
Resources for Churchwardens

All services begin at 7.30pm. The doors will be open from 6.45pm for signing of the register. 

Dates and venues for the Visitation Services 2024 are:

Derby City Deanery (Derby City and South Derbyshire Archdeaconry)
Monday, 10 June 2024
Sinfin Moor Church

Hardwick Deanery (East Derbyshire Archdeaconry)
Wednesday, 12 June 2024
St Barnabas, Danesmoor

Dove and Derwent Deanery (Derbyshire Peak and Dales Archdeaconry)
Tuesday, 18 June 2024
St Alkmunds, Duffield

Mercia Deanery (Derby City and South Derbyshire Archdeaconry)
Tuesday, 18 June 2024
St Wystans, Repton

Peak Deanery (Derbyshire Peak and Dales Archdeaconry)
Monday, 24 June 2024
St Peter, Fairfield

Carsington Deanery (Derbyshire Peak and Dales Archdeaconry)
Tuesday, 25 June 2024
All Saints, Brailsford

North East Deanery (East Derbyshire Archdeaconry)
Wednesday, 26 June 2024
St Thomas, Brampton

South East Derbyshire Deanery (East Derbyshire Archdeaconry)
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
St Andrew, Langley Mill

During the service the wardens will be corporately admitted, and the archdeacon will deliver his/her charge.

PLEASE NOTE: To be admitted as a church warden, the relevant paperwork (see 2. below) should be completed and signed AND a Visitation service must be attended. Both are essential elements.


1. Attendance by all elected Churchwardens at a Visitation

There are eight visitation services across the diocese, and it should be possible for a warden to find one which is convenient. Remember, it is possible to attend a service outside the warden’s area but this must be indicated on the form. It is always preferred that they attend in their own deanery, or at least, archdeaconry if that is not possible. 

Any warden who does not attend a visitation service will not be admitted as a churchwarden unless special arrangements are made with the relevant Archdeacon’s PA.

Any such special arrangements will need to have been processed by Friday, 30 August 2024. Please note that if special arrangements are needed, this adds significantly to the DBF costs so please make every effort to attend a visitation service.

The Archdeacons will be available after the service and will be very happy to speak with any wardens (especially those who are taking on the responsibility for the first time). 

>> Download the citation [PDF]


2. Certificate of Election

>> Certificate of Election 2024 [Word]

>> Certificate of Election 2024 [PDF]

>> Visitations 2024: notes for Clergy, PCC secretaries and churchwardens [PDF]

Please print this off and churchwardens should complete this form after the Annual Meeting of Parishioners. Those churches where more than two wardens are elected (e.g. a team parish) should print off and complete additional forms for all their wardens.

The completed form(s) should be returned by email to: Visitations@derby.anglican.org OR by post to: Archdeacons’ Office, Derby Church House, Full Street, Derby, DE1 3DR.

NB: if a Lay Chair is also to be sworn in as churchwarden, it is important that the election of churchwardens is chaired by someone else (e.g. Area Dean, PCC Treasurer or member of the clergy) and that person should complete and sign the section of the certificate directed at the incumbent.


Important - Data Forms

We are aware there are some gaps (and old information) on our CMS system relating to church wardens

This is because the data form has not been completed by every warden, and without this, we cannot include their details on the contact management system.

To ensure we have all warden information up to date on CMS,  we would be extremely grateful if every warden this year could complete and return the data form included in this email, along with their certificate of election. In forthcoming years, this will be applicable to new wardens only’.

>> Diocese of Derby Data Form [PDF]

>> Diocese of Derby Data Form [Word]

See also

» All about APCMs

» Resources for churchwardens

Read the 2024 edition online See More


Last modified on Monday, 08 July 2024 13:37

On a gloriously sunny day in May, our diocesan churchwardens and church officers met in Chapel en le Frith for our latest network event.

Officers came from across the whole diocese with one person making a round trip of over one hundred miles to attend!

Bishop Malcolm opened the day on Churchyards and Wildlife, and Revd Dr David Mundy helped us to reflect on the importance of Caring for God’s World.

