
Who's Who

The Venerable Karen Hamblin

Archdeacon of East Derbyshire

Archdeacon Karen has responsibility for parishes in the eastern region of the diocese, from Dronfield and Eckington in the north to Sawley and Long Eaton in the south, including Chesterfield.

Karen champions mission and ministry in emerging and transitional communities across the whole diocese.

01332 388699


Archdeacon Visitations

The Archdeacon Visitations were held recently.


Archdeacons' Visitation News 2023 is available to: View online | Download [PDF]

Archdeacon Karen writes:

I am excited about working with people, churches and communities across the new archdeaconry wherever they are: in workplaces, in schools, at home and in churches to see God’s Kingdom come more and more.

I relish the challenge and I know that God will highlight priorities and will go ahead of me as together we try to work more effectively, growing what we already have and developing new ways of being church to reach new, emerging and transitioning communities.  

I was born in London and grew up with the Salvation Army as a backdrop to my life as both sets of grandparents were officers and we were involved as a family.

We moved to Dorset when I was 15, which is where I met my future husband, Andy (and also where I became an Anglican). Andy and I have three adult children and are blessed with a six-year-old granddaughter.  

After going to the University of Durham, I moved to Derby in 1983 to start a career in teaching, but I also started working in local churches, including St Alkmund’s, where I became Children’s and Youth Worker and then a lay member of the leadership team.

It was there that I had my lightbulb moment as I believe I heard God ask me to be ordained.

It took a while to persuade me, but it was time to move.  

So off I went to study at St John’s Nottingham; I was ordained in 2007 and served my curacy in Long Eaton.

And so began my priestly journey – both spiritually and also literally up the M1 as in 2011 I became Team Vicar of Pilsley in the North Wingfield team and, in 2016, Priest-in-charge at Brampton St Mark’s in Chesterfield and Area Dean of North East Derbyshire.

I had started at Junction 25 and ended up at Junction 29!  

Maybe then there is a sense of fulfilment that I will now serve as Archdeacon of East Derbyshire, an area defined to an extent by the M1 corridor, with a rich mining and industrial heritage, but with areas of deprivation, emergence and transition alongside rural ones - a real mixture full of life, challenge and possibility. 

For me, faith is about knowing that I am totally loved and accepted and that, despite all my imperfections, God chooses to set his hope in me as I serve and work with Him and for Him alongside others.

Our lives, our churches and communities need the hope that He alone can bring. 

I am passionate about the environment, and I love growing vegetables.

I enjoy a good walk and live in one of the best counties for doing that (but I do love the coast as well, so sometimes walk there!) I love spending time with family, who live reasonably close, and any spare time gets used reading modern fiction, sewing, cooking, seeing friends or just chilled in front of the TV.  

What lights me up more than anything else as a follower of Jesus, and as a leader, is prayerfully helping to connect things: people, places, situations, stories and then stepping back to see God's Spirit at work, bringing fresh life – new possibilities, new & renewed relationships growing and flourishing under His care and direction. 

Let’s do that together and see God's Kingdom come more and more amongst us. 

Last modified on Thursday, 08 August 2024 16:56

Having loved the past four months working as acting archdeacon, I am absolutely delighted and thrilled to be invited to continue the work that I have started and look forward to continuing partnering with you to create transformed lives through growing church and building community, so that we might be good news for all and bring God’s kingdom nearer.

I was born in Birmingham and came to faith when I was 17 through a mixture of a Billy Graham Crusade, a school Christian Union, membership of uniformed organisations and Bible reading at home.

I am married to Michael; a chartered accountant and we have two adult children Emily and Sophie, and we enjoy going out for meals and exploring new places together. Most days I try to get to the gym and either swim or do aqua, pilates or yoga. Music and dance have played a significant part in my life too. When I’m on my own I love reading, watching films, jigsaw puzzles.

Prior to ordination, I worked in education – my last teaching job was as nursery teacher with 95 pre-school children and a team of nine staff in my care. I also have a qualification in people practice.

My theological education was based at Cranmer Hall and my curacy in St Ann’s, Nottingham. My previous roles within the Diocese of Derby include Priest-in-Charge of the Benefice of Hazelwood, Holbrook, Milford with Shottle, Diocesan School Missioner, Bishop’s Adviser in Spirituality, Retired Clergy Officer, Bishop’s Chaplain, and a residentiary canon at Derby Cathedral.

The image that speaks to me most clearly about my ministry as an archdeacon is that of a midwife: coming alongside people and places offering ongoing care, guidance and advice; mediating and bridging gaps between different groups of people; supporting the birthing of new initiatives and offering comfort and strength as people let go, and breaking down barriers to change and growth.

I focus my ministry around five key priorities – prayer, people, places, projects and planning - while ensuring I am also attentive to my ongoing personal formation.  I would love the opportunity to share with you what that looks like in practice – so please do invite me to come and visit!

My prayer is that knowing we are loved by God, and supported by each other, we can give ourselves wholeheartedly to serving God in the communities and worshipping contexts we are part of; and consistently and persistently move forward in generous faith, courageous hope and life-giving love.

The Venerable Nicky Fenton

Archdeacon of Derbyshire Peak and Dales

01332 388658


Archdeacons' Visitation News 2023 is available to: View online | Download [PDF]

Last modified on Sunday, 01 October 2023 17:01

The Venerable Matthew Trick

Archdeacon of Derby and South Derbyshire

01332 388684


Cathy Luffman

PA to the Archdeacon of Derby and South Derbyshire

01332 388676


Archdeacon Visitations 2023

The Archdeacon Visitations for 2023 in the Archdeaconry of Derby and South Derbyshire are:

Mercia Deanery – Tuesday, 13 June 2023, St Marks Winshill.

