
Dave King

Dave King

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Janice and Sarah, who were involved in this venture in Hathersage, write:

Hathersage held its first Repair Cafe on a Saturday morning which was very well received and well supported.

From the initial trepidation of ‘will anyone come’, we moved to an excited buzz with customers arriving at 9.45am even though we didn’t open until 10am!

Our experts were kept busy throughout the morning as the attached photos show, and tackled a range of requests which they met with skill, expertise and good humour.

hathersage repair cafe repairs in progress

A steady request for bacon butties kept Paul and Lucy busy in the kitchen, although they still managed to pop out from time to time to socialise.

Not everyone needed the assistance of our experts and it was lovely to see friends who had popped in for a coffee and a natter, ably overseen by Charlotte, our curate and chief natterer!

Our thanks to those who gave their time and talents so willingly and to all those who came along, with or without an item needing repair.

We hope to repeat the Repair Cafe in the new year and we will publicise it when details have been finalised.

hathersage repair cafe

A reflection by Revd Ellie Launders-Brown


As a Christian and a veteran of the Royal Navy, Remembrance Sunday is always an important part of the calendar and will always hold a special place in my heart.

I have spent Remembrance Sunday, at sea, on land in both the UK and abroad, during conflict and at peace.

To stand alongside my serving comrades in remembrance of the sacrifice of all who gave their lives in the service of their country is quite a poignant moment and never fails to stir up many emotions.

As there are very few veterans remaining of the two world wars, it always felt important to me that all people of every nationality should stand together as a living memorial to the fallen in all conflicts.

Hearing the guns fall silent as a mark of respect, gives an insight into how that silence must have felt on 11/11/18, it is quite a deafening and spine-tingling silence to behold.

As I begin my ordained ministry, I feel that this living memorial is still important, but also that our act of remembrance should be a journey.

Yes, we should still look back and remember the sacrifice of others for a freedom that we are fortunate enough to enjoy today, but we should also learn from the past as we look to the present, and how our fellow human beings are still suffering oppression, discrimination, and abuse.

That living memorial we make on Remembrance Sunday is futile if we still allow the mistreatment and injustice that is around today.

I am always drawn at this time of Remembrance to the Words of Micah: ‘Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore; but they shall all sit under their own vines and under their own fig trees and no one shall make them afraid; for the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken.’ (Micah 4:3-4).

My prayer as we enter the season of Remembrance is that if we can come together and unite with our fellow human beings, regardless of race, nationality, gender, sexuality, ability or disability, can we then look with hope towards a new future where we can accept and embrace our differences and live together as children of God in peace.

Ellie Launders-Brown was ordained a deacon in 2021 and is currently serving her curacy with East Scardsale Team Ministry.

She is also a veteran of the Royal Navy.

Christian Aid is asking people to join the global day of action on Saturday, 6 November, as people around the world take to the streets to march together for climate justice.

Many walks and marches are planned throughout the country, and for those who are unable or prefer not to join an organised event, there is the opportunity to join a virtual march, for which thousands have already registered.

The COP26 climate talks provide a unique opportunity for the nation to call on the UK Prime Minister and world leaders to take action that will end climate injustice.

Christian says our leaders must:

  • increase financial support to the world’s poorest countries to confront the climate crisis take action
  • limit global temperature rises to 1.5C
  • take action to stop the expansion of fossil fuel energy and to support clean energy

Find out more on the Christian Aid website.

Parishes are being urged to mark the start of the COP26 climate change summit by ringing bells.

The plan is for church and cathedral bells to be peeled for 30 minutes at 6pm on Saturday, 30 October.

The idea of the mass bellringing was devised by Edward Gildea, the adventurer and environmentalist, who is a member of St Mary's church in Saffron Walden, Essex, as a vivid warning of the danger from the climate emergency.

He said: “Church bells would normally be used to call people to church on Sundays.

"But this time, they'll be ringing out a warning - a 'code-red for humanity' warning.'

Mr Gildea created a Facebook page to support the idea. 

