
This page is maintained by Gareth Greenwood

Quick Wins Grant Fund Round 3

Apply now for a grant to help you kickstart a net zero project in your church

If you are looking to reduce your carbon emissions you can now apply for a Quick Wins grant to help launch a small project.

Grants of up to £5,000* can be applied for to help fund small scale decarbonisation projects such as new LED lighting, pew heaters, insulation or updating electricity supplies.

The Quick Wins grant scheme is part of The Church of England’s ambitious Net Zero Carbon by 2030 programme, which aims to equip, resource and support all parts of the Church to reduce carbon emissions from the energy used in its buildings, schools and through work-related transport by 2030.

Download the eligibility and guidance [Word Doc]

Contact the Church Buildings Support Officer if you have any further questions.

The application dealine for this second round is 28th March 2025

Before making an application to the fund the following activity should be carried out:

  • Complete your Energy Footprint Tool on the Parish Retuns Portal data for the church buildings.
    We’ve even created a simple guide for you.
  • Download and complete the Practical Pathway to Net Zero Carbon to generate a carbon reduction plan. This is especially useful if you do not already have a church decarbonisation plan.

*The award panel may choose to restrict the maximum grant available where the funding round is oversubscribed, and parishes in areas of higher deprivation will receive a higher ratio of funding to total project costs.


Last modified on Friday, 10 January 2025 14:37

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