We finished the morning with a Fun Faculty Quiz (and yes, faculties done this way are fun!) and a presentation on how churchyards can be great places for all sorts of fun learning activities for people of all ages.

churchwarden day may 2023

The afternoon was a choice of discussion groups covering ‘Wildflowers, wellbeing and working together’, two churches sharing their experiences of the journey to Ecochurch, a DAC surgery and a workshop on how to publicise your parish events – ‘Communicating Well’.

We are always grateful for your feedback from these days. We read every comment and use them to help us plan future events, wherever we can.

In response to the person who put as their answer to the question ‘What could we have done better?’, “pick a rainy day”, all I can say is that we’ll try! 

churchwarden day may 2023churchwarden day may 2023

Last modified on Monday, 26 February 2024 13:36

As part of the archdeacons’ legal duties under Canon 22, they are required to visit churches regularly and to make comments and recommendations regarding both the fabric and the life of all the churches in the diocese.

In 2023, Carol, Karen and Matthew would also like to take the opportunity, as they begin their first full year, to meet and have conversations with wardens or parish representatives about any concerns.

It will also allow them to familiarise themselves with all the lovely churches in their areas.

For your reference, please download the checklist which the archdeacons will bring with them to make notes on during the course of the visit.

Alongside this, there are also a few areas they would like to have open discussions with parishes about, to gain an understanding of what the actions and feelings are across the diocese on a number of important issues such as:

  • Mission Action Plans
  • The Fuel Crisis – how are parishes coping?
  • Eco Church  - whether you have any particular environmental practices and what actions are/will you be taking to move your church towards the 2030 Net Zero Carbon target?
  • Communications within the diocese:
    - A Church Near You - is your church listed?
    - How often do you tend to use the churchwarden section of the diocesan website?

For your reference, please download the checklist which the archdeacons will bring with them to make notes on during the course of the visit.

You don’t need to complete anything beforehand unless you would find it useful yourself as an aide memoire, but please could you make sure you have the registers and other relevant paperwork out ready.

The PAs in the Archdeacons Office will be contacting either wardens or PCC secretaries as appropriate during the course of late 2022/ 2023 to make appointments.

We will be hoping to contact the following two groups prior to Christmas, with a view to visiting in the period between January to Easter:

  • Parishes in vacancy
  • Parishes which have no wardens

The archdeacons will look forward to meeting you all, to having the opportunity to talk and to seeing your wonderful churches.

Last modified on Wednesday, 14 December 2022 12:45

At the Churchwarden Networking Day at St Thomas Brampton on 30 June 2022, Community Project Development Officer Gareth Greenwood gave a presentation on funding building projects.

The slides are available here:

↓ Download the slide presentation PowerPoint [.ppt] | PDF format

For more support, email gareth.greenwood@derby.anglican.org

Last modified on Friday, 05 August 2022 13:11

At the Churchwarden Networking Day at St Thomas Brampton on 30 June 2022, the Diocesan Environment Officer gave a presentation on moving towards net-zero carbon.

The slides are available here:

↓ Download the slide presentation PowerPoint [.ppt] | PDF format

Last modified on Monday, 24 April 2023 13:35

We are delighted to be able to invite you to the next Diocese of Derby and Ecclesiastical Insurance churchwarden networking event.

This will take place at St Thomas’s Church, Brampton on Thursday 30 June between 10am and 3pm. 

This time, there will be a focus on environmental topics.  Gareth Greenwood, our Diocesan Community Projects Development Officer, will be helping us to learn how we can source funding and grants for building work, as well as considering how we can use our buildings more widely. Lynne Ingham from Ecclesiastical Insurance will talk to us about keeping churches open. As part of the day, Stella Collishaw, our Community Action Officer, will be giving us some more information about churches reaching net zero carbon by 2030. 

In addition, John Beardmore, our Diocesan Energy Advisor, Nigel Sherratt, our DAC Secretary, Kat Alldread, our Lay Vocations Officer and Dave King from the Comms Team will be present throughout the day.

The day will end with a question-and-answer session where those present will answer any questions you may have relating to the environment, church buildings, sourcing funding and the Church of England’s net zero carbon target. 

Please submit in advance any questions on these subjects. This can be done either by emailing Ellie Ballard directly ellie.ballard@derby.anglican.org before the 28 June or by completing the section on the Eventbrite booking form when you register. Cathy Luffman or Ellie Ballard can provide you with the registration link - places are limited, so please secure yours as soon as possible.

