
Dave King

Dave King

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On Mondays through Lent, +Libby and +Malcolm are hosting online forums to reflect together on the gospel readings set for the principal service of the previous Sunday.

Mark 8.31-38

Then he began to teach them that the Son of Man must undergo great suffering, and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. He said all this quite openly. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. But turning and looking at his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, ‘Get behind me, Satan! For you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.’

He called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it. For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life? Indeed, what can they give in return for their life? Those who are ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of them the Son of Man will also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.’


Reflections on the reading from Mark
‘said this all quite openly’, ‘took him aside and began to rebuke him’, ‘called the crows with his disciples and said to them’ - different approaches for different conversations and encounters.
Notice that Peter able to express how he feels clearly – Jesus has created a safe space for questioning and listening, for disagreement as healthy aspect of community.

nb relationship with Peter not undermined (a few days later accompany Jesus at Transfiguration).

Jesus spoke robustly into articulation of misinformation; he broke down tendency towards ‘group think’ and broke open disruptive or damaging discourse in silos or factions = model of Pastoral Principles.

Sometimes see in own circumstances an echo of Peter’s difficulty in accepting situations that don’t match our expectations.

Perhaps Jesus was able to resist temptation to avoid the path to Jerusalem in the context of the community of disciples – so looked to his community to find strength to speak his ‘no’ to Satan.

‘take up your cross’...

Anything that is difficult in life, Anything that I’m disagreed with about
- ‘martyr complex.

But needs to fit with ‘fullness of life’.

Navalny conversion from atheism to Christianity.

Risk of thinking that what we struggle with or that our burdens are doing the work of the cross ie conferring salvation – only Jesus’ death and resurrection has won that.

Nothing we can give to ‘pay for’ our salvation. Jesus making clear, pointing in direction, of what will give life (in all its fullness for eternity) ie his own suffering, death and resurrection.

Bishop Libby and Archdeadon Matthew will each spend a night sleeping rough in support of the YMCA's Sleep Easy campaign.

They are among those who aim to raise awareness of the plight of those who have no home to go to, and to raise funds to support efforts that will enable the YMCA to continue its vital services to those who are facing homelessness in Derby City and Derbyshire.

This year, the local event will take place at the home of Derbyshire Cricket Club on Friday, 8 March, and both Bishop Libby and Archdeacon Matthew will be given a cardboard box to use as shelter for the night.

Bishop Libby, who has taken part in previous Sleep Easy events, said: "I am pleased again to be among those supporting this local charity in raising awareness and much needed funds to tackle homelessness and its long-term impacts.

"We may have an uncomfortable night in many ways, but that in itself gives opportunity to reflect on why we are participating, and experience – just for one night – something of what it is like to be sleeping rough.

"Please do participate in Sleep Easy if you can, either by registering to join the event at the Cricket Ground or safely in your local context as Neil is in Wirksworth (see below).

"And please support the work of Derby YMCA and its partners like the Padley Centre by donating through my JustGiving page and raising awareness.

"Together we can support this vital work being done locally, combat the scourge of homelessness, and offer hope to those who find themselves suffering its impacts and consequences”.

Archdeacon Matthew, taking part in his first Sleep Easy, said: "I actually have very little appetite for sleeping under the stars in this way - but that's the whole point, really!

"For me, it's one night and doing it through choice, whereas every night in Derby and Derbyshire, more than 200 hundred individuals who have temporarily found themselves without a place to live, have no choice but to either turn to the YMCA and the Padley Centre, or sleep rough under cardboard."

Archdeacon Matthew will also be posting on Facebook from the cricket ground during the event.


Sleeping in the churchyard

The Revd Neil Griffiths, vicar for the Wirksworth Team Ministry, has also chosen to sleep out for the Sleep Easy campaign.

Before becoming a vicar Neil worked with housing organisations and YMCAs, and longs for a time when no one is homeless or poorly housed.

Neil said: "I will be bedding down in the churchyard at St Mary’s Church in Wirksworth and I hope the weather is as kind as the people who have already donated money."

Chris says God called him to being a churchwarden because of his love of helping other people.

All of us are invited to follow Jesus and to serve God faithfully in our everyday lives, and some people are called to serve God in a specific ministry or role.

If you feel a sense of calling, a nagging voice inside your head, see our Vocations page for information about how to explore what God is calling you to do.

Chris, a church foundation governor at a Derbyshire primary school, tells us about his calling and his involvement with the school.

All of us are invited to follow Jesus and to serve God faithfully in our everyday lives, and some people are called to serve God in a specific ministry or role.

If you feel a sense of calling, a nagging voice inside your head, see our Vocations page for information about how to explore what God is calling you to do.

