
News and Events

Derbyshire has its very own version of the Bayeux Tapestry to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla.

Residents in the parish of Brailsford and Ednaston worked together to create the impressive embroidery, which measures 10.85 metres.

The project was organised by Brailsford and Ednaston Churches Together.

Planning committee member Lucy Thompson had the idea of creating the commemorative embroidery, drawing on the history of All Saints Church in Brailsford and village resident Laura Burrill, a community arts practitioner, was commissioned to design the embroidery and facilitate workshops throughout March.

Working together with residents, Laura created a design depicting an imagined scenario of the coronation day, with villagers parading from community buildings to the King and his royal party.

The section depicting the Coronation is flanked by hundreds of small squares embroidered with motifs inspired by the things villagers love about the place they live.

The connection between Brailsford and Ednaston goes back to the Domesday Book where Brailsford was awarded ‘a priest and half a church’ and Ednaston ‘half a church’ resulting in All Saints Church, situated between the two villages.

The Brailsford Bayeux was unveiled at a special service in All Saints Church on Saturday, 29 April attended by Elizabeth Fothergill CBE, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Derbyshire, the Rt Revd Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby and Revd Andy Fyall, Nottingham and Derby Methodist District Chair.

The tapestry will be on display over the Coronation weekend.

After the Coronation celebrations, it is hoped that the tapestry will be on display in various places locally throughout the year.  

Some interesting facts about the Brailsford Bayeux:

  • 406 small squares (4x the original goal) were completed by individuals and groups in the community. Each square shares memories, love, and gratitude.
  • A team of 26 worked the main panel in just seven weeks.
  • 292 members of the community were involved, the youngest being 2 and the eldest 94.
  • The tapestry went from idea to finished result in less than 16 weeks.

Brailsford Bayeux 2 16x9 1

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:05

The Rt Revd Libby Lane, Bishop of Derby, has admitted ten new readers in a special service held at Derby Cathedral.

Seven were admitted and licensed as readers and three were admitted as readers with permission to officiate.

Speaking to them at the service, Bishop Libby Said: "I am pleased and privileged to admit you as readers in the Diocese of Derby.

"Readers are a really important part of ministry as together we seek to help more people in the diocese to know Jesus.

"May the Lord give you wisdom, courage, strength and love to do his will."

>> See the photos from the Celebration of Reader Ministry with the Admission & Licensing of Readers

Those admitted are:

David Beale, to serve in Parish of Longstone

Caroline Carr, to serve in the Benefices of Swadlincote and Hartshorne, Gresley and Newhall

Sara Eames, to serve in the Benefice of Alvaston

Alison Henshaw, to serve in the Benefice of Chellaston

Terry Nash, to serve in the Parish of Allenton and Shelton Lock

Margaret Roberts, to serve in the Benefice of Glossop

Garry Sherwood, to serve in the Benefice of Stanton by Dale with Dale Abbey and Risley

Christine Walker, to serve in the Benefice of Matlock Bank and Tansley

Andrew Walley, to serve in the Benefice of Etwall with Egginton

Judi Witcomb, to serve in the Benefice of Mickleover and Radbourne.

Please pray for them all and for the communities where they will serve.

Readers in the Church of England are licensed lay ministers whose ministry can include a range of responsibilities including preaching, teaching and leading worship.

There are more than 8,500 readers actively involved in ministry in the Church of England today.

congregation at  the licensing of readers 2023

The new readers are welcomed by family, friends and colleagues

Last modified on Wednesday, 04 October 2023 16:32

The Dean of Derby, the Bishop of Derby and His Majesty's Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire invite you to a Special Commemorative Service for the Coronation on Sunday, 7 May 2023.

The service, at Derby Cathedral, will start at 17:15 and those attending are asked to be in their seats by 17:00.

All are welcome to attend.

The Very Reverend Dr Peter Robinson, Dean of Derby, said: "The coronation is a significant moment in the life of both the Church of England and the nation, and it is right that we should celebrate it with prayer, thanks and worship.

