The Diocese of Derby has subscribed to the Parish Safeguarding Dashboard online tool to make it easier for our churches to manage their safeguarding requirements.
It is free for parishes to register, update and receive action plans on demand.
The Parish Safeguarding Dashboard also enables the Diocesan Safeguarding Team and senior clergy to make sure that each parish is up to date with its safeguarding administration and offer support to those that may be struggling.
This online tool has been designed to display a clear and simple dashboard on a computer, mobile phone or tablet.
The dashboard overview page allows the safeguarding rep, parish clergy, churchwardens and other invited users to see the current status of compliance at a glance.
A green light would mean all is well, amber would mean that action is needed and red would mean urgent action is required.
Take a tour of the Safeguarding Dashboard website for more information.
All parishes should have been sent an ‘invitation’ to sign-up to the Parish Dashboard, however, if any parishes have yet to register, they can do so by emailing Sue Griffin in the safeguarding team.
The advantages for parishes are illustrated in this short video
If you need any support or advice in relation to your dashboard, please contact Sue Griffin as above.