Ian, a vicar in the north of Derbyshire, shares his faith journey and reveals that he never thought he 'had what it takes' to become ordained!

All of us are invited to follow Jesus and to serve God faithfully in our everyday lives, and some people are called to serve God in a specific ministry or role.

If you feel a sense of calling, a nagging voice inside your head, see our Vocations page for information about how to explore what God is calling you to do.

Mina, a priest in Derby, reveals that she had a couple of false starts before understanding what she was being called to do.

All of us are invited to follow Jesus and to serve God faithfully in our everyday lives, and some people are called to serve God in a specific ministry or role.

If you feel a sense of calling, a nagging voice inside your head, see our Vocations page for information about how to explore what God is calling you to do.

On Mondays through Lent, +Malcolm and I are hosting online forums to reflect together on the gospel readings set for the principal service of the previous Sunday.

Yesterday we gathered for the first time to study and explore Mark 1. 9-15

We considered the wider context of the passage which is set between a concise introduction to ‘the good news about Jesus the Messiah, Son of God’ that condenses all of God’s work in salvation history into a few verses describing the vocation and ministry of John the Baptiser and a simple narrative of the calling of the first disciples.

We noted that, like all Mark’s gospel, this narrative is distilled into few words but replete with both a driving momentum and profound meaning.

We reflected on Jesus’ growing understanding of his own relationship with the One who calls him ‘Son’ as it is set so explicitly between the prophets and the disciples. And we reflected on his emerging vocation being shaped by that relationship.

We thought about how our individual relationships with God, and our subsequent vocations are transformed, or more fully understood and received, when set in context of relationship with God’s people, those who have gone before us and those who travel with us.

We thought about this passage being read during Lent and what we might learn from it to aid self-examination and penitence.

How does this passage help us to be honest with ourselves and with God?

What can this passage teach us about the times when we are in difficult, ‘wilderness’ places?

We read here that Jesus is called ‘beloved’ but then driven into wilderness. It was not failure or fault that led to wilderness; he was not being punished.

Maybe we are not to interpret such experiences with guilt expect them, and pray that when we do experience then that somehow ‘angels will be with us’ too.

We took comfort from this passage that we need not pretend before God when we find ourselves in places we might not choose to be.

We considered how Jesus met the grace of God in both the highs of the affirmation of his baptism and in the lows of temptation in the wilderness.

We recognised that in both our struggles and our successes the Kingdom of God may come near.

There were some specific phrases we wondered about: what does that mean that the ‘heavens were torn apart’?

What would it feel like to experience such a thing? Why are we told that Jesus was ‘with the wild beasts’?

Are they part of the threat of being tempted by Satan or part of succour of the angels who ‘waited on him’?

We concluded, as the passage itself does, with a yearning to discover and participate in the life of the Kingdom of God.

We returned to where we began our reflections, thankful for the opportunity again through Lent to re-examine the invitation to repent and believe and so share more fully in ‘the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God’.“

First Sunday in Lent: Mark 1.9-15

In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.

And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him.

And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.’

And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness.

He was in the wilderness for forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him.

Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.’


Vocation means discovering what God has called you to be and do, asking the question:-

What is God’s plan for my life?

All of us are invited to follow Jesus and to serve God faithfully in our everyday lives.

To discover more about what this might mean for you, please see our Everyday Faith page.

To begin a conversation about what this might look like for you, we recommend you speak first to your vicar or chaplain.


Do I have a specific vocation?

Alongside our everyday faith, some people are called to serve God in a specific ministry.

You can find out more about some of these ministries in our vocations videos:

You can also find more information about vocations and calling here:

If you would like to explore a potential vocation to a specific ministry with someone from the diocese of Derby vocations team, please contact: vocations@derby.anglican.org


Am I called to be a priest or deacon?

The process of exploring a potential call to ordination in the Church of England is explored and assessed locally and by the national church.

It is a two-stage process which includes regular meetings with a member of the DDO team locally, exploring the qualities required and the areas which will be assessed nationally at Stage 1 (online mini-interviews) and then at Stage 2 panel (2 days of assessments and interviews; often residential).

More information can be found here: Understanding Discernment | The Church of England

And if you want to begin a conversation about ordination, with the Diocese of Derby vocations team, please contact: vocations@derby.anglican.org


Am I called to be a licensed lay minister (LLM)?

The process of exploring a potential call to licensed lay ministry (sometimes called a lay reader) is explored and assessed locally.

It involves meeting regularly with a vocations adviser, and attending our LLM(R) course, during which the qualities required and the areas which will be assessed at interview at the end of the first year of the course are explored.

More information about the course can be found here: Discipleship-Training at the Diocese of Derby

To begin a conversation about licensed lay ministry, with the diocese of Derby vocations team, please contact: vocations@derby.anglican.org 


Am I called to be a foundation governor?

