove existing editors from that church.

Only the vicar who leads the church can be the administrator.

If you need to update either your contact details on AChurchNearYou or your Crockford's entry please follow the instructions at: https://achurchnearyou.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002336113

Please note: You do not need a Crockford's subscription to find out what is listed on your own entry or to update your own entry. You can update your Crockford's entry at any time.


2 - If you are not the vicar who leads the church:

If you're not the vicar who leads this church, then you'll see a box into which you'll need to enter a short message to your vicar and a button which you'll need to click which says REQUEST ACCESS.

Unless your church is in vacancy, the vicar who leads your church needs to approve your application.

If the vicar doesn't have an account they’ll need to create one, and request to edit their church as described in the steps above.

Once they're able to edit the church they'll be able to click Manage Editors and then click Pending Requests. From there they can approve your request, even if they haven’t received an approval request email for you to edit the church.

This article explains how the vicar who leads a church can approve requests to edit their church: https://achurchnearyou.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003569093


3 - If your church is in vacancy

If your church is in vacancy, you’ll need to ask for manual verification; once you have created an account on AChurchNearYou.com and have requested to edit a church make sure you’re logged in and click the purple Help button on the right hand side of any page of AChurchNearYou, or the 'Submit a request' button at the top of the Help Centre...

Say that you're requesting manual verification because your church is in vacancy.

In your message please include the following:

  • The reason you're requesting Manual Approval (eg you're an interim minster covering a group of churches. Please provide as much information as possible so that the support team can understand the situation fully and provide approval as quickly as possible)
  • Your role within the church (office administrator, curate, PCC member, etc)
  • Your email address (the one with which you registered for your AChurchNearYou account)
  • Your permission to disclose your name, contact details, and request to your Area/Rural Dean, Archdeacon, and/or Diocesan staff in order to gain approval.
  • The AChurchNearYou ID of the church(es) you have requested to edit and for which you require Manual Approval.

You'll find this ID by going to the AChurchNearYou church page in question and looking in the browser address bar where you'll see: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/ followed some numbers, please provide us with those numbers.

For instance, the URL for St Alkmund's in Duffield is: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/13370/ so their AChurchNearYou ID is 13370.


Forgotten password or unable to log in?

If you are unable to login to AChurchNearYou please visit: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/accounts/login and click FORGOT PASSWORD? and follow the process from there.

A message on screen will say that a password reset email is on its way. However, for security reasons, this message will display whether or not an account exists for that email address.

If you do not receive a password reset email: please try other email addresses you use just to make sure you're using the correct email address.

If you continue not to receive a password reset email it's most likely you do not have an account. We therefore recommend that you register for a new account, and request to edit your churches.


The AChurchNearYou login method and procedure was updated, from usernames/codes to email addresses, in November 2017. At the same time, accounts which had not been used for 12 months prior were removed.

Ever wondered what it's like to be a churchwarden?

Hazel Massey, the churchwarden at St Wilfrid's, West Hallam, says it's more than just a position, it's a vocation. 

So if you've ever thought that you might be called to do work for the church, but not inclined to be ordained, read on...

Hazel writes:

I’m sure most of you are aware that as a churchwarden generally we have responsibility for the fabric of the building and work with the Priest to enable worship to happen. 

I am a volunteer and this a part of how I can give back to my faith and church.

A Church Near You is a fantastic resource provided by the Church Of England.

It lists every church in the Diocese of Derby and should be one of your first ports of call when getting information about your church and its activities out to a wider audience.

If you're not already using A Church Near You, you should be!

More than 100 volunteers in the Diocese of Derby have been awarded a Bishop’s Badge for service to their church community. The awards were made in two special services in Derby Cathedral by the Bishop of Repton, the Rt Revd Jan McFarlane.

Bishop’s Badge was introduced by Bishop Alastair a few years ago as a way of commending those who had gone the extra mile to help their local parishes and associated communities.

> In pictures (on Flickr):Bishop's Badge - Chesterfield Archdeaconry | Derby Archdeaconry

Among those receiving a Bishop’s Badge this year were:

  • Jean Redfern from Hulland Ward. She was awarded her badge for 75 years' service to the RBL Poppy appeal. She started when she was 10, is now 85 and hasn't missed a single year. At the age of 71 she had a pacemaker fitted. The operation was on a Monday and by the Thursday she was out selling poppies again.

