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Introducing the Christian Faith to Inquirers and Seekers

These resources are useful to have available in churches simply for visitors to take away.  Write something for your church or contact the Mission Adviser for ideas

Christianity for the Open Minded (Inter-Varsity Press, Tel: 0115 978 1054 or sales@ivpbooks.com)

A booklet designed to engage the inquirer or seeker. There are other titles in the series.

Why Jesus? Nicky Gumbel (Alpha Publications, Holy Trinity Brompton, Brompton Road,

London. SW7 1JA. Tel: 0845 644 7544)There is also a Why Christmas? version.

Spelling it Out... a leaflet on being a Christian subtitled 'an ordinary churchgoer offers to explain' and part of a series of leaflets first written by Kate Rhodes for Bolton Abbey. It is available from Tim Tiley (see websites below).

The Light of the World Also available from Tim Tiley. It features Holman Hunt's famous painting on the cover and then gives the background story and an application of the message for our lives.

Christianity a pocketsize foldout guide (The Good Book Company, Elm House, 37 Elm
Road, New Malden, Surrey. KT3 3HB. Tel: 0845 225 0880).

No Ordinary Man St Luke's Gospel in an attractive format including Christian testimonies and stories (Deo Gloria, deo-gloria.co.uk; Tel: 020 8651 6246). Deo Gloria produce a range of other materials suitable for those on a 'spiritual journey' and who may know little or nothing about Christianity. A sample pack of these materials is available for £11 and is worth ordering.

The Story, An innovative booklet telling the Easter story and one of a range of resources available from Lifewords (see website address below).

Websites Worth Exploring

www.rejesus.co.uk (designed for non-church people wanting to explore Christianity)
www.deo-gloria.co.uk (includes a range of outreach material)
www.churchtourismassociation (for further advice on being a welcoming church)
www.achurchnearyou.com (a useful website to have on visitor literature - the site does what it says in its name, enabling people to find their local church)
www.cofe.anglican.org (the Church's national website is always worth exploring)
www.timtiley.com (website for the popular supplier of prayer cards, greeting cards and other material for visitors and church members alike)
www.lifewords.info (formerly Scripture Gift Mission, and supplying a range of materials for giving away including a range of booklets with titles such as 'Living with Loss', Meditations of Life', and Who am I?')


Creating a Culture of Welcome in the Local Church, Alison Gilchrist (Grove Evangelism series, Ev 66)

Open for you, Paul Bond (Canterbury Press, 2006)

Spiritual Companions/Guides/Directors

Many people, lay and ordained, now recognise that it can be helpful to have someone alongside them on their pilgrimage, someone who has the gift of listening creatively to others and who offers a safe place of acceptance and encouragement. 

Sometimes this need grows out of a fruitful experience on retreat. Often it can be at a time of crisis, when old patterns are disturbed or when we feel an urge to take seriously our quest for meaning in life and we want to go deeper into our journey of faith. Maybe we want help with our prayer life or to test a particular calling.

Maybe we are finding it difficult to deal with events or relationships in our life. This can be a chance to reflect on what has been happening and to put things in perspective.   

This is called ‘Spiritual Direction’ or ‘Spiritual Companionship’, but other terms such as ‘Soul Friend’ (from the Celtic tradition) are used. It is available to all who wish to see more clearly where God is at work in their lives.

What happens?

Most people see their Spiritual Companion once every four to twelve weeks. It may be a long-term relationship or for a limited period.

There are no rules about this. The meeting has a sacramental nature, for God uses it as a channel for grace.

It calls for a sense of trust, confidentiality and for openness from both, in the knowledge that the meeting takes place in the presence of God.

The purpose is to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the direction. Suggestions may be offered of ways to pray, ideas for helpful reading, as well as practical suggestions relating to life choices, but the final decisions are always left in the hands of the person seeking guidance. 

How do you find someone?

In the Diocese of Derby we have a list of people of different traditions and backgrounds who offer this service and a Bishop’s Adviser for Spiritual Direction, who will help you to find the right person.

The choice of a companion is likely to have important consequences in your life. For this reason you might be invited to come for an informal meeting with her, so that she could talk with you about your expectations and ‘get a feel’ for the sort of person you would hope for.