As well as reserving your place, please also let us know of any dietary requirements that you may have.

If you wanted to bring anyone else with you from your PCC who has a specific interest in any of these matters, then please do forward this invitation on to them.

If, following the recent APCMs, you are no longer the churchwarden, please would you pass this invitation on to your successor and let them know how much we would love to see them at this event.

For any questions about the event, please either contact Cathy on cathy.luffman@derby.anglican.org or Ellie Ballard on the email above.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Last modified on Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:02

The diocesan churchyard regulations cover the erection of memorials and gravestones in churchyards.

Any memorial needs permission before it can be placed in a churchyard.

These Regulations are made by the Chancellor of the Diocese of Derby to explain how to get permission, and what is likely to be permitted.

If a memorial or other item is placed in a churchyard without permission, then the chancellor can order its removal immediately.

Churchyards differ from local authority cemeteries in that they are attached to a church building which is often listed, or otherwise of historic or architectural interest, and used by a worshipping community.

As such there needs to be more careful control over what memorials can be placed there.

The form below is for all churchyard memorial applications, those which can be approved by Incumbents, Rural Deans and Archdeacons and, when the request falls outside their delegated authority, as the petition to the Chancellor for a faculty.


>> Diocese of Derby Churchyard Memorial Application Form (Nov 2022) [PDF]

>> Diocese of Derby Churchyard Regulations 2021 [PDF]

Last modified on Monday, 13 February 2023 09:32

A vacancy is the time between one incumbent leaving and the next starting.

Vacancies are an integral part of the life of all parish churches. 

They can be a time for opportunity and growth, but may also be a time of anxiety and difficulty.

These FAQs are for parishes approaching or embarking upon a vacancy and are intended for those who have particular responsibilities during vacancies, including PCC members and churchwardens.

During a vacancy the area dean and churchwardens legally become ‘sequestrators’, i.e. the bishop’s officers in the parish.

The area dean will be the first point of contact for churchwardens and others seeking advice and support in the day-to-day running of the parish.

The wardens with the PCC will need to decide whether the wardens, ministry team or standing committee are the core working group for overseeing the life of the parish during the vacancy.

Other licensed and authorised ministers and those with leadership roles in the church also have a part to play in the practical aspects of church life.

How to find cover for services during a vacancy

It will be important to publicise the list of who is going to look after (not singlehandedly running) different areas of church life – enquiries about baptism, pastoral visiting, home/study groups, church rotas etc.

A vacancy is not just a period of ‘marking time’ but may be a time of creative discovery and for enjoying the benefits of co-operative ministry within the church and with neighbouring parishes.

You area dean and archdeacon can help you with this.

Please also see the Vacancy Process flowchart.



  • How long will we have to wait before we get a new vicar? +

    This is going to vary considerably from one vacancy to another, but it is best to plan on an absolute minimum of a year. This is because, due to the pandemic, there are a high number of vacancies awaiting recruitment. Even when a successful candidate has been found, they will have to give three months' notice in their current diocese. It is also worth bearing in mind that the drop in common fund payments has meant that it is not always possible to recruit on a ‘like-for-like’ basis. Thoughts and possibilities will be discussed with you at the initial vacancy meeting, but thinking creatively is the name of the game.
  • How do I cover church services whilst we have no vicar? +

    Please bear with us, we are looking at how we can produce lists of people you can approach for cover without contravening GDPR guidelines. However, you can always ask your archdeacon and the bishops if they have any capacity to help out with a service or two. Your deanery administrator may also know of likely people for you to approach.

  • Is there anything I can read to help us out in the meantime? +

  • We are undertaking some building work - what permissions do we need? +

    Nigel Sherratt and Kat Alldread in the DAC office are always happy to help and advise:
    Nigel Sherratt: nigel.sherratt@derby.anglican.org
    Kat Alldread: kat.alldread@derby.anglican.org
    For help finding a reputable tradesperson, see: nationalchurchestrust.org/Maintenancebooker
    To discuss the possibility of a grant to help with your work: Gareth Greenwood: Gareth.Greenwood@derby.anglican.org

  • We have a query relating to a churchyard / marriage / death is there a guide available on this? +

    Yes, there is.