"This service will also help the communities of Derby and Derbyyshire prepare for The Big Help Out, which takes place the following day."

derby cathedral coronation service invitation

Last modified on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 10:07

Three long-serving and dedicated members of the diocesan community have received Maundy money at this year's presentation, held at York Minster.

Canon Jack Cooper and Val Grahl were nominated for the honour by Bishop Libby.

It was the such service since the King's accession to the throne

Canon Jack, from Hathersage, is a PCC member, serves on Peak Deanery Synod, Diocesan Synod and Bishop's Council.

Val Grahl is a lay member of Chapter at Derby Cathedral, has served as co-chair of the Community Committee and is currently Interim Chair of the Cathedral Council.

They were joined at the service by Joan Plant, from Eyam, who was nominated by Buckingham Palace.

Joan has been churchwarden at Eyam St Lawrence and has an extensive knowledge of the history of the village and its association with the plague of 1665/6.


Special memories

Describing the occasion, Val Grahl said: "It was a very, very special day.

"King Charles presented me with the two purses, one red and one white, and held my hand and said how pleased he was to be able to give them to me.

"I simply replied, 'thank you, Your Majesty' as there was no time for a conversation, but it left me with a feeling of awe and sheer privilege to have received it from the King."

In the white purse were seven sets of silver 1p, 2p, 3p and 4p coins and an additional 4p coin - totalling 74p and signifying the King's age.

The red purse contained a silver 50 pence piece with the King's head and a depiction of the Windrush Generation, and a silver £5 coin embossed with the King's head and the number 75 to signify his next birthday.

There were about 2000 people in York Minster and they were treated to some 'wonderful organ music' before the service began, including works from Handel, Mendelssohn, Bairstow and Franck. 

"The service itself began with a fanfare," said Val. "And then 2000 people singing Praise to the Holiest sent a shiver down my spine!

"The organisation was superb - so smooth - and there were people on hand to help with everything.

"I will never forget the special feeling of being in the Minster with the King and all those people."

In total, 74 men and 74 women received Maundy money, one for each year of the King's age.

Maundy Thursday is a symbolic ceremony, dating back to AD600, where the monarch gives out specially-minted coins.

The recipients are traditionally older members of society, who are recognised for their contribution to their church and community.

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:06

Christ Church, Hulland has been awarded a silver Eco Church award. Below are a few of the main initiatives undertaken in the five areas of church life that helped them achieve the award. 


  • Worship leaders followed the Green Lectionary during Creationtide. 
  • Messy Church Goes Wild had an outdoors nature scavenger hunt and an indoor session reflecting on creation.
  • In Great Big Green Week, we presented ‘What is Eco Church?’ to our Mothers’ Union branch, followed by an eco- quiz.

The Church building 

  • We calculated the carbon footprint of our church in 2022 and agreed to attempt yearly improvements in energy efficiency. 
  • We continued with a recycling collection point for medication blister packs in the porch. 

The Churchyard

  • We had a ‘Churches Count on Nature’ event in June –see photo. Interested members of the church & community surveyed the churchyard on 2 occasions. We identified 110 species of plants and animals. Our records were sent to the National Biodiversity database.
  • We installed a 3rd bird box and 2 bird feeders.
  • We continued to manage the Conservation Area for nature as well as people.


  • Our church email and weekly Pews News regularly included items relating to caring for God’s earth and eco-tips towards a sustainable lifestyle.
  • We had a Jigsaw Swap Sunday to facilitate re-use of puzzles.

Community and global engagement 

  • Letters, endorsed by the PCC, were written to our MP and County Councillor asking them to address nature loss and climate change as a priority in their recommendations and decision making. 
  • We continued to be a Fairtrade church.
  • We twinned our toilet with one in Malawi through the Tear Fund scheme.
  • We encouraged another church in our Benefice to get started with Eco Church

Penny Northall, Eco-church lead and PCC member said: “I would like to thank our Rector, Rev. Phil Michell, other worship leaders and the PCC for being so supportive in this eco-church endeavour. We are now working towards a gold award.”