Foundation governors are usually nominated by the related PCC. Speak to your vicar, existing foundation governors, and PCC about what the role might entail.

You can also find out more, including a role description, here: Foundation Governor Appointments – Derby Diocesan Board of Education (derbydbe.org)


Am I called to be a churchwarden?

Churchwardens are elected annually under the provisions of the Churchwardens Measure 2001 by the Annual Meeting of Parishioners. Speak to your vicar, existing church wardens, and PCC, about what the role entails.

You can find out more here: Churchwardens - Roles and responsibilities - Diocese of Derby (anglican.org)

See also: Can I be a churchwarden?

Head out into Derby on a Friday or Saturday night and you’re more than likely to run into a group of volunteers looking out for revellers in need.

They are Derby’s Street Pastors - trained volunteers from a variety of local churches who provide a visible, reassuring presence for everyone in the city centre. They work in teams of three or four and are out and about, prayerfully patrolling, from 10pm – 4am.

Street Pastors has been operating in Derby since 2009 and the volunteers have become a well-respected and greatly appreciated part of Derby's nightlife.

They work together with the police, door staff and Derby CCTV, responding to calls to offer non-judgmental, understanding support through listening, assisting and, where necessary, putting their first-aid training into action.

And on other occasions, the help they give can be as straight forward as making sure someone has water to drink and a way of getting home.

One such volunteer is Steve Johnson. 

As someone who did his fair share of over-induging in his youth, Steve said: “Being a Street Pastor is insane and yet unbelievably rewarding - the nervous anticipation of wondering what you will encounter during the night really gets the adrenaline going.

“Committing to putting my faith into action, it is a privilege taking God’s love and grace into our city streets, meeting and talking to people their own context.”

Now, the organisation is looking to recruit some new faces to ensure it can continue to provide the level of service needed in the city.

Steve’s take on being a volunteer is that when a great night out turns into a time of distress and vulnerability, Street Pastors make sure those who have perhaps allowed themselves one too many, get home to their families safe and well.

He said: “To be a Street Pastor, I think you have to love your city, the people, the buildings and the culture. 

“In my youth, we never had these kinds of organisations around, but there is a new generation who enjoy our night-time economy that only know Street Pastors, and the warmth and love towards us is awesome.

“Together with lollies, bottles of water, flip flops and spikies we go out into town having put on the full armour of God, offering up our prayers for our fantastic city.”

If you are interested in learning more about being a Street Pastor, pop along to the open night being held at Derby City Church, Curzon Street, Derby on Monday, 5 February 2024 at 7pm, or contact them at streetpastors@derbycitymission.org.uk

Derby’s Street Pastors operates as a franchise of the national Street Pastor scheme that is run by the Ascension Trust under the management of Derby City Mission

For details of Street Pastor teams at other locations across the Diocese of Derby, visit the Street Pastors website.

Ossie's Kitchen, in Ashbourne, has been nominated for The King’s Award for Voluntary Service (KAVS).

The prestigious award is the highest honour given in recognition of voluntary service.

Ossie's Kitchen, based at St Oswald's Church, addresses loneliness, social isolation and mental wellbeing through providing freshly cooked, three-course meals eaten in the company of others.

It operates twice a month, each time feeding around 65 to 70 people with meals created from surplus food from food retailers, including supermarkets.

Anne Ford, a churchwarden at St Oswald's, said: "It is wonderful that Ossie's Kitchen has been nominated for the King's Award, recognising a service carried out by the community, for the community, that puts St Oswald's Church at the heart of its people.

"It is an honour and an encouragement for all those involved in the project."

The project has a pool of more than 50 volunteers to call on to help with cooking, serving, looking after the guests and, of course, washing up!

On hearing the news, Professor Paula Holt, MBE, Deputy Lord-Lieutenant for Derbyshire, wrote to the project.

She said: "Please accept my congratulations on this notable achievement, which reflects the esteem of your local community for the work you and your group do.”


>> Ossie's Kitchen opens in Ashbourne


Ossie's Kitchen opened in 2019.

Everyone is welcome to go along to the bi-monthly meals; the kitchen welcomes donations but realises that not everyone in the community is in a position to give one.

Anne Ford said: "The guests who come along soon become good friends and look out for each other when they arrive.

"Some of them get very little opportunity to socialise with others, apart from at Ossie's Kitchen.

"It's amazing to see the friendships develop and the meals have led to the creation of a rapidly growing community.

"Meal times at St Oswald's are now quite noisy because of so many people chattering, sharing stories and forming bonds!"

The nomination will now be assessed by the Lord-Lieutenant's office and then nationally, before the winners are announced later this year.

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