A post from him reads: "Wouldn't it be great if every church, chapel and cathedral bell around the world were to ring out its warning to humanity on the eve of COP 26?

"This website is for people of all faiths and none, who share a common concern for the future of humanity."

Bell ringers across the country are supporting the initiative.

Simon Linford, President of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, commented: “Bellringers understand how important the bells they ring are not only to the church but also to the local community. 

“The sound of bells was missed during lockdown, and it is now being welcomed back as part of the nation’s soundscape. 

“Many bellringers are planning to join in with “ring out for the climate’, lending their powerful voice in support of efforts to halt climate change.”

Where churches participate, a notification on social media or in newsletters can help make the local community aware of the significance of the bells.



Meanwhile, Derby Cathedral, and other churches within the Diocese of Derby, are holding vigils.

The Dean of Derby, the Very Revd Dr Peter Robinson, will lead a prayer vigil at the cathedral on Saturday, 30th October, at 11am.

Dean Peter said: "This is such a pivotal moment. Carbon emissions and temperatures continue to rise, the biodiversity of the planet is decreasing and the very future of the human race is threatened.

"Now is the time to act and the faith communities across the globe have the capacity to act together and influence the outcome of COP26 for the better.

"Not only will be praying for radical change in policies and practice by all nations but we will be demonstrating our solidarity with the global poor who suffer disproportionately from the impact of global heating.

"Please do come and join us for this critical moment in history and let’s take action together!"

And Saint Michael's Kirk Langley will hold a vigil on Wednesday, 3 November at 7.30pm


Edward Gildea's video message to all churches in the country


This session is for clergy, PSOs, and anyone responsible for appointments and line-management. This course explores the national Safer Recruitment and People Management guidance. It is increasingly clear that safeguarding issues often arise when a safer recruitment process has not been followed, or corners have been cut.

This course can be done as a national e-learning course available online via the Church of England Training Portal, which takes about 75 minutes to complete. If you have difficulties logging on or sharing an e-mail address with someone else who also uses the portal please contact the administrators by e-mail following the link on their Portal. This is managed nationally and we are unable to help. 

Alternatively we offer this as a Zoom course, which gives more opportunity to share good practice, discuss your specific context and challenges, and ask questions. The following dates are now available for booking: 

Cohort SR/03 Wednesday 9 October - 7-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here

Cohort SR/04 Wednesday 20th November - 7-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here

If you are unsure if you need to complete this training, please contact Amanda Sandland at amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org for clarification.

Safeguarding training courses

Select a course to view and book

  • Basic Safeguarding Awareness +

    The Basic course (formerly C0) is for everyone who has contact with the public, whether face-to-face or on the phone. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church. This is a pre-requisite module for completing any other core training module. This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal. It generally takes between 60 and 90 minutes See More
  • Safeguarding Foundation Training +

    Foundations Training (formerly C1) is for those who hold responsibility for the safeguarding of others within church settings and activities. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church. This is a pre-requisite for completing Leadership training for clergy, readers, churchwardens, and others in leadership roles. This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.  It generally See More
  • Safeguarding Leadership Training +

    The Leadership Course is a requirement for all those who have any leadership responsibility in the church. All those with Bishop’s licence (Clergy, readers and Lay Ministers), Churchwardens, and many others who hold positions of leadership in work with children, young people or adults who may be at risk or are vulnerable must complete this course. Others in the church are also welcome to attend, as training adds to culture change in the church. The evaluation See More
  • PtO (Permission to Officiate) Safeguarding Training +

    This course is for readers with PtO, and for clergy with PtO who are not heavily involved in ministry, unless the Bishop’s Office requires certain delegates to do the Safeguarding Leadership course instead.    There are no courses planned at present. Please email amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org to be placed on a waiting list to be contacted about future courses.   Safeguarding training courses   Select a course to view and book
    • Basic Safeguarding Awareness +

      The Basic course (formerly C0) is for everyone who has contact with the public, whether face-to-face or on the phone. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church. This is a pre-requisite module for completing any other core training module. This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal. It generally takes between 60 and 90 minutes See More
    • Safeguarding Foundation Training +

