Following recommendations in the From Lament to Action report, the House of Laity of General Synod is seeking nominations of UK Minority Ethnic/Global Majority Heritage people for co-option to the House of Laity. There will be five members co-opted for the remainder of the quinquennium, and they will be a full member with speaking and voting rights. As co-opted members of General Synod they will also be ex-officio members of Diocesan and Deanery Synod and their PCC. Further information can be found in the document Co-option of UKME/GMH people.
Please do share this with anyone that may be interested in joining as co-opted members and meet the criteria:
- UKME/GMH people
- on the roll of a parish or on a cathedral community roll, or confirmed as worshipping in a diocesan mission initiative
- aged 18 or over
- an actual communicant (having taken Holy Communion on at least three occasions in the last 12 months)
They will need to complete the nomination form and submit a personal statement of up to 2 sides of A4, as well as a photograph. They will also need to consent to the Privacy Notice. Nominations must be returned to by midday on 25 April.
Please contact Sian Kellogg, Executive Officer ( for more information.