
News and Events

Madelaine Goddard was one of 150 people to receive Maundy Money from Her Majesty The Queen last week.

The Royal Maundy Service saw 75 men and 75 women receive the specially minted coins at Worcester Cathedral, in recognition of their many years of Christian service to their local community and church.

"It was awe inspiring. Fantastic," said Madelaine, who is currently a Deanery Synod member and lay chair for Derby City Deanery.

Maundy money was also presented to Piers Bostock of St Anne's Ambergate.

Madelaine Goddard said: "The first thing that struck me was how lovely and friendly everyone was - the police, the marshals and the 6th-formers who escorted us to our seat all seemed to want us to have a great day.

"The service and the pageantry were beautiful and the whole atmosphere was wonderfully uplifting both inside and out, despite the horrid weather."

Although she described the day as 'memorable', Madelaine had to confess that one part of it was a bit of a blur: "I think I was slightly nervous as the Queen walked towards me.

"She was very charming and gracious and she spoke to all the recipients - but I can't actually remember most of what she said to me, apart from 'God bless' at the end of our conversation!"

madelaine goddard maundy purses 16x9 1500

Queen Camilla presented the coins this year on behalf of His Majesty The King.

King Charles, who is being treated for cancer, sent a video message to the service expressing his 'great sadness' at missing the Maundy Thursday service.

The purses containg the coins were carried on large salvers by Yeoman Warders from the Tower of London.

Madelaine's Maundy adventure began back in February when a letter bearing the royal crest landed on her door mat.

"Oh gosh, what on Earth's this?" She recalls thinking.

The letter was an invitation to receive Maundy money and said she had been nominated by the Rt Revd Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby.

"I remember feeling very honoured and privileged to have even been considered," said Madelaine. "Though a part of me kept wondering 'why me?'"

Royal Maundy Service Worcester Cathedral beefeaters 16x9 2000

Maundy facts

The tradition of presenting alms on Maundy Thursday goes back to at least the 4th-Century.

The Maundy money ceremony itself began in 1662, when Charles II gave out coins.

This year, Queen Camilla distributed the Maundy money to 75 men and 75 women from around the country - one man and one woman for each year of the monarch's age.

The gift is presented in recognition of their exemplary Christian service to church and community over many years.

In recent times it has been the tradition for the service to travel to different cathedrals; last year the service was held at York Minster. It was last held in Derby in 2010.

The word ‘Maundy’ comes from the Latin word meaning ‘commandment’ - it was on this Thursday, the day before he died, that Jesus gave his disciples what he described as a new commandment: ‘that you should love one another as I have loved you’.

Last modified on Friday, 12 April 2024 12:39

A message from Bishop Libby

My faith is rooted in thanksgiving: I believe God gave everything for me in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus - in gratitude I chose to give my everything back to God.

At Easter, Christians celebrate Jesus’s victory over sin and death. Over this past week we have recalled Jesus’s last days before his crucifixion, remembering his arrest, trial and suffering.

On Good Friday we commemorate his death in wonder that God chose not only to share our humanity but also to die for us that we might receive forgiveness of sins and the hope of life everlasting - a promise fulfilled in Jesus' resurrection from the dead, on Easter Sunday.

This year, through Lent, I have taken the opportunity to return to the basics of my faith with 40 days preparation for the celebration of Easter.

For six weeks, I have made time in my own life for those things I encourage in others:

  • I have been joining volunteers serving their local contexts – coming alongside those running a debt advice service; those offering good food and good company to combat hunger and loneliness; I have made cups of tea for those protecting children from exploitation, joined in with a community choir improving mental health and learnt about work being done to support victims of domestic abuse.
  • With family and colleagues, and about 80 others, I have challenged the injustice of homelessness by joining ‘Sleep Easy’. Sleeping rough for just one night in support of the work of Derby YMCA and Padley Group, our aim was to draw attention to the terrible vulnerability of those who find themselves without safe and sustainable housing.
  • Privately, I have been deepening my relationship with God by putting aside time each day to be still and quiet and be attentive to his presence in the world around me. A simple but joyful pleasure has been a free App on my phone that helps to identify the birds I’ve heard each day and then posting my discoveries on Facebook.
  • In sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, I have taken every opportunity to invite others to join in the life of the Kingdom of God as His disciples. A particular highlight of Lent this year was the Service of Baptism and Confirmation at HMPrison Foston Hall. What a privilege to welcome into the Household of God those, in complex and challenging circumstances, who have made the choice to follow Jesus.