    For churchyard questions, please see the latest Churchyard Regulations.

    And there is further information on these subjects on our the; Derby Diocesan Registry website.

  • What process will we need to follow to fill our vacancy? +

    To give you an idea of the process and steps to follow in recruiting a new incumbent, please see here.. They will be small variances depending on local circumstances.
  • Who gets involved with advertising and recruiting a new vicar? +

    Your parish(es) will nominate either one or two representatives who will form a panel, together with the local area dean, archdeacon and patrons, if appropriate. If you are in a larger, multi-parish benefice, the number involved from each church would usually be tailored to ensure proportional representation. Together, this panel will make decisions relating to how to advertise and interview and will be involved on the interview day itself. The bishop will also wish to see the application forms relating to any possible candidates, and will have an informal chat with your preferred candidate prior to an offer letter being issued.
  • What documents will be required to advertise? +

    The benefice/parish(es) concerned will work together to create a profile and advert, whilst the area dean and archdeacon will work on job and role descriptions, plus source a letter from the Bishop to include for potential applicants. Cathy in the archdeacons’ office has lots of examples of all of these, plus interview question templates, so please contact her if you wish to have some emailed across to you (cathy.luffman@derby.anglican.org ).

  • Where should we advertise? +

    It is down to the parishes, but the choices are:
    - Diocesan website (free of charge)
    - Church Times (Approx £1000 to advertise ‘until filled) in a succinct advert in both paper and on their website
    - Pathways (Church of England recruitment tool). Approximately £80
    - Networks such as New Wine
    - Patronage websites, e.g. the CPAS one.

  • What happens at the interview? +

    It is common to have both a formal interview (which will usually include a 10-minute presentation) before the formal panel, plus an opportunity for the candidate(s) to visit the parishes, possibly have lunch with people from the wider church or local school communities, and also be able to have a viewing of the vicarage. This process can be done over a day, two days, or sometimes more.

  • Who do I ask for help if we don’t know the answer to something? +

    If you are stuck for an answer, please do shout up to your local area dean or archdeacon and they will do their best to help.

  • What is ‘pastoral reorganisation’ and how does that affect our vacancy? +

    The term ‘pastoral reorganisation’ refers to the processes that occur when there are proposals which require legal changes, such as re-drawing of parish boundaries, a change to which property to use as the vicarage or the re-configuration of parishes to modify the benefice structure.

  • I have received a letter referring to ‘suspension of presentation’. What does that mean? +

    Suspension of presentation is the temporary removal of a patron's right to present an incumbent to a benefice. Where churches have patrons, whether parishes are ‘in suspension’ or not, we would usually involve them in the process anyway, as a matter of courtesy. The bishop will remain responsible for the cure of souls which she/he will normally exercise by licensing a priest-in-charge.

  • Who pays the advertising and interview costs? +

    This is usually split (fairly) between the parishes concerned. Anticipated costs which may be incurred:
    - Advertising
    - For interviews, the parish would usually offer to pay reasonable travel and accommodation expenses.
  • How many applications should we expect to get? +

    At the moment, we are looking at anything from six down to zero. Confidence for a move is still fairly low, although we are hoping things will gradually improve as and when we return to ‘normal’.

  • 1

Last modified on Wednesday, 22 June 2022 16:15

November 2021 saw our first-ever Diocesan Churchwarden Network events.

Churchwardens from across the Diocese made the journey to Danesmoor and Chellaston, one even coming all the way from the north of the Peak Deanery by train and taxi.

The aim of these events was to say thank you and acknowledge the huge contribution that our churchwardens make.

It was also to provide wardens with the opportunity to tell us what they felt we needed to hear and, more importantly, for us to listen.

Following opening worship and a personal thank you from the archdeacons, our partners from Ecclesiastical Insurance undertook a listening exercise where they asked the wardens:

  • What is church like post-pandemic?
  • What do you think the future of the church will look like?
  • What can Ecclesiastical Insurance Group (EIG) do to help best support your parishes?



churchwarden networking event

Ecclesiatical's Lynne Ingham leads a listening session

We then went on to begin the conversation around how the diocese can help when your church is in vacancy and to look at some of the challenges and opportunities about being in vacancy.

