Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 10.00am - 12.00 midday, St John’s Long Eaton
(June and July chapter dates will be confirmed shortly)
All clergy and readers in the deanery are welcome to attend.
Many churches across the country get involved in Thy Kingdom Come by holding an event linked to prayer and mission during the period between Ascension and Pentecost.
It might take the form of 24-7 prayer, virtual prayer meetings, or a Thy Kingdom Come-themed service on Pentecost Sunday, for example.
If you're planning a TKC event, be sure to gester it here: https://www.thykingdomcome.global/list-your-event
Around the Diocese
How will your church get involved?
Thy Kingdom Come is about helping churches to do what we are called to do by God - to pray for our communities and those in them to hear, experience and receive the Good News of Jesus.
Churches can get involved however they want, in any way that works for them.
See also: All about Thy Kingdom Come | #candleofhope | TKC resources
Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement, which invites Christians around the world to pray - between Ascension and Pentecost - for more people to come to know Jesus.
What started out as an invitation, in 2016, from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to the Church of England has grown into an international and ecumenical call to prayer.
In 2019, Thy Kingdom Come happens between the 30th and the 9th of June.
The hope is that:
“In praying 'Thy Kingdom Come' we all commit to playing our part in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of communities."
Archbishop Justin Welby
Initiate a prayer station (see ‘Bright ideas for your church’ for examples). Let it be somewhere that people can leave the names of the five they are praying for. If the use of candles is in your tradition invite the congregation to light a candle for their five people before the service starts.
Download the Morning and Evening prayer booklets and invite people to join you for the period of Thy Kingdom Come. For those at work invite them to have them on their phones and pray it either as they commute or at work. You never know it might set a new discipline for folk.
Sunday Intercessions. From now on, why not include one slot at which people are encouraged to name out loud, or silently, the five people they are praying for to know the love of God for themselves?
Try a community prayer walk using the Icthus fish symbols – acting as a prompt to pray for people locally to come to know Jesus Christ?
Have a look at thykingdomcome.global for more information on all the ideas above.
We are encouraging every church, parish, benefice or deanery to join in with this simple yet powerful way of fulfilling God’s call to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. Our desire is to find ways to help every church in the diocese to respond to a simple invitation:
For people to pray in whatever way they want, with whoever they want and wherever they can, that others might know Jesus Christ.
The other pages in this section tell you how you can get involved, and what support there is available to help you. Please take a look at the Resources page of this section.
If you'd like someone to come and talk to a PCC, synod or chapter, do get in touch with Jason Kennedy (details below) and he would be more than happy to come and and help you to get involved.
Thy Kingdom Come is about helping churches to do what we are called to do by God - to pray for our communities and those in them to hear, experience and receive the Good News of Jesus. Churches can get involved however they want, in any way that works for them.
Rev Jason Kennedy
Diocesan Missioner, Derby Diocese
01332 388691
Derby Church House, Full Street, Derby DE1 3DR
The Deanery Synod meets 3 times per year.
Elections for the synod take place at Annual Parochial Church meetings in all the parishes involved with the number of representatives being determined by the size of the parish electoral roll.
>> Deanery report for APCMs 2024
>> Deanery report for APCMs 2023
Wednesday, 17 July 2024, 7.00pm for refreshments, 7.30pm for meeting, St Giles Church Hall, Church Drive, Sandiacre.
Theme: Encouragement for Ministry.
Bishop Libby will be with us to commission Andie Brown to his role as Acting Area Dean.
Thursday, 10 October 2024, 7.00pm for refreshments, 7.30pm for meeting, All Saints Ripley.
Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 10.00am - 12.00 midday, St John’s Long Eaton
(June and July chapter dates will be confirmed shortly)
All clergy and readers in the deanery are welcome to attend.
We produce a newsletter with information and events in the deanery plus links and ideas for forthcoming events and resources i.e Lent or youth activities . Any ideas for inclusion are gratefully received. The newsletter is published every 4-6 weeks.
Ms Hilary Darvill has been appointed Secretary to the Bishop of Repton, the Rt Revd Jan McFarlane. Ms Darvill will start work on Monday 27th February. It is anticipated that she will work Monday - Friday, 9 am - 1 pm. Hilary will be based in the Bishop of Derby’s Office in Duffield but has her own phone line: 01332 650583 and email: reptonsecretary@derby.anglican.org Please contact her for any matters concerning the Bishop of Repton. Outside these hours, Bishop Jan can still be contacted on: 01773 608696 or more easily by email: bishopofrepton@derby.anglican.org
The Revd Malcolm Ainscough, Rector of Hasland and Vicar of Temple Normanton, Diocese of Derby, will retire with effect from 5th June 2017. Mr Ainscough will continue to live in the Diocese after retirement.
The Revd David Ashton, Chaplaincy Services Manager at Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Diocese of Derby, retired with effect from 18th December 2016.
The Revd Canon Alan Harper, Priest-in-Charge of Kirk Langley and Mackworth All Saints and of Mugginton and Kedleston and Bishop's Officer for Prayer and Worship, Diocese of Derby, will retire with effect from 17 February. He will be appointed Canon Emeritus of Derby Cathedral in retirement.
To download a copy of the Clergy Housing Guide please click here
For enquiries regarding clergy housing please contact the Property Team
email: propertyteam@derby.anglican.org
Tel: 01332 388650
Full Street, Derby DE1 3DR
01332 388650
Who's who at Derby Church House