This Easter, I invite you to consider that choice too – or to reaffirm the choice you may have made long ago - to give your all to the One who gave everything for us as we celebrate the extraordinary promise and joy of new life this Easter Sunday.

I pray you a joyful Easter, full of hope and peace.

Last modified on Monday, 22 April 2024 11:37

A group of walkers from Youlgrave All Saints is embarking on a marathon journey to all of England's 42 Anglican cathedrals to raise £42,000 for improvements to the church.

The self-styled Pommie Pilgrims - named for the sound of the village band - aim to complete a total of 10 million steps on their travels to help fundraise to provide a kitchen, warm space and toilets for Youlgrave’s 12th-Century church.

The journey begins on at 12 noon on Palm Sunday with the start of the first pilgrimage - a three-day walk to Derby with the High Sheriff of Derbyshire, Teresa Peltier, the Youlgrave Silver Band, the WI Choir, a host of village pilgrims and a couple of donkeys!

The Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire, Elizabeth Fothergill, will also be in attendance to wave them off.

Bishop Libby and Dean Peter will meet the Pommie Pilgrims as they arrive at Derby Cathedral on Tuesday, 26 March.

>> Find out more and make a donation

Revd Adele Barker, Priest-in-Charge of the White Peak and Youlgrave Benefice, said: "We have a beautiful church building and all that is raised will be used to ensure that we can provide a warm welcome and hospitality in All Saints for many more years to come. 

"Our hope to connect Youlgrave with each cathedral in the country via pilgrimage is a huge challenge.

"It will be interesting to hear all the stories that will flow from each journey!"

The dean of each cathedral has been invited to to meet them on their journey.

>> Follow the Pommie Pilgrims on Facebook

A pottery pilgrim’s token, designed by local artist Phil Smith, will be carried and presented to each cathedral forging a permanent link back to Youlgrave.

Revd Cannon Elizabeth Jane Clay MBE, chair of the Pommie Pilgrimage organising group, said: "Ten million steps to connect our village with some of the grandest buildings in the country feels like an impossible task, but one step at a time, together, we’ll get there.

We’re not expecting to raise this amount of money by being sponsored a penny a mile, but if you’re able to spend more than a penny for our loos, please do get in touch!”

All Saint’s Church is a Grade One listed building loved by the villagers of Youlgrave and beyond.

It is a resting place for weary walkers, a classroom and performance space for eager school children, a community foodbank for those in need, a vital community link for the elderly, children and families and a regular place of worship, remembrance and celebration for a whole community.

Many visitors wander in daily and enjoy the calm spirituality of this wonderful building, which features in Simon Jenkins's book ‘England’s Thousand Best Churches’.

Although All Saints has undergone many alterations since its founding in 1155, it will benefit further by the addition of some key amenities to ensure its sustainability and to make it more welcoming.

Last modified on Friday, 12 April 2024 12:41

Bishop Libby is the Holy Week preacher at Derby Cathedral this year.

With the title Readings in St John’s Gospel, Bishop Libby will be giving addresses that will unfold some key passages from St John’s Gospel as we undertake our journey into the death and resurrection of Christ.

Bishop Libby will be preaching at these services:

  • Easter Day at 08:30 – Holy Communion

Access to all the services being streamed can be found here

Everyone is welcome to attend the Holy Week services either in the cathedral itself or online.

Last modified on Wednesday, 03 April 2024 16:25

More than 60 people working to reduce carbon emissions across the Church of England gathered in Gloucester for the first time to share ideas and learnings.

A two-day Net Zero Carbon Connect Conference, sponsored by Ecclesiastical Insurance, part of the Benefact Group, was held to gather and connect colleagues from 35 dioceses plus other denominations to share expertise on the Net Zero Carbon Programme.

