
This page is maintained by Gareth Greenwood
Friday, 05 April 2024 15:00

Minor Repairs & Improvement Grants - Round 2

The Church Commissioners have made a small fund available for minor repairs and improvements, which the Church Buildings Support Officer will be administering through a process of funding rounds over the next 18 months.

Do you have an outstanding minor repair that has been highlighted in a recent QI that:

  • Needs attention within the QI period, and;
  • Will save potential more costly repair in the future?

Has your church Architect identified improvement work in connection with:

  • Building design defects or obsolescence
  • The improvement of physical access

Has the PCC identified improvements relating to:

  • Heating, lighting, wiring, kitchens, WCs
  • Digital connectivity
  • Bat mitigation measures

If yes, then you may have qualifying work.

Carefully read the Eligibility Criteria before contacting the Church Buildings Support Officer for any clarification or to request a visit.

It is the PCC’s responsibility to ensure that the appropriate faculty process for all repairs and improvements to parish buildings are followed and evidenced, before MRI grants are released.

The DAC Secretary is always happy to advise.

Further Information

All email enquiries and supporting documentation must be sent to: mri@derby.anglican.org 

IMPORTANT: Clearly identify parish and building name in the subject line of every email


Deadline for 2nd Round Application forms and supporting documentation is the 31st August 2024 at 12pm

Click the link to download the MRI fund eligibility and guidance 

What are the maximum amounts available.

For either a minor repair or an improvement, grants of up to £5000 can be made towards projects with costs of up to £5,000 (or £6,000 if the VAT is not eligible under the Listed Places of Worship (LPW) grant scheme, at a rate of up to 90%, unless there are exceptional circumstances justifying a funding rate of 100%.

This means that, for an LPW-eligible project, the maximum grant will normally be £4,500 and, for an LPW-ineligible project, £5,400.

The level of grant awarded will be aimed at assisting those parishes in the greatest need, therefore PCCs with unrestricted reserves equating to more than 6 months parish expenditure are unlikely to be successful.

If the value of applications is greater than the funds available in any funding round, the panel will use agreed weighting criteria to prioritise, with some eligible applications being held over to the following deadline(s)


Last modified on Wednesday, 12 June 2024 14:00
Gareth Greenwood

Church Buildings Support Officer

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