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:24

Joan Plant, from Eyam, has been revealed as one of the recipients of Maundy money at York Minister on 6 April.

And she said she "cried for a full half-hour" when, in February, she received her letter from Buckingham Palace inviting her to receive it.

She said: "My husband had gone down to make breakfast when the postman came.

"He brought the letter upstairs and said 'I think you'd better open this!'

"When I saw it had the Royal stamp on it I just looked at it for a few minutes, wondering what it was all about - and also thinking that the postman would be wondering what I'm doing!

"It was a big surprise and I just felt so humbled.

"I'm just a small person in a small village and I feel really honoured to be able to receive [the Maundy money].

"I'm not receiving it just for me, but taking the whole village with me, in my mind."

Joan has lived in Eyam - often known as the Plague Village - all her life.

She has been churchwarden and has an extensive knowledge of the history of the village and its association with the plague of 1665/6.

>> Parish spotlight: Eyam St Lawrence

>> Eyam recreated in fruit cake

The Revd Mike Gilbert, Rector of Eyam, expressed his delight for Joan. 

He said: "I can't think of a better person to get it - she is pretty much 'Mrs Eyam'!

"Joan has been a long and faithful servant, not only to the church but also to the village and she is known, loved and respected by everyone here."

The King and Queen Consort will distribute the Maundy money at York Minster in the first such service since the death of Queen Elizabeth.

There will be 74 recipients, one for each year of the King's age.

Maundy Thursday is a symbolic ceremony, dating back to AD600, where the monarch gives out specially-minted coins.

The recipients are traditionally elderly people, who are recognised for their contribution to their church and community.

Last modified on Wednesday, 05 April 2023 13:54

St Philip's Church in Chaddesden, Derby, has seen a growth in both community and congregation, thanks to its year-old café and support groups.

The church has positioned itself as a community facility and partnered with Derby County Community Trust and others to provide not only affordable meals, but also mental health groups for men, a dads' network, debt counselling and much more.

The Revd Sarah Watson, Enabling Minister for St Philip's, said: "What I kept hearing was 'weve got no pub, we've got no café, we've got no community space'. 

"So I looked at this space and thought, well, why not?"

Following a period of planning and finding funding, the venture eventually got off the ground - initially on two days a week.

Now the church building is also a thriving community hub.

Revd Sarah said: "Many places have mum's groups available, but we have men's groups, a men's mental health group so to have a space for dads to come to is great.

"Having said that, a menopause group is also on the cards.

"We have craft groups, a fibromyalgia group and a debt clinic. The café is used by walking groups and a bowling group too.

"So I've told the community that we have an amazing space, and asked how can we facilitate this being a space that is here for the whole parish?"

Engaging with the community has also seen congregation numbers increase.

Some of those visiting now also go to Sunday services, and the Christmas Carol service saw more than 70 people go along - more than treble the previous year.

>> Find out more about St Philip's Chaddesden.

Last modified on Thursday, 28 September 2023 15:55

Tea and Toast is a ministry that has been set up at Holy Trinity Dinting Vale.

This fantastic ministry is engaging with young people in the community from local secondary schools, and in partnership with other churches they are seeking to be good news for young people.

To find out more visit http://www.dintingchurch.org.uk/

To find out more about Growing Faith and the Diocese of Derby's work to support youth and children's ministry across churches, schools and households visit http://www.derby.anglican.org/youngpeople

Watch the video

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:21

The Venerable Carol Coslett, the outgoing Archdeacon of Derby Peak and Dales, writes:

To all my diocesan friends,

Thankyou so much for your generosity and lovely gifts as I prepare to leave Derbyshire.

The people and places I have got to know and love in my time with you all will remain close to my heart as I travel south.

