About Stewardship
The Bible has lots to say about money, our attitude to it, and our use of it. Altogether there are over 2000 relevant Bible verses. If you want to preach on giving you can find some themed scripture references and some ideas about preaching week by week on the lectionary below.
If you are considering preaching about money there is some useful help on the Parish Resources website.
Parishes and MMAs need to develop good habits and keep stewardship on their agenda; the General Synod Report Giving for Life identifies the following four key strategies for parishes:
1. effective teaching on giving: to nurture holistically generous disciples. There are plenty of opportunities within the lectionary to raise the profile of stewardship with local congregations. Tips for preachers can be found in the attachment below.
2. linking giving with mission and growth: enables givers to see the effect of their giving.
3. annual review of giving: most personal finances work on an annual basis, as do church finances, so it is good to help people review their giving once a year.
4. thanking givers each year: values regular givers and gives them feedback on the mission that their giving has enabled.
The Church of England nationally has negotiated some bulk buying deals to help parishes to cut costs in such areas as energy, photocopying, office supplies and computer software. For the latest details see the Parish Buying website.
Wording for Gift Aid forms and envelopes from January 2013
Please ensure that you are using this on gift aid forms and envelopes. For full up to date information about Gift Aid please see the Parish Resources website for guidance.