      Foundations Training (formerly C1) is for those who hold responsibility for the safeguarding of others within church settings and activities. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church. This is a pre-requisite for completing Leadership training for clergy, readers, churchwardens, and others in leadership roles. This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.  It generally See More
    • Safeguarding Leadership Training +

      The Leadership Course is a requirement for all those who have any leadership responsibility in the church. All those with Bishop’s licence (Clergy, readers and Lay Ministers), Churchwardens, and many others who hold positions of leadership in work with children, young people or adults who may be at risk or are vulnerable must complete this course. Others in the church are also welcome to attend, as training adds to culture change in the church. The evaluation See More
    • PtO (Permission to Officiate) Safeguarding Training +

      This course is for readers with PtO, and for clergy with PtO who are not heavily involved in ministry, unless the Bishop’s Office requires certain delegates to do the Safeguarding Leadership course instead.    There are no courses planned at present. Please email amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org to be placed on a waiting list to be contacted about future courses.   Safeguarding training courses   Select a course to view and book
      • Basic Safeguarding Awareness +

        The Basic course (formerly C0) is for everyone who has contact with the public, whether face-to-face or on the phone. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church. This is a pre-requisite module for completing any other core training module. This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal. It generally takes between 60 and 90 minutes See More
      • Safeguarding Foundation Training +

        Foundations Training (formerly C1) is for those who hold responsibility for the safeguarding of others within church settings and activities. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church. This is a pre-requisite for completing Leadership training for clergy, readers, churchwardens, and others in leadership roles. This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.  It generally See More
      • Safeguarding Leadership Training +

        The Leadership Course is a requirement for all those who have any leadership responsibility in the church. All those with Bishop’s licence (Clergy, readers and Lay Ministers), Churchwardens, and many others who hold positions of leadership in work with children, young people or adults who may be at risk or are vulnerable must complete this course. Others in the church are also welcome to attend, as training adds to culture change in the church. The evaluation See More
      • PtO (Permission to Officiate) Safeguarding Training +

        This course is for readers with PtO, and for clergy with PtO who are not heavily involved in ministry, unless the Bishop’s Office requires certain delegates to do the Safeguarding Leadership course instead.    There are no courses planned at present. Please email amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org to be placed on a waiting list to be contacted about future courses.   Safeguarding training courses   Select a course to view and book [module-556] See More
      • Raising Awareness of and Responding Well to Domestic Abuse Training +

        This course is required for all PCC members, churchwardens, clergy, readers, and many other church officers. It is delivered in one 90-minute session either on Zoom or in-person. It highlights this area of abuse which is a major issue in many of our communities, and looks at the indicators of abuse in the home context and how we respond. There are now many dates available for both Zoom sessions and in-person sessions throughout the diocese See More
      • Safer Recruitment and People Management Training +

        This session is for clergy, PSOs, and anyone responsible for appointments and line-management. This course explores the national Safer Recruitment and People Management guidance. It is increasingly clear that safeguarding issues often arise when a safer recruitment process has not been followed, or corners have been cut. This course can be done as a national e-learning course available online via the Church of England Training Portal, which takes about 75 minutes to complete. If you See More
      • Modern Slavery Briefing +

        Modern Slavery briefing is an optional session looking at national and local statistics and the issues around modern slavery. We will explore what it may look like, the most common forms of modern slavery, and what to do if you have a concern. This lasts for 60 minutes on Zoom.   2024 Dates MS/01 Thursday 26th September 11am-12noon - Zoom - Book Here MS/02 Tuesday 5th November 7.30-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here   More Safeguarding courses [module-556] See More
      • 1
      See More
    • Raising Awareness of and Responding Well to Domestic Abuse Training +

      This course is required for all PCC members, churchwardens, clergy, readers, and many other church officers. It is delivered in one 90-minute session either on Zoom or in-person. It highlights this area of abuse which is a major issue in many of our communities, and looks at the indicators of abuse in the home context and how we respond. There are now many dates available for both Zoom sessions and in-person sessions throughout the diocese See More
    • Safer Recruitment and People Management Training +

