
Taking care of creation - The Bishop's Harvest Appeal 2022

Let's be honest - the world is struggling.

Our county, our country and our planet are full of luscious landscape and wonderful wildlife. 

But large swathes of it are on the verge of being in tatters or even disappearing completely.

For some, it's already too late.

Climate change, pollution, a growing human population and an over-reliance on Earth's resources mean that now, more than ever, we as the custodians of the planet must act to take care of God's creation.

So this year, the Bishop of Derby's Harvest Appeal will support three causes all working to help protect wildlife and the natural resources it relies on:

► Click here to make an online donation

► Other ways to donate

Each in turn will help provide vital resources for the wildlife that depends on it - creatures in the air, creatures on the land and creatures in the sea.

Whilst these are just three of the many tens of thousands of projects around the world that help to preserve the planet of which we are custodians, each is hugely important in its own right as well as being a part of connected projects to help balance - even reverse - the damage humankind has done to this Earth.

Every donation will help make a difference to each of the three projects the Bishop of Derby's Harvest Appeal is supporting this year.

The generations of humans thus far have had an adverse effect on this planet - it is now incumbent on us to further the process of rectifying that damage to those precious resources so that future generations can still know the beauty, richness and diversity of God's creation.

► More useful information on how you can help fight climate change

Please help in whatever way you can.

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust's rewilding project

Allestree Park rewilding by Monica Monticelli

In the Diocese of Derby, we are incredibly lucky to live either in, or on the doorstep of, some of the country's most beautiful landscapes. 

But like everywhere else, we are guilty of causing many of these places to become severely depleted of wildlife because of, for example, pollution, over-population, poor management and our own human greed and selfishness.

Rewilding allows the land to ‘go back to nature’ so wildlife can thrive.

As far as possible, humans stay well back …no vehicles, no pollutants, no heavy boots on the ground.

What we then see is remarkable: nature takes charge and increases the abundance of plant and animal communities to levels that are far higher and more complex than human management could achieve.

Seeds and plants are free to germinate and grow.

Insects, birds and mammals start to explore these areas - some make them their home, others use them as wildlife "service stations" as they travel around.

The likes of bees and butterfies, birds and bats, hedgehogs and badgers, and otters and beavers then have a place to feed undisturbed and their very survival is made a little easier.

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust manages 50 sites for nature as well as other work to promote rewilding and land management, and every donation really is used to it's full potential.

The re-wilding projects include Allestree Park in Derby (pictured above), Thornhill Carrs near Edale, Willington Wetlands and the Wild Peak region.

  • £50 could help reserves officers support landowners in re-wilding their land
  • £250 could help maintain and manage half an acre of wildlife meadow for one year
  • £500 could plant trees in more than half an acre of woodland

As well as the work that directly affect wildlife in Derbyshire, DWT is building Team Wilder - a movement supporting individuals to act for nature.

Together, we can make more space for nature to become abundant once again, give our struggling wildlife the chance to recover and restore beautiful wild places - places that store carbon and help to tackle the climate crisis. 

Big and small there is a role we can all play. https://www.derbyshirewildlifetrust.org.uk/teamwilder.


The Anglican Communion Forest Initiative

bishop libby planting tree lambeth 16x9 1500

The Communion Forest was first conceived in late 2019 when the Lambeth Conference Design Group asked for ideas for a lasting legacy of the forthcoming conference.

This formed the basis for the Communion Forest initiative that exists today and will significantly increase Anglican tree-growing and landscape protection around the world and deepen care for creation within the life of the Church.

Together, these real-life planting projects will form a virtual, global “forest”, and its activities will be determined locally by provinces, dioceses and individual parishes so that they are geographically, culturally and environmentally appropriate.

The first tree was planted this year as part of the Lambeth Conference - a tree that Bishop Libby helped to plant (pictured above).

The Communion Forest is a global act of hope which involves a wide range of creation care activities.

Restoring Kenya's coral reefs - an A Rocha project

Diver and Turtle in Kenyan coral reef

Kenya’s coral reefs are impacted by global and local threats, including a warming ocean.

Reefs in Watamu, where A Rocha Kenya’s field study centre focuses on marine conservation work, are struggling to recover.

Fish, crabs, and many other sea creatures depend upon certain types of corals which provide shelter and resources.

These reefs can provide an abundance of food for local communities when healthy.

Some species of coral that were abundant in the past, particularly those that provide the most shelter for other creatures, are low in number or absent from these reefs.

A Rocha plans to restore these coral reefs by carefully selecting corals from areas nearby, that will replenish low numbers or return coral species to these reefs.

underwater research at a Kenyan coral reef

Individual online donations

► Click here to make an online donation

There is the option to Gift Aid these donations.


Church and School donations

Where possible, participating churches and schools should send their donations (including any reclaimed Gift Aid) by BACS transfer – details for this transaction are:

Bank account name: Derby Diocesan Board of Finance
Bank account number: 85463671
Sort code number: 60-12-01
Payment Ref: HARVEST2022

When churches / schools send their donation by BACS, please notify us by email to finance@derby.anglican.org and include payment details – (i) date & (ii) amount.
This is important to us, as your email will ensure your donation is identified and a “thank you” will be sent.

Cheques should be made payable to DDBF Ltd and sent to
“The Bishop of Derby’s Harvest Appeal 2022”
c/o Derby Church House
Full Street

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Useful information


Dont forget to visit Derby Cathedral's Gaia installation from 22 September – 16 October 2022.

Gaia is a touring artwork - a giant globe measuring seven metres in diameter and created from detailed NASA imagery of the Earth’s surface. 


Great Big Green Week

Be part of Great Big green Week - the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature.


Eco Church

A Rocha UK’s award scheme for churches, designed to equip your church to express your care for God’s world in your worship and teaching; in how you look after your buildings and land; in how you engage with your local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of your congregation.


ARC's Living Churchyards

More than 6,000 British churchyards run their small plots of land as sacred eco-systems – without pesticides, and mowing the grass only once a year – ensuring that birds, reptiles, insects and bats can thrive. Could your churchyard become one too? Find out more.


Prayer resources

Climate Intercessors is a global network of people whose prayers are as real and urgent as the climate crisis, where you will find some useful prayers and information. Please take time to pray.


The Queen’s Green Canopy

It's not too late to "plant a tree for the jubelee" - perhaps as a tribute to Her Late Majesty.


Anglican Communion Environmental Network

The Anglican Communion Environmental Network website has liturgical material for Seasons of Creation 2022, climate vigil songs album, and webinars on prophetic indigenous voices on the planetary crisis from Amazonia, Africa, Aotearoa and Polynesia.


Climate justice

Please consider signing Christian Aid’s justice petition to the prime minister to ensure that the UK fulfils its responsibilities and its promise to "build back better".  

Please take time to look at USPG’s campaign for climate and ecological justice. You can read USPG's advocacy and church resources booklet "Faith in a Changing Climate". It includes information on climate change, stories from around the world, prayer material, Bible studies and information on how to lobby your MP.



Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:03

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