We finished the morning by sharing lunch together.

Being present at these two events only increased our admiration for all that the wardens do.

The level of expertise and knowledge in the room was overwhelming and it was a joy to be told from churchwardens who had arrived with queries about things to do with their own churches, that they had found answers in the guidance and advice given by other churchwardens present, who had experienced similar situations.

What has happened since

Those of us from the diocese and Ecclesiastical came away with a list of things to action and feedback.

A request was made for the equivalent of a ‘supply list’ of priests and readers who would be available to take services for churches in vacancy. This is being followed up.

We had hoped this would be a quick and simple task, but we are checking with our legal colleagues that to produce such a list is compliant with GDPR.

Communication difficulties were identified as being a major point of contention with the complexities of the current Church House telephone system being singled out for particular mention. This has been passed on to Senior Management.

The national churchwarden Facebook group was advertised https://www.facebook.com/groups/churchwardens and between our first and second events, our Comms team have created our a Facebook group specifically for churchwardens in the Diocese of Derby: https://www.facebook.com/groups/derbyshirechurchwardens

Questions were asked about finding reputable tradespeople when church repairs need doing and a good starting point is National Churches Trust maintenance booker:


Environmental Questions were asked and the link below offers some helpful suggestions


Other suggestions and requests are being looked at.

Over 92% of those present said that they’d be extremely likely to attend another event, so please hold Thursday, 30 June 2022 in your diary.

There will be a follow-up letter in the New Year with more details and other information from the two events.

churchwarden networking event in Chellaston

Discussion time at the Chellaston networking event
Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:02

More information will be available on this page soon.

Last modified on Monday, 24 October 2022 15:08

This page is in the process of being updated


Information for Churchwardens on Clergy Wellbeing

>> Resources for churchwardens on wellbeing [PDF]


Resources for Churchwardens - Parish Support Office:

Archdeacon of Derby City and South Derbyshire - The Ven. Matthew Trick - 01332 388658, matthew.trick@derby.anglican.org

Archdeacon of East Derbyshire - The Ven. Karen Hamblin - karen.hamblin@derby.anglican.org

Acting Archdeacon of Derbyshire Peak and Dales - Revd Canon Nicky Fenton - nicky.fenton@derby.anglican.org

Acting DAC Secretary - Kat Alldread - dac@derby.anglican.org

HR Manager - Mandy Roberts - 01332 388650, mandy.roberts@derby.anglican.org

Registrar - 

Head of Discipleship, Mission & Ministry - Revd Canon Matt Barnes - Matt.Barnes@derby.anglican.org 

Community Action Officer - currently vacant

Community Projects Development Officer - Gareth Greenwood - 01332 388690, Gareth.greenwood@derby.anglican.org (using buildings for mission)

Communications team - Lucy Harrison, Dave King, Andrew Salt - 01332 388668 communications@derby.anglican.org

Convener of the Clergy Wellbeing Reference Group Karen Hamblin - karen.hamblin@derby.anglican.org


Good sources of a wide variety of information:

Practical Church Management by James Behrens (Gracewing, 2014)- a very good guide to all aspects of church management (about £20)

The PCC Member’s Essential Guide by Mark Tanner (2015) - informative guide about the role of the PCC, answers all the basic questions (What is a PCC? What jobs does it do? How does it fit into the bigger picture?) in a straightforward way but also offers prayerful reflections. (about £8)

Rules, Rotas & Rectors - How to Thrive Being a Churchwarden by Matthew Clements (2018) - written by an experienced churchwarden to give practical information for those new to the role or considering it. (about £10)

Parish Resources https://www.parishresources.org.uk/ (extensive links and resources on church administration, church governance, data protection, parish finance, employing and managing staff and volunteers, looking after church buildings)

Church Care www.churchcare.co.uk (Ecclesiastical Insurance website on the care of churches with extensive information on looking after churches and churchyards, making changes, insurance, health & safety, risk assessments and much more)

John Truscott www.john-truscott.co.uk (organisation, leadership, management, administration, communication etc for churches and Christian organisations- very helpful information on a wide variety of topics)