Derby City Deanery – Thursday, 22 June 2023, St Phillips, Chaddesden.

If you have any queries, please contact cathy.luffman@derby.anglican.org


Archdeacons' Visitation News 2023 is available to: View online | Download [PDF]

Last modified on Monday, 05 February 2024 16:20

The Bishop of Repton is the Rt Revd Malcolm Macnaughton

Bishop Malcolm was installed as the Suffragan Bishop of Repton in a special Evensong at Derby Cathedral on Sunday, 18 April 2021. The installation followed his consecration as bishop at Lambeth Palace on Wednesday, 14 April 2021. 

Malcolm was formerly Chief of Staff to the Archbishop of York and was educated at Queens’ College Cambridge.

He trained for ministry at Ridley Hall and served his title at St Andrew’s Haughton-le-Skerne, in the diocese of Durham, and was ordained Priest in 1982. 

Malcolm is married to Pam, an ordained pioneer minister and a leadership specialist with the Church Pastoral Aid Society.

He was introduced to the Diocese of Derby in November 2020 and said: “I am much looking forward to working with Bishop Libby and colleagues in the Diocese of Derby, and am excited by the task ahead.

"The COVID crisis is tough for everyone, and we need to be focussed on bringing real hope to those most at risk, those living in poverty, and young people who have so much to offer, but whose opportunities for education, development, and employment, are so limited just now.

"It is great to see the Church in Derby and Derbyshire finding new ways, alongside the old, of being church and seeking the common good.

"What a privilege to be called by God to join you and to share the next stage of this journey!”

If you wish to contact the Bishop of Repton's office, the details are:

The Rt Revd Malcolm Macnaughton, Bishop of Repton
39 Hickton Road,
DE55 1AF

07933 344746 | malcolm.macnaughton@derby.anglican.org

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What is a suffragan bishop and why do we have a Bishop of Repton?

The Role of the Suffragan Bishop is to support and share in the episcopal ministry of the Bishop of Derby, who is the bishop of the Diocese. Episcopal (or “bishop’s”) ministry is about being “shepherds of Christ’s flock and guardians of the faith of the apostles” in the words of the ordination service, which means caring for all God’s people and leading in the task of presenting the faith in the world.

Bishops are to be a focus for the unity of the Church locally, teaching and proclaiming the faith and engaging with the world that the Church is called to serve – being “leaders in mission”, in other words – and encouraging and supporting the ministry of all the baptised, especially ordained and other authorised ministers.

All ministry stems from Christ the Good Shepherd, who invites us to share with him in his work and so the best models of all Christian ministry are shared ones. This is why episcopal ministry is shared by the diocesan bishop with the suffragan bishop who works with him.

Traditionally in the Church of England and other parts of the Christian Church, ministry is rooted in human communities and so all bishops are ordained to be bishop of a specific place. The diocesan bishop is the Bishop of Derby as the largest community in Derbyshire.

In former times, however, bishops often established their base (or “See”) in quite small and out-of-the-way places and until the time of St Chad (who died in 672 AD) the bishop for the whole of the Midlands (then the See of Mercia) was based in Repton.

When – in 1965 – it was decided to appoint a suffragan bishop for the diocese of Derby, he was designated Bishop of Repton, reviving the episcopal connection with this particular community within Derbyshire.

The fact that the suffragan bishop has Repton as his designation, however, does not mean that he has a closer connection with Repton than other places in Derbyshire (and in fact he lives near Matlock!) but it is a reminder that as well as the aspect of bishop’s ministry which is about Cathedrals and big communities, bishops are also about attending to the life of the Church and sharing in the building up of the Kingdom of God in smaller human communities, indeed wherever the people of God gather to worship and to witness.

Last modified on Monday, 18 September 2023 15:24

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The Bishop of Derby is the Rt Revd Libby Lane.

Bishop Libby was installed at Derby Cathedral on 25 May 2019, having previously been the Suffragan Bishop of Stockport, in the Diocese of Chester – a post she occupied from 2015.

Libby describes Derbyshire as ‘the place that holds my heart’.

She grew up in Glossop in the north-west of the county and was selected for ordination while working in the parish of St Thomas Brampton, Chesterfield.

Bishop Libby said: “I am excited and privileged to have been called to serve as Bishop of Derby.

“I grew up here and my vocation was fostered here. Derbyshire nurtured me and brought me to faith and I want to love Derbyshire back.

“I want to lead a church in Derbyshire where people find hope because they know they are loved by God in Christ, and I pray that hope sets us free to live our lives in ways that bring change for good.”

If you wish to contact the Bishop of Derby's office, the contact details are:

The Bishop’s Office
6 King Street
DE56 4EU

01332 840132 | bishop@bishopofderby.org

Download the Bishop of Derby's Office's Privacy Statement [PDF]


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Last modified on Tuesday, 14 November 2023 08:20

Derby Church House, Full Street, Derby, DE1 3DR

01332 388650 | enquiries@derby.anglican.org

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Please note that the deanery administrators work remotely within their deaneries and are not based at Derby Church House.

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Last modified on Wednesday, 15 May 2024 11:48

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