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If you are interested in applying to become an Authorised Lay Minister (ALM), please follow the link to the Lay Ministry Selection page.

Last modified on Sunday, 24 February 2013 00:14

Those who are successful in applying to train as an ALM follow a programme of training tailored towards their chosen specialism. Please see details of this year’s programme below.


For more information, please contact:


The Lay Ministry Officer: Dr Esther Elliott

01332 388674, or esther.elliott@derby.anglican.org


Or, her secretary, Mrs Fiona Bennett

01332 388670, or fiona.bennett@derby.anglican.org

FileFile sizeLast Modified
Download this file (LMLeaflet1.pdf)Lay Ministry Training Programme part 1 293 Kb 19/08/11 08:57
Download this file (LMLeaflet2.pdf)Lay Ministry Training Programme part 2 1302 Kb 19/08/11 08:57



Last modified on Tuesday, 21 May 2013 11:42

On becoming an ALM, a dated certificate of authorisation is issued. This should be renewed every 3 years, and this usually expires in Advent time.


In order to renew their authorisation they must continue to have the support of their incumbent and PCC, and a valid CRB disclosure.


In order to renew your ALM certificate, please complete and return the following documents to us which can be found below:


  • ALM Authorisation Renewal Form
  • Working Agreement (ALMs should renew their Working Agreements annually)
  • Paper Certificate


The ALM must also have a valid CRB disclosure. Forms can be obtained from the Archdeacon of Derby’s Secretary, Pam Richmond:


01332 388676, or pam.richmond@derby.anglican.org


Once we have received these documents and all are satisfactory, we will request your certificate renewal from the Bishop of Derby.


For more information or paper copies of the forms please contact:


Mrs Fiona Bennett

01332 388670, or fiona.bennett@derby.anglican.org

FileFile sizeLast Modified
Download this file (Renewal of ALM authorisation.doc)Renewal of ALM Authorisation Form 25 Kb 23/08/11 08:32
Download this file (Working Agreement.doc)ALM Working Agreement Form 136 Kb 23/08/11 08:54



Last modified on Tuesday, 21 May 2013 11:43

Reader Ministry

Readers are a vital part of the mission and ministry of the Church of England. They have the ministry of 'preaching and leading worship in a pastoral context' - they are licensed for a wide range of individual ministries, whilst remaining very much lay people. Many Readers have full-time or part-time employment outside the Church, others are retired or full-time family carers. A few work full-time in Church ministry, but this is still unusual.

More information about Readers can be found on the Central Readers Council website.

For more information, please contact:

The Warden of Readers for the Diocese of Derby: Dr Esther Elliott

01332 388674, or esther.elliott@derby.anglican.org

Or, her secretary, Mrs Fiona Bennett 01332 388670, or fiona.bennett@derby.anglican.org

Last modified on Sunday, 24 February 2013 00:14

Those who are successful in applying to train as a Reader will usually go on to study the Reader Training Programme which is delivered by the Southern North West Training Partnership (SNWTP). This is delivered locally in collaboration with the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham over three years.


The SNWTP website can be viewed here.


For more information, please contact:


The Warden of Readers for the Diocese of Derby: Dr Esther Elliott

01332 388674, or esther.elliott@derby.anglican.org


Or, her secretary, Mrs Fiona Bennett 01332 388670, or fiona.bennett@derby.anglican.org 

Last modified on Sunday, 24 February 2013 00:14

Following their licensing, Readers are expected to engage in CME specifically for a further 3 years, and then ongoing throughout their ministry according to training needs. Readers in the Diocese of Derby no longer have an individual CME budget to spend on books and training, but a programme of training is put together bi-annually to meet training needs, and all courses, exclusive to Readers, are free of charge. Please see this year’s programme below.




Readers may lawfully officiate at funeral services (but only with the good will of the persons responsible) provided that the Reader is authorised by the Bishop to do so, and is invited by the minister of the parish or place.


In order to obtain authorisation they must have the support of their incumbent and attend a Diocesan Funeral and Bereavement Course followed by continued training and observation. This course occurs annually, and details of future courses may be found below when available.


To book a place or register an interest for any Reader CME courses, please contact:


Mrs Fiona Bennett 01332 388670, or fiona.bennett@derby.anglican.org



Last modified on Sunday, 24 February 2013 00:14

Readers are required to have their licence renewed every 3 years, and this usually expires in Advent time.


In order to renew their licence they must continue to have the support of their incumbent and PCC, and a valid CRB disclosure.


In order to renew your Reader licence, please complete and return the following documents to us which can be found below:


  • Licence Renewal Form
  • Working Agreement (Readers should renew their Working Agreements and send a copy to the Warden of Readers annually)
  • Paper Licence
  • PCC Support note


The Reader must also have a valid CRB disclosure. Forms can be obtained from the Archdeacon of Derby’s Secretary, Pam Richmond:


01332 388676, or pam.richmond@derby.anglican.org


Once we have received these documents and all are found to be satisfactory, we will request your licence renewal from the Bishop of Derby.


For more information or paper copies of the forms please contact:


Mrs Fiona Bennett 01332 388670, or fiona.bennett@derby.anglican.org 


Last modified on Sunday, 24 February 2013 00:14

On reaching the age of 70, Readers may no longer remain licensed, but may apply to obtain permission to officiate (PTO) from the Bishop of Derby to continue in their ministry.


They must continue to have the support of their incumbent and PCC, and hold a valid CRB disclosure.


In order to obtain or renew PTO, please complete and return the following documents to us which can be found below:


  • Obtaining PTO Form OR Renewing PTO Form
  • Working Agreement (Readers should renew their Working Agreements annually)
  • Paper licence (for those obtaining PTO for the first time)
  • Letter from PCC secretary or PCC minute recording the PCC’s support for the Reader to continue in ministry.


The Reader must also have a valid CRB disclosure. Forms can be obtained from the Archdeacon of Derby’s Secretary, Pam Richmond:


01332 388676, or pam.richmond@derby.anglican.org


Once we have received these documents and all are satisfactory, we will request your PTO status/renewal from the Bishop of Derby.


For more information or paper copies of the forms please contact:


Mrs Fiona Bennett 01332 388670,

 or fiona.bennett@derby.anglican.org 

Last modified on Sunday, 24 February 2013 00:14

If a Reader wishes to retire they may either retire completely from Reader Ministry, or may style themselves as Reader Emeritus.


Readers may be given the title Reader Emeritus as an indication of their continuing link with the Reader network, though retired from active ministry.


In order to do either of the above, the Reader must write to inform the Warden of Readers, and this will be confirmed to the Reader in writing.


Any such letter may be sent to:


Dr Esther Elliott, Warden of Readers

Training and Development

Mission and Ministry Team

Derby Church House

Full Street





Last modified on Sunday, 24 February 2013 00:14

General forms for Readers are available here to download including:


  • Working Agreement Template


Last modified on Sunday, 24 February 2013 00:14

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Full Street, Derby DE1 3DR

01332 388650



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