The Venerable Nicky Fenton
Archdeacon of Derbyshire Peak and Dales
01332 388658
Emily Woodhouse
PA to the Archdeacon of Derbyshire Peak and Dales
01332 278177
Having loved four months working as acting archdeacon, I was absolutely delighted and thrilled to be invited to continue the work that I have started and to partner with you to create transformed lives through growing church and building community, so that we might be good news for all and bring God’s kingdom nearer.
I was born in Birmingham and came to faith when I was 17 through a mixture of a Billy Graham Crusade, a school Christian Union, membership of uniformed organisations and Bible reading at home.
I am married to Michael; a chartered accountant and we have two adult children Emily and Sophie, and we enjoy going out for meals and exploring new places together. Most days I try to get to the gym and either swim or do aqua, pilates or yoga. Music and dance have played a significant part in my life too. When I’m on my own I love reading, watching films, jigsaw puzzles.
Prior to ordination, I worked in education – my last teaching job was as nursery teacher with 95 pre-school children and a team of nine staff in my care. I also have a qualification in people practice.
My theological education was based at Cranmer Hall and my curacy in St Ann’s, Nottingham. My previous roles within the Diocese of Derby include Priest-in-Charge of the Benefice of Hazelwood, Holbrook, Milford with Shottle, Diocesan School Missioner, Bishop’s Adviser in Spirituality, Retired Clergy Officer, Bishop’s Chaplain, and a residentiary canon at Derby Cathedral.
The image that speaks to me most clearly about my ministry as an archdeacon is that of a midwife: coming alongside people and places offering ongoing care, guidance and advice; mediating and bridging gaps between different groups of people; supporting the birthing of new initiatives and offering comfort and strength as people let go, and breaking down barriers to change and growth.
I focus my ministry around five key priorities – prayer, people, places, projects and planning - while ensuring I am also attentive to my ongoing personal formation. I would love the opportunity to share with you what that looks like in practice – so please do invite me to come and visit!
My prayer is that knowing we are loved by God, and supported by each other, we can give ourselves wholeheartedly to serving God in the communities and worshipping contexts we are part of; and consistently and persistently move forward in generous faith, courageous hope and life-giving love.
Parish map of the Archdeaconry of Derbyshire Peak and Dales
>> Download a printable map of the Archdeaconry of Derbyshire Peak and Dales (suitable for A4 and A3) [JPG]
>> Maps of individual deaneries can be downloaded from their respective pages here.