      This session is for clergy, PSOs, and anyone responsible for appointments and line-management. This course explores the national Safer Recruitment and People Management guidance. It is increasingly clear that safeguarding issues often arise when a safer recruitment process has not been followed, or corners have been cut. This course can be done as a national e-learning course available online via the Church of England Training Portal, which takes about 75 minutes to complete. If you See More
    • Modern Slavery Briefing +

      Modern Slavery briefing is an optional session looking at national and local statistics and the issues around modern slavery. We will explore what it may look like, the most common forms of modern slavery, and what to do if you have a concern. This lasts for 60 minutes on Zoom.   2024 Dates MS/01 Thursday 26th September 11am-12noon - Zoom - Book Here MS/02 Tuesday 5th November 7.30-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here   More Safeguarding courses [module-556] See More
    • 1
    See More
  • Raising Awareness of and Responding Well to Domestic Abuse Training +

    This course is required for all PCC members, churchwardens, clergy, readers, and many other church officers. It is delivered in one 90-minute session either on Zoom or in-person. It highlights this area of abuse which is a major issue in many of our communities, and looks at the indicators of abuse in the home context and how we respond. There are now many dates available for both Zoom sessions and in-person sessions throughout the diocese See More
  • Safer Recruitment and People Management Training +

    This session is for clergy, PSOs, and anyone responsible for appointments and line-management. This course explores the national Safer Recruitment and People Management guidance. It is increasingly clear that safeguarding issues often arise when a safer recruitment process has not been followed, or corners have been cut. This course can be done as a national e-learning course available online via the Church of England Training Portal, which takes about 75 minutes to complete. If you See More
  • Modern Slavery Briefing +

    Modern Slavery briefing is an optional session looking at national and local statistics and the issues around modern slavery. We will explore what it may look like, the most common forms of modern slavery, and what to do if you have a concern. This lasts for 60 minutes on Zoom.   2024 Dates MS/01 Thursday 26th September 11am-12noon - Zoom - Book Here MS/02 Tuesday 5th November 7.30-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here   More Safeguarding courses [module-556] See More
  • 1

This course is required for all PCC members, churchwardens, clergy, readers, and many other church officers. It is delivered in one 90-minute session either on Zoom or in-person. It highlights this area of abuse which is a major issue in many of our communities, and looks at the indicators of abuse in the home context and how we respond.

There are now many dates available for both Zoom sessions and in-person sessions throughout the diocese up to July 2024.



Cohort AU1 Wednesday 25 September - 1-2.30pm - Zoom - Book Here

Cohort AU1 Wednesday 25 September - 7-8.30pm - Zoom - FULLY BOOKED

Cohort AV1 Monday 30 September - 11-12.30pm - Zoom - FULLY BOOKED


Cohort AW1 Tuesday 1 October - 7-8.30pm - St Peter's Church Hall, Yew's Drive, Chellaston, Derby, DE73 6UT - Book Here PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF TIME

Cohort AW2 Tuesday 1 October - 8-9.30pm - St Peter's Church Hall, Yew's Drive, Chellaston, Derby, DE73 6UT - CANCELLED

Cohort AX1 Thursday 3 October - 7-8.30pm - St Bartholomew's Church, Church Lane North, Old Whittington, S41 9QY - Book Here

Cohort AY1 Wednesday 16 October - 9.30-11am - Zoom - Book Here

Cohort AZ1 Tuesday 22 October - 7-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here

Cohort BA1 Wednesday 23 October - 9.30-11am - Zoom - Book Here


Cohort BB1 Wednesday 6 November - 7-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here

Cohort BC1 Thursday 14 November - 1-2.30pm - Zoom - Book Here

Cohort BD1 Wednesday 20 November - 12-1.30pm - Christ Church, Vicarage Street, Cotmanhay, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, DE7 8QL - Book Here

Cohort BE1 Thursday 21 November - 6-7.30pm - Trinity Church Buxton, Hardwick Mount, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6PR - Book Here

Cohort BE2 Thursday 21 November - 8-9.30pm - Trinity Church Buxton, Hardwick Mount, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6PR - Book Here

Cohort BF1 Saturday 23 November - 9.30-11am - Zoom - Book Here


Cohort BG1 Monday 2 December - 1-2.30pm - Zoom - Book Here


If courses are listed as closed or you are not able to join any of the courses above please email amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org.