Gareth Greenwood, Church Buildings Support Officer from The Diocese of Derby attended the event. He said: “There was a lot of energy and expertise at the conference, also a good deal of appreciation of the size of the task of reaching Net Zero by 2030.  The Church Commissioners have committed funding to resource net zero projects across all the (CofE) Diocese. This is not a time for scepticism, but a time to work together for the good of the planet.”

The Church of England’s ambitious Net Zero Carbon by 2030 programme aims to equip, resource, and support all parts of the Church to reduce carbon emissions from the energy used in its buildings, schools and through work-related transport by 2030.

Find out more:

>> Diocese of Derby website

>> Church of England website

Last modified on Tuesday, 19 March 2024 14:41

The Diocese of Derby has increased its capacity to support PCCs in maintaining and developing their church buildings.

The diocese has secured national funding for a full-time Church Buildings Support Officer, as well as a minor repairs and improvement grant fund totalling around £144,000, over a two-year period.

The funding will be available to parishes to carry out ‘stitch-in-time’ repairs and improvements.

Additionally, all parishes will be given direct access to ChurchGrant funding search software, via a dedicated microsite.

This will allow parishes to identify sources of funding and each parish can attend training webinars regarding fundraising and grant funds. 

There will also be access to specialist advice via a number of free consultations.

Gareth Greenwood has been appointed to the Church Buildings Support Officer role having previously held the part time role of Community Projects Development Officer.

Gareth will work alongside a tranche of parishes with particular needs, identified by the archdeacons.

Will Hagger, Diocesan Secretary, said: “The Derby Diocesan Board of Finance recognises the financial challenge to our parishes of maintaining church buildings.

This new capacity and grant fund will be hugely welcome allowing us to support parishes with their immediate church repair projects.

“In responding to applications for the new fund, among other things, the financial strength, maintenance planning and degree of deprivation of the building’s community, will be taken into account.”

A Buildings for Mission team is being established within the Parish Support Office, which Gareth Greenwood will lead.

This team will include a number of other new nationally-funded roles with a focus on supporting parishes, bringing together the sustainability of church buildings, care of the environment, and Net Zero Carbon projects, alongside faculty advice and administration and pastoral reorganisation.

Information about the criteria and application process will appear on the diocesan website in due course.

The arsenal of diocesan funding now available to support churches with building projects also includes:

  • The Raymond Ross Large Grants Fund, offering parishes the opportunity to develop their local church or church hall. The maximum grant is £25k, with match funding required;
  • The Raymond Ross Small Grants Scheme - £5k to enhance welcome, improve accessibility or to make small but much needed changes to internal areas. No match funding is required;
  • The Bishop of Derby’s St Peter’s Churchyard Fund, a scheme offering interest-free loans.

Details of these schemes can be found at https://derby.anglican.org/funding.

gareth greenwood

 Gareth Greenwood has been appointed Church Buildings Support Officer

Last modified on Tuesday, 09 April 2024 12:34

Bishop Libby and Archdeadon Matthew will each spend a night sleeping rough in support of the YMCA's Sleep Easy campaign.

They are among those who aim to raise awareness of the plight of those who have no home to go to, and to raise funds to support efforts that will enable the YMCA to continue its vital services to those who are facing homelessness in Derby City and Derbyshire.

This year, the local event will take place at the home of Derbyshire Cricket Club on Friday, 8 March, and both Bishop Libby and Archdeacon Matthew will be given a cardboard box to use as shelter for the night.

Bishop Libby, who has taken part in previous Sleep Easy events, said: "I am pleased again to be among those supporting this local charity in raising awareness and much needed funds to tackle homelessness and its long-term impacts.

"We may have an uncomfortable night in many ways, but that in itself gives opportunity to reflect on why we are participating, and experience – just for one night – something of what it is like to be sleeping rough.

"Please do participate in Sleep Easy if you can, either by registering to join the event at the Cricket Ground or safely in your local context as Neil is in Wirksworth (see below).

"And please support the work of Derby YMCA and its partners like the Padley Centre by donating through my JustGiving page and raising awareness.

"Together we can support this vital work being done locally, combat the scourge of homelessness, and offer hope to those who find themselves suffering its impacts and consequences”.