Or in the first place you might prefer to apply for a leaflet outlining the sort of questions you could ask yourself, as you reflect on your needs.

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If you don't have a password yet, please contact: communications@derby.anglican.org




Revd Alan Griggs is licensed as the lead agricultural chaplain within Derbyshire Rural Chaplaincy (DRC). The DRC is hosted by Chaplaincy Derbyshire, an independent Christian organization and registered charity, operating across the county.  Alan works with a small team of chaplains and volunteers drawn from various backgrounds and different Christian denominations, but all of whom are passionate about walking alongside the agricultural and rural community in Derbyshire. 

What we do

We celebrate the contribution of agriculture, we listen and by invitation, we pray with and for the agricultural and rural community. We provide Christian spiritual and pastoral care and we complement the rural church by supporting patterns of worship and prayer around the agricultural year, as well as pastoral services for the farming community by invitation. We also attend the Agricultural Business Centre every week and host a monthly prayer meeting and annual farmer’s harvest and carol service. 

For more information or to meet the team visit the DRC website at:  www.derbyshireruralchaplaincy.org.uk

Or follow us on:








Our postal and office address:

Derby Church House
Full Street

Telephone: 01332 388650

Email: enquiries@derby.anglican.org

For more detailed contact information, please refer to our Who's Who page

For SatNav directions, please use DE1 3DR. However, please note that the car park behind Derby Church House (Derby Cathedral Car Park) is located on St Michaels Lane. The car park is owned by Derby Cathedral and managed by a third party. If you are attending a meeting at Derby Church House, please let your meeting organiser know your vehicle registration plate in advance so that they can arrange for your details to be added to the car parking database. Alternatively, you can pay for your parking using the machine in the car park (note - card only no cash).

Alternative paid parking options in the area are:

  • Chapel Street Multistorey Car Park (DE1 3GU)
  • Park Safe (Bold Lane) DE1 3NT
  • Derby Assembly Rooms Car Park (DE1 3AF).

Parishes are at the heart of the life and work of the Church of England in the Diocese of Derby.

A parish consists of the baptised people of God in a certain geographical location.

Parishes have a combination of clergy and laity who work together to ensure that local resource are used to make words and work of Jesus known locally.

There are regular services, opportunities for baptism, weddings, funerals and blessings.

To find your local parish church – please use our search facility below.


Parish Focus - stories from individual parishes

Find a Parish:

Use our Search facility below to find your local parish church.

Key to symbols:

  Full disabled access Full disabled access   Audio induction loop available Audio induction loop available
  Partial disabled access Partial disabled access   Large print hymn books available Large print hymn books available
  Disabled toilet available Disabled toilet available   Projection System in use (digital and/or OHP) Projection System in use (digital and/or OHP)

Please note that all details are based on information provided by parishes, and maybe subject to change without notice. If in doubt, please contact the parish concerned.

Powered by the Derby Church Net Find a Church database.


Project Fund Guidance

The Project fund comes from the Diocesan Budget and is supplemented by gifts from parochial organisations. Recipient organisations are shown in the Council’s minutes and in the Annual Report.

Applications are welcomed from churches and church partnerships in Derbyshire.

Priorities will be given to

  • Start up grants to voluntary organisations working in social justice/social care/community development or regeneration.
  • Groups with special needs or communities experiencing significant deprivation.
  • Work in keeping with the priorities set by the Council for Social Responsibility.

Groups need to operate within the Derby Diocese geographically (approximately Derbyshire).

Maximum grant is £1000.

Where grants are made, receipts and the next annual report will be requested and the group may expect to receive a follow up visit from a member of the Council for Social Responsibility.

Decisions are made quarterly as applications come in.

If no constitution is provided please state how the initiative is managed and who the responsible body is.

We are grateful for the donations made by various Christian Groups across the Diocese which have supplemented this fund in recent years. Donations can be made to the FiA office, cheques payable to “Derby Diocesan Board of Finance”.


Please download the application form here: {docs}project-fund{/docs}

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Derby Church House

Full Street, Derby DE1 3DR

01332 388650



Who's who at Derby Church House

Map and parking information