Safeguarding training courses

Select a course to view and book

  • Basic Safeguarding Awareness +

    The Basic course (formerly C0) is for everyone who has contact with the public, whether face-to-face or on the phone. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church. This is a pre-requisite module for completing any other core training module. This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal. It generally takes between 60 and 90 minutes See More
  • Safeguarding Foundation Training +

    Foundations Training (formerly C1) is for those who hold responsibility for the safeguarding of others within church settings and activities. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church. This is a pre-requisite for completing Leadership training for clergy, readers, churchwardens, and others in leadership roles. This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.  It generally See More
  • Safeguarding Leadership Training +

    The Leadership Course is a requirement for all those who have any leadership responsibility in the church. All those with Bishop’s licence (Clergy, readers and Lay Ministers), Churchwardens, and many others who hold positions of leadership in work with children, young people or adults who may be at risk or are vulnerable must complete this course. Others in the church are also welcome to attend, as training adds to culture change in the church. The evaluation See More
  • PtO (Permission to Officiate) Safeguarding Training +

    This course is for readers with PtO, and for clergy with PtO who are not heavily involved in ministry, unless the Bishop’s Office requires certain delegates to do the Safeguarding Leadership course instead.    There are no courses planned at present. Please email amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org to be placed on a waiting list to be contacted about future courses.   Safeguarding training courses   Select a course to view and book [module-556] See More
  • Raising Awareness of and Responding Well to Domestic Abuse Training +

    This course is required for all PCC members, churchwardens, clergy, readers, and many other church officers. It is delivered in one 90-minute session either on Zoom or in-person. It highlights this area of abuse which is a major issue in many of our communities, and looks at the indicators of abuse in the home context and how we respond. There are now many dates available for both Zoom sessions and in-person sessions throughout the diocese See More
  • Safer Recruitment and People Management Training +

    This session is for clergy, PSOs, and anyone responsible for appointments and line-management. This course explores the national Safer Recruitment and People Management guidance. It is increasingly clear that safeguarding issues often arise when a safer recruitment process has not been followed, or corners have been cut. This course can be done as a national e-learning course available online via the Church of England Training Portal, which takes about 75 minutes to complete. If you See More
  • Modern Slavery Briefing +

    Modern Slavery briefing is an optional session looking at national and local statistics and the issues around modern slavery. We will explore what it may look like, the most common forms of modern slavery, and what to do if you have a concern. This lasts for 60 minutes on Zoom.   2024 Dates MS/01 Thursday 26th September 11am-12noon - Zoom - Book Here MS/02 Tuesday 5th November 7.30-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here   More Safeguarding courses [module-556] See More
  • 1

The Leadership Course is a requirement for all those who have any leadership responsibility in the church.

All those with Bishop’s licence (Clergy, readers and Lay Ministers), Churchwardens, and many others who hold positions of leadership in work with children, young people or adults who may be at risk or are vulnerable must complete this course. Others in the church are also welcome to attend, as training adds to culture change in the church. The evaluation task includes preparing an action plan, so you may find it helpful to do this course at the same time as other leaders from your church if that is possible.

The Leadership module is a mixture of reading and preparation work, two ‘Zoom’ or in person sessions of 90 minutes each and some Review and Evaluation work.

If you have not previously completed the online Basic and Foundations Courses, this is a requirement to complete these before you complete the Leadership course. To complete the Basic and Foundation online training the link is: https://safeguardingtraining.cofeportal.org/

To book a place on a Leadership course please choose one of the cohorts below and follow the link adjacent to the course to book a place using Eventbrite. 

The booking will automatically book you a place on both sessions for the Cohort you choose. 