Archdeacon Matthew, taking part in his first Sleep Easy, said: "I actually have very little appetite for sleeping under the stars in this way - but that's the whole point, really!

"For me, it's one night and doing it through choice, whereas every night in Derby and Derbyshire, more than 200 hundred individuals who have temporarily found themselves without a place to live, have no choice but to either turn to the YMCA and the Padley Centre, or sleep rough under cardboard."

Archdeacon Matthew will also be posting on Facebook from the cricket ground during the event.


Sleeping in the churchyard

The Revd Neil Griffiths, vicar for the Wirksworth Team Ministry, has also chosen to sleep out for the Sleep Easy campaign.

Before becoming a vicar Neil worked with housing organisations and YMCAs, and longs for a time when no one is homeless or poorly housed.

Neil said: "I will be bedding down in the churchyard at St Mary’s Church in Wirksworth and I hope the weather is as kind as the people who have already donated money."

Last modified on Friday, 15 March 2024 15:25

Head out into Derby on a Friday or Saturday night and you’re more than likely to run into a group of volunteers looking out for revellers in need.

They are Derby’s Street Pastors - trained volunteers from a variety of local churches who provide a visible, reassuring presence for everyone in the city centre. They work in teams of three or four and are out and about, prayerfully patrolling, from 10pm – 4am.

Street Pastors has been operating in Derby since 2009 and the volunteers have become a well-respected and greatly appreciated part of Derby's nightlife.

They work together with the police, door staff and Derby CCTV, responding to calls to offer non-judgmental, understanding support through listening, assisting and, where necessary, putting their first-aid training into action.

And on other occasions, the help they give can be as straight forward as making sure someone has water to drink and a way of getting home.

One such volunteer is Steve Johnson. 

As someone who did his fair share of over-induging in his youth, Steve said: “Being a Street Pastor is insane and yet unbelievably rewarding - the nervous anticipation of wondering what you will encounter during the night really gets the adrenaline going.

“Committing to putting my faith into action, it is a privilege taking God’s love and grace into our city streets, meeting and talking to people their own context.”

Now, the organisation is looking to recruit some new faces to ensure it can continue to provide the level of service needed in the city.

Steve’s take on being a volunteer is that when a great night out turns into a time of distress and vulnerability, Street Pastors make sure those who have perhaps allowed themselves one too many, get home to their families safe and well.

He said: “To be a Street Pastor, I think you have to love your city, the people, the buildings and the culture. 

“In my youth, we never had these kinds of organisations around, but there is a new generation who enjoy our night-time economy that only know Street Pastors, and the warmth and love towards us is awesome.

“Together with lollies, bottles of water, flip flops and spikies we go out into town having put on the full armour of God, offering up our prayers for our fantastic city.”

If you are interested in learning more about being a Street Pastor, pop along to the open night being held at Derby City Church, Curzon Street, Derby on Monday, 5 February 2024 at 7pm, or contact them at streetpastors@derbycitymission.org.uk

Derby’s Street Pastors operates as a franchise of the national Street Pastor scheme that is run by the Ascension Trust under the management of Derby City Mission

For details of Street Pastor teams at other locations across the Diocese of Derby, visit the Street Pastors website.

Last modified on Tuesday, 09 April 2024 12:33

We love all the creative and different ways churches are engaging with their parishes and beyond.

Our vision is The Kingdom of God, Good News for All and it's great to see how so many churches in the Diocese of Derby are sharing stories of their success in achieving transformed lives through growing church and building community.

They're also sharing news of their plans and projects.

Don't forget to keep posting your photos and stories on social media - show the world what you're doing to grow church and build community

See also:

Here are a few that have caught our eye recently:

  • " data-mosaic-order-date="">

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:27

Ossie's Kitchen, in Ashbourne, has been nominated for The King’s Award for Voluntary Service (KAVS).

The prestigious award is the highest honour given in recognition of voluntary service.

Ossie's Kitchen, based at St Oswald's Church, addresses loneliness, social isolation and mental wellbeing through providing freshly cooked, three-course meals eaten in the company of others.

It operates twice a month, each time feeding around 65 to 70 people with meals created from surplus food from food retailers, including supermarkets.

