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Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:42

Churchwarden networking day 30 June

We are delighted to be able to invite you to the next Diocese of Derby and Ecclesiastical Insurance churchwarden networking event.

This will take place at St Thomas’s Church, Brampton on Thursday 30 June between 10am and 3pm. 

This time, there will be a focus on environmental topics.  Gareth Greenwood, our Diocesan Community Projects Development Officer, will be helping us to learn how we can source funding and grants for building work, as well as considering how we can use our buildings more widely. Lynne Ingham from Ecclesiastical Insurance will talk to us about keeping churches open. As part of the day, Stella Collishaw, our Community Action Officer, will be giving us some more information about churches reaching net zero carbon by 2030. 

In addition, John Beardmore, our Diocesan Energy Advisor, Nigel Sherratt, our DAC Secretary, Kat Alldread, our Lay Vocations Officer and Dave King from the Comms Team will be present throughout the day.

The day will end with a question-and-answer session where those present will answer any questions you may have relating to the environment, church buildings, sourcing funding and the Church of England’s net zero carbon target. 

Please submit in advance any questions on these subjects. This can be done either by emailing Ellie Ballard directly ellie.ballard@derby.anglican.org before the 28 June or by completing the section on the Eventbrite booking form when you register. Cathy Luffman or Ellie Ballard can provide you with the registration link - places are limited, so please secure yours as soon as possible.

As well as reserving your place, please also let us know of any dietary requirements that you may have.

If you wanted to bring anyone else with you from your PCC who has a specific interest in any of these matters, then please do forward this invitation on to them.

If, following the recent APCMs, you are no longer the churchwarden, please would you pass this invitation on to your successor and let them know how much we would love to see them at this event.

For any questions about the event, please either contact Cathy on cathy.luffman@derby.anglican.org or Ellie Ballard on the email above.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Last modified on Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:02

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