I have made some very special friendships and enjoyed many a conversation.

I take with me a little bit of the land in the Blue John Stone earnings which I shall treasure, and having got to know this wonderful part of the country I am sure Martin and I will be visiting from time to time to get away from the smoke and take in the fresh air of this wonderful landscape.

My prayers and blessings for you all, and Martin joins with me in saying Thank you God Bless.



Carol's Farewell Service was held at St John the Baptist, Buxton.

>> See more photos on Facebook

carol coslett leaving buxton 3

carol coslett leaving service in Buxton

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:14

Hundreds of people walked through Derby to mark the first anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces, starting the biggest conflict in Europe sice World War II.

Accompanied by a giant Ukrainian flag, members of a number of communities, including the Ukrainian community, civic dignitaries and the Dean of Derby, processed from Cathedral Green, along Full Street, through the Market Place, along Iron Gate and to Derby Cathedral.

>> In pictures: Derby's Ukraine 365 walk

Many of the walkers carried candles, sunflowers and Ukrainian flags, and once they arrived at the cathedral they placed candles in the formation of '365' at the foot of the tower.

Iryna Dobrowolskyj, a leader of the Ukrainian community in Derby, said: "Ukraine has had 365 days of war, 365 days of aggression, but it has also received 365 days of kindness, 365 days of support, 365 days of love."

candles spell out 365

Inside the Cathedral, the Very Reverend Peter Robinson, Dean of Derby, led the communities in prayer, standing behind a candle whose flame had been burning continuously for each of the 365 days. 

He said: "Today is hugely significant and I have felt quite emotional.

"We pray for the people of Ukraine and their families and we pray for an end to the war, conflict, violence and suffering.

"We thank God for the love and support that Ukrainians all over the world have received."

People were invited to write messages of support and solidarity on petals that were added to a specially created Sunflower of Hope.

The event included a film and music installation by local artist Phil Harris and was also supported by Derby's Multi-Faith Centre and Derby CAN (Derby Creative Arts Network)

On Sunday, 26th February, local leaders of the Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Baha’i and Quaker faiths will offer prayers and readings at a vigil scheduled to start at 2pm, also in Derby Cathedral.

placing a message on the Sunflower of Hope in Derby Cathedral

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:18

The Very Revd Peter Robinson, Dean of Derby, will join a candlelit procession to mark the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine.

The procession, on Friday, 24 February, will start from Cathedral Green at 6.20pm and then move along full street, Derby Market Place, and up Iron Gate to Derby Cathedral.

Those who wish to join in are asked to congragate at Cathedral Green at 6pm.

At the end of the procession, those taking part will be invited to place their candles near the foot of the cathedral tower to spell out '365' as a powerful, visual reminder.

Afterwards, Dean Peter will lead prayers inside the cathedral. All are welcome.

And on Sunday, 26th February, local leaders of the Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Baha’i and Quaker faiths will offer short prayers and readings at a vigil scheduled from 2pm to 3pm.

The event will include a film and music installation by local artist Phil Harris.

People in attendance will have opportunities for quiet prayer and to light a candle for an end to violence and suffering.

They will also be invited to write messages of support on a petal that will be added to a specially created Sunflower of Hope.

Last modified on Wednesday, 22 February 2023 16:47

Derby Cathedral’s Bakewell Screen has beaten off stiff competition to take third place in the national Cathedral Treasures campaign

Almost 4,500 people voted on their favourite cathedral treasure from the top ten finalists in the Association of English Cathedrals campaign which showcased 50 remarkable treasures and glories cared for and preserved by cathedrals in England and the Church in Wales.  

The latest publication, Deans’ Choice: Cathedral Treasures of England and Wales by Janet Gough, tells the story of the treasures, each one chosen by the dean or senior clergy of the cathedral featured.

The Very Revd Dr Peter Robinson, Dean of Derby said: “We are delighted that the Bakewell Screen is so admired and loved by the public. It is a signature treasure in our beautiful cathedral and I’d like to extend a big thank you to all who voted it as their favourite!”