Anne Ford, a churchwarden at St Oswald's, said: "It is wonderful that Ossie's Kitchen has been nominated for the King's Award, recognising a service carried out by the community, for the community, that puts St Oswald's Church at the heart of its people.

"It is an honour and an encouragement for all those involved in the project."

The project has a pool of more than 50 volunteers to call on to help with cooking, serving, looking after the guests and, of course, washing up!

On hearing the news, Professor Paula Holt, MBE, Deputy Lord-Lieutenant for Derbyshire, wrote to the project.

She said: "Please accept my congratulations on this notable achievement, which reflects the esteem of your local community for the work you and your group do.”


>> Ossie's Kitchen opens in Ashbourne


Ossie's Kitchen opened in 2019.

Everyone is welcome to go along to the bi-monthly meals; the kitchen welcomes donations but realises that not everyone in the community is in a position to give one.

Anne Ford said: "The guests who come along soon become good friends and look out for each other when they arrive.

"Some of them get very little opportunity to socialise with others, apart from at Ossie's Kitchen.

"It's amazing to see the friendships develop and the meals have led to the creation of a rapidly growing community.

"Meal times at St Oswald's are now quite noisy because of so many people chattering, sharing stories and forming bonds!"

The nomination will now be assessed by the Lord-Lieutenant's office and then nationally, before the winners are announced later this year.

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:30

In this series of six podcasts, Bishop Libby reconsiders the Christmas story by talking to the modern-day equivalents of some of the Nativity’s main characters – the innkeeper, the shepherds, the angels, the wise men and more.

We have been telling the Christmas story for over 2000 years.

It is a much-loved tale, retold in carols, depicted on greetings cards, re-imagined for film and theatre and school nativity plays and, for Christians, the Christmas story lies at the heart of our faith.

Bishop Libby's Christmas Conversations are available via the following podcast providers:


Listen now:

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:26

Bishop Libby and Will Hagger are delighted to announce that Julie Gardner will be joining the Diocese of Derby as Independent Chair of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel (DSAP) with effect from 28 November 2023.

Julie qualified as a social worker in 1988 and has worked for over 30 years in the field of safeguarding, public protection and partnership working.

Previously the Associate Director of Safeguarding for Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Julie retired from her role earlier this year.

Throughout her career Julie has been committed to supporting children, young people, and adults to live their lives free from abuse and is excited to be able to bring the culmination of her years of experience in health and social care to support the work of the Diocese of Derby.

The Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel is the committee that advises the Bishop on whether, in its view, the diocese has clear and transparent safeguarding policies, working practices and training arrangements which are consistent with statutory requirements and House of Bishops’ policy and practice guidance.

It is made up of senior staff within both the Diocese and Derby Cathedral, alongside representatives from statutory and partner agencies who provide safeguarding services to Derby and Derbyshire.

This role will see Julie ensure that safeguarding provision within the Diocese is subject to robust and independent scrutiny. 

The Chair acts as a critical friend, supporting and encouraging as appropriate, but also providing challenge where necessary.

On confirming the appointment, Will Hagger, Diocesan Secretary, said: “I am delighted to welcome Julie to the team. Both statutory responsibility and safe culture are key, and Julie brings expertise and experience to enable the diocese to ensure best practice in Safeguarding for children, young people and vulnerable adults in our churches.

"I am looking forward to working with her."

On accepting the role, Julie said: “I am very pleased to be offered the privilege of becoming the new Independent Chair of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel and look forward to building on the great work that is already happening to ensure that the people of the Diocese of Derby are kept safe.”

Last modified on Wednesday, 10 January 2024 16:28

All Saints’ Church in Mackworth has started on the next phase of rebuilding, after the Chancellor of the Diocese of Derby gave permission for the work to go ahead.

The centuries-old church, just outside Derby, was severely damaged by fire following an arson attack in December 2020 and has not been able to be used since.

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) was granted permission to rebuild the church by the Worshipful and Reverend Timothy Clarke, Chancellor of the Diocese of Derby, in September and a contractor has been procured to start the work which is expected to take around 30 months to complete and includes rebuilding the walls and roof.