  • Neil Seviour, who gave life-saving first aid

  • Jackie Ainley, who continued to do administrative work for All Saints, Mugginton, from her hospital bed after being diagnosed with a terminal illness. Sadly, Jackie died a week after being told she was to be awarded a badge, but her family were able to tell her about the award and show her pictures before she died. Her Badge was collected on her behalf by her Daughter, Carlotte.
  • Alison Barnett is the Tower Captain at St Wilfrid's, West Hallam. She has completely revitalised and re-energised the ringing crew and spent hours training a number of new ringers. They will take part in the ringing event to mark the end of WW1 next month too.

Bishop's Badge has historic links, based on a medal that the very first Bishop of Derby, Bishop Edmund Pearce, had struck to celebrate this new beginning.

Medals were presented to distinguished members of the Diocese and to all those being confirmed in that year. In recent years, Bishop Alastair arranged for a replica of this medal to be minted and mounted in the form of a badge. 

Each year, the diocesan Bishop awards these badges, based upon recommendations made, to acknowledge outstanding service to the church.

learning in faith narrow 2020



Information and Resources


Christian Meditation with Reverend Tony Luke 

In these three recordings on Youtube,Tony demonstrates the practice of sitting meditation and then guides you through some meditation exercises to help you unwind, relax and focus on the present rather than worry about the future.

Still Centre Meditation: Find it here

Sphere of Light Meditation: Find it here

Canvas of Sounds Meditation: Find it here


 Creative Arts and Wellbeing - Evidence and Ideas from Karen Herrick  

We are fully committed to helping every member grow in their understanding and experience of faith so that each of us can more confidently engage in our communities and serve a world so desperately in need of God’s Good News.

The Learning in Faith programme offers a broad and varied series of learning opportunities that are suitable for anyone to come along and enjoy.  You'll find sessions on everything from prayer, fresh expressions and community engagement to social media, vocations and making connections with schools.

Have a look at what is on offer and see how these courses can support your church's plans for 2020 and beyond.  Many of the sessions are perfect for a small group from a church to attend together- come along, learn and take that learning back to your church.  

People who attended Learning in Faith sessions in 2019 said:

'A useful, joy-filled, exciting, simple exploration of the course. The passion for the subject matter was infectious.'

'All Learning in Faith sessions have been extremely helpful.'

'Really enjoyable day. Back to basics, helped me have clarity on what I have been feeling. Kind, friendly and welcoming.'

'Great opportunity for me as a church leader to bring my PCC, and having an external person presenting enabled us to consider things in a less pressured way.'

 Sign-up now and find out for yourself.  EVERYONE IS WELCOME!

Our Course Categories - courses to explore

Mission, Evangelism and Discipleship - Living our faith and sharing it with others

Spirituality and Prayer- Connecting with God

Community - Seeking to actively engage with all

Communication - Spreading the word

Vocations - Responding to God's call

Churchwarden and Officer Training - Resourcing for church roles

Children's and Youth Work - Engaging with young people

'Good to Go' - Ready-made courses you can start right now! 


See all our courses in date order (on Eventbrite)


>> Click here to access our Learning in Faith promotional resources - posters and banners for your church

Other categories: Mission, Evangelism & Discipleship | Spirituality & Prayer | Community | Communication | Vocations | Churchwarden & Officer Training | Children's & Youth Work | Good to Go | How to Book | All courses by date

'Good to Go' courses are ready for you to start right now!

Mission Action Planning: MAP for the Diocese of Derby

Based on the widely respected and used Mission Action Planning, and adapted for use in the Diocese of Derby, this suite of tools and resources works together to provide a vehicle to help churches reflect on God’s calling to them, in respect to both their purpose and their character.

MAP for the Diocese of Derby offers an opportunity to prayerfully reflect on where they are, consider the areas in which God may be challenging them to grow and change and then to journey with God as they move towards him.

MAP for the Diocese of Derby is free to download and use here


Celebrating Vocations Sunday 

Everyone has a vocation- God calls each of us to serve in our own unique way by using the gifts we have been given. Vocations Sunday is a fantastic way to get everyone in your congregation thinking about God’s call in their lives. How could you encourage your church members to spend time thinking about where God is calling them?

