New Formula
Transitional arrangements for the new Common Fund by formula for each parish will be put in place such that:
- Parishes with an increase in the amount requested will have this phased in over a 3-year period
- Parishes with a reduction in the amount requested will have this phased in over a 2-year period
We would request that those parishes who are faced with a reduction in the amount they have been requested to pay to consider ‘freezing’ payments at current levels so that they can help their neighbours who are faced with an increase. Being generous in this way will help ensure that we can continue to support all parishes. At many of our recent meetings we considered the parable of The Good Samaritan in Luke 10: 25-37 reflecting the theme of supporting your neighbour.
Support and materials for all parishes will be made available and you will be able to hear more about this at the meeting.
Common Fund is requested from all parishes and all parishes are invited to this meeting. As an open meeting you may extend an invitation to all those who are interested who may not necessarily be Deanery Synod members.
Deanery Meeting Presentation <updated presentation to follow>
For more information click here,-resources,-and-data-archive.aspx
For our Diocese, Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) scores for each parish/team range from 3.5320 (least deprived) to 61.4208 (most deprived). Individual Parish Deprivation Scores are calculated inversely to individual parish/team IMD scores. These range from 12.43 (least deprived) to 5.80 (most deprived) *. A lower amount means a parish/team will be requested to pay less Common Fund. *The figure of 12.43 is the amount that would be required to finance the full cost of ministry in the Diocese per person per week. The lower figure of 5.80 represents 5% of a 2015 Basic State Pension.
The attached spreadsheet lists all parish/team IMD scores and Parish Deprivation Scores download here