Consultation has also started on the next phase of the rebuild, and Mackworth Parish residents will be consulted over the coming months about what the interior restoration should include.

After receiving permission for the work to go ahead, Don McLure, the Project Lead and PCC Treasurer, said: “It is great news for the congregation, local residents and the PCC that we can move forward with restoring the church.

It is a long and complicated process, but the PCC is aiming to make the exterior of the church look as near as possible to how it was before the fire.

The church had existed on the site at Lower Road for more than 700 years.

“We are extremely grateful to Ecclesiastical Insurance, who will fund both the building and interior work, and to the local community and supporters of the church for raising more than £40,000 towards any non-insurance works that may be carried out.”

The fire completely destroyed the interior, including the pipe organ and marble pulpit, and caused the entire roof to fall in and structural damage to the walls of the nave and chancel.

It is estimated that the entire rebuilding project could cost up to £13m.

The congregation of All Saints has continued enjoying Christian worship thanks to the hospitality of its sister church, St Michael's, Kirk Langley.

More about Mackworth All Saints

The church dates back the 14th Century, though it is known that the site has been a place of worship for around 1,000 years. The building was earlier restored and reopened by the Bishop of Lichfield in 1851.

The pulpit, installed in 1896, was made of Derbyshire alabaster and green Irish marble. The pipe organ was built by Lloyd and Dudgeon of Nottingham and dated back to 1870. Both were destroyed in the fire.

Since the fire, the building has undergone a large amount of work to clear the site and stabilise the remaining walls to make it safe and prevent further collapse.

Silverware and paperwork stored in a safe survived the fire, as did a 4ft silver cross and a statue of the Madonna and Child.

The chancellor of the diocese, as the independent judge of the consistory court, oversees legal issues across the diocese, especially those which relate to the use of and alterations to church buildings and land.

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:30

Around £10m each year directly or indirectly supports Church of England mission and ministry through parishes, churches and other worshipping contexts, our schools and partner agencies across the Diocese of Derby.

That’s a huge amount of money to raise each year, so we have a duty to manage and deploy it well.

Our new publication On the money sets out to explain how we do just that.

In addition to On the money, we have introduced a new page on our website - Our Finances.

Here you will find details about:

  • On the money
  • Common Fund
  • Annual Budget
  • Annual Report & Financial Statements
  • Encouraging generous giving in your church

Why not take a look?

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:29

In 2023, Safeguarding Sunday is taking place on Sunday, 19 November 2023.

It is a safeguarding awareness raising campaign for churches run by the charity Thirtyone:eight.

Each year, thousands of churches from diverse backgrounds and traditions across the UK come together to reflect on their own safeguarding journey, and to highlight and celebrate all the good work that is being done by so many behind the scenes to protect vulnerable people.

On Sunday, 19 November, a service will be held in Derby Cathedral to give thanks and to celebrate the work of our Parish Safeguarding Officers and to recognise their work through an Act of Commissioning.

Hannah Hogg, Head of Safeguarding for the Diocese of Derby, said: “The Safeguarding Team are really looking forward to having the opportunity to recognise all the hard work our PSOs do across the diocese. We hope as many as possible will join us, both for the service and for a cup of tea afterwards”.

Resources for churches are available at: thirtyoneeight.org/get-involved/safeguarding-sunday

Last modified on Wednesday, 22 November 2023 16:32

Lullington All Saints' Remembrance display this year will be memorable after villagers got together to knit and crochet 10,000 poppies 

The poppies have now been assembled into a waterfall, cascading from the church building in the South Derbyshire village.

The idea was the brainchild of Jean Burgess. Speaking to BBC Radio Derby, Jean said: "I put it on Facebook, and then another lady in the village said she'd put it on Facebook, another said 'I'll knit you some poppies' and it just escalated.

"We started the waterfall and we thought we'd need about 3,000 [poppies] - and my husband measured up and said 'no way!'

"I thought we'd never do it."

Jean, who knitted around 5,000 poppies herself, said that putting the appeal on social media and a websites in other villages got many more people involved.

>> Listen to the full interview on BBC Sounds

>> See more photos on Facebook

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:27
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