The national church has put together a pack of resources for Vocations Sunday and is encouraging all church leaders to engage in the Great Vocations Conversation - taking up the challenge to regularly talk to people unlike themselves about God’s call in their lives.  Those conversations can make all the difference and can be just the encouragement needed for someone to start discerning their vocation. 

For more information about the Great Vocations Conversation, go to https://www.churchofengland.org/greatvocationsconversation

For the full range of Church of England vocations resources, go to https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/vocations

Leading Your Church into Growth (lycig)- Local

Leading your Church into Growth: Local is the ideal ‘next step’ for church leaders who want to get church growth principles and practice into the bloodstream of their own church communities.

This local course for use by churches is designed for use in small groups. The DVD-based interactive sessions will stimulate, teach, equip and motivate church members of all ages to play their part in leading their church into growth.

There are nine main sessions, three for leaders, six for church members. The whole course comes to a joyful completion with a celebration event.

For more information and to purchase your own copy of the course, which includes DVD, leader guide and resources that can be printed or copied, go to: www.leadingyourchurchintogrowth.org.uk/courses/the-local-course


Everybody Welcome

This six-session course is an ideal next step after the ‘Everybody Welcome: Welcoming and Integrating Newcomers into the Church’.

There are five sessions for the whole church, helping to review attitudes to newcomers, learn new approaches and identify areas of improvement and change.

The sixth session is provided to train and equip the welcome team of the church.The material covers such topics as ‘making the church more visible’, ‘making premises more inviting’ and ‘a welcoming God and his people’.

The course materials, including DVD with freely printable resources, a leaders’ book and a members’ booklet, may be purchased direct from Church House Publishing online, where you will also find additional resources and downloads.
For more information, to view the resources and to purchase, go to: www.chpublishing.co.uk/features/everybody-welcome


Sharing the Good News

This single-document resource is a valuable guide for clergy and PCCs to reflect together on how they can be effective in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in ways that are relevant, appropriate, sensitive and effective in our modern culture.

The resource is based on its companion workshop, ‘Sharing the Good News’, and looks at such topics as ‘helping the church into evangelism’, ‘making contact with those outside the church’, ‘how people come to faith’ and ‘measuring success in evangelism’.

Sharing the Good News is available for free download as a part of the MAP for the Diocese of Derby resource toolkit.

Download the PDF here.


Faith Pictures

Developed by the Church Army and free to download on registration, this six-part course helps Christians talk naturally to friends, neighbours and colleagues about what they believe.

The heart of the course is about helping people to identify a single picture or image that embodies something of their faith.

The course aims to be accessible and light-hearted, without jargon or inflexible methods. It has a number of emphases not always found in faith-sharing courses, including the avoidance of one-size-fits-all models and the importance of honesty and listening.

Each session contains a short video and encourages discussion in pairs and as a whole group.

For more information and to register, visit churcharmy.org


Mission Shaped Introduction

Mission Shaped Introduction (MSI) is an ideal next step for church clergy and PCCs after the ‘Fresh Expressions 1: Getting Started with Fresh Expressions’ workshop.

MSI helps people to reconnect with the communities they are called to serve and to re-imagine the forms of church that are needed for the 21st century. It takes you on a creative and reflective journey looking at the need for new ways of being church.

Two versions of the course are available, either free to download (which requires some work in obtaining video clips) and as a complete DVD and course booklet.

For more information and to download / purchase, go to freshexpressions.org.uk 


Electoral Roll Information

A guide to the annual revision of the electoral roll and the preparation of a new roll every six years.

The guide includes links to detailed guidance and forms as well as templates of timetables to ensure that all of the essential steps are completed as and when they should be.

Download the guide here.


Germinate Equipping for Rural Mission

Germinate: Arthur Rank Centre. Tel: 024 7685 3060 or germinate.net.

Germinate offers extensive resources (worship, discipleship, buildings, mission), training, annual conference and leadership mentoring to rural church leaders.

They offer an e-news bulletin and Country Way magazine (circulated via Area Deans).

Country Way back copies are available on Parish Resource Centre stand or online.


Faith in Action

Faith in Action: a Derbyshire Churches Guide to Community Mission (2008), Bates, Collishaw and Jordan.

This guide was written and published in-house as a toolkit. It includes author and guest written resources on funding, environment + buildings and theology of community mission.