Commenting on the announcement, Janet Gough said: “I am delighted to see the Bakewell Screen from Derby Cathedral, perhaps a less well-known cathedral - although full of treasures - voted one of the top three cathedral treasures in England and Wales. 

"The 1720s Bakewell Screen is a masterpiece in painted and gilded wrought iron, traversing the full width of Derby Cathedral and dividing the chancel from the nave like any traditional rood screen. 

"The screen’s transparency symbolises the light of reason beloved of the Age of Enlightenment and, made at the same time as Bakewell’s gates to Derby’s adjacent silk mill – today the Museum of Making - ushers in the Industrial Revolution."

The runner-up was The Nave Ceiling at Peterborough with the winner being The Leaves of Southwell Cathedral.

Together the 50 treasures span over 1,000 years of history with the earliest treasure, Ripon Cathedral’s ancient crypt of St Wilfrid established in 672 AD, the oldest building of any English cathedral still is use today, to the newest, the Newport Cathedral Rood, a modern work of art by Singaporean artist Tay Swee Siong that was installed in 2020.

derby cathedral bakewell screen 9819 16x9 2000

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:23

Can we show online videos in our church?

Video-sharing platforms offer a treasure trove of content for almost every conceivable situation.

However, as the sheer volume of content and the number of channels increases, understanding if and when you can show this content in church becomes ever more challenging.

So is it okay to stream videos during your church services and activities?


Showing content from video-sharing websites in church

Put simply, you should always have permission from the copyright owner, regardless of the source.

CCLI recommends you always use official sources when you are playing copyrighted content.

Not all videos uploaded to video-sharing websites have been done so by, or with the permission of, the copyright owner or licensor.

With a staggering number of videos being uploaded to the internet every minute, it is impossible for any platform to control or police the content being uploaded.

It’s likely that many ofthese videos infringe copyright, either accidentally or deliberately, and many sites will place the responsibility for obtaining permission on the creator (check the platform’s T&Cs for details).

If you can find content that has been uploaded by an official source, the permission you need to show it may be obtained in a number of ways.


Movies (and scenes and clips from movies and TV)

The easiest way for churches and ministries to get permission to show authorised movies and television shows is through CCLI’s Church Video Licence.

In this case, the licence is considered as consent from the “respective licensor”.

Check that the scene has been uploaded by the copyright owner or someone authorised by the owner.

If the scene has been uploaded to the studio’s own channel, or that of an official partner, you can be confident you’re viewing content from an official source.

Studios may have agreements with third parties to upload their content for them.

In this case, check carefully that the channel is an official one.

If a scene has been uploaded by an individual, e.g. a fan of the movie, then it should not be deemed covered by the Church Video Licence and consequently it should not be shown during church activities.

Note: If you show movies in your church/church hall, the CCLI licence covers you to show the movie (as per above) but the rules on advertising your film events mean that you CANNOT advertise them outside of the church building - including on websites, social media and in newsletters. Be sure to check the wording of the terms and conditions of your licence! If in doubt, contact CCLI.


Lyric videos

Videos that show the lyrics for communal singing are increasingly common on video-sharing platforms.

The CCLI Church Copyright Licence and Streaming Plus Licence do not cover the visual element of a song video.

Therefore, regardless of the source, it is recommended you have direct permission from the owner before displaying a song or lyric video in church.

Sometimes, videos may be embedded on the publisher’s website with details of how they can be used.

If the owner or publisher’s description permits a video’s use in church, then this would constitute consent.

If there is any doubt, contact the publisher or copyright owner for permission before showing the video.


Changing lyrics

Song lyrics cannot be changed to fit a church’s preferences or theology unless permission has been given by the song owner.

One of the exclusive rights of a copyright owner is 'derivative works', so any changes must have the owner’s permission.

