
Wednesday, 15 May 2024 14:15

Update on DBS Eligibility for PCC members and churchwardens

This is an update regarding DBS checks for PCC members and churchwardens (ex officio PCC members), because guidance has recently changed.

Whether PCC members and churchwardens are entitled to an enhanced DBS check is dependent on the nature of the arrangements in the particular church body - requirements will therefore vary across different parishes and churches.

Being a member of a PCC does not automatically mean that the DBS threshold for an enhanced DBS check is met, unless the parish conducts work with children or vulnerable adults. This is because an enhanced DBS check without barred list check can only be applied for if the PCC itself qualifies as a children's or vulnerable adult's charity, or if an individual PCC member is undertaking work with children or vulnerable adults.

Therefore, if your parish does NOT do any work with children and/or vulnerable adults, your PCC members do NOT need an enhanced DBS check. If you wish to carry out a DBS check, that will be limited to a Basic check at the cost to the parish of £22.79 each (correct as at 15 May 2024).

If your parish DOES do any work with children and/or vulnerable adults, your PCC members should have an enhanced volunteer DBS check (without barred list), in their capacity of trustee. The Charity Commission states that 'whenever there is a legal entitlement to obtain a DBS check in respect of such a trustee, a check should be carried out'. The PCC member does not need to work with children or vulnerable adults themselves tobe eligible for this check - they are being checked because of the work of the charity.

Please note:

Churchwardens are ex officio members of the PCC, so where the PCC qualifies as a children's or vulnerable adult's charity, then the churchwardens, along with the other members of the PCC as trustees of a children's or vulnerable adult's charity, should also have an enhanced volunteers DBS check without barred list check.

Last modified on Wednesday, 15 May 2024 14:36

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