Derby Cathedral is currently hosting one of a number of artworks created by local and national artists as part of Shedding Light on long Covid, a thought-provoking programme of events to engage local communities in the latest long Covid research.
The installation, outside the cathedral, invites visitors and passers-by to spend a few minutes sitting on a specially installed headset bench and listening to an audio track which they can download via a QR code.
The track, Breathturn, reflects on the moment of pause we collectively shared during the pandemic and how it affected those with Long COVID using their own words to describe their experience.
Shedding Light on Long Covid has been developed by Scientists and arts researchers at the University of Derby.
The Very Reverend Dr Peter Robinson, Dean of Derby, said: "Derby Cathedral is delighted to welcome S.H.E.D, once again.
"This is such an important opportunity being offered to people of all generations to delve deeply into our shared experiences of long Covid.
"We hope that many will come to the cathedral and enjoy the headset benches under the trees in our church yard and so form part of this precious, continued research."
In Derbyshire alone, there are approximately 10,000 patients living with long Covid, and this figure is rising weekly.
The virtual and interactive exhibition has been created by S.H.E.D – Social Higher Education Depot, a research and innovation space that engages the public with lifelong learning and teaching through creative industry and cultural practice.
The University has been at the forefront of research into causes and effects of long Covid since 2020.
The research has mostly been learning about the challenges of the condition and how this impacts the abilities of people to undertake their everyday tasks.
The research team hopes to use this learning to create pathways to support people with long Covid.