Helpful information for specific areas:

Safeguarding: Diocesan website http://www.derby.anglican.org/safeguarding (policies, procedures and information, how to report a concern, DBS)

Diocesan safeguarding team - 01332 388678, safeguarding@derby.anglican.org

Church of England website https://www.churchofengland.org/more/safeguarding

Governance: Church of England website https://www.churchofengland.org/pccs (includes a compliance checklist to ensure PCC’s governance and policies are as they should be)

Church Representation Rules https://www.churchofengland.org/more/policy-and-thinking/church-representation - rules/church-representation-rules-online (online version of rules governing churches)

Parochial Church (Powers) Measure http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukcm/Eliz2/4-5/3/contents (law governing PCCs)

Buildings: Church Care www.churchcare.co.uk (Ecclesiastical website on the care of churches with extensive information on looking after churches and churchyards, making changes to buildings, insurance, health & safety etc)

DAC on Diocesan website http://www.derby.anglican.org/en/church-admin/dac.html (guidance and access to online faculty system)

The Value of Maintenance? Project Report from Historic England (very helpful report looking at the impact of on time church maintenance compared to the cost impact of delaying repair work)

Copyright: CCLI https://uk.ccli.com/ (information about copyright law and church licenses)

Training & courses: Diocesan website https://derby.anglican.org/lif (Bitesize modules for churchwardens)

Vocations: Diocesan website http://www.derby.anglican.org/vocations (information on discernment, connecting with a vocations adviser)

Church of England website https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/vocations (discernment, exploring calling, roles in the church and whole life discipleship)

Last modified on Friday, 16 June 2023 16:48

In co-operation with the incumbent, churchwardens, as part of the ministry team, are generally responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the parish and/or ministry area.

It is important that churchwardens nourish and maintain their own Christian faith, and not let it fade with the administrative and practical issues which may arise in the church. 

Churchwardens are not expected to do everything themselves, but to make sure that there are other people available to carry out the various tasks.

  • Archdeacon's visitation news
  • 1


Guidance for Churchwardens

  • Can I be a churchwarden?
    Five things you need to know if you are considering becoming a churchwarden in the Diocese of Derby. Video 30 secs
  • Being a churchwarden
    Whether you’re an experienced warden or new to the role, this module will tell you all the basics you need to know. For: Churchwardens Interactive lesson Approx time: 35 mins
  • Churches as community buildings
    Building strong, lasting relationships with the whole community is central to effective mission. For churchwardens Interactive lesson Approx time: 30 mins
  • The DAC and faculties
    Useful information about how the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) can help you and facts about faculties. For: Churchwardens Interactive lesson Approx time: 35 mins
  • Faculty applications
    This module will tell you need to know about how to make, and what to include, in a faculty application. For: Churchwardens Interactive lesson Approx time: 30 mins
  • Church buildings management throughout the year
    Know what you need to do throughout the year to look after your church building. For: Churchwardens Interactive lesson Approx time: 30 mins
  • Leading Worship at Short Notice
    What you need to know and what you can and can't do when leading worship. For: Churchwardens Interactive lesson Approx time: 30 mins
  • Leading intercessions
    How to lead God's people in prayer. For: Churchwardens Interactive lesson Approx time: 30 mins
  • 1

More learning opportunities

Last modified on Monday, 03 June 2024 13:08

Those who are asked to lead worship on behalf of others are undertaking an important responsibility.

Clergy and Readers are licensed by the Bishop to lead worship.

Churchwardens may also lead worship.

Many churches now have groups of worship leaders who prepare and lead non-eucharistic worship.

>> Find out more about leading worship as a churchwarden here.



Here are a worship resource sheet (PDF) and some orders of service that churchwardens can use if they need to lead an act of worship at short notice.  The orders of service are Word docs so they can be adapted if needed.

BCP - Morning Prayer (Word doc)

CW - Morning Prayer (Word doc)

BCP - Evening Prayer (Word doc)

CW - Evening Prayer (Word doc)

Worship for all family (Word doc)

Resource sheet for churchwardens leading worship (PDF)

Last modified on Monday, 09 May 2022 13:07

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amazing grace logo

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Full Street, Derby DE1 3DR

01332 388650



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