Cohort L/23 Tuesdays 17th & 24th September - 7-8.30pm - Zoom - BOOKINGS CLOSED

Cohort L/24 Wednesdays 18th & 25th September - 9.30-11am - Zoom - BOOKINGS CLOSED

Cohort L/25 Mondays 23rd & 30th September - 1-2.30pm - Zoom - BOOKING CLOSED

Cohort L/37 Wednesday 2nd October - 10-11.30am and 1-2.30pm - St John's Church, St John's Road, Newbold, Chesterfield, S41 8PE - COURSE CANCELLED DUE TO LOW NUMBERS

Cohort L/26 Thursdays 3rd & 10th October - 9.30-11am - Zoom - BOOKINGS CLOSED

Cohort L/27 Thursdays 3rd & 10th October - 1-2.30pm - Zoom - COURSE CANCELLED DUE TO LOW NUMBERS

Cohort L/28 Tuesdays 8th & 15th October - 7-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here

Cohort L/29 Wednesday 16th & 23rd October - 1-2.30pm - Zoom - Book Here

Cohort L/30 Wednesdays 17th & 24th October - 7-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here

Cohort L/31 Wednesdays 6th & 13th November - 9.30-11am - Zoom - Book Here

Cohort L/32 Wednesdays 6th & 13th November - 1-2.30pm - Zoom - Book Here

Cohort L/33 Thursdays 7th & 14th November - 7-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here

Cohort L/34 Thursday 19th November - 10.30-12noon & 1-2.30pm - Church House - Book Here

Cohort L/35 Tuesdays 19th & 26th November - 1-2.30pm - Zoom - Book Here

Cohort L/36 Tuesdays 3rd & 10th December - 7-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here

If you are unable to book a place or wish to attend a course which says 'Bookings Closed' please email amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org for more information.

Safeguarding training courses

Select a course to view and book

  • Basic Safeguarding Awareness +

    The Basic course (formerly C0) is for everyone who has contact with the public, whether face-to-face or on the phone. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church. This is a pre-requisite module for completing any other core training module. This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal. It generally takes between 60 and 90 minutes See More
  • Safeguarding Foundation Training +

    Foundations Training (formerly C1) is for those who hold responsibility for the safeguarding of others within church settings and activities. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church. This is a pre-requisite for completing Leadership training for clergy, readers, churchwardens, and others in leadership roles. This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.  It generally See More
  • Safeguarding Leadership Training +

    The Leadership Course is a requirement for all those who have any leadership responsibility in the church. All those with Bishop’s licence (Clergy, readers and Lay Ministers), Churchwardens, and many others who hold positions of leadership in work with children, young people or adults who may be at risk or are vulnerable must complete this course. Others in the church are also welcome to attend, as training adds to culture change in the church. The evaluation See More
  • PtO (Permission to Officiate) Safeguarding Training +

    This course is for readers with PtO, and for clergy with PtO who are not heavily involved in ministry, unless the Bishop’s Office requires certain delegates to do the Safeguarding Leadership course instead.    There are no courses planned at present. Please email amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org to be placed on a waiting list to be contacted about future courses.   Safeguarding training courses   Select a course to view and book [module-556] See More
  • Raising Awareness of and Responding Well to Domestic Abuse Training +

    This course is required for all PCC members, churchwardens, clergy, readers, and many other church officers. It is delivered in one 90-minute session either on Zoom or in-person. It highlights this area of abuse which is a major issue in many of our communities, and looks at the indicators of abuse in the home context and how we respond. There are now many dates available for both Zoom sessions and in-person sessions throughout the diocese See More
  • Safer Recruitment and People Management Training +

    This session is for clergy, PSOs, and anyone responsible for appointments and line-management. This course explores the national Safer Recruitment and People Management guidance. It is increasingly clear that safeguarding issues often arise when a safer recruitment process has not been followed, or corners have been cut. This course can be done as a national e-learning course available online via the Church of England Training Portal, which takes about 75 minutes to complete. If you See More
  • Modern Slavery Briefing +

    Modern Slavery briefing is an optional session looking at national and local statistics and the issues around modern slavery. We will explore what it may look like, the most common forms of modern slavery, and what to do if you have a concern. This lasts for 60 minutes on Zoom.   2024 Dates MS/01 Thursday 26th September 11am-12noon - Zoom - Book Here MS/02 Tuesday 5th November 7.30-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here   More Safeguarding courses [module-556] See More
  • 1

Foundations Training (formerly C1) is for those who hold responsibility for the safeguarding of others within church settings and activities. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church.

