
Wednesday, 11 January 2023 12:53

Now is the time to start a community choir

With New Year resolutions all done with for another year, now could be the perfect time to start a community choir!

But where to start? What should you know before taking on this venture?

The Revd Dwayne Engh, Ordained Ministries Development Officer for the Diocese of Derby, has the answers and is sharing his knowledge in his book “Starting a Community Choir: Using Music in Outreach and Mission” which has been published by Grove Publishing.

Dwayne has been blessed to work around the world as a composer, conductor, percussionist, and educator.

The book covers both practical steps to take and some theological underpinnings of using music as an evangelistic outreach tool.

Throughout our history, the church has used the potential of music and art to be propositional, conveying both theological and devotional meaning.

Singing sacred (including both traditional and contemporary worship) music allows people to connect with God and be led to Christ while they explore their spiritual questions in a non-threatening environment.

Dwayne said, “I’m really pleased to have published this small Grove book – as well as to be able to combine my passion of music from my previous roles as conductor, composer and percussionist with my current roles as a priest and Ordained Ministries Development Officer, doing mission by loving people into God's kingdom. I hope the book helps churches and communities see how easy it is to start a community choir and encourages them to ‘give it a go’. (And, of course, to encourage them to buy as many dozens of copies of the book as they would like)!”

 >> More information and order your copy

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:19

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