
Enabling Giving

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To grow giving in your church, you need to ensure you have the correct foundations in place.

There are four areas to focus on, and they form the acronym MINT.

Use the links below to access information about each of these areas:

  • Have the right mechanisms for giving. The primary mechanism we promote is the Parish Giving Scheme *link to internal PGS page*, but there are others such as contactless, online, legacies, gift aid and so on. Too often people have to jump through too many hoops to give to our churches. We need to make it as simple as possible.
  • Show the impact of people’s giving, how it enables the church’s ministry and mission and what changes their money is going to make on the world around them. Often we talk about the costs of ministry rather than the difference it makes.
  • Explain the need for people to give, so they see how important it is that they give. People have many opportunities to give to lots of worthwhile charities and causes, but why should they give to your church?
  • Build trust, so that people have confidence that the church will spend their gifts wisely and well. This area is often forgotten about or left at the bottom of the ‘to do’ list, however if we don’t cultivate trust then it doesn’t matter how good we are at describing the three other areas we will always limit the potential income.
Last modified on Thursday, 30 May 2024 13:16

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