This is a pre-requisite for completing Leadership training for clergy, readers, churchwardens, and others in leadership roles.

This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.  It generally takes between 90 and 120 minutes to complete. If you have difficulties accessing the portal, logging on or sharing an email address with someone else who also uses the portal please contact the portal administrators by email at elearning@mail.safeguardingtraining.cofeportal.org as this is managed nationally and we are unable to help.

Parishes are able to deliver this in small groups using the on-line e-learning course. Clear requirements are available from amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org or nick.harding@derby.anglican.org 

There are a limited number of Foundation sessions offered in-person for those unable to access on-line sessions.  We currently have the following sessions available for booking:

Basic & Foundation Combined Course - Monday 16 September - St Oswald's Church Centre, School Lane, Ashbourne, DE6 1AN - 9.15-11.30am - Bookings Closed

Basic & Foundation Combined Course - Tuesday 17 September - Derby Church House - 9.15-11.30am - Book Here

Basic & Foundation Combined Course - Wednesday 20 November - Christ Church, Vicarage Street, Cotmanhay, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, DE7 8QL - 9.15-11.30am - Book Here


For more information, please contact amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org

Safeguarding training courses

Select a course to view and book

  • Basic Safeguarding Awareness +

    The Basic course (formerly C0) is for everyone who has contact with the public, whether face-to-face or on the phone. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church. This is a pre-requisite module for completing any other core training module. This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal. It generally takes between 60 and 90 minutes See More
  • Safeguarding Foundation Training +

    Foundations Training (formerly C1) is for those who hold responsibility for the safeguarding of others within church settings and activities. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church. This is a pre-requisite for completing Leadership training for clergy, readers, churchwardens, and others in leadership roles. This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.  It generally See More
  • Safeguarding Leadership Training +

    The Leadership Course is a requirement for all those who have any leadership responsibility in the church. All those with Bishop’s licence (Clergy, readers and Lay Ministers), Churchwardens, and many others who hold positions of leadership in work with children, young people or adults who may be at risk or are vulnerable must complete this course. Others in the church are also welcome to attend, as training adds to culture change in the church. The evaluation See More
  • PtO (Permission to Officiate) Safeguarding Training +

    This course is for readers with PtO, and for clergy with PtO who are not heavily involved in ministry, unless the Bishop’s Office requires certain delegates to do the Safeguarding Leadership course instead.    There are no courses planned at present. Please email amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org to be placed on a waiting list to be contacted about future courses.   Safeguarding training courses   Select a course to view and book [module-556] See More
  • Raising Awareness of and Responding Well to Domestic Abuse Training +

    This course is required for all PCC members, churchwardens, clergy, readers, and many other church officers. It is delivered in one 90-minute session either on Zoom or in-person. It highlights this area of abuse which is a major issue in many of our communities, and looks at the indicators of abuse in the home context and how we respond. There are now many dates available for both Zoom sessions and in-person sessions throughout the diocese See More
  • Safer Recruitment and People Management Training +

    This session is for clergy, PSOs, and anyone responsible for appointments and line-management. This course explores the national Safer Recruitment and People Management guidance. It is increasingly clear that safeguarding issues often arise when a safer recruitment process has not been followed, or corners have been cut. This course can be done as a national e-learning course available online via the Church of England Training Portal, which takes about 75 minutes to complete. If you See More
  • Modern Slavery Briefing +

    Modern Slavery briefing is an optional session looking at national and local statistics and the issues around modern slavery. We will explore what it may look like, the most common forms of modern slavery, and what to do if you have a concern. This lasts for 60 minutes on Zoom.   2024 Dates MS/01 Thursday 26th September 11am-12noon - Zoom - Book Here MS/02 Tuesday 5th November 7.30-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here   More Safeguarding courses [module-556] See More
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The Basic course (formerly C0) is for everyone who has contact with the public, whether face-to-face or on the phone. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church.

