
Friday, 14 February 2025 16:29

Vicar of the Benefice of Ripley and Priest-in-Charge of the Benefice of Swanwick and Pentrich

Full-time stipendiary post

These three Parishes (All Saints, Ripley and St. Andrew’s, Swanwick with St. Matthew’s, Pentrich) on the eastern side of Derbyshire have been working together for three years as ‘The Butterley Churches’. They cover a range of contexts and communities: post-industrial market town, large commuter village and rural, and are growing in their relationships together. They are within a few miles of one another and are praying for a leader who can take them on the next stage of their journey, formalising their grouping through pastoral re-organisation and working with them to renew and refresh a vision for all that God can do in them and through them.


We are seeking a proactive, collaborative leader who:

  • holds worship and prayer as a priority for the church and will join with us to develop these in the life of the church, both individually and corporately.
  • can inspire the churches to grow in numbers and depth as disciples of Jesus, in order to become places of relevance to families and children in today’s culture where all are welcomed, purpose is found and lives are transformed through the Holy Spirit, including in our church school.
  • is approachable, with good listening and communication skills, who engages well with people of all ages and social backgrounds in church and community.
  • has the skills and experience to be an ‘enabling leader’, developing teams and discerning new ways to work more closely together to serve the different needs of our communities.
  • can think strategically, is organised and can be decisive in creatively leading, encouraging and developing new and existing ministries across all generations.
  • is a risk-taker for God, committed to leading us out into the community and beyond.

The Vicarage is a 1950's 5-bedroomed detached house, close to the church in Ripley, with views towards the village of Pentrich.

Please download the application form, profile and additional information using the links below:

Letter from the Bishop of Derby

Parish Profile

Role Description

Application Form

For more information about this post, please contact: The Venerable Karen Hamblin, Archdeacon of East Derbyshire Karen.hamblin@derby.anglican.org

Closing date for applications: Noon, Friday 21st March 2025.

Interview date: Wednesday 23rd April 2025.

This post requires an Enhanced DBS check.

Last modified on Friday, 14 February 2025 16:37

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