
Lucy Harrison

Lucy Harrison

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Transitional arrangements for the new Common Fund by formula for each parish will be put in place such that:

  • Parishes with an increase in the amount requested will have this phased in over a 3-year period
  • Parishes with a reduction in the amount requested will have this phased in over a 2-year period

We would request that those parishes who are faced with a reduction in the amount they have been requested to pay to consider ‘freezing’ payments at current levels so that they can help their neighbours who are faced with an increase. Being generous in this way will help ensure that we can continue to support all parishes. At many of our recent meetings we considered the parable of The Good Samaritan in Luke 10: 25-37 reflecting the theme of supporting your neighbour.

Support and materials for all parishes will be made available and you will be able to hear more about this at the meeting.

Common Fund is requested from all parishes and all parishes are invited to this meeting.  As an open meeting you may extend an invitation to all those who are interested who may not necessarily be Deanery Synod members.

Deanery Meeting Presentation <updated presentation to follow>

Lectio Divina 

Company Director to Follow his Calling into the Church of England

David Walker The commercial director of a growing manufacturing company is to be ordained Deacon at a special service at Derby Cathedral on 26 June.

David Walker, 46, from Mosborough, Sheffield, will become Assistant Curate to the parishes of Dronfield and Holmesfield Team Ministry and is looking forward to the challenge of nurturing new believers from the business community.

Married to Andrea with three grown up sons, David is Commercial Director at Detectronic Ltd, a manufacturing company that produces equipment to reduce flooding and prevent pollution, but studied Theology at university and is now pursuing his long held religious calling to be ordained as a deacon.

As a self-supporting minister, David will continue in his company role whilst taking on a new identity as a deacon serving in the Derby diocese following three years studying a BA in Theology at the Yorkshire Ministry Course.

David said: “My calling spans many years but taking this next step has not been easy for me as I continually questioned the calling along with many others questioning it for me. After numerous times of running away, I kept finding  myself back investigating the calling further.

“I finally gave in questioning and said “OK GOD you got me”, after which I have had an overwhelming feeling of liberation.

“I would hope and will pray that I am able to bring a person to know Jesus Christ, nurture new believers and transform unjust structures, which is going to be an interesting and somewhat challenging exercise in the aggressive world of Business and Commerce.

“I am most looking forward to proclaiming the Good News and to preach the word of God with an identity of Deacon in the Church of England. For anyone else wishing to take this step, I would say: Be brave, and God will do the rest!”

Along with the other candidates, David will be presented to the Bishop of Derby, The Rt Revd Dr Alastair Redfern at a public service at Derby Cathedral at 10.45am, Sunday 26 June 2016.

Award Winning Performance Poet to Become a Deacon


An award-winning performance poet is one of the six people to be ordained a Deacon

at a special Petertide service at Derby Cathedral on Sunday 26 June 2016.

Ben Allison, 29, will become the Pioneer Curate, North Wingfield Team Ministry. Originally from Leeds, he will be the third generation in his family to be ordained. His father and grandfather are both still serving in the Leeds Diocese.

Married to Clare for nine years, Ben has a young family of three children; Amos (5), Alethea (3) and Edna (7 months). Currently training at Cranmer Hall, Durham, he will be moving to Derbyshire ahead of his ordination.

A very successful performance poet, Ben has won the Hebden Bridge Festal Slam, Greenbelt Festival Slam and Ted Hughes Festival Slam. He also has autism and dyspraxia and has reflected on his experiences for a church resource book on Disability.

Ben said: “Becoming a deacon means a change a in identity, laying aside my lay identity in order to serve the communities to which I am called in a new and exciting way. I hope to find new ways of doing church which don't just seek to draw those on the edge of my community into existing services and congregations, but rather build church around them.

“I’m most looking forward to finally be able to do what I love full-time: serving my community, and proclaiming the Gospel. It’ll also mean I'll no longer be a northerner! I have to learn how to minister in the strange, alien culture of North Derbyshire.

“To others considering taking the same step, I say do not be afraid of your weaknesses. Do not be afraid of being vulnerable. The God who has called you will not abandon you.”

Former Chesterfield Pastor to Return to Derbyshire to be Ordained as a Deacon

A former Chesterfield Street Pastor is due to return to his home county to be ordained as a Deacon at a special Petertide service at Derby Cathedral on Sunday 26 June 2016.

James Durrant, 26, will become the Assistant Curate to the parish of St Alkmund and St Werburgh in Derby. Originally from Chesterfield, he volunteered as a street pastor for two years in his hometown after studying Environmental Economics and Environmental Management at University of York.

Married to Chloe since 2015, James is currently training at Cranmer College in Durham and is looking forward to returning to Derbyshire to take up his ministry.

James said: “It will be great to return to Derbyshire after three years away to an area which I 'm looking forward to getting to know.

“I am delighted to be in a position to serve a community and to walk alongside them in their discipleship journey, from those who have been walking for many years to those who do not yet know they have a journey before them.

“To others considering taking this step, I say God does not call the equipped but equips the called. If God is calling you the skills, support and gifts you need will be provided. You are being called for who you are, not in comparison to anyone else”.

Solicitor Embarks on Second Career with Church of England

Giles Orton low res A high flying solicitor is swapping his 35 year legal career for one in the pulpit as he is ordained Deacon at a special service at St Laurence, Long Eaton on 3 July 2016.

Giles Orton, 56, from Kirk Langley, will become Assistant Curate to the parishes of Long Eaton St Laurence and Ilkeston Holy Trinity. Married to Jane, an Amber Valley Borough Councillor, and with three grown up sons, Orton was a pensions litigation partner in the national firm Eversheds until April this year when he retired from the partnership to become a part-time legal consultant and trustee and to prepare for ordination as a self-supporting minister.

Giles said: “My new role will be an exciting journey and an awesome responsibility. I am looking forward to being involved in the life of the parishes and to help the people in my community come to know and serve God better through word and sacrament.“

Giles, whose work included acting for the Maxwell pensioners and working with the government to establish the Pensions Protection Fund, continued:

“In my legal career, I did much to help pensioners in their retirement from work. In the next stage of my career I hope to be able to help people prepare for the next retirement and to meet their Maker in the next life that Christ promises.

“My motivation to take this step came from being called to follow in the footsteps of my late grandfather, who was also a priest.

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