This is a pre-requisite module for completing any other core training module.

This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal. It generally takes between 60 and 90 minutes to complete. If you have difficulties accessing the portal, logging on or sharing an email address with someone else who also uses the portal please contact the portal administrators by email at elearning@mail.safeguardingtraining.cofeportal.org as this is managed nationally and we are unable to help.

Parishes are able to deliver this in small groups using the on-line e-learning course. Clear requirements are available from amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org or nick.harding@derby.anglican.org 

There are a limited number of Basic sessions offered in-person for those unable to access on-line sessions.  We currently have the following sessions available for booking:

Basic & Foundation Combined Course - Monday 16 September - St Oswald's Church Centre, School Lane, Ashbourne, DE6 1AN - 9.15-11.30am - Booking Closed

Basic & Foundation Combined Course - Tuesday 17 September - Derby Church House - 9.15-11.30am - Book Here

Basic & Foundation Combined Course - Wednesday 20 November - Christ Church, Vicarage Street, Cotmanhay, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, DE7 8QL - 9.15-11.30am - Book Here


For details of other available courses, please contact amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org 

Safeguarding training courses

Select a course to view and book

  • Basic Safeguarding Awareness +

    The Basic course (formerly C0) is for everyone who has contact with the public, whether face-to-face or on the phone. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church. This is a pre-requisite module for completing any other core training module. This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal. It generally takes between 60 and 90 minutes See More
  • Safeguarding Foundation Training +

    Foundations Training (formerly C1) is for those who hold responsibility for the safeguarding of others within church settings and activities. It can be completed by any member of the congregation, to support awareness raising and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church. This is a pre-requisite for completing Leadership training for clergy, readers, churchwardens, and others in leadership roles. This is self-directed learning available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.  It generally See More
  • Safeguarding Leadership Training +

    The Leadership Course is a requirement for all those who have any leadership responsibility in the church. All those with Bishop’s licence (Clergy, readers and Lay Ministers), Churchwardens, and many others who hold positions of leadership in work with children, young people or adults who may be at risk or are vulnerable must complete this course. Others in the church are also welcome to attend, as training adds to culture change in the church. The evaluation See More
  • PtO (Permission to Officiate) Safeguarding Training +

    This course is for readers with PtO, and for clergy with PtO who are not heavily involved in ministry, unless the Bishop’s Office requires certain delegates to do the Safeguarding Leadership course instead.    There are no courses planned at present. Please email amanda.sandland@derby.anglican.org to be placed on a waiting list to be contacted about future courses.   Safeguarding training courses   Select a course to view and book [module-556] See More
  • Raising Awareness of and Responding Well to Domestic Abuse Training +

    This course is required for all PCC members, churchwardens, clergy, readers, and many other church officers. It is delivered in one 90-minute session either on Zoom or in-person. It highlights this area of abuse which is a major issue in many of our communities, and looks at the indicators of abuse in the home context and how we respond. There are now many dates available for both Zoom sessions and in-person sessions throughout the diocese See More
  • Safer Recruitment and People Management Training +

    This session is for clergy, PSOs, and anyone responsible for appointments and line-management. This course explores the national Safer Recruitment and People Management guidance. It is increasingly clear that safeguarding issues often arise when a safer recruitment process has not been followed, or corners have been cut. This course can be done as a national e-learning course available online via the Church of England Training Portal, which takes about 75 minutes to complete. If you See More
  • Modern Slavery Briefing +

    Modern Slavery briefing is an optional session looking at national and local statistics and the issues around modern slavery. We will explore what it may look like, the most common forms of modern slavery, and what to do if you have a concern. This lasts for 60 minutes on Zoom.   2024 Dates MS/01 Thursday 26th September 11am-12noon - Zoom - Book Here MS/02 Tuesday 5th November 7.30-8.30pm - Zoom - Book Here   More Safeguarding courses [module-556] See More
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