
This page is maintained by Gareth Greenwood
Friday, 23 September 2022 12:11

Applications via the DBS Update Service

For those who already have a DBS in place through the Diocese of Derby, or from elsewhere which was registered on the update service when first issued and has remained registered, then it may be possible to use it if it is has the required workforces and regulatory barring checks.

Note, all Clergy will be asked to make a full new DBS application even though they may have a certificate subscribed to the update service.

Note anyone who works from home will have to make a new application, even though they may have a certificate subscribed to the update service.

To use a certificate subscribed to the update service for roles in the Diocese of Derby:

1. The Parish Safeguarding Officer must have a recent, completed Confidential Declaration Form.

  1. If any answers are yes / positive then a copy of this must be sent to dbs@derby.anglican.org with the completed DBS Update Service Check Form, and will be reviewed by the Diocesan safeguarding team.
  2. If all answers are No, it should be retained by the Parish as part of standard policy.

2. Complete the top half of the DBS Update Service Check Form as you would for a standard DBS application and if the person is new to the Parish, also satisfy yourself that they are who they say they are by asking for identity documents other than the DBS Certificate, as you would usually when going through the recruitment steps checking:

  1. Full Name
  2. Date Of Birth
  3. Role in Parish required now
  4. If they will work from home now (often this will require a full new application)
  5. Which Regulatory Barring Checks may be required
  6. The Parish and Church the applicant will be working for
  7. If this is for a Voluntary or Paid role

3. For the lower half of the form - From the certificate being checked on the update service – you must see the original certificate and then complete the following:

  1. The disclosure (certificate) number which is subscribed to the update service (not the update service registration number) – this must include any leading zeros.
  2. Date of Issue
  3. Surname, Forenames and Date of Birth as they appear on the certificate if different from those already noted
  4. Position applied for
  5. The words in each of the 5 boxes e.g. e.g. Non Record, Not Requested, Certificate Contains no Information etc.

4. Send all the information obtained from 2, and 3 as documented on the form to us at dbs@derby.anglican.org. Do not send copies of the DBS certificate.

5. We will make the update service check and will then send you a notification of a successful DBS check, or advise that a new DBS application is required.

For any questions please contact dbs@derby.anglican.org 

Last modified on Thursday, 28 March 2024 11:20

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