Case studies are a snapshot in time and web references need an upgrade but it remains of value for community initiatives from parishes and deaneries.

Currently available in hard copy or CD Rom. All parishes were given a copy.

Apply to Stella Collishaw (stella.collishaw@derby.anglican.org) or Mission and Ministry Team colleagues.


Other categories: Mission, Evangelism & Discipleship | Spirituality & Prayer | Community | Communication | Vocations | Churchwarden & Officer Training | Children's & Youth Work | Education | Good to Go | How to Book | All courses by date

Blob Red downloads>> Download the full Learning in Faith brochure [PDF]

Other categories: Mission, Evangelism & Discipleship | Spirituality & Prayer | Community | Communication | Vocations | Churchwarden & Officer Training | Children's & Youth Work | Education | Good to Go | How to Book | All courses by date

Headteacher & Clergy Conference

All dates for this course in 2019 are now complete. Please contact netta.russell@derby.anglican.org for more information.

The conference will be focusing on Church and School working together to serve their community.

These sessions are open to headteachers & clergy. Booking is essential.

See below for booking details.


Exploring the Eucharist in Church Schools

All dates for this course in 2019 are now complete. Please contact netta.russell@derby.anglican.org for more information.

The Eucharist training will be an exploration of the possibilities and challenges of holding Eucharist in schools.

These sessions are open to headteachers & clergy. Booking is essential.

See below for booking details.


Churches Providing a Retreat Day for Year 6 Pupils

All dates for this course in 2019 are now complete. Please contact netta.russell@derby.anglican.org for more information.

Liquid refreshments provided - please bring your own lunch

Book a place by emailing Simon Cocksedge: cocksedge@doctors.org.uk

We have been running retreat days for year 6 pupils of Diocese of Derby CofE Primary Schools for 3 years now at the Peak Centre and elsewhere. The days always receive excellent evaluations from pupils and teachers. The material covered can be followed up and further developed at each school - it covers important PHSE curriculum areas.

The aim of this day is to equip leaders to run similar days elsewhere in the Diocese. By the end, you will have experienced and discussed all the activities and requirements of the day and we will email you a full set of tutor notes.



To book your place on these education courses, contact:

Netta Russell
Senior Administrator, Diocesan Board of Education

netta.russell@derby,anglican.org | 01332 388660


Other categories: Mission, Evangelism & Discipleship | Spirituality & Prayer | Community | Communication | Vocations | Churchwarden & Officer Training | Children's & Youth Work | Education | Good to Go | How to Book | All courses by date

Blob green downloads>> Download the full Learning in Faith brochure [PDF]

Children's and Youth Work

  • Running a Children's Group at Church
    How to get started running a group for children in your church. Interactive lesson Approx time: 30 mins
  • Could you be a Church Children's Leader?
    The skills and training needed to be a children's leader in church. Interactive lesson Approx time: 30 mins
  • What is a church school?
    How they came about and what they are Video 6 min 16 secs
  • 1

Churchwardens and Officers

  • Can I be a churchwarden?
    Five things you need to know if you are considering becoming a churchwarden in the Diocese of Derby. Video 30 secs
  • Being a churchwarden
    Whether you’re an experienced warden or new to the role, this module will tell you all the basics you need to know. For: Churchwardens Interactive lesson Approx time: 35 mins
  • Churches as community buildings
    Building strong, lasting relationships with the whole community is central to effective mission. For churchwardens Interactive lesson Approx time: 30 mins
  • The DAC and faculties
    Useful information about how the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) can help you and facts about faculties. For: Churchwardens Interactive lesson Approx time: 35 mins
  • Faculty applications
    This module will tell you need to know about how to make, and what to include, in a faculty application. For: Churchwardens Interactive lesson Approx time: 30 mins
  • Church buildings management throughout the year
    Know what you need to do throughout the year to look after your church building. For: Churchwardens Interactive lesson Approx time: 30 mins
  • Leading Worship at Short Notice
    What you need to know and what you can and can't do when leading worship. For: Churchwardens Interactive lesson Approx time: 30 mins
  • Leading intercessions
    How to lead God's people in prayer. For: Churchwardens Interactive lesson Approx time: 30 mins
  • 1

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Derby Church House

Full Street, Derby DE1 3DR

01332 388650



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