You are free to arrange songs as you wish, as long as it doesn’t change the melody, lyrics or fundamental character of a song.

You may want to start with the chorus, for example, if it fits the flow of your worship set.

Feel free to skip verses etc - just don’t change the lyrics!


Other videos

As a general rule, CCLI recommends that you don’t show any other videos without the explicit permission ofthe copyright owner.

If in doubt, it may be possible to establish who owns the copyright.

Seeking their direct permission is the safest way to ensure that you’re acting legally and doing the right thing.


Copyright notice on projections and in print

Part of the agreement for the CCLI licence is that your church includes the copyright information on each printed or projected song copy.

For a song projection, the information only has to appear once, and is usually placed at the beginning or end.

An example of the information to display is:

Words and music by John Doe
© 2018 Good Music Co.
Used by Permission.
CCLI Licence #12345

The number e.g. #12345, should be your church’s CCLI licence number, not the song’s CCLI ID number.


Need further information or guidance?

Contact the Diocese of Derby Communications Team: communications@derby.anglican.org

Or contact CCLI: uk.ccli.com

Last modified on Friday, 02 August 2024 12:03

St Peter's Church, Littleover and Blagreaves is the latest church in the diocese to have received a bronze Eco Church award. 

Just over 12 months ago, Littleover church began the work to become an Eco Church. Starting with a Climate Sunday service the congregation made a total of 99 pledges to each commit to one action that would help take better care of the environment. The church also formed a ‘Creation Care’ mission group with the aim of working together to care for creation in a constructive, positive, and supportive way. 

Some of the things the church has done are:

  • Planted a wildflower area of the churchyard
  • Recycled pill strips
  • Spread the message at the local school fair with a ‘splat the landfill’ game
  • Shared vegan recipes and food at the church fete.
  • Written and shared articles
  • Worked with St Peter’s school to enable children to make the best use of pre-loved uniform. 

Julie Scott, PCC Secretary said: “The fantastic news is that our church is now officially an ‘Eco Church’ and has achieved a Bronze Award under the scheme. Our survey results show that we have achieved gold level for worship and teaching and bronze level for each of the other four categories, Management of church buildings, Management of church land, Community and global engagement, Lifestyle and this equates to Bronze altogether.”

You can find out more about the Arocha Eco Church project here

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:19

Important - the deadline to apply for a free contactless giving station has now passed.

You can contact Steve Johnson, Living Generously Adviser, at steve.johnson@derby.anglican.org.


The CofE is funding 50 contactless giving stations for parishes in the Diocese of Derby.

In addition to the weekly congregational giving, the devices enable churches cashless payment options for events including weddings, christenings, church fetes and concerts, as well for making one-off donations and the booking of churches and halls.

Applications for contactless devices opened on Monday, 6 February 2023 and can only be made through the Parish Buying website, where more information on the available Giving Stations can be found.

Steve Johnson, Living Generously Adviser for the Diocese of Derby, said: "We have an amazing opportunity for all our parishes to enable community generosity through contactless giving from a generation who are increasingly using cashless methods in their lifestyles.

"I am extremely excited for the Diocese of Derby to be part of this initiative and in supporting our churches giving income and I strongly encourage every parish to apply for a free device."

Churches have until Saturday, 4 March 2023 to submit their application.

If a church/parish doesn’t already have a Parish Buying account they can register first before accessing the Diocese of Derby's Digital Giving page to apply.

As we rapidly move towards being a cashless society, it is important that churches can receive gifts in the way people find it easiest to give.

Cards overtook cash as the preferred form of payment in 2017, so the ability to accept digital donations will be key for many churches in the years to come.

In 2022 alone, churches across the country received more than £6.5m in digital donations.

The Church of England’s National Giving Team has embarked on a three-year project to help thousands more churches access digital mechanisms for receiving donations. 

If you would like to contact Steve Johnson, please email steve.johnson@derby.anglican.org